Peter Parker Field Trip Trope...

By Harleys_Potato_Gun

470K 12.1K 15.4K

I've become obsessed with this trope so now all of my idea shall be spit out here. Ships: Parley (Peter x Har... More

Feild Trip (Parley)
The Fieldtrip of Doom
The Five Times Peters Blindness Surpised Someone and the One Time He Could See
#1 Ironman and Bruce
The Rogues (pt. 2 of blind peter)
Peters Class (pt. 3 with a bit of parley)
Its a Small World Pt 1
Its a Small World Pt 2
A/N and book advertising
Iron-lad Harley
The Fuck did you just call my Nephews?
Today is Not My Day
A quick A/N yall then Ill update tonight or tomorrw
Best. Day. Ever. Pt.1
Best. Day. Ever Pt.2
A Suprise Trip
I cried while writing this so lets cry togther
How Endgame Really Happened
Stress Baking
Head canon and i swear im working in an update.
Coffee Shop au Pt. 1
Coffee Shop au Pt. 2
A:N concering the discord and Request page
Another Discord One (i figured out how to make the link not expire)
*laughs Nervously* Hey guys
Stable Boy (Pt 1)
Stable Boy (Pt. 2)
Stable Boy (Pt. 3)
Im Going to Be Selfish....Just this Once
"Happy" Ending (^Pt. 2)
Baby Project
This Didnt Turn Out So Bad After All
A quick Authors note
Think 'bout it Love, Why Arent We Dating?
Ha ha, hi.

Best. Day. Ever. Pt.3 (Extra)

13.8K 494 877
By Harleys_Potato_Gun

Since a lot of y'all wanted this so bad I cranked it out today as a thank you for all your kind words. I also made it extra long, (almost 4K words) so please enjoy my fingers have suffered greatly.

Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes I've been typing all day and just really wanna get this done.

Note: lots of POV switches so sorry

Peter POV

"Oh my god you what?" I laugh.

It had been a week since the field trip. Harley and I texted and called pretty much every day. Did I get extra beating from Flash? Yes I did, but it's so worth it.

"I threatened to shoot him with a potato gun, on god that's how we met," He said from the other side of the line.

We where both busy, but made time to talk and text. We had gotten to know each-other a lot.

"I didn't know that's how you guys met! That's hilarious," I laugh, rolling on to my back. I was currently sitting in bed, which is fair, considering it's like 11pm.

"Huh," he yelled to someone on the other end. The was a pause. "Ok."

"Hey darlin' are you free tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, I think so," I say back.

" Then...would you mind if I stole you for a date?"

"U-uh y-yeah, I mean if you want too?" I cringe at myself, the answer came out more like a question. But I can't help it. Don't get me wrong I always thought Harley was attractive, but now I like him for...him. The thought that he would even go for me was baffling.

"You are just too cute Sweetheart," he laughed, causing me to blush further, "I'll pick you up at 5 then,"

"Uh- yeah. I'd like that,"

I was saved from having to keep the conversation going by a boom on the other side of the line, followed by an exasperated sigh.

"Sorry to cut this short, but the interns are trying to blow up the lab. See ya' tomorrow?" He said, he held a questioning tone, like he expected me to laugh and say never mind.

"Yeah," I say, I wouldn't be surprised if he could hear my smile from the other side of the line. "See you tomorrow."

I pull the phone from my ear, hanging up. As I revel in my victory, I give a small fist pump.


~Timeskip till morning~

Going to bed was a lot easier than getting up if I'm being honest. Usually I hate mornings, then I remembered two things.

1.) It was Friday.

2.) I had a date with Harley freaking Keener today.

I sprung out of bed, not that I had any reason too. I was on time for once, I didn't have to scramble for laundry or anything like that either. I walk over to my closet and throw on some cloths, after I make sure I have everything, I walk into the kitchen. I must've had a bit more peep in my step because May commented on it.

"Whats got you in a such a good mood?" She asked, looking up from her coffee.

"Remember Harley?" I ask as I grab an apple and granola bar. She nods. "He asked me on a date"

She raised an eyebrow.


"Today, he said he'd pick me up at 5. Though I should probably tell him I'll meet him somewhere..." I trail off, looking around the apartment.

"No, tell him to pick you up here," May said with an evil glint in her eyes. My heart dropped.

"May. No. No no no no. Please no." I beg. This happens any time anyone comes over and she's home, she loves embarrassing me.

"May yes," she say getting up and grabbing her keys, "wanna ride to school?"

Harley POV

I was inturuped from my Mario Kart due to a text.

BookWacker: So you finally asked him out huh

I laugh slightly. Hiding my disappointment that it wasn't Peter.

Loser #3: what do you mean finally? I've known him for a week.

BookWaker: Ik

BookWacker: I'm surprised you didn't jump the boy on the field trip

Loser #3: I'm nothing if not a gentleman

Loser #3: But yeah I asked him last night

BookWacker: I Know

BookWacker: The idiot won't stop raving out it

Loser #3: I can feel the eye roll from here

Loser #3: Any tips for the date?

BookWacker: Get him ice cream

Loser #3:.....thats it?

BookWacker: Yup, he's not a super picky guy I'm sure he'll love anything you do.

BookWacker: But just incase get him ice cream. His favorite place is the BJs on fifth and main.

Loser #3: Noted

With that last text I turn off my phone. Honestly I can't believe Peter said yes, what more is that I can't believe no one has swept him up yet. He's just so cute! Such an adorable nerd, I just wanna squish his cheeks and take care of him forever. Now that I had him in my grasp, I wasn't planning on letting go any time soon.

"Kid! What's up with you today?" Clint asked from the other side of the couch, "It's family night tonight! I can't kick your ass at Mario Kart if your head is all up in the clouds,"

Fuck, I forgot about that.

"Sorry Clint, I have a date tonight. I'll have to rain check on the Mario," I say, Tony pipes up from the kitchen.

"Is it with that on kid? What's his name...Peter?"

"Yep," I say popping the p. I stand up from the couch and head over to the kitchen.

"Well," I already knew I was gonna hate whatever came out of the old mans mouth "why doesn't he come over for dinner?"

My eyes widen.

"There no way in hell I'm inviting him here. Especially not on family night, I don't need you guys scaring him away,"

"Who's coming?" Bucky asked walking into the room with Steve.

"Is it Peter?" Bruce asked appearing out of no where.


"Whats the deal with this Peter guy?" Sam asks, "Six of you love the guy and you only met him for like three hours,"

"So Harley, you're bringing Peter," Natasha said, strolling into the room.

"No, I'm not,"

Natasha gave me a sickly sweet smile.

"It wasn't a question Keener,"


"Fine," I relent. The whole room cheers. "I'm going to work on something,"

"Remember dinners at 7:30!" Tony shouts after me.

Well, this is gonna be interesting.

Peter POV

I walk into the apartment barley able to contain my excitement.

'Holy shit! Is it already four?'

I look at my watch and sure enough a bold 4:07 flashed back at me.

By the time I finish getting ready. Showering, attempting to do my hair, brushing my teeth, picking out an outfit(a science pun tee, a zip up hoodie, jeans cuffing them at the ankle, and a pair of tennis shoes) and throwing it on. It was 4:50.

"Peter stop pacing, you'll wear holes in the floor," Aunt May said, she was sitting in the couch, mischief running rampid in her eyes.

"Come on May please," I beg, though I'm not sure exactly what for. I know she won't listen to me.

She gives me a smile.

"Come on Peter, let me live a little. This is your first date after all,"

She smiles even wider as she hears a knock on the door.

"Sit down Peter," she says, seeing me move towards the door.


"Hello ma'am," I hear Harleys southern drawl from the door, "you must be Miss Parker, Peter Aunt?"

"Please, just call me May. Come on in," she moving aside to make room.

Oh wow.

Harley always looked good, there was no denying that. He had on a white collared shirt, the top two buttons undone so it look casual, with black pants. I feel myself blush.

'This is who asked me out? He took interest in me?!'

"So Harley," May said, closing the door and following him to the couch, "you're here to take Peter out, correct?"

Harley say down next to me, May across from us.

"If you'll allow it Ma'am,"

We sat in silence for a whole 5 seconds before May cracked a grin again.

"You sure got a catch there Peter," she said shooting me a wink.

"May!" I protest, Harley let out a chuckle.

"Are you boys running off imeidiatly?" May asked glancing between us.

"I wouldn't know," I say playfully glaring and Harley, "because someone wouldn't tell me what we're doing,"

"We don't really have to be anywhere till 7:30 ma'am," He said to May, putting an arm around my shoulder "and it's called a surprise for a reason Darlin',"

"Perfect! I guess I have time to get to know you. Though, Peter has talked about you so much I feel like I already do,"

"MAY!" I shriek, horrified. She batted her eyes, twinkling with false innocence.

"Or we could pull out your photo album," she offered "I have so great baby photos,"

"Why not both? We have time," Harley said, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I burry my face in my hands.

"I don't think I like the idea of you two being friends,"

The next half an hour was hell, maybe not actually but it was pretty damn close. May made it her mission to find every embarrassing photo of me that was in existence.

"Look at this one," she was currently showing him one when I was 11, I had braces and big ol' nerd glasses. I was smiling one of those 'look-I-just-got-braces' smiles.

"Aww, that's adorable," Harley cooed, looking at all the pictures.

"Oh," May said grabbing the book, "I could show you the one with Peter in the car-"

"That's it! we're leaving right now please," I say, standing up from my place on the couch. May sighed and closed to book.

"Fine. Harley it was lovely meeting you honey,"

"Pleasure is all mine Miss Parker," Harley extends his hand but is pulled into a hug.

"Feel free to steal Peter anytime, considering he doesn't really do much," she said releasing him, at this point I drag him to the door.

"Leave room for the Holy Spirit!!" She yelled. I shut the door and let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god,"

"I don't know, I thought you looked pretty adorable, all flustered like that," he teased, leading us down the hall.

"Maybe for you! That was basically my own personal hell!" I exclaim as we walk out of my apartment complex.

He grinned.

"Do you really think my face is dreamy?"

"Oh shut up!" I say, blushing. The I try to burry my face in my hands, expect I forgot that Harley was holding one. That just made me blush harder.

"Don't worry," he said squeezing my hand, "I'll make it up to you,"

~time skip lol~

"Oh yeah, you're defiantly forgiven," I say, unbuckling my seat belt and hopping out of the car.

We where park outside of the BJs on 5th and main. Why is this BJs the best? I hear you asking. I don't know. Their ice cream just hits different.

"Happy to know you're not mad at me," He said, locking the car. We walk in together and he slips his hand into mine. It was honestly so peaceful. We ordered and sat down with our ice cream.

"Wait I'm sorry," I laughed leaning forward on the table, "you and your sister did what?"

"To be fair, I wasn't the one who blew up the barn," he said, bitting into ice cream after.

I feel light, for the first time in a while

Is this what love feels like?

Harley POV

Everything was going amazing, honestly. I had been on a few dates before, none of them compared to this. Not even close.

"What's a guy like you doing here all by yourself?"

I looked up and wrinkled my nose in disgust. It was Flash Tompson, he represented everything I hated put into one person. Arrogant, Selfish, Curel, and walks all over people to get what he wants.

"I'm actually here on a date," I say, not even giving a smile.

"Wow," he said, sliding into the chair across from me, "Who could have possibly landed a guy like you?"

I was saved from responding.

"Hey Harles, you ready to go?" Peter ask, slinging an arm around my shoulder. I glance up at him and see a look in his eyes.

"Yeah," I say standing up, sliding an arm around his waist tightly. Flash scoffed.

"Seriously, you'd settle for him?" Flash sneered, glowering. How dare he look at my Peter that way!

"Parker I'll make you sorry if you don't leave him alone right now! You know I will!"

How could he possibly think I would even consider talking to him after taking that time with another person? Much less give him a chance.

I could feel Peter stiffen slightly in my grip.

"Hey Harley, you have some ice cream on your cheek,"

Before I could even make a move Peter leaned in and lick my right cheek, exaggerating the movement greatly. Not that I minded

'Don't get a boner, don't get a boner,'

"Gross," Flash said slamming his hands on the table. "You don't have to pretend to enjoy it for penises sake! Honestly Harley, you can do Better than him!"

"Hey sugar," I say, placing my pointer finger on his bottom lip, "ya' got a lil something right there"

He hummed and adjusted so that both his arms were around my neck.

"Why don't you return the favor?"he smirked pulling me slightly closer.

I smirk back.

"With pleasure,"

And with that I grab his chin and crash my lips onto his. I felt my eyes flutter shut as I focus on how his lips felt against mine.

'Fuck it,'

I slide my tongue against his bottom lip and to my surprise, he parts his lips slightly. Pushing my tongue into his mouth I savor the taste, like Rainbow sherbet, but there was also something that was just....Peter. Whatever it was, it drove me insane.

After about thirty seconds we broke apart.

"Your gonna regret that penis," Flash growled, to be honest I forgot he was here for a second.

Peter gave a defiant smirk, turning to look at Flash.

"You know, I really don't think I will. Eugene,"

'Don't get a boner don't you do it,'

Before anyone could say anything else Peter took my hand and ran out of the store, across the street and into the park.

"Holy cow that was AWESOME!" He exclaims as he sits down on a small grassy hill in the middle of the park.

I smile, I don't know what happened back there but Jesus Christ. Just when I thought Peter couldn't get any hotter!

"Man," He was breathing heavily, with his cheeks flushed, he had a crazy look on his face, smiling widely."my ass is gonna get beat on Monday, but that was so worth it!"

I frown slightly at the mention of Flash hurting him.

I decided right then I wouldn't let that happen.

Peter POV

"Oh you so owe me more ice cream,"

I was currently on my way up an elevator at Stark Towers. Apparently Harley thought it would be a good idea not to tell me that I was having dinner with the avengers.

"That's fair," He said, stretching slightly, "don't worry, there all just huge dorks,"

"Yeah, huge dorks that could kill me in a million different ways," I scoff, I did not sign up for this today.

"If anyone's one danger it's me! Half of them already love ya' and the other half would burry my body for fun," He pouted as he said it, causing me to giggle at how cute he looks while doing it.

I don't think it's fair how attractive Harley is, he honestly looks like a model. His hair is perfect without effort and I really wanna run my hands through it. His eyes are this amazing blue color that looked so unique I don't think I'll ever see blue the same way again. And everything about his personality, how he's so confident yet he's so gentle and protective.

"How can half of them like me?" I ask, confused, "I barley met any of them,"

Harley gave me a lopsided look,

"You have an effect on people,"

I opened my mouth but was cut off my any due to the doors opening. Harley grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the elevator.

"Guys look! Harleys back!"

Harley groaned.

I, on the other hand, was nervous, but also excited.

"Hello again Peter,"

It was Miss Romanoff. She walked up from her spot on the couch.

"H-hi Miss Romanoff," I stutter, not really knowing what to say.

"Please, call me Natasha or Nat," She smiled at me.

"Ok Miss Natasha,"

She laughed.

"So," she said, glance if between Harley and I "has he scared you off yet?"

"What's that suppose to mean!" The voice next to me protested. I let out a laugh.

"Oh hey Peter! How has you evening been so far!" Mr. Bucky said walking up with Mr. Rodges by his side.

"Hey Mr. Winter Solider sir, it's been great honestly. I'm sure if I had a date to compare it too, this would be the best."

The room became silent.

"Wait, you mean I'm your first?" Harley asked. I nod.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"God no, you're just gonna give me a cuteness overload," he groaned.

"Ok love birds," Mr. Barton says from the sofa, "it's time for Mario Kart "

Harley POV

I can't help but gaze at Peter as we all eat dinner.

'I was his first date? Does that mean I was his first kiss too?'

"Kid, if you keep staring he's gonna think you're weird," Tony says, reaching for more bread at the middle of the table.

I glare at him

"Coming from the man who threw is android at a wall so he would be forced to accept the Stark phone,"

"Touché," he said, giving a shrug.

I glance at Peter again and frown, he looks a little warn out.

"Hey Darlin' let's go check out my room," I say standing up. Peter nods. Excusing himself, he followed my lead.

"Make sure to lock the door!" Of all people Pepper called after us. I don't respond, instead I gently lead Peter into my room.

"You ok hun?" I ask after making sure to follow Peppers advice. Not because I planned for anything to happen, but because the weirdos outside are unpredictable as all hell.

"Huh, oh yeah," my heart does a flip as Peter cutely rubs his eyes, "Sorry, m' just a bit tired. That was...a lot,"

"That's quite alright Darlin'. I'm sorry I didn't warn ya'"

My heart does a full blown gymnastics routine when Peter wraps me in a hug, resting his forehead on my shoulder.

"Would you like to spend the night here?" I ask trying my luck.

I feel him nod.

"Lemme text May," he mumbles out. Instead of breaking the hug, he pulls out his phone and props his chin on my shoulder, arms still around me.

"Would you like to change into something more comfortable?" I ask after a bit.

He nods.

I walk over to my dresser and pull out a hoodie and some sweats.

"You can change in the bathroom love," I say, handing him the clothes.

Que another tired nod as he stumbled in the direction of the bathroom. As he's changing, I quickly swap out my outfit for some flannel pajama bottoms and a loose fitting tee. Once I'm done I sat on the edge of my bed while I wait for him to get out of the bathroom.

"Mmh, hey Harley," he said walking out of the bathroom. He seemed slightly more awake now, as he set his folded cloths down in a corner. "May said I was fine to say,"

"Alright, you can stay here or in a guest room, which would you prefer?" I question, he blushes. Which is something I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing.

"H-here," he says after a minute, "I-if your a-alright with it,"

"Wouldn't have offered if I wasn't Sugar," I say, grabbing his hand I gently lead him to the bed. Instead of laying us down, I pull him into my lap, so that his legs are on either side or my torso.

"You know," he said, resting his forehead against mine, "your where my first kiss,"

I smirk and look into his eyes. There where so stunning, like chocolate, but they swirled with specks of lighter and darker shades of brown.

"Wanna have a second?"

"I wouldn't be apposed," he breathed out, leaning in ever so slightly.

I don't know who closed the distance, but it felt like fireworks when our lips connected. We may have kissed once before, but this felt much more special. This wasn't to spite anyone, this wasn't for anyone but us. It was so much more intimate that anything I had ever had or had ever hoped to have. Hands roaming freely as the kiss progressed. I had to resist the urge to pin him too the bed.

After about five minutes we broke apart.

"I think that one was my favorite," Peter said, resting his head in my shoulder again.

"I whole heartedly agree,"

I wrapped my arm around his waist and leaned back, falling onto the bed. Once we get situated, he cuddles further into my chest.

I swear this boy must have been made for me. His rythmic breathing was soothing, the way his fluffy hair fell on my chest, everything about him just made me fall further and further in love with him.

"Mmh..Harley?" He questions, she sounds like his fighting sleep.

"Yeah love?" I ask, starting to rub circles on his back. I feel him relax even more into me.

"What are we?"

I feel my heart trying to beat its previous routine.

"What ever you say we are,"

"Boyfriends sound nice," he mumbled almost incoherently to himself. I waited for him to elaborate, but I felt him fully relax into me.

One last thought goes through my mind before I to drift to sleep.

'Yeah, it does, doesnt it,'

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