Wish We Could Start All Over...

By JnxxieMonroeGriffis

2.5K 71 35

Jack is a nerd Alex is popular Alex, to keep up his social status, hates Jack. Jack however, couldn't care le... More

Nothing Personal
A Tuesday Afternoon
Why Can't Thursday Last Forever?
I Can Be Your Lost Boy
Let's Get Away
They're Coming To Get Me
I'm a Walking Travesty
Long Live The Reckless And The Brave
Do It For The Memories
Do It For Baltimore
Do It For Me
Time Bomb
I Will Shamefully Lust
Say Goodbye To The Halls And The Classes
Lazy Lover

My Lungs Gave Out

143 5 3
By JnxxieMonroeGriffis

Alex's POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Jack, I can't do this." I mumbled outside of the school building.

"Yes you can, dear." He assured and held my hand. I pulled my hoodie sleeves over my hands and sighed. We walked in and things seemed normal. People watched us carefully as if they didn't believe I was in the hospital. We got our schedules from the office and the principal looked at me.

"Welcome back, Alex. Hope you fell better." She told me. I nodded and gave her a smile. We checked and had the same schedule, so we walked to class. No one really asked anything, and I smiled when I should.  People seemed to think everything was normal. However, around third period, the monotone voice of the principal went over the intercom.

"Welcome back, students. Just a quick announcement about the school dresscode. It's been since last year, I know, and it's the first day back, but I've seen a lot of dress code breakers. Ladies, your shorts need to be past you fingertips boys, you cannot wear cut off shirts. And I also know we've been having some cold weather lately but no hooded jackets. Too many students are wearing their hoods in class and trying to get away with stuff they shouldn't do. So please take your hoodies off."

Jack turned to me and I looked to my hoodie. Everyone in the room that was wearing a hoodie took it off, and the teacher looked at me.

"Alex, take the hoodie off."he told me. I blinked back a tear and slowly took my hoodie off. A few people around the room laughed and joked.

"Hey, Alex. Why so serious?" Someone said.

"You know how I got these scars?" The guys friend mocked the Jokers voice. I kept my head down.

"Hey, Alex. What made you try to kill yourself? Was Josh right and you couldn't handle the pressure?" Someone said. Jack turned around.

"Seriously?  Shut up and leave him alone, you ignorant assholes." He snapped.

"Everyone stop it!" The teacher yelled. "Boys, leave Alex alone. You don't know the full story, and that's his buisness. And Jack,  inappropriate language is not allowed in school." I kept my head down the rest of the day, and held my arms to my sides all day so no one could see. At the end of the day, I pulled my hoodie on and hugged Jack. He held onto me tightly and kissed my head.

"If my mom will give me some money, will you go to the store and buy some long sleeved shirts?" I asked. He nodded.

"Of course." He said. We walked, and stopped at his house while he got his wallet and jacket. We walked to my house next and asked my mom for money. She agreed and told me to not stay out too late, but she wouldn't be home until late.

"How far of a walk is it to the mall?" I asked Jack.

"To far of a walk. That's why I'm stealing May's car." He said.

"I keep forgetting that you can drive." I mumbled and shook my head. Once we back to his house, he walked in to grab the keys. We got into the car and began driving.

"So, why does May have a car but you don't?" I asked.

"Well, it's actually a shared car, I just don't use it. Mom is trying to get me one, though." He replied. I nodded and started messing with the radio. I found a good station and started blasting it. We both awkwardly and loudly sang along.  When we got to the mall, he shut off the car and we walked into the mall. We walked around, buying random stuff, and a long long sleeved shirts for me.

"So... can I take you out sometime? I just realized we haven't been on a real date yet..." he blushed. I smiled.

"Sure." I told him.

"You know, we've been together for five months. Almost six." He said. I smiled and turned to him and hugged him tightly. He chuckled and held me. "Let's go so I can take you on a date."

"Okay." I laughed. We walked out and got to his car before putting all out stuff in. He drove off and refused to tell me where we were going. He ended up taking me to a small little café, where there were like five people all together, and three workers. We sat down and waited. When our waitress came, she looked at Jack.

"Hey, you're Jack, right? Jack Barakat." She asked with a British accent.

"Um... yeah." He seemed confused.

"I'm Josh's sister. I am so so so sorry for what he did to you and... what was the other boys name?" She asked.

"Alex." I said. She looked at me.

"Awe. But you're both so adorable. Josh has a lot of mental problems, and he likes to make people feel bad about themseves..." She shook her head. "But he never did mean to take it that far... he just wanted to make you upset."

"Oh..." I mumbled. Jack reached over and took my hand.

"Anyway,  what can I get you boys?" She asked. We both ordered our food and drinks and waited. When she brought us our food, we ate and talked.  

"So... now that school started what are we gonna do?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Same as always..." he shrugged. "Hang our during the weekends, play with our shitty high school garage band, make the most of senior year."

"Sounds good to me." I smiled. When we finshed, he payed and we headed back to his car. We stopped at my house and walked inside before taking my bag to my room. Right before he was about to leave, I grabbed his arm and turned him to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked seeing the look on my face.

"Jack, thank you so much for being here for me. I don't know anyone who would stay by my side this long."  I told him. "I love you so much. As long as you're with me, I don't have reason to leave." I watched him closely, and he watched me. He leaned down and kissed me slowly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck kissing back. I pulled him to the bed and continued kissing him. We kissed for a while before he pulled my shirt off. I did the same to him before kissing his neck. He moaned so quiet I barely heard it, and put his hands on my hips. I reached up and unbuckled his belt and jeans and he attached his lips to mine again before pulling my pants off with his. We continued kissing more and grinding our hips together. I gently bit his lip before reaching to his waist band and sliding his boxers down and off. He pulled back slightly and I looked into his eyes. He slid my boxers off and kissed me.

"Alex..." he watched me for a moment.

"Jack, I'm scared." I whispered. "I've... I have never had sex... with a boy or a girl..." my voice cracked.

"We don't have to have sex." He assured. "We can go slow, don't even have to touch if you don't want." I nodded and kissed him. He kissed my neck again before gently rubbing my hips. He pulled away again and watched me before his hand gently grabbed ahold of me. I gasped slightly before he began to slowly stroke. I swollowed the lump on my throat before leaning my head back smiled closing my eyes. I moaned slightly and wrapped my hand around his length quickly. He gasped and burried his face in my shoulder. We stroked each other at the same pase.

"J-Jack..." I moaned. He looked at me and nodded, understanding.

"Alex." He kissed me again before I shot onto his hand. He did the same a few moments later before he moved and laid beside me. I looked at him before kissing him. Before we even pulled away, I heard the front door shut.m we both stood quickly, cleaning ourselves off and trying to jump into our clothes as footsteps sounded up the stairs. He got his shirt on and flopped onto the bed as my door opened quickly.

"Alex, are you- oh. Hey, Jack." She said. "I was gonna ask who's car was in the driveway..."

"That's mine." Jack sat up.

"Oh. Are you staying the night?" She asked.

"I don't think. Just haven't gotten to the point of leaving yet." He smiled. "I should probably do that before my mom gets worried." I smiled at him before he gave me a hug and kissed my cheek.

"Bye." I said. He smiled back.

"Bye." He walked out. When the front door closed, she looked at me.

"Did you have sex?" She asked.

"No!" I exclaimed. 

"You did something." She pointed.

"You have proof of nothing!" I crossed my arms.

"Mhmm." She turned and walked out. I groaned and flopped onto the bed.

Jack's POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Jack, we need to plan vacation soon." My mom said as i walking in the door after school.

"...It's August." I said.

"Exactly. So we need to plan now, so if we need to make reservations early we can. Some of these places get booked early." She said. I sat beside her and looked at her laptop screen. "I think we should actually go somewhere different this year."

"Like what?" I asked.

"...Like a ski resort." She said. I shrugged.

"Sure." I said.

"Do you want to invite Alex and his mom?" She asked. "Since they took us to England with them."

"Sure. I'll ask later though." I told her. She nodded and I stood.

"So... look at this place. It's a cabin, it has four bedrooms. One for all three of us, and if Alex and his mom come, one for her and Alex could share with you. It's got a jacuzzi, a hot tub, has heating, and it's five miles from town."

"Nice." I looked at the pictures of the cabin.

"I can call tomorrow." She told me. I nodded.

"Okay. I'm gonna go work on homework and text Alex." I told her and walked to my room. I turned up my music and started working on my homework. I looked at my phone as it began playing Alex's ring tone. I picked it up and answered.

"Hey." I said and wrote the answer to a problem.

"I need to come over... Now." He said in a shaking voice.

"Okay... What's wrong?" I asked, but he hung up. I walked downstairs.

"Alex is coming over. I don't know what happened... he was upset on the phone." I told her.

"Okay..." She looked concerned. I waited until he showed up, and let him in. He grabbed my hand and walked to the steps. He pulled me to my room and tossed my books off my bed before flopping face first onto the pillows. I sat next to him slowly.

"Lex, what's wrong?" I asked.

"My dad... he hasn't left town yet and he keeps showing up and telling me to move to England with him." He groaned. I sighed. "And last time he said my mom is a bad parent because I tried to kill myself and then I blamed Tom's death on him. Today he called me a fag and said if I loved with him he'd make sure I don't date boys anymore." His eyes filled with tears. I hugged him tightly.

"Ignore him. He's an asshole and rude and you deserve better than him." I held him.

"Jack, he makes me feel like shit. It makes everything hurt." He cried and held onto me tightly.

"You'll be okay..." I hugged him more. He stayed quiet for a while. Eventually, he had fallen asleep, so I stayed there and slept too. I woke up eventually and saw it was ten. I looked and saw no light from the window and yawned. I stretched and Alex started waking up. When he was fully awake, too, he looked at me.

" What time is it?" He asked.

"Ten." I replied.

"... I'm hungry." He mumbled and stood up. I did the same and we walked downstairs. My mom was on the couch and turned to us.

"Alex, your mom called earlier... I went ahead and told her you can just stay tonight. She brought you some clothes." She said. He modded.

"We're gonna get food." I told her. She nodded and we walked into the kitchen. We both got food and took it to my room to eat. When we finished, he walked to the closet and pulled out one of my guitars. He handed it to me and grabbed my other before sitting cross legged in front of me.

"I've been thinking of another song." He told me.

" What do you have so far." I asked.

"Its kinda... personal... like with my brother and the, um, hospital trip." He added. I nodded. "I'm having trouble with guitar parts. It's gotta be slow and soft at first, and like halfway through it'll pick up."

"How about this." I said and played something quick. He shook his head.

"Maybe..." he said.

"How do the lyrics go?" I asked. He sang a few lines.

"That's all I've gotten with a tone." He said. I thought for a moment before playing a small part. He smiled and nodded. We continued for a while before finishing.

"Let's put it all together, and tomorrow we can get Zack and Rian and finish it." I said. He nodded and I started.

"My ship went down in and sea of sound. When I woke up alone I had everything. A handful of moments I wished I could change, and a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade. In a city of fools, I was careful and cool, but the tore me apart like a hurricane. A handful of moments I wished I could chage, but I was carried away.

Give me Therapy. I'm a walking travesty, but I'm smiling at everything. Therepy, you were never a friend to me. You can keep all your misery.

My lungs gave out as I faced the crowd. I think that keeping this up could be dangerous. I'm flesh and bone. I'm a rolling stone, but the experts say I'm dilereous.

Give me Therapy. I'm a walking travesty, but I'm smiling at everything. Therepy, you were never a friend to me. You can take back your misery.

Arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to. They're better off without you. (Better off without you)

Arrogant boy, cause a scene like you're supposed to. They'll fall asleep without you. You're lucky if your memory remains.

Give me Therapy. I'm a walking travesty, but I'm smiling at everything. Therapy,  you were never a friend to me.  You can take back your misery.

Therapy. I'm a walking travesty. But I'm smiling at everything. Therapy, you were never a friend to me. And you can choke on your misery..."

We finished and he smiled. I looked up and saw my mom and May.

"Shitty high school garage band, right?" May smiled. Alex looked down and I chucked.

"Okay, we're not that shitty." I said.

"You guys sound good together." Mom told us.

"It'll sound way better when we get drums and bass." Alex said. "We might go to Rian's after school tomorrow."

"And if we do that, we'll probably do more because we don't know how to stop." I added. Alex laughed.

"How may songs did we start that one day?" He asked.

"Um... Five maybe..." I shrugged.

"What kind of music do you guys plan to do?" May asked.

"We're gonna be the next Blink-182." I said.  Alex laughed.

"Not really, but yes at the same time." Alex shrugged.

"Aren't you two a bit young to be singing like Blink?" Mom asked.

"I'm 18." I flipped her off. She rolled her eyes.

"Go to sleep. You have school tomorrow." They left. I put the guitars away and we curled up on the bed. We talked for for a while before going to sleep again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So, people are fighting a lot and I wanna hide in my room... have Jalex. Hope your days are better than mine.


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