Chapter 13

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Alexis's POV

We have been in the lifeboat for a while now. I was starting to get bored as Snowy sat on my lap.

"We have to get to Bagghar ahead of Sakharine," Tintin told us.

"I know, I know. Why?" Captain asked Tintin. 

"Because he has the third model ship," Tintin said. That surprised me.

"How do you know?" Captain then asked.

"The Sheik collects old ships, and this is the prize of his collection," Tintin answered as he showed Captain a picture of the model ship on a little booklet.

"Blistering blue barnacles! That is the Unicorn," Captain exclaimed.

"Captain, do you see the distortion around the model?" Tintin asked as I looked over Captain's shoulder to see the model.

"Uh-huh, aye," Captain responded.

"It means that Ben Salaad exhibits it in a bulletproof glass in his palace," Tintin explained.

"And Sakharine is going to steal it there," I stated.

"Exactly, he has a secret weapon. The Milanese Nightingale. But that won't be enough to solve the mystery, and that is why Sakhaine needs you. That's why he made you his prisoner. There is something he needs you to remember," Tintin told Captain.

"I don't follow you," Captain then told Tintin.

"I read it in a book. That only a true Haddock can discover the secret of the Unicorn," Tintin said.

Captain's look then lights up as if he remembers something. That gave me hope, until he said:

"I don't remember anything about anything."

I mentally face-palm.

"But you must know about your ancestors. Sir Francis... It's you family legacy," Tintin told Captain.

"My memory is not what it used to be," Captain explained.

"What did it used to be?" Tintin asked Captain as I just listened to their conversation as if I wasn't even here.

"I've forgotten," Captain replied. This caused Snowy to whine on my lap.

"Captain. Can you get us to Bagghar?" Tintin then asked Captain.

"What sort of stupid question is that?! Give me those oars!" Captain said as he and Tintin switched places as Captain took the oars. "I'll show you some real seamanship, laddie and lassie. I'll not be doubted by some pipsqueak tuft of ginger and his pipsqueak ginger sister and their irritating dog. I am master and commander of the seas," Captain said as he swung an oar, which cause Tintin and Snowy to get knocked out. Except for me since I ducked.

"I know these waters better that the warts on my mother's face," Captain said, and then notices Snowy and Tintin asleep. "Look at the pair of them, lassie. Fast asleep. Typical landlubbers. No stamina these days. Never mind. I'll get guys there," Captain said as I giggled.

I then get a little tired, so I lean against my brother and fall asleep.

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