Nine Lives and Bad Luck

By TALA546

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Harry finds himself turned into a cat and flees from the house before the Dursley's figure out what has happe... More



392 27 0
By TALA546

      "Asphodel!" He had only just stepped foot into the Gryffindor common room when he saw someone running towards him. Arms wrapped around his neck as a warm body was pressed against him. He returned the hug as he spun her around to keep his balance.

      "I thought it was Asp now 'Mione, abandoning your revenge already?"

       She chuckled but then pulled back, whacking the back of his head gently with her hand, "I was so worried! What happened?"

      "Sorry to worry you, I offered to help track a missing student, but the troll ran into them first, I wasn't thinking."


     The dry drawl had him turning quickly, "Aka- Er, Professor Snape."

      A thin eyebrow was lifted looking nearly exactly like one of Akasha's 'I'm judging you, but won't say what I'm thinking so you can keep whatever shred of pride you cling to... for now' face, it wasn't one of the softer ones she reserved for he and Silk which made it sting a little despite knowing Snape and Akasha were two very different people. He shrunk back into Hermione slightly and smiled sheepishly.

     "You disappeared from the infirmary wing before the headmaster could find you, he wants a word."

     "Asphodel!....Er Professor Snape...?"

     Harry spun, orange hair flinging behind him, "Nev!"

      "Professor Snape? "Oh... Asphodel."

     Harry spun again, his eyes darting  to the open portrait door behind Snape, "Percy, you look... tired."

     Snape cleared his throat pointedly.

   "Oh! Right, I've got to go speak with the headmaster already," Here Hermione gasped in horror and Neville and Percy looked worried, "but Percy, sleep in some, you look dead on your feet, taking care of yourself is important." He moved and pulled the prefect to the foot of the boys dorm steps. "I'll talk to you all later hopefully."

       He looked over at Snape with a nod and the other turned and strode out of the dorms to lead him to speak with the headmaster. The walk to the headmaster's office was quiet, although he barely contained his surprise when he heard the password 'cockroach clusters' (which was forced out in a disapproving drawl), earning him another deadpan look of disdain for his choked back laugh.

A moment later he found himself entering a room filled with small gadgets, many of which spun or whirred quietly, the type of gadget that never lasted long back home due to one of them knocking it over or smashing it almost reflexively. He took the offered seat quickly and folded his hands together, staring at the desk before him to keep the urge down. So many sparkling, delicate looking objects, swirling, buzzing, or otherwise moving around was never a good combination for him. Perhaps if his senses were not as strong as they were it would not have been quite as tempting a distraction, but as it was every little chime drew his attention away ever so slightly.

"You wanted to see me sir?" He asked, carefully repositioning his hands to feel less awkward.

"Yes, Hadrian my boy, I have a few questions to ask you. Lemon drop?"

"No, thank you, sir." He twitched at the unexpected question and then waited, slightly uncomfortable at the ready use of his first name.  But as the wait drew on and no new information or clarification was added he continued, "I already told you what happened Halloween, sir?" It was true, the Headmaster had insisted they speak alone as soon as he woke up, but Silk was having none of it.

He understood the reason for both of them, Silk felt the school was lacking and no safety measures were being taken nor further precautions put in place nor responsibility accepted, as if this was a usual occurrence of the same risk as a wandering cat, and so she had taken to somewhat harassing the Headmaster and deputy. Which of course made Dumbeldore's interrogation rather awkward for the elderly headmaster. Especially when he forced the 'official school matter' angle, so- smugly- Silk brought in the school board led by a slightly too gleeful Lucius Malfoy.

"Yes, just looking to clarify a few things," Dumbeldore genially said, "I must say, you did quite the number on the troll; are you quite sure you didn't cast any spells? Maybe one that your mother taught you and told never to mention to anyone else...? You can be honest with me, my boy, I'm here on your side."

That was one of the questions Dumbeldore kept trying to circle back to before. Had he cast any spells? Why did he feel the need to inflict so much damage on the troll? Worst of all, at the end when he and Silk had been out of human earshot, had been the repeat emphasis to the school board on how dangerous and out of control he was; could he be trusted to remain at Hogwarts unmonitored?

      "I'm sure," he stated still focusing on his hands, aware that Professor Snape had left when he was attempting to ignore all the knickknacks that were left about the room, and worried what Dumbledore's point here was. He needed to speak quietly and respectfully, he wanted to stay and make friends for longer than he had, and he couldn't do that if Dumbledore had even the slightest leverage to complain that he was dangerous. But he was a duelist, and control was the first rule.

He took a deep breath, "Sir, I was several floors away when I saw Avery, and too far away to cast any spells. I haven't learned any spells to extend my casting range and I didn't want to risk losing, sir. I didn't have time and couldn't take the chance. It was faster to shift then to pause to aim and then cast, sir."

"You experienced quite the traumatic experience, Hadrien my boy, it would not be surprising if you forgot something in the whirlwind these last few days must have been. You can tell me anything."

He would have given his favorite ice skates to see the look on Dumbledore's face as the headmaster took a deep, patient breath. This was going to be a long meeting.

      The moment Harry stepped into the crowded Great Hall silence fell as people began noticing him.  He smiled giving one of the looks he had dubbed 'a Silk smile', this one wild and challenging, but above all victorious. It was a wide, toothy smirk more than anything. With that he walked over to where his friends were waiting for him- noticing Percy was absent he hoped the older had taken his advice.

     "Asp!" Lavender met him half way in the same manner as Hermione had, lunging forward to give him a hug.

     "About time you returned, we were worried for you." Parvati sniffed despite her poorly hidden grin, she too had risen from the table.

    "Sorry to worry you guys." He took his seat, "What did I miss?"

     Before they could start a third called for him, "Asphodel. I'm glad to hear you've recovered so quickly."

     "Thanks Draco, glad to be back." He shot Draco, who still looked rather stiff about their friendship, a grin, turning back to the table after they glanced away.

"Here, breakfast is going to be ending soon, you need to eat something." Hermione was at his side then, a bacon and egg sandwich in hand, wrapped in a napkin for him, "Are you going to be able to make it to class? I have notes for you for the days you missed."

        He smiled as he thanked her and tried to wave away their worry. It was good to be back, he had missed this.

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