Daniela's Block

By Satinsbaby

45.4K 567 36

Daniela moved into town and things flip upside down. Cesar is getting over Monse because she can't make up he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Authors Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 17 Part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 6

2.2K 34 0
By Satinsbaby

Cesar's P.O.V
a week passed since i slept with Monse and tbh it wasn't the last.
Danz would text me all the time but since i stopped replying fast she stopped texting me. I feel bad and now i feel like i have to tell her. so i'm going to
Danz P.O.V
Cesar stopped texting me. Well replying to me fast like he would and the. it turned into him not texting me. I asked Jamal wha he was up to since he can't keep a secret and he told me he was hanging out with Monse and he only knew because he saw him heading to her her place when he was doing over Ruby's so we could hang out. That made so much sense to me. i was honestly hurt on the inside bc i was really falling for Cesar but if i'm only going to be used a rebound then i don't want to no part of Cesar. I can ride solo by myself. I went over to his house. Not for him but to talk to spooky.
S:Que te pasa nena
D:Is Cesar here
S:no but i can cal him for you
D:no no no, i wanted to talk to you
S:whats up? are you okay?
Tears started pouring my eyes
D:It's just...
i started crying
S:you can tell me anything. i'm here for you
he wiped the tears out of my eyes and held my face close to his
S:Whats wrong?
D:Cesar and I have gotten close and I really liked him but then he stopped texting me out the cut and i didn't why so i asked Jamal and he told me that he was hanging out with Monse and I just have a bad feeling about it and...
i started crying again. he pulled me in for a hug. this is why i love spooky. he has a hard shell on the outside. But for me, he's soft and let's me in.
S:I don't want to make you cry even more but i agree with you on that feeling
he sat down on a bucket and sat me on his lap
S:Monse was his first and i know how all that lovey dovey shit goes. I promise if he hurts you i'm going to hurt him.
that made me laugh and actually made me smile. i put my arm around his neck to make myself more comfortable.
S:You are beautiful Danz. any guy would be lucky to have you and if my brother can't see that the. that's his fault .
D:you really think so
S:i know, look at you !
he stood up which made me stand up and gave me a twirl
S:you really are beautiful. Don't worry about him if he's really on that.
D:I love you spooky
S:i love you too Danz
Cesar came around to the back
C:whats going on
D:we we're just talking
C:didn't seem like it
S:sit the fuck down before you start accusing someone
C:i'm sorry buts just what i saw
S:don't get it twisted
I was making my way to the front yard to go home but then Cesar pulled me from my arm
D:let go of me
i said angrily
C:Why are you and
D:i'm fine
i was at my front door ready to go in
C:we need to talk
D:about what
C:i did something that i feel guilty about and i don't know why
i took a deep breath and turned around and sat on the chair in my porch and invited him over
C:Danz since i met you you've corrupted my brain. All i could think about was you. All i was feeling for is you. You are so beautiful, sweet, kind, and charming. I did something that you might hate me for and never want to talk to me again.
I saw spooky standing by the side of the house listening but, i didn't say anything.
D:what did you do
C: i slept with Monse
those words hit me like a knife stabbing right through my heart. I began to cry . I saw spooky beginning to walk up
D:stop, stay there
that's when Cesar became aware
D:I'm not mad. You weren't even mine to begin with. I'm hurt. I was really falling for you. I really thought we could be together. But after that. No.
C:Danz im sorry
D:We can be friends. But more than that.
It's not happening.
Spooky walked up and gave me hug.
S:i'll come back for you. and you
he looks at Cesar
S: get in the house
D:don't hurt him
he said hesitantly
I went inside, into my room and began to cry
Cesar's P.O.V
i fucked up. I can't believe i fucked up. I went to my room and opened the window. Her window was half way open. i could hear her cry. I felt so bad. I wanted to hold her but i knew i couldn't because it was my fault.
S:what did i tell you
C:i didn't mean to
S: you gon be doing some heavy work for me now
Clean this house. Your doing that robbery with the guys. One fuck up and they'll fuck you up.
C:i'm sorry
S: save it
I cried. I'm so confused. I didn't want Monse anymore and now i can't have Danz. I fucking hate myself. Why did i have to fuck up.

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