Two Sides of the Same Coin |...

By alexaveil

283K 12.1K 4.9K

If you lived in Gotham long enough you knew exactly who she was. People feared her. Criminals praised her. He... More

Chapter Zero | The Cast
Chapter One | The Heist
Chapter Two | The Meeting
Chapter Three | The Party
Chapter Four | The Interrogation
Chapter Five | The Capture
Chapter Six | The Escape
Chapter Seven | The Deal
Chapter Eight | The Call
Chapter Nine | The Hunt
Chapter Ten | The Chat
Chapter Eleven | The Secret
Chapter Twelve | The Week
Chapter Thirteen | The Cave
Chapter Fourteen | The Reveal
Chapter Fifteen | The Beginning
Chapter Sixteen | The Team
Chapter Seventeen | The Test
Chapter Eighteen | The Secret
Chapter Nineteen | The Mission
Chapter Twenty | The Chance
Chapter Twenty One | The Babysitter
Chapter Twenty Three | The Score
Chapter Twenty Four | The Club
Chapter Twenty Five | The Homefront
Chapter Twenty Six | The Farm
Chapter Twenty Seven | The Game

Chapter Twenty Two | The Save

4.9K 239 86
By alexaveil

THE SUN HAD SET by the time I arrived at West Street Bank. As a previously self-proclaimed connoisseur of robbing banks, I'm pretty familiar with the ones throughout Gotham. West Street was the uglier of the few— brown, worn brick with rusted letters on the top and poorly rubbed-off graffiti on the sides.

I parked in an alley across the street, boots sloshing through the muck as I passed a nearby convenience store. I looked up at a TV inside the window, recognizing the face of the dark-haired lady on the screen— Melanie Bramwell, the host of Gotham's favorite trash TV show, A Day in the Life.

I rolled my eyes, about to walk away when something she said piqued my interest.

"He's known by many labels— billionaire, philanthropist, socialite— but who is the real Bruce Wayne?"

I paused, raising an eyebrow. For the first time in her life, Melanie was saying something actually worth listening to. I leaned in closer to the window.

"Despite a 'larger than life' public persona, Bruce Wayne has privately managed to remain a mystery," the woman smirked. "Join me, Melanie Bramwell, for the first-ever in-depth interview with Gotham's most eligible bachelor, next Tuesday at nine, on A Day in the Life."

A corner of my lip turned up.

Oh, I was gonna have fun with this.

* * *

After scaling the side of the bank, I hopped down next to the large black figure that was currently looking out over the city. The only part of him that moved was the side of his cape which was disturbed by the wind I created.

There were a few beats of silence before I spoke.

"So," I began. "Do you happen to have any plans next week... oh, I don't know... say... Tuesday at nine?"

A pause.


I couldn't help the laugh of astonishment that left my mouth as I moved out of the crouch I was in, swinging my legs over the side of the building.

"How the hell did you get roped into that?"

"It's good to show off Bruce Wayne in the public eye."

I rolled my eyes. Lie.

"So who forced you?"


I snickered. Probably his butler.

"So, you're seriously gonna let Melanie Bramwell follow you around all day, prod you with her stupid questions— as Melanie Bramwell does— and then let her plaster it all over TV?"

He didn't turn to me, eyes still guarding the cityscape. "That's the idea."

"What if she finds out about your, you know, cough cough, nighttime activities?"

"Bruce Wayne has a lot of nighttime activities that I'm sure will satisfy her instead."

My nose crinkled up in disgust. "Ew."

"Crochet, for example. Improves dexterity." His low voice sounded amused.

I turned my head slowly in his direction, narrowing my eyes. "Shut up."

We sat in silence for another few minutes before I spoke.

"Are you sure you want me here right now?"

"That was Superman's idea, not mine."

I narrowed my eyes, turning my head towards the Dark Knight. "Right now. As in here. The mission we're on. Not the team."

"You need to be monitored."

I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time, my head snapping back towards the skyline. "I'm going to ignore that and pretend that I'm here because I have crucial inside information-- which technically, I do."

"Last thing I heard about Penguin," I began, "was that he had beef with pretty much, well, everyone, including criminals, because he's Penguin, and who likes him, right?"

"Which means," I continued, "he most likely doesn't know that I've gone rogue and work for you Super-Losers now."

If it was in his character to do so, I felt like he was rolling his eyes.

"So," I continued, "I'm thinking, you handle Penguin and his birds, they run away because you're Batman, I follow him, pretending I'm still a criminal, and get the dish on this whole robbery spree. Then, we follow up later on, totally shock him with a dramatic entrance, reveal that I'm a good guy, throw him in Arkham, and bada-bing bada-boom, mission completo."

A beat of silence.

"That's... not horrible."

It took a lot for me not to blossom with pride.

"I used to work with these guys for years, of course it's not horrible."

A shining light caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. It seemed to catch his too, because suddenly he was grabbing my arm and roughly dragging me onto my feet. We managed to just barely jump to the next building before the front of the bank exploded into flames.

A flash of heat ran across my back, momentarily distracting me from my usually flawless flip. My second foot slipped before it could land safely on the other side, and suddenly gravity was pulling me into the alleyway between the buildings.

Alarms and screams filled the air as a gasp passed over my lips.

Then my body stopped falling.

I looked up, eyes undoubtedly wide in panic, to find Bats' hand around my wrist. He pulled me back up onto the rooftop.

I narrowed my eyes, yanking my hand back. "I could've saved myself."

"Right," he muttered as he brushed past me.

I rubbed my sore wrist. "So, you know the--"

I turned around, finding an empty space.

"...plan. Okay then."

I stared at the scene in front of me-- the entire face of the bank was in flames; people were running down the block and a black van was haphazardly parked in the front. Exiting the vehicle was a small, pudgy man in a top hat, followed by two tall red figures with long, metal claws.

There was a familiar sense of comfort from the chaos, but also another feeling I couldn't quite describe. Is this was it always looked like?

I shook my head, turning away and sprinting in the opposite direction.

Hopefully Bats knew what he was doing.

* * *

I ended up flying through the streets on my bike. Long story short, Penguin had apparently updated his umbrella perks since the last time I had seen him, because it now transformed into a mini propeller of sorts and whisked him across the Gotham skyline.

Bats, in all of his genius, decided to grapple himself onto Penguin, now holding the small man by the feet. Penguin's Red Ladies left a while ago in the van, presumably headed to wherever the two men decided to land.

After another block, the inevitable happened, and they slammed roughly into the side of a building. Bats caught himself on a fire escape, but Penguin wasn't so lucky. Cash scattered everywhere as the bag he was previously holding fell from his hands, and he crashed into a pile of trash on the alley floor.

I parked in the alley across the street, just as the black van came roaring around the corner. It skidded to a halt and the door burst open. Penguin got up and sprinted into the van, door barely closing before the wheels were squealing on the pavement and they shot off down the street.

Well, that's my cue.

I revved the engine of my bike, looking up towards Bats, who was now on the top of the building. He gave me a nod before shooting his grappling gun onto a nearby billboard and disappearing into the dark.

I raced after the van, making sure to keep my distance. The wind blew through my hair and whistled in my ears. I couldn't help the smile that cracked on my face. Just for a moment, it felt like old times.

A few minutes later, the van came to another screeching halt. Out jumped Penguin, who stomped over to the window of another convenience store in the city. I parked my bike, walking up to the short man, who was currently grumbling to himself.

"Oswald?" I called, acting surprised.

He turned around abruptly, the snarl dropping from his face when he saw me.

"Blackout," he greeted, his voice sounding as stuffy as ever. "It's been a while since I've seen you."

The corner of my mouth turned up. "Yeah, I've just been laying low."

"You? Laying low? Never heard of it."

I chuckled. "First time for everything, I guess. Uh, anyway, I noticed your bank robbery back there-- not the most successful ending I've ever seen you have."

His eyes narrowed. "Some help would've been nice."

"It's uh... that time of the month. Wasn't in the mood."

Okay, I'll admit. Not my best excuse. But it works, right?

His long nose scrunched up. "Geez, ever heard of 'too much information?'"

"Sorry," I said as I crossed my arms. "Maybe I'll help out in the next one-- you're getting a lot of media attention these days with all of this robbery stuff, what gives?"

The snarl reappeared on his face, this time slightly defeated. "The money is nice and all, but to best honest? For once, I've just gotta pull a job someplace that Batman isn't."

His attention was suddenly drawn to the many TV's inside the convenience store window, where the A Day in the Life commercial started playing.

Melanie Bramwell's pretentious face graced my eyes for the second time that night.

"He's known by many labels— billionaire, philanthropist, socialite— but who is the real Bruce Wayne?"

"You," Penguin seethed when Bruce's face showed up on the screen.

As the commercial continued the stubby man seemed to get angrier. Suddenly, he pointed his umbrella out and shot a bullet into one of the screens. A light began flashing on the small bird-shaped object.

"If there's anyone I despise more than the Batman, it's Wayne!" Penguin roared. "He's got looks, and money--!"

The beeping got louder and faster. I stepped away from the window just as it exploded into pieces. Grimacing, I rose an arm to protect myself from the shards of glass.

Penguin grinned. "Yes... money. Wayne money."

"What's your deal with Bruce? He's just a party boy."

He turned to me, eyes alight with anger as he pressed the tip of his umbrella into my chest.

"You wanna know what my deal is with Wayne?"

I blinked. "Uh, yeah?"

"Oh nothing, nothing really, except for the fact that he owns everything that should rightfully belong to me!" He threw his hands up in exasperation. "I am from noble blood! The Cobblepot's were once the toast of society! My family once ruled this city, and then the Waynes took it all. I am a Cobblepot!"

I stared at the short man who was now breathing heavily. "I'm sorry?"

He blew air from his mouth, and with his head held high once again, Penguin started marching back towards the van.

"Wait!" I called. "What about the robbery stuff?"

He hopped back in the car, with the two red ladies behind the wheel. Right before he closed the door he turned to me.

"Just call me if you sort out your... monthly problems. See you around, Blackout."

The door slammed shut, and with a screech of tires they were gone, Penguin's cackle echoing down the block.

I sighed, turning back towards my bike, where a dark figure was waiting for me. I shook my head as I approached him.

"Nothing useful," I stated as I swung my leg back over my bike. "He likes the money but hates being stopped by you. I know Penguin-- I don't think he'll quit until he either successfully pulls off a job or gets killed. And let's be honest, the latter is more likely to happen."

I pressed the on button, and the motorcycle roared to life. "So much for our dramatic second entrance."

Seeing there was nothing left to do, Bats turned away, getting out his grappling gun.

I hesitated in asking, but figured I'd extend the offer. "I'm going to get something to eat before I head back to the Base-- wanna come?"

He turned his head slightly over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes.

I snickered. "Hey, not all of us got the luxury of growing up with a fridge full of food, you know."

He turned his head back and a second later he was gone.

I rolled my eyes.

"Rich kid."

* * *

A few days passed, and for the first time since I joined the team, they were relatively quiet. No missions, no fights, just basic training with Canary and eating Greenie's food. It was a refreshing change of scenery.

Of course, when I arrived back from my mission with Bats, I got my fair share of, well, shit, from everyone about how I was "babysat by Bats" and all. But that was quickly taken care of once I teased Dick about how I was most likely his new replacement as Batman's partner. No one made fun of me after that.

It was late afternoon on Monday, and I was laying on my bed, staring at the stone ceiling. My mind drifted, and suddenly I found myself snickering about how Bats was most likely currently filming his reality episode with Melanie.

I chuckled. He'll definitely hate it.

Then I found Penguin's voice ringing in my head.

"He has money. Wayne money."

Wayne money.

How much is Wayne money, exactly?

I reached over and grabbed my phone off the nightstand, clicking it open and typing in "Bruce Wayne's networth."

My eyes widened as I read all the zeroes.

Geez. I wonder why Cat and I had never tried to go for his money. Or him. I'm sure she'd love both, especially when she finds out that he's part-time billionaire and part-time her late night back alleyway hookup.

I'd kill for that money. Anyone would. I mean, wouldn't you? Oh, and could you imagine what Penguin would do? Penguin would--

My body froze.

"Penguin would kill for that money," I muttered as I sat up.

I thought back to a few nights ago. Penguin got furious right after the A Day in the Life commercial, and all because of Bruce and his money. So what if he... goes for Bruce? And if Penguin catches him while he's on camera? There's no way Bruce can suddenly change into Batman without being exposed to the whole world.

I shook my head, trying to relax my body. What do I care? It's Bats' problem, not mine.

But, I did fail to mention to Bats that Penguin hates Bruce Wayne, so he doesn't even realize that he's a potential target.

And if Bats thinks I set him up, he'll have me on babysitting lockdown for eternity! And I can only tell Dick I'm his replacement so many times.

"Oh, God damnit."

I stood up and changed out of the sweatpants and tank top that I was wearing and into my suit. I slapped some red lipstick and my mask on as I walked out the door of my room. When I entered the kitchen, I found Aqualad reading a book.

"Squidkid!" I barked, catching the Atlantian's attention.

His eyebrow raised at my suit. "I thought training was not until later tonight?"

"It's not. I have something to take care of. Where's Robin?"

"He has not yet arrived from school. Him and the others should be back for tonight's training, however."

I groaned, turning around and marching towards the hangar. I'm guess I'm going alone on this one.

"Blackout?" Kaldur called, putting his book down and following me. "Where are you going?"

"I... made a mistake. And I'm going to fix it. Gotham business. Isn't that what you people do around here? Preach about loyalty and owning up to your mistakes and crap?"

I reached my bike, swinging my leg over it and starting it up.

"Well... yes," he watched me cautiously get on my bike. "Will you be back for training?"

I looked up from the dash on my bike for a moment. "Depends on how bad I messed up. Don't hold your breath though."

I was about to hit the gas when he spoke up.

"Blackout, please be careful."

I turned over my shoulder.

"Oh Squids," I smiled slightly. "I'm never careful."

When the hangar door opened I shot out into the night.

* * *

By the time I reached the streets of Gotham it was raining. Hard.

Not unlike typical Gotham weather, but it's a lot worse when you're on an unsheltered motorcycle trying to weave through traffic in the dark at sixty miles an hour. I had to blink hard and repeatedly wipe my eyes; I didn't have time to find a helmet before I left because, apparently, saving the reputation of the man who would rather see me behind bars than on his team means more to me than my personal safety.

Not that I regard my personal safety very high on my priority list, but you get the point.

I suspected most of the show would be filmed at the manor, and I was about half a mile away when suddenly the steady sound of my bike beneath me stuttered. My pace quickly declined as I came to a slow stop, the wind and rain still bitter against my skin.

"No... nononono no!"

I slammed my hands on the handles.

Once I came to a complete stop I threw my fists at my sides in frustration, wiping the wet hair stuck to my skin away from my face as I looked up into the rain.

"Seriously?! You're Batman, you have millions of dollars and all the resources in the world, but you can't build a decent motorcycle?"

I tossed my keys into the grass nearby and got off my bike. My limbs yelled at me-- slightly sore from training the last couple of days but also chilled to the bone from cold.

I guess I'm doing this the old fashioned way.

I started running the rest of the way up the hill to the giant house, stumbling over myself as my body felt numb. It was roughly eight minutes later when I arrived at the gates of manor.

Now, I know you're probably thinking, "Geez, Brielle. A half a mile in eight minutes? You must be totally out of shape!" Try doing it in uphill, in heels, in the pouring rain. Then tell me how fast you can run half a mile in eight minutes. (And don't yell at me for the heels, either. It's called having taste, okay?)

I noticed a white van parked out front with the A Day in the Life logo plastered on the side, and the massive doors at the front blown wide open. Melanie and her cameraman were running inside and I could hear her yelling something, but couldn't make out what it was.

I guess I hadn't missed too much of the party after all.

I switched to night vision on my mask and ran down the massive driveway after them, making sure to stay hidden so they wouldn't notice me.

"Hello? Anyone home? Hellooo? Bruce?" Melanie called from inside, where all of the lights were cut off.

The sounds of clanging metal and fighting were suddenly heard from upstairs. Melanie looked to her cameraman before beginning to dash up the grand staircase. If it really was Penguin up there, I couldn't risk going in the same way Melanie was. I turned around and sprinted around the side of the building. I shot my grappling gun up and was flying through the air, landing on a small windowsill on the third floor.

It took me a while to pick the lock (because this is the house of Batman) and once I finally did I reeled my grapple back in and dropped onto the hardwood floor. I took a few moments to breathe-- it was still cold, but not nearly as bitter as outside.

I looked around. I was in a large room; nothing was out of place, and everything looked as pristine as if it had been bought today. I turned to the right and stared at a big painting of a man and a woman with a small boy in between them, who was beaming with a large smile.

The boy's eyes were an all-too-familiar shade of blue.


The sound of clanking metal snapped me out of my trance, and I sprinted out of the door and down the hall, going up another set of stairs to find a massive loft. I took in the scene before me: to the left, Alfred was tied up in a chair that had fallen over and was desperately trying to break free of the rope that bound his hands, Bats and Penguin were a blur of punches and umbrellas in the middle of the room, and to the right, Melanie and her cameraman looked in shock as they tried to record all of the action.

Penguin shot a chain out of his umbrella, and I suddenly became one of the only people to ever witness Batman be a second too late. Bruce jumped back, but the chain tangled around his foot and pulled him back into Penguin, who greeted him with a hard fist to the face. I cringed as Bats fell to the floor, groaning and not moving.

"Oh dear," Alfred said from the side of the room.

Penguin cackled his typical cackle, reattaching the chain to his umbrella as he noticed Melanie for the first time.

"Well, what do we have here?" he grinned, showing off his row of razor-sharp teeth

Somehow just now realizing she was in danger, Melanie turned around in an attempt to run away, but was stopped by Penguin's Red Ladies who jumped down from the ceiling.

She turned back around, eyes wide in fear. "Don't harm us, Mr. Penguin!"

"Ohhh," Penguin hummed in realization. "You're that reporter from TV."

He paused, looking around.

"So where's Wayne?"

So apparently Melanie was out with Bruce when Penguin showed up at the manor? Well, that explains why she was just arriving when I got here.

"I'm beginning to wonder that myself," the black-haired lady replied.

The stubby man grinned. "Well forget about him! Penguin's your star now-- I'll give you an exclusive! Right over here."

Melanie and her cameraman followed him cautiously. My eyes widened as his stubby fingers lifted up Bruce's unconscious head.

"The true identity of the Batman."

* * *

Hello wonderful readers! It's good to be back!! I spent sooo much time on this chapter and it got way too long so I had to split it into two parts. (So the next chapter will be coming soon for once haha). Btw, this chapter's plot was based off of episode 11 of "The Batman," and I thought it would be a really cute idea to add Bri in! Also, I changed Bri's faceclaim to Liz Gillies, who I think is much more appropriately fitting, and I didn't really feel comfortable having it be Madison Beer anymore after all of the drama surfacing around her. Thank you all so much for 126k!

xo Alexa

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