Chapter 17

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Third POV


The Unicorn sails in the sea as the waves carries them away. Then Sir Francis spots it. Their enemy's ship.

End of Flashback

"The red pennant. The blood runs cold in every sea captain who looks upon that flag, for he knows he's facing a fight to the death. But Sir Francis is a Haddock,  and Haddocks don't flee," Captain stated as he looked in the distance, using an empty bottle as a telescope.


The pirates get their guns ready for battle as Sir Francis walks to the deck, and following behind him was Mr. Nicholls, his first mate.

"Let's unload the King's shot into these yellow-bellied, lily livered sea slugs! Prepare to bring her about, Mr. Nicholls, Sir Francis told his first mate.

"Aye, aye, Captain! Prepare to bring her about!" Mr. Nicholls shouted to the pirates.

As they bring her about, their enemy's ship fire their cannons through the waves and at the Unicorn. The Unicorn and the enemy's ship continue to fire their guns until the crash into each other and get stuck to each other by the crows nest.

"Mr. Nicholls, secure the cargo," Sir Francis told his first mate.

"Right you are, sir," Mr. Nicholls obeys his captain.

"Prepare to repel all boarders!" Sir Francis calls out to his ship mates.

As the waves carries them, the enemy's ship gets lifted above the water and hovers above the Unicorn deck. This causes their enemies to jump down onto the Unicorn's deck. That was when the fight began.

Then a wave, as huge as a mountain, carries them, which causes them to go sideways, which also makes it easier for their enemies to board their ship.

"This way! We need more men!" Yells a pirate.

As the Unicorn is sideways, Sir Francis runs up on the wooden pole and cuts a rope as he swings on it and lands by the crows nest. He then uses his sword and untangles the two ship before any of the other pirates could hop aboard the ship.

He then watches as the enemy's ship sinks into the ocean water.

Sir Francis then zip-lines down a rope and cuts it at the last moment. This causes him to swing above everyone on deck and slice at anyone who was near him.

Once he lands, he picks up a torch and lights a cannon with it. The acceleration of the cannon causes it to get pushed back and knock down any pirate  in front of it overboard.

Coming through the fire, was a pirate dressed in a red cape, pirate boots, pirate outfit, and a pirate's hat. Sir Francis looks and sees that pirate coming towards him as he chokes a pirate.

End of Flashback

"End then he saw him. Like a phantom rising from the dead," Captain said.

"Who? Captain, who did you see?" Asked Tintin.

Just as he was about to say something, everything he remembered just vanished.

"It's gone," Captain said. Alexis then stood up and walked towards him.

"What's gone?" She asked him.

"By Jupiter, I have a beard! Since when did I have a beard?!" Captain started yelling out statements that don't make sense.

"Captain, something happened on the Unicorn. It's the key to everything. You must try to remember," Tintin told Captain.

"The Unicorn? What? I'm so terribly thirsty," Captain said.

"Captain?" Alexis questioned.

"Tintin! Lassie! What is happening to me?!" Captain yelled out.

Just as Captain was going to take another step, he passed out. Tintin stood behind him and caught him as he fell to the ground.

"And to think, all it took was a day in the Sahara. Congratulations, Captain. You are sober," Tintin told Captain and he sat down with him.

Alexis's POV

Captain just passed out and fell into Tintin's arms.

Is it me or is it getting really hot outside?

As I tried to reach Tintin, everything felt like it was in slow-motion as I fell to the ground. The last thing I saw was Tintin trying to reach for me and then blacked out.

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