He's the Raven (A Harry Potte...

By craftingfiction

92K 2.2K 1.1K

The story always tries to revert back to the planned fate, but because of one mischievous angel named Harry P... More

Chapter 1: <Knowledge>
Chapter 2: <Youth>
Chapter 3: <Encounter>
Chapter 4: <Foundation>
Chapter 5: <Becoming>
Chapter 6: <Life>
shameless plug
thank you for all your nice words
Chapter 8: <Rebirth>
reading checkpoint no. 1
Chapter 9: <Consequence>
Chapter 10 original draft
Chapter 10: <Balance>

Chapter 7: <Change>

2.7K 102 84
By craftingfiction

ok like I know Reapersun doesn't like his work reposted but nobody please tell him about this, art isn't mine I just love it to bits

>memory/ dream


'Wow, real smooth Hadrian. Like, Evan Hansen smooth.' The angel mentally facepalmed.

And like the idiot he was, he turned and flew right out of the school.

Mid flight, he turned around, hovering in the air. He could see Severus Snape's frozen form, and his shocked expression. Ha, he inwardly snickered. He managed to shock the youngest Potions Master in town. He then zipped off into the sky, leaving almost no evidence that anyone had been there at all. At least, he thought until he remembered something.

"Shoot, I forgot my guitar..."

Severus watched as the young angel flew off into the night. He wanted to yell for him to come back, but he knew that he would merely attract attention from the other residence in the school, and probably get told off by the head of Gryffindor. He also had realised that his son had left behind his guitar. Shaking his head to clear the disorientation, he reached a hand out to take the guitar, planning to take care of it until Harry came back.

He walked back to his quarters, reflecting on life and the craziness of it.

Harry was thankful that the Slytherin professor didn't give away his secret. When he got back to his dorm, he was slightly shocked to see his guitar leaning against a chair in the common room, and a note attached to it saying 'your guitar. Congratulations, you've managed to utterly screw over my brain. ~Sev. Snape'

He snorted. Screwing over his brain was an understatement. He still remembered the look of absolute shock on the usually stoic-looking professor, what a feat that had been.

The next morning, he was shaken awake by Draco. Excited yelling in his ear told him that the day was the much anticipated Halloween occasion. Harry's mood instantly dampened. That day was the day of his parents' death.

The next moment he knew, he was sitting at the Feast, literally waiting for something to happen. I mean, a troll? Kinda lame, but necessary for the plot.


Here we go again.


"And who do we have here? A Quirrel, a Voldy Oldy Mort, a muggleborn, and a troll. What is my life."

"Potter!" Quirrelmort hissed, whipping his wand out. Laughing aloud, Harry danced away from the spell that was shot at him.

The muggleborn, Grangle or something, pitifully cried out for help, sounding less than a damsel in distress and more like a dying hamster. Hadrian rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, and the muggleborn's eyes rolled back into her head.

He turned back to the frozen Quirrelmort and tsked. "Pesky muggleborn. Now.. what to do with you?"

"Potter," Quirrelmort angrily said. The angel perked up. "Oh I know!"

"De-eath~" he sung out, and a frowning cloaked figure materialized next to him. Even though its face was obscured by a hood, anyone could tell that he was irritated.

"What, brat?"

Said brat grinned. "Get me the horcruxes, won't you my brat?"

The immortal being rolled his eyes. "If I knew that giving you my blessing would lead to this, I would have run far, far away from you that night."

Hadrian took on a pondering look, before grinning like a person on Crack. "But you didn't!"

Death turned to the wall next to it and slammed its head onto it. "Urgh, memes-"

"Also, you'd better hurry, I think the professors would be here soon!"

"Fine. But only because poor Tom doesn't remember me. Gosh dang it, he's gone so far round the bend that he doesn't even remember my gift-"

Quirrelmort frowned, as if trying to remember something. "G-gift...?"

Six dim balls of light appeared around Hadrian. "Indeed, gift. Now Thomas Marvolo Riddle, get ready to be mind-blowned~"


"Yuh-yEeT!" Hadrian produced and slammed his hand into Quirrelmort's chest, the lights forcing their way inside.

The last thing the Dark Lord knew before blacking out, was excruciating pain, a heavy sigh and a voice singing something along the words of: "MICHAEL FLYING SOLO, WHO YOU THINK THAT YOU KNOW, MICHAEL IN THE BATHROOM BY HIMSEEEEEEELF!"

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