45 Days to Save the Bad Boy

By AwesomeMC

1.5M 55.7K 16K

Georgie Talbot is a nerd. She gets bullied daily, but does nothing to stop it. One day, a creepy man who is... More

45 Days to Save the Bad Boy
Fun Facts! *May contain spoilers*


20.5K 1.1K 389
By AwesomeMC

Peter texted me about an hour after school ended.  Breton hadn't attended, and Peter was in detention before school, during lunch, and after school.

From: Ur BFFL Peter

Hey, I'm outside.

To: Ur BFFL Peter


From: Ur BFFL Peter

No, I mean I'm outside your house

To: Ur BFFL Peter

That's not creepy at all

From: Ur BFFL Peter

Just get down here.  We're going on a trip

To: Ur BFFL Peter


From: Ur BFFL Peter

A place.  Stop being frustrating.  I already spoke to your mom, so you can come.  Let's go, we're going to be late.

To: Ur BFFL Peter

Late for what?

From: Ur BFFL Peter

It's a surprise.  Are you coming or not?

"Mom, I'm going with Peter to wherever Peter's taking me and we'll back at whenever Peter said we'd be back!" I called to my mom, grabbing a sweatshirt and my house keys before running out the door to Peter's car.

"Hello, Georgie," Peter said creepily as I opened the car door and slid inside.  "Glad you could make it."

"If you bring me somewhere to murder me," I warned, "my mom will hunt you down."

"Well, okay then.  I guess I'm using Plan B," he joked.  I glared at him.  "Fine," he sighed.  "I promise I'm not taking you into the woods to murder you and use your dead body to spur Breton into confessing his feelings for you."

"How would that even work?" I wondered.  "If I was dead, what would be the point anymore?"

"Stop ruining all my ideas," Peter groaned.  We'd been driving for about ten minutes, and I had no clue where we were going.

"Can you tell me where we're going yet?" I asked.

"No," he replied.

"Okay," I said.  "I can wait, I guess.  If I use up all of my will power."

"Why don't you text Breton and see if he's ready," suggested Peter, glancing at me.

I shrugged, taking out my phone and texting Breton.

To: Breton

Peter told me to text you and ask if you are ready

From: Breton

Ask him how long

"He wants to know how long," I informed Peter.  "How long until what?"

"Tell him three minutes," Peter said, ignoring my question.

To: Breton

Three minutes.  What's going on?

From: Breton

I'm almost ready

"He says he's almost ready," I read aloud.  Peter nodded.

'What in the world is going on?  Peter said I wasn't going to be killed, and that was a stupid plan anyway.  Let me think about this....

'So, my mom said that Breton loves me.  Peter said that he wants Breton to confess his feelings for me.  Pat thought we were a couple at the ice cream shop and said that my teasing was "too much for the boy," which is admittedly a confusing statement.  I need to call cousin Natalie tonight and see what she thinks.  She reads a lot of books, a situation like this has to be in one of them!

'Wait a minute...what if, what if Breton loves me, and Peter wants his to tell me that.  Patricia could see that he loves me, and thought we were a couple.  My teasing was "too much" for Breton because he really likes me but thought I was messing around, which I was, but whatever.  I think in this situation, Natalie would tell me...'

I stopped thinking and pulled out my phone, texting my cousin quickly.

To: Natalie

Does Breton love me?

She replied instantly.

From: Natalie


Oh.  Well, that clears things up.

To: Natalie

Do I love Breton?

I hit send and immediately worried.  My cousin replied a minute later.

From: Natalie

I've never been in love, so I had to check a few books, and websites for you.  Instead of an answer, I came up with a few questions.

What do you feel like when you're around him?

Does he make you smile?

How often do you think about him?

What would you do for him?

What is your favorite thing about him?

Do you think he makes you a better person?

Text me the answers, I'll send you a verdict.

My cousin did research for me, and actually thought up quite a few questions too.  I love her.  Then I thought about her questions.  

Breton made me feel safe, and happy.  I smiled around him a lot, and thought about him quite often, although that could be because of Operation 45D.  I'd do almost anything for him (unless it was illegal), and there wasn't one thing about him I could pick as a favorite because everything about his is perfect.

As for the last question, do I think he makes me a better person?  Yeah, I do.  He helped me meet new people and unconsciously supported me as I tried to build up confidence.  He's helped me to embrace new things, and doesn't judge me for my decisions and opinions, allowing me to come up with them on my own.

He helps me be me.  And I love him for that.

Well, and other reasons, obviously.  But that's the biggest, most cliché reason.  Then I realized exactly what I had just discovered about myself.  So I texted Natalie and told her so.

To: Natalie

Thanks for the research and the questions.  I don't even have to give you my answers to know what you're going to tell me, because I'm psychic like that.  Also, I just came to the realization that I love him.  So thanks for pushing me gently in the right direction with your bookish ways.

And then I sat and replayed so many things in my mind that it was like watching a movie of my life.  Although not really, because that would probably take at least seventeen years to watch, plus another seventeen years of watching me watching my life, and then more of that, which would lead to a never ending cycle of confusion.

"We're here," Peter announced.

"Ooh, where is here?" I asked.

"A secret place where I have to tell you something before I send you in to meet someone all on your own," he answered.

"Ooh, a secret place!" I said excitedly.  "Quick, tell me what you have to tell me so that I can go find it!"

"I love you," Peter told me.  I froze.

"Peter say what?"

"What," said Peter.  

I laughed.  Then I realized..."Hey, no distracting me!"

"Sorry," he apologized.

"I forgive you.  Now, please explain."

"I love you," he repeated.  "Like a sister."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I used to love you as more than a sister," he told me, "but after bullying you for years, I knew you wouldn't ever like me like that.  Then I started spending more time with you, and I realized my feelings were changing.  And I sort of need to tell you all this now, before you go in that building, so that this whole thing will be clear to you."

I nodded my understanding and urged him onward.

"When Breton told me how he felt about you, I wasn't really sure how to react.  I wasn't completely over you, but my cousin was falling for you and I knew you were falling for him too.  So I promised myself that I would do my best to help the two of you get together.

"So far, the two of you have just been the worst to work with.  Until we made the list of things to save Breton from himself and I had an idea.  If I wasn't there helping, the two of you would probably notice your chemistry, right?  So I took a few days off of school without permission and viola!  Georgie and Breton have gotten a few steps closer to realizing their feelings.  

"And then I discovered you kissed.  This is great news, right?  I mean, I'm still a bit unsure about this all, because now that I feel like you're a little sister to me, do I really want you kissing boys and stuff?  I've obviously gotten over that now though, because if it has to be someone, I'm glad it's Breton.  Now I just feel a bit like a proud father, mixed with a protective big brother, and adding a few excited cousins emotions in there as well because I'm excited for my cousin.

"Now, you're probably wondering why I'm telling you this, but I thought it was important for you to know because of what you're going to do next.  Maybe it's a little sudden, but it needed to be done.  And I need you to promise me you'll do this," Peter finished.

"Do what?" I asked, because he hadn't asked me to do anything yet.

"Nah-ah, you have to promise first."

"I promise," I told him, anxiously awaiting further instructions.

"Good.  Now get in that building and go tell Breton you love him," cried Peter, pointing to the building next to the car.

"Aye-aye captain!" I shouted, saluting Peter before getting out of the car.  Then I turned back to my friend.  "How am I supposed to find Breton?"

"I dunno, shout his name or something," he told me.

"You're a big help," I said sarcastically.

He replied with, "I do what I can."

I turned away again and took a few steps, but once again stopped and looked back.



"You're like a big brother to me, and I love you too," I told him before running off to the building to find Breton.

"Breton?" I asked, turning down another hallway.  "Where are you?"  No answer, so I took out my phone and texted him, asking where he was.

"You're getting closer," he said from somewhere up ahead.  I walked towards where I thought his voice was coming from.

"How close?" I wondered.  "My feet are starting to hurt."

"Really close," he whispered in my ear, causing me to spin around.


"Georgie!" he mimicked.

"I have something to tell you," I said.

"Me too," he nodded.

I took a deep breath and then...

"I love you!" we said simultaneously.

Normally, there probably a big make-out session after a mutual love confession, but that didn't happen for Breton and I.  We just after that, and kind of had an unexpected date (well it was unexpected for me, anyway), even though it was a Monday night.

"Sorry about avoiding you," Breton apologized.  "I just wasn't really sure how to act."

"That's okay," I said.  "I wasn't really sure either."  

He grinned and showed me what he had been up to earlier, when I was texting him for Peter.  There was a blanket on the ground in the middle of a small room.  The only other thing inside the room that I could see was a television and a stack of movies.

"Take your pick," Breton told me.  "We're having a movie night."

"Yay!" I squealed, rushing over to the pile and looking through the movies intently.  Eventually, I settled on Disney's Sleeping Beauty.

"I had a feeling you'd pick that one," he told me, sitting next to me on the blanket with another blanket, a bowl of snacks, the remote, and a flashlight in his hands.

"How so?" I wondered.

"I'm psychic," he winked.

"Me too."

"Also, your mom said it's one of your favorites," admitted Breton, setting the snacks between us and covering my shoulders with the blanket.  I grinned, picturing him asking my mom about this.

He got up and put the movie in for me, and then we sat down to watch as the previews rolled on screen and the show began.


I feel like this is the most awkward date scene in history, but I'll clear it up in the next chapter.  I'm so crap at writing date scenes.  >.<  Tell me what you thought anyway, maybe I can get some pointers.  ;)

In other news, Peter cleared things up between Georgie and himself, so that's all good.  Tell me what you think of that!  Too sudden?  A disappointment to your ship?  Let me know!

This is basically just a filler chapter, but as we apparoach the end I find a lot of those happening...

Comment, vote (if you like the chapter), and Georgeton Joelbot (Breton and Georgie) shippers do a happy dance!

{Also, next time any two of my characters have names that are impossible to ship together, let me know after the first two chapters... because really the name Georgie is impossible to pair with anything.}

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