Precious (Beel x reader)

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A/N - A fluff ^u^ We must protect Beel at all costs-

''Mammon, if you don't return the money you borrowed from me 200 years ago, I swear that I will personally find where Lucifer is hiding your credit card and break it in pieces!'' Leviathan yelled at his brother, crossing his arms underneath his chest angrily. Of course he had to be broke right when a new figurine of Ruri-chan was about to be released.. 

''Nooo, not my goldie!!'' It sounded like Mammon was close to sobbing. Of course, how could the Avatar of Greed handle his most precious treasure to be broken..

It was yet another morning in the House of Lamentation started by the usual hassle. Well, not exactly a morning - you woke up past afternoon, and by the time you actually left your room it was nearly 5 in the evening. Usually someone would make you leave your room earlier - whether it was Asmodeus asking you to do some skin care with him, Levi wanting to play multiplayer games or Beel trying to get food when the fridge was empty or when he just wanted some hugs. Ah, that precious boy.. Where was he?

Even though you were downstairs for a while, you didn't find him with any of the brothers. You thought he'd be with Belphie at least, but no, that boy was having yet another nap. Kitchen? Surprisingly it was unusually empty despite the fact that the fridge still had some food, even Beelzebub's favorite custard! Now that was concerning. 

Unnoticed by the other brothers who had the time of their lives fighting about something that was probably unimportant, you went to Beelzebub's room, knocking onto his door and hoping that he'd be here at least. Bingo - you could hear a muffled 'come in', but it sounded too sad for you to feel excited about finding him, and once you walked inside his room.. Seeing Beelzebub sitting on his bed like that, looking like a ball of sadness, you could feel your heart sink in your chest. Whoever hurt him, you were ready to kill them with your bare hands. 

''Beel, what's wrong?'' You asked with obvious worry in your voice, walking to him and sitting down next to him on his bed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders right after. He didn't push you away, but he didn't return the hug either; the poor boy just kept staring down at his blanket with the saddest puppy expression ever.

''I just..hate whenever my brothers are arguing..'' He mumbled quietly, leaning his head onto your shoulder. Oh boy.. Beel was so sad because of his brothers fighting..? Just how precious could he get? This world didn't deserve him, neither did his drama queens of a brothers.

''Aww, Beel..'' You bit onto your own lip as you tried to think of a way to cheer him up. If you could make his brothers calm down at least for a while, that should work, right? But how.. Obviously you didn't have enough grimm for the figurine Leviathan wanted, neither did you know where Mammon's Goldie was hidden or whatever else the rest of brothers wished.. But that didn't mean that you were useless. 

''I might have an idea..'' You mumbled, your words being enough for Beel to look up at you with a hopeful look. Gosh, he was so cute.. ''If we went to give them some snacks, that should distract them for a while and by the time they'd finish eating, perhaps they would have calmed down..?'' You mumbled thoughtfully, hoping that you hadn't gotten Beel's hopes up for nothing.

''Ohh, I have some muffins left!'' Beel said as he got up and opened his secret food storage, taking out a pack of bite-sized muffins and returning to you. ''Are you sure it could work though..?'' He asked worriedly. 

''I don't know, but we can try..'' You mumbled, smiling as he bent down to hug you since you were still siting down.

''You're coming with me, right?'' Beel looked at you once he pulled away from the hug. How could you say no when he was staring at you with such look? Nodding, you got up as well, holding his hand as you both left his bedroom and went down to the living room instead. 

''..Can't you shut up already? I'm trying to sleep!'' You could see Belphegor throwing death glares at Mammon and Leviathan, clutching his pillow angrily.

''And I'm trying to read a book!'' Even though Satan wasn't here, you could hear him shouting from his room. Some things just never changed.. Looking up at Beel, you squeezed his hand reassuringly before letting go of it, watching him as he walked to his brothers. 

''Here, take this..'' Beelzebub said in unusually serious tone, giving a muffin first to Belphie, then to Leviathan, then to Mammon and lastly, to Asmodeus. You didn't even notice him being here until now, surprisingly, he was the quietest of them all. For a moment, everyone in the room fell silent, seemingly confused by Beel's sudden action. ''You're more angry when hungry,'' Beel stared at his brothers, unsure of what to wait.

''I don't-'' Mammon spoke grumpily. Oh no, there was no way you were going to let him throw that muffin away. 

''MAMMON!!!" You yelled, it making not only him, but everyone else in the room to freeze too. Considering how most of the time you were seen as the calm and patient one, seeing you snap was surely a new thing to them, but you couldn't care less right now. You just wanted Beel to be happy, and seeing how they didn't appreciate his efforts angered you. 

''Can't you see how much Beel is trying to calm your asses down? You might find all that arguing entertaining, but can't you see how sad it's making him feel?'' You crossed your arms under your chest, sighing as you finally let all that frustration out. For a moment, the brothers looked like they heard something they never expected to hear. The first one to hug Beel was Asmodeus.

''I never meant to make you upset..! Come on, Beel, smiiiiile! You're so beautiful when you do so!'' Asmodeus said as he snuggled his cheek against him. Of course, nothing weird, just Asmo in his usual habitat.

''Yeah, don't be sad please..'' Belphie joined the hug, it almost looking as if he was trying to snatch Beel away from Asmodeus. They were twins after all, so it was only understandable that he wanted to protect Beel from everyone. 

''Your older brother won't let ya be sad!'' Mammon added, ruffling Beel's hair which looked rather funny since Beel was much taller than him. Soon enough, Leviathan had joined the moment of softness too. They all looked so cute that your heart was close to melting. Either way, your job was done here..

''Y/n.'' You heard someone calling you right as you turned away to leave, it making you stop and glance at the brothers. ''Aren't you gonna join us?'' It was Beel; seeing him smiling so happily made your heart feel all warm and soft. Chuckling, you walked to them, joining the group hug and blushing as everyone tried to hug you back. Now this was unusual feeling..

''So.. Can we take a bath together yet?'' Asmodeus asked to Beel, staring at him with starry eyes.

''Asmo, NO!!" Everyone burst into laughter upon your reaction. Beel migt have been too innocent to understand it, but everyone else already knew that you were crushing on him. 

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