Darkness (Satan x reader)

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A/N - Another gloomy one of his, sorry guys 😅 I promise the next story of Satan will be cute and cheerful 💫
Also, this story is inspired by two songs - Mortal Remains by Blackbriar (I recommend them if you like rock!) and Deep Voice by Myuu (piano, the author has lots of creepypasta music on his channel😅)
TW - Death, blood

Who would've thought that out of all humans they could pick for the exchange program in Devildom, they chose you, a witch? 

No one really thought that you could be familiar with magic until you were caught in act - nothing creepy, just you using your skills and abilities to revive a dead plant on your shelf, but surely that did change the way the demons you lived with viewed you. Mammon ran as fast as he could which was hilarious, though once he learnt that you're not like those witches he hated, he softened up to you. Others.. It was no big deal for Lucifer and the rest just thought you were cool, if only you'd have known that this discovery was the beginning of something dark yet absolutely mesmerizing. 

It started off as a simple 'friendship' with benefits - even though you didn't consider each other as actual friends at first, you often spent your time in Satan's room. He had the books that you needed in order to learn more things, and you were the object of curiosity for him. Satan liked seeing you perform various spells; at some point you even put small, weak yet annoying curses on the brothers after Satan's requests as well as learnt him a few tricks.

The more you two spent time together, the more attached to each other you became, and from that, a new feeling was born - love, one that never grew in your garden before. It was bright, it was warmer than anything you knew. The joy, it was scaring you how powerful those emotions were, yet at the same time you needed them, you couldn't live the same way anymore. It took you both a while to acknowledge your feelings, but once you and he finally did, Satan's room became yours too. 

You two were inseparable - no matter where he went, he always took you along, and so did you, but the one time he didn't.. That was his biggest mistake, and yours too for not insisting and letting him go. 

You remembered how your friends tried to calm you down, telling you that he'll return soon, but as much as you wanted to believe in that, Satan never did. He just disappeared without a trace - no one could find him, not even you despite your special connection. Was he locked away? Did someone cast a curse on him, or even worse, killed him? It hurt to be so useless and to not know his fate. 

Now, looking back at it, you weren't sure what was better - living in questions, or knowing that there was really no way for him to come back. You could remember the day Lucifer returned home together with Beelzebub, both gloomier than you had ever seen them. They had found Satan - or rather, what was left of him. Ripped pieces of his clothing, the ring you gave him that he never took off, and a broken part of one of his horns. Just what exactly happened to the poor boy you loved so much?

The funeral was unbearable. Knowing that they buried an empty coffin, what if he was still out there? You wanted to hope, but the facts were destroying that. Ever since then, Satan wasn't the only one who was gone - part of you was gone too. The pain, grief and misery you were going through, it left your soul cold, and that in return, made the Devildom cold too. The snow, the first snow in ages, the demons were excited about it at first, but when it never stopped..

You had enough, not even the snowy storm could stop you as you left your home without telling anyone, heading to the garden Satan's coffin was buried at. The clothes you were wearing were too thin for this weather, but you didn't really care. Dropping to your knees once you reached the place, you wiped the snow off his grave stone, your heart clenching as you read his name. It had been too long since you and him were parted..

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