Seriously (COMPLETED)

By amandavloger

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COMPLETED!!!! This is a story about a girl named Iris who just goes through some things that make her think h... More

London Coffee
Next Day
Authors Note
First Kiss
Remeeting Dan Howell
Accidental Date Pt. 1
Accidental Date Pt. 2
Remembering Part Of My Past
Therapist Dan
Lioness Maybe Video
Meet The Brother
Big Mistakes?
Date Maybe
What's Wrong Love
Date and Zoella?
Sick Day
His First Time
Girls Day Out
Blind Date?
My Crush?
I Think I Like You
Arrival Pt. 1
Arrival Pt. 2
Oh Darling - Final

Pajama Party

78 4 2
By amandavloger

- Author's POV -

It's been three days since their date and everything is going well. It looks like Phil will be asking Iris out soon. Iris and Dan are still having the love thing when he really needs her. But she doesn't know he really likes her and calls her cause he misses her. Today is a pajama party with everyone at Pj's house so let's see how that goes.

- Iris's POV -

Grabbing my Finn onsie zipping it on before walking out my flat with my Jake, Adventure Time, backpack on. Looking around seeing Pj's, blue, car waiting in the driveway. Smiling like a little kid running to his car. Opening the passenger seat seeing Pj dressed up in a onsie as well. "Hello there Pj." Saying like a little girl making him chuckle as I got in buckling up. Noticing he was dressed as a dinosaur making me smile. "Nice pjs Pj." Giggling to myself at my bad pun making him laugh with me. "You ready there Finn?" Nodding brightly shaking my head up and down. "It's Adventure Time!!!"

Driving towards his house listening to the radio just bouncing round like little kindergarten kids.

- Dan's POV -

Zipping up my Charzard onsie looking in the mirror. Seeing the wounds healing on my body smiling to myself. If it wasn't for Iris here to love me then I would have more scars. Depression about to hit me by just thinking about it. "You are handsome Dan." Iris's voice popped in my head.

Biting my lip walking out my room with my backpack on seeing Phil dressed as Pikachu. Laughing at his kid like face while he tapped away on his phone. "She's there!" Smiling very brightly towards me while grabbing a bag full of candy. "Ready Phil?" Asking once before nodding before he practically ran out the house.

- Iris's POV -

Putting the pizza boxes on the counter with Pj grabbing the sodas. Opening off his house door causing me to jump just to see Chris, I think, in a Meowth pokemon onsie. Giggling at his attire while he just danced around to fake music towards us.

"Hello fair maidens," Saying in a posh voice before seeing the bags everywhere. "You need help?" "Yes pleaseeee." Pretending up me exhausted. Sighing dramatically making them chuckle while we put everything on the counter. Finally being done with that starting to sit on the couch to hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it."

Opening the door seeing Phil in his Pikachu onsie smiling brightly at me. "Wowww you look great honey." Taking him into a hug hearing him chuckle lightly in my ear. Feeling safe with him and getting all fuzzy on the inside. Letting go of the embrace undoing our hug just to have him kiss my cheek. Blushing madly at what just happened looking at the ground. "I'll meet you inside."

Walking inside leaving me and Dan by ourselves in the cold. "Hey." Sighing slightly obviously trying to make himself happy. "I love your onesie, Charzard is my favorite Pokemon." Pulling him into a hug with the moonlight above us. "You look great." Whispering into his ear making sure only he heard even though no one was around. Knowing he is smiling greatly now even though I can't see him. "Thank you." Letting go grabbing his wrist and reopening the front door. "Well it's true, let's get inside."

Smiling walking inside making sure the door was closed behind us. Making our way back to the living room. Seeing Pj on the couch by Chris with Phil on the floor beside them. Taking the seat beside Phil, on the floor, seeing no once was doing anything. "What should we do first?" Asking as everyone just looked around aimlessly simply confused. "How about I have never ever?" Dan suggested having everyone just nod. "Oh also truth or dare at the same time!!!" Practically yelling having everyone agree with me.

"Okay I'll go first I guess." Chris said while making everyone get into a circle type thing on the floor. "I have never ever smoked." Sighing putting one finger down out of 5 already having only 4 now. Looking around to see everyone surprised at me for no reason. "What? It was a hard time in my life..." Looking down Chris getting my mental message to hurry up and change the subject. "Okay well truth or dare Iris?" "Hmmm.... DARE!" Giving him the 'give me your best shot' look. Laughing making me slight intimidated before he says, "I dare you to tell us the scale of cutest to ugliest out of all of us."

Eyes going quite wide looking around awkwardly. "Obviously Phil is the cutest, then probably Dan, Pj next, Chris right after Pj, and then me being the ugliest." Saving my own ass obviously having to say Phil first since I'm practically dating him. In honestly it's probably Dan, Pj, Phil, then Chris but I can't just say that. Giving Dan the 'I'm lying' face making him smirk a bit more knowing he's the real top.

"Okay so I have never ever stripped." Waiting for someone to put their finger down but no one did. Laughing at ourselves before getting slightly confused. "Who do I truth or dare then?" Quietly talking amongst on another smirking at.

"Pick one of us." Smirking towards me, what is with these guys trying to make me choose all the god damn time. Closing my eyes shaking my hear violently while having my finger pointed straight out moving with my head. Getting dizzy stopping making sure my finger didn't move. Opening my eyes seeing it was Pj who unluckily got picked. "Your it. Truth or Dare Mr.Pajamas?" Looking scared to pick dare he sighed and went with truth. Hmmm... What did I want to know about him. "Is it true you like someone?" Cocking my eyebrow at him wanting to know if their was a lucky person. Blushing fiercely trying to hide his face by looking down fastly. "Yes." Quietly saying before booming out another I have never ever.

"I have never ever had a real relationship." Putting my finger down along with Chris awkwardly looking at each other. "Hmmm Phil truth or dare? These two already went so it's your turn now." Biting into a piece of pepperoni pizza almost choking at him being picked. "Uhhh truth?" Saying more as a question then an answer. "Is it true that you wear makeup on your videos!" Exclaiming at him making Phil practically jump on the ceiling. "No!" Laughing at the dumb question calming down now.

"Errrr... I have never ever sky dived?" No one putting down a finger making me sigh. "Ugh this is so boring! Let's just do truth or dare cause this is to hard. Phil you pick someone." Looking at Dan since he was the only one who hasn't been picked yet. "Truth or dare Dan?" Gulping slightly still trying to act tough towards Phil though. "Dare." Narrowing his eyes slightly at him while saying so. "I dare you to lick Iris's foot."

Staring at me seeing I'm obviously in footsies so my feet are covered. "With her pajamas on?" Asking in an awkward voice slight pleading not to do it. "No her real foot."

Wait what the fuck? I have to take off my clothes to get my foot licked! Ughhh....

Turning around awkwardly unzipping my onesie. Sighing noticing I wasn't wearing a bra. "Ughh don't look please I'm not exactly wearing under garments..." Sighing hearing three people shuffle knowing Dan was the one still looking. "You don't have to then if it will be a problem." Coughing slightly hearing Chris tying to be a hero. "It's fine."

Completely taking off my pajamas covering it to my chest. Thankfully for putting on underwear today. Making sure no one would be able to see me, more like my boobs, when they turn back around. "Okay I'm covered." Coming close to me grabbing my foot gently while trying to make sure no one sees my neon underwear. Licking my foot fast before jumping backwards. Having everyone laugh at us before turning back around. Hurringly pulling my clothes back on before sitting back in the circle with them.

"Okay so Dan it's your turn." Chris said awkwardly while slightly staring at me. Giving me a face of sympathy knowing I probably felt a bit uncomfortable. But in all honesty I used to change in front of Matt all the time so this wasn't much different. I even used to sleep naked with him, in the same bed, when it got to got outside. So covering my boobs isn't as bad as most people would think but it's still awkward.

"Truth or dare Iris" Looking at Dan with the face of 'you challenging me'. "Dare." Smirking at me thinking he could possibly intimidate me. Narrowing his eyes at me getting closer to me. "I dare you to run around outside screaming you have lost your voice and you need help finding it." Laughing at him that would be to easy. "Wait but you have to be blindfolded." "Still easy I got this."

Sighing waiting for Pj to get a bandana from his room. Coming out with a galaxy one trying to wrap it around my eyes. Not being able to see at all anymore trying to reach out to grab someone. "Can you see?" Pj asking me making me laugh at him since my arms are flailing around. "No." Testing it by asking me what number he was holding making me get a dumbfounded face on. "I don't know 2?" Laughing hard at me before helping me up. "She definitely can't see. Okay I'm going to help you outside now." Nodding an arm on mine with a chest on my back now. Slowly walking with me to make sure I was okay. Hearing a door open before feeling a cold breeze of air coming to hit my face. We must be outside now but I don't know if we went out the back way or not.

"You ready?" Nodding trying to get my courage up before actually doing this. Inhaling a deep breathe before answering back. "Yeah I got this." Suddenly the arms were gone and everything was silent except for my breathing. 'Just run foward' was all that went through my mind. Flailing my arms around like a mad woman while starting to run to who knows where. Screaming loudly, "I LOST MY VOICE!!! PLEASE HELP ME COME FIND IT!!!" Stopping hearing nothing turning around still hearing nothing. Is anyone even there?

Taking off the bandana seeing nothing that looked familiar. Scared, not seeing anyone, automatically growing really silent. Stealthily trying to get through the woods that surrounded all around me. Not knowing where I am jut trying to go forward knowing that's where I can from. Trying not to step on any tree branches or leaves to make sure nothing could find me if I wasn't alone. Hearing a tree branch break from behind me making me petrified.

Running like hell forward trying to make sure I wasn't making to much noise. Suddenly hearing footsteps right behind me making me run faster. "Iris wait up." Hearing Dan tell making me stop dead in my tracks. Turning around seeing, only, Dan coming closer to me. "They told me to follow you in case you got lost, but then I lost you." Laughing ironically at himself making me smile more.

"Can I kiss you?" Whispering to me in my ear getting really close making my back hit a tree. "Of course." Blushing at how he suddenly got so blunt for that. Pushing his lips on mine closing my eyes just letting it happen. Starting to kiss my neck feeling the energy from every little thing he does. Bitting the zipper about to pull it done just looking at him. Pulling his head towards me, "Not here... later." smiling at the thought.

"Let's get back to them." Nodding while starting to make our way back. Not taking long just laughing at everything and nothing. Going inside seeing Phil practically asleep on the couch, Pj watching Doctor Who, and Chris eating a piece of pizza.

"I guess the party is sleeping?" Laughing at myself while looking at Phil. Tired myself pulling the couch into a bed. "You have a blanket Pj?" Nodding going to grab some while I pulled Phil more on the bed. Tiredly obeying pulling me down right beside him. Pj smiling towards us putting the blanket over us like a father and giving me a pillow. Putting under my head pulling Phil more into me while he was sleeping. Automatically putting his arms around me and pushing my face into his chest.

Dan turning off the lights taking a recliner while Pj went to his room leaving Chris on the floor eating his pizza. Falling asleep into Phil listening to his heartbeat. "I love you Iris." Sleepily saying with me smiling more, "I love you two Phil."

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