The Adventures of Tintin (OC...

By FalconLoverAL

13.2K 224 10

Intrepid young reporter, Tintin, his young sister, Alexis, and their loyal dog, Snowy, are thrust into a worl... More

About the Character
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 6

709 11 0
By FalconLoverAL

Alexis's POV

The police officers, Thompson and Thomson, came to our apartment to check out the situation. Tintin had the newspaper with him to see if he could figure out why there were blood stains on specific letters.

"The victim's name was Barnaby Dawes. He was one of the top agents at Interpol, but we haven't got a clue what he was working on," Thompson stated.

"Quite right, Thompson. We're completely clueless," Thomson then said.

"Interpol doesn't have any other leads?" Tintin asked.

"Steady on, Tintin. We're still filling out the paperwork," Thomson told him.

"Police work's not all glamour and guns. There's an awful lot of filing," Thompson then said.

"Well, I might have something for you. Before he lost consciousness, Dawes tried to tell me something, and I think he was spelling out a word," Tintin said as he used a pencil and started to spell out a word. Once he was done, he said the word out loud. "'Karaboudjan,'" Tintin said.

"Karaboudjan?" Thomson questioned as he took the newspaper from Tintin.

"Does that mean anything to you?" Tintin asked.

"Great Scotland Yard! That's extraordinary," Thomson then said.

"What is?" I asked.

"Worthington's have a half-price sale on bowler hats," Thomson stated, not even related to the topic. I mentally face-palmed.

"Really, Thomson? This is hardly the time," Thompson said as he took the newspaper and looked at it. "Great Scotland Yard!" He then said.

"What is it?" Thomson then asked.

"Canes are half-price, too," Thompson answered, which caused me to physically face-palm.

"Are you going to take charge of this evidence?" Tintin asked as he took the newspaper out of Thompson's grasp.

"Positively. Never fear, Tintin and Alexis. The evidence is safe with us," Thomson said as he took the newspaper and walked out of the apartment. Before he took one step down the stairs, he tripped on the cat we saw a while ago and fell down the stairs. this caused me to go out the door and look downstairs.

"Thomson? Where are you?" Thompson asked.

"Well, I'm already downstairs. Do try to keep up," Thomson said from downstairs.

Just as they were about to leave, Tintin stopped them.

"Wait. You dropped this," Tintin told them as he held out the newspaper to them.

"Good heavens, Thomson! Look after the evidence, man," Thompson said as he took the newspaper.

"Sorry, Thompson. My mind is on other things," Thomson stated.

"Ah, yes. Our light-fingered larcenist," Thompson stated.

What is he talking about.

"What?" Tintin asked.

"The pickpocket," Thompson stated.

Wait. Does he mean that man wearing those gloves at the market place?

"He has no idea what's coming," Thompson added.

"Go on, Tintin. Take my wallet," Thomson told Tintin. Tintin then grabbed his wallet and saw that there was an elastic string on it. "Yes, industrial strength elastic," Thomson then said as he took his wallet back.

"Cool," I stated.

"On the contrary. It was childishly simple," Thomson then stated as he walked out the door.

"Simply childish. I agree," Thompson added.

"Tintin. Alexis," They both farewelled to us.

"Gentlemen," Tintin then said.

As they were leaving, I saw the same man wearing gloves from the market place walking towards Thompson and Thomson.

"Oh, no," I mumbled to myself as I stepped out of the building.

"What is it, Alexis? What do you see?" Tintin asked me as he kneeled down to my eye-level.

But before I could explain to him the problem, we heard a commotion coming from Thompson and Thomson.

"What's going on down there? Come on, Alexis and Snowy," Tintin questioned as he got up and went towards the commotion. But before he could get to them, the man with the gloves bumped into Tintin, which I assume he did on purpose.

"I do beg your pardon," The man said.

"Sorry, sir," Tintin said as he went to Thompson and Thomson.

"The pickpocket, Tintin. He's getting away!" Thompson told him. He then felt his back pocket to feel that his wallet is gone.

"My wallet. It's gone," Tintin said. We then turn around to see the pickpocket crossing the street. "Come on!" Tintin yelled as he ran after the pickpocket, which caused me and Snowy to run after him.

Just as Tintin was about to reach him, I heard a car horn and a car almost ran Tintin over. This caused both him, me, and Snowy to stop in the middle of the street. I tried to run back, but a car almost ran me over.

I quickly picked up Snowy and held him close so that he doesn't get ran over. Just as I was about to get run over, I felt a cane hook onto my arm and pulled me and Snowy to safety as another cane did the same to Tintin.

"Gotcha," Thompson said as they let go of us.

"I've lost him. You must find my wallet. It's very important. I have to get it back," Tintin told Thompson and Thomson.

"And you will. Leave it to the professionals," Thomson said.

I just hope Tintin gets his wallet back. The scroll is in there.

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