Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfe...

By vegito1308

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Two monsters who were scarred by the world and left to suffer in isolation, but what happens when you put one... More

Dead Inside
Finding a Key
The Queen
Social Struggle
The Silence
Land Ho
Settling for Something
Lead that leads
The suburban fight
More Problems
Super Soldiers
Sight Seeing
Relieving and Relishing
Notice of Contingency
The New Leaf
Battle of Limbs: Lucy
War of the past: Alex
Power Contrast
Duo Finisher
Not alone, ever again
Nyu is cute
I Remember
Fighting Blackwatch Hordes
End of Mission
Dana Mercer
Missing him
The Unforseeable future
Alex awakens! Our Sweet Home
The End is Just the Beginning

Tag Cross Blast

700 20 9
By vegito1308

Alex fought the Supreme Hunter Craven as the two sprouted tentacles and tried to tear each others flesh which fought back in a grizzly scene of blood going everywhere.

Well blood and that yellow puss shit that seemed to be very acidic. It wasn't doing wonders for this base's structure.

The two dropped to their knees as their cut, torn, and slashed skin began to fix itself. Mercer regenerated his armor as so injuries to himself as the Supreme Hunter had broken through and tried to eat him like he was some kind of crustacean.

Alex begun to do the same thing and slowly began to feel the limit of this supreme hunter. The more he ate of him, the slower the regeneration rate. He had eaten 35% of his body but he kept on coming or blowed him away with swings of his massive arms.

Alex then widened his pupils as he detected a swing of his arm. The arm of Craven became a 20 ft tentacle that began to swipe in a vortex manner. Alex dodged the giant limb as he crawled down from the swings

The swings were so strong Alex had to use his claws to not be swept away by the giant vortex that came with each spin. The base's structure rattled with the wind produced and when it struck the metal supports or the ground, it broke off pieces or cracked the surrounding area.

He must not get hit by any of those strikes.


To the prototype's dismay, the tentacle began leaking acid, a yellow neon substance. It hit his armor and to Alex's surprise it began to fume and eat away at his armor. He dashed to him to cut into his gut, tearing his claws out to pour himself in Craven's blood which worked to neutralize the acid on him.

A wave of the acid was shot to Alex but he did the smart move and moved to be behind a steel rebar. It succeded in taking the acid but soon heard creaking. Alex looked to the object he leaned on and saw the steel actually bend from the top.

The tentacle struck near him to the ground, making a hole were he stood and the beam was more crooked than it was before.

There was enough support for the temporal base they were at to hold but much more of this would mean everything will come down.

The thought scared him as Lucy was fighting that skank of Craven's and he did not know or see anything close to an exit.

He felt vibrations from the ground and walls, dodgin a tentacl strike to put his ear to the opposing wall far from him and closer to where Lucy was fighting. He could hear minimal explosions, metal strikes, and your casual falling object sound but he didn't hear Lucy. So she was fine.

He got out of the way as the tentacle pierced a steel foundation and almost struck Alex as he skidded to a halt looking at him.

"End of the line!" Craven yelled, slurred syllables spitting red saliva as Alex ran this time towards the tentacle. The supreme hunter threw the tentacle arm at him like a whip, aiming right for his head to split it in two like a watermelon.

Before he had a chance to smile though he was proven so wrong when a piercing pain filled his entire arm. Alex transformed his right arm into the blade, extra veins and structure making it much more ominous as it struck the top spear point of the tentacle.

The winner was Alex as the sharp arrow head split in two and consecutively Alex added more speed and weight to this, flexing his blade arm to his body but the blade facing forward as he charged into the tentacle.


The supreme hunter hurt all around as he felt the anguish slow pain of his arm being cut in two all the way to his 'elbow'. His imperfect serum cost him as he still needed pain receptors and other bodily functions so he could be 'better' than project Zeus, so now his pain receptors flared so bad he could not detransform his tentacle and much less concentrate to get the other bulky arm to answer as he entered a short shock. That was all Alex needed.

He split the tentacle and the acid flared all around, melting his armor as so did the walls and metal structures. The steel supports were holding on but glancing at how they began to bend he could guess their time here was limited.

Stopping to the farthest Alex could, he twisted inside Craven's tentacle, making a disgusting meat suckling sound and cut the entire arm off doing a spin jump out of his reach as the other gigantic arm slammed anywhere near Craven.

His armor fell off him as he skidded to a halt, the top carapace to his chest and the helm of his slamming hrad to the ground as even his arm blade melted at the edged of the blade.

Then Alex was struck so fast he lost sight of him. He crashed to a steel rebar and tore right through it, being pinned to the back wall as Alex felt his body being squished inwards.

Alex changed to claws and struck the tentacle mass that sprinkled acid all over him. The acid hurt now as it reach his real body. He was sizzling from his skin and felt the acid begin to take its toll.

"GRRRHHH-! HAMMERFISTS!" Alex stretched his fists to the sky and on cue they became giant spiked masses that hammer downed the tentacle

Getting it off his body, The Prototype slammed on and on to crush it, blood and pus coming off it before he kicked it away and making Craven lose his balance.

He dashed to him just as his armor began regenerating and struck Craven's chest, cleaving him out as a pint of blood burst from the Supreme hunter and a gallon of it cascaded off as Alex pulled his blade away.

The prototype then switched his tactic to changing his arm to the Whipfist, aimed downward and whipped the vile blade to cut his tree trunk legs. It struck the left, tearing half way into it before he launched himself forward and tackled Alex to the wall. The prototype bled but he recoiled his extended arm to hit Craven's head, splitting off a chunk off him with his left eye gone.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT MERCER-!" He bellowed before a roar erupted and he unleashed growths from his body. The growths soon exploded to be tendrils that tore into Alex's body and even parts of his still armored self.

"GAAAAAAAHHHH-!" Alex coughed blood as his whip went crazy and begun to fling and spi wildly. It bounced off the surfaces it struck or moved in mid-air to tear off Craven's body in any way to get him off him. His body began to do the same thing but instead of absorbing just like the Supreme Hunter wanted, his tendrils that came off his body were neutral well formed tentacles spearheading into his enemy rather than spreading veins like an infection.

"Give up mercer... Let them sink in... And become part of a new world... Born out of the carcass planet we have... Can't you understand what I'm doing-!?"

He pulled Alex off the wall and slammed him to bend the metal inward, sticking his shoulder into his enemy more as spikes protruded like javelins off his shoulder and impaled Alex as he was being eaten alive at a cellular rate by the strands of veiny red roots.

Alex struck Craven's back with the whip, splitting his back open only for the flesh to split apart more and create meat slab hands that grabbed onto his whipfist, making it impossible for him to move as his other arm was halfway eaten and his body was trying it's best to fight him off from eating anything else. He would falter. He just had to hold on.

"Humanity is stagnant- DYING-! I would give it one mind, one body... Think about it-! No more conflict, no more disease, no more suffering-! Don't you see!? I'M GIVING IT A SECOND CHANCE!!!"

Alex created another arm on the fly, making it with biomass as it struck his face away from growling at him his crazyness.

"-But at a cost too high for any living thing to pay! You will enslave them all into a hivemind! No one will actually be free of any of those things you just proclaimed if you win!" Alex growled as he shook off some of the veiny strands eating close to his heart and his powers began to encase his heart in a hard carapace over many layers. It also started to eat the bloody veins to replenish itself.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha....
Freedom has a high price Alex... I thought you out of anyone in this base would know that, hypocrite."

The Supreme Hunter raised an arm, the one Alex cut off a while ago now fully reformed into a giant claw. It sizzled with shaky veins all over it "And for monsters, happiness is beyond that. We can never be happy in this world... Much less the next-!"


The two of them got interrupted as suddenly the wall Alex was being held to caved in, the metal wall torn apart as Lucy came out of it. She had been thrown by artificial bitch into the Supreme Hunter, accidentally hitting him with vectors that were meant to stop her decent. It seemed Viktoria put too much force.

"KGGGH-!" Craven hurled back as sick invisible punches knocked him away as Alex fell to the ground, bleeding all over but healing in relief.

"Hey..! Good timing Lucy..." He stood up, his ribs snapping before they fixed themselves.

"What are you fighting-!?" She asked, turning to the monster she just hit and wondered how much flesh can be compiled together and not fall-?

"It's too long a story for me to tell you right now! But he's Craven, the top brass guy here, injected himself with something similar to my own viral powers but became a Supreme Hunter... Aka an ugly mothertrucker" he said, grabbing his bearings as his body mended that eaten out parts of himself

"Okay..." She said, taking in the crazy things he just said but knew better it was the truth. Plus now she was motivated to act and kill that guy after finishing miss russian killer over there.

She rubbed the back of her head before noticing Alex was really broken all over even with that new armor thing he had going on. She ignored the armor to show worry for him without knowing herself "It's good to see you in one piece." She said, getting close to him and seeing his viral regeneration fixing him up quickly.

"You almost done with this guy's pet-?" He asked, his armor now fixed tot he fullest extend "Cause I need help..." He said, making Lucy giggle. He basically asked her out to help to kill another monster. It's really ironic at this point. It felt almost like a...

"Sorry Alex... But this bitch is tough." She flexed, throwing a vector as she intercepted a mini-missile heading for Alex's back.

The prototype grabbed her in response as a giant tendril came her way and he carried her close to his body before jumping away. She held on as the two landed away.

Viktoria and Craven landed together in front of the duo, the mech suit and the fleshy giant body echoing as so did Alex and Lucy's skidding on the broken ground. Fire was everywhere as there was creaking on every foundation in this base.

"Oh sweety~ I see the prototype did not share our same ideas... And he made you take that viral enhancer." Viktoria said as she walked to her now hulking giant "Wanna beat on him together honey?" She asked enthusiastically

"Of course hon, It will be a step closer to our dream!"

The two laughed together as Alex and Lucy wondered how cynical was what they just did. Did they just assume they could beat them easily-?

"You think you've won this secretary-!?" Lucy threatened as her vectors unveiled in 10 invisible hands

"The battle will turn for the worst! For you that is!" Alex roared as his right arm pointed forward to his enemies before slashing the ground to cause sparks

"NOW LET'S FIGHT-!" Alex and Lucy both said, angry and determined to finish these to crazies and rid the world of these two

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