Chapter 5

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Alexis's POV

As we were walking home, I could tell that Tintin was lost in his own thoughts.

"Some things are easily lost. What did he mean by that? What was he trying to tell me? Some things are easily lost," Tintin said to himself.

As we made it up those stairs, Tintin was about to take his keys out, but I noticed something. I pushed the door open and it was unlocked. I could tell Tintin was shocked as well. I then enter the apartment to see what happened in here.

"Alexis," Tintin whispered to me. He then turned on the lights and we saw that everything was a mess. "Great snakes!" Tintin then said.

We then see Snowy go near the table and was trying to move it. Tintin then made his way to the table.

"What is it, Snowy?" Tintin asked him. Tintin then moved the table to the side and saw something on the ground.

I then walked over and saw a cylinder-like case. "What's that?" I asked. I then looked at Tintin and it looked like he knew what it was.

"Aha! This was in the mast," He said as he sat down on his desk and opened the case and pulled out a scroll. I grabbed the magnifying glass and gave it to him.

Tintin then started to read what was printed on the scroll.

"'Three brother joined. Three Unicorns in company... Sailing in the noonday sun will speak. For it is from the light... That light will dawn, and then shine forth the Eagle's Cross.' What are these markings? Some kind of secret language...or code? It makes no sense. But it does explain why they ransacked the flat. They were looking for this, and they didn't find it. Which means... They'll be back," Tintin said. That gave me the chills.

We then hear a ringing at the door downstairs. Tintin then stands up and goes out the door and goes downstairs as he puts the scroll in his wallet. I follow close behind, but I stay on the stairs with Snowy. I then see Mrs. Finch, the lady that lives here, too, at the door.

"No, I don't know where he is, dearie.  I think he's gone out. And anyway, it's after dark, and Mr. Tintin is most particular about not admitting visitors after bedtime. I have to go back to my cocoa. I've got a very good book and a cup of cocoa. It's really lovely," Mrs. Finch told the person behind the door.

"Thank you, Mrs. Finch. I can look after this," Tintin told her as she walked back to her apartment and Tintin held a gun up from behind him.

"Hey, kid, is that you? Open the door," Said the person from the behind the door. It was the man that was at the market place.

"What do you want?" Tintin asked him.

"Look, the game is up. He's gonna be back. Now, I know he wanted those boats, but I swear to God, I never thought he'd kill anyone over it," The man said.

Well, I think I'll have nightmares.

"Who? Who are you talking about?" Tintin asked as he aimed the gun at the door.

"I'm trying to tell you that your life is in danger," The man then said.

"Answer me! Who?!" Tintin repeated, but the man didn't get a chance to answer because the sound of gunshots were heard.

Bullets were coming through the door, which caused Tintin to duck down. Some bullets almost hit me and Snowy. So I picked up Snowy and held him close.

Once the gunshots were gone, Tintin aimed his gun back at the door. The door then slowly opened as we saw the man standing up with a newspaper and fell to the ground. Tintin then rushed over to him.

"Mrs. Finch! A man's been shot on our doorstep!" Tintin called out to her as she saw the problem.

"Not again," She said.

Wait. What does she mean by that?

"Call an ambulance!" Tintin said as he ran out the door. I then followed behind him, still holding Snowy.

Snowy then got out of my grip and started chasing after a car that just drove away.

"Wait, Snowy!" I called to him.

We then go back inside at rushed to the man.

"Can you hear me? Can you?" Tintin asked, but go no response. Tintin then looked at the man's newspaper and saw blood on different letters.

Was he trying to spell something?

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