
By KaiserBlood68

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This is a story of a young man that been frozen time for 3300 when he left Earth during a time of Krieg or wa... More

Chapter 1 The Awakening
Chapter 2 Planet Fall
Chapter 3 The Story of old
Chapter 4 The Rise of the Clones and Clankers
Chapter 5 The building of a Nation part 1
Chapter 5 The Building of a Nation Part 2
Chapter 6 The Hunt
Chapter 8 Remnant of an Empire
Chapter 9 The Future of Warfare
Chapter 10 The Preparation of the Expanding and reclaiming of Empires
Chapter 11 The Siege of Castle Armee
Chapter-12 The battle of the Green skins
Chapter-13 The GeneralfieldMarshal and The Kommandant
Chapter-14 The Goblin Underworld
Chapter-15 The Festival of The Blood Moon
Chapter-16 The Capital at Krieg
Chapter 17 A Capital in Ruin
Chapter-18 The Teething in the Dark

Chapter 7 The Horde

386 9 3
By KaiserBlood68

As the horde of skeletons drew closer to the Kingdom, the Kaiserreich army quickly rushed to the first trench line setting up the Battle lines, filling it with tens of thousands of men armed with bolt-action rifles  with bayonets, MP 35 and MP 40s, plus a few with MG 34s. Back at the inner city, The Vienna Artillery teams were firing endless rounds trying to quickly drain the hordes numbers that more than Greatly outnumbered them. Right now Kaiser Colby is the commander of the center Army and The Fallback lines if the dead ever breach the walls of Vienna... Kaiser Colby knows that his side has superior firepower and planning, but even he knows it will not be enough to fight off the dead. He will do everything in his power to make sure his Kingdom and Nation will see the next day. Right now General Redca has order his men to set up mortar emplacements in the last trench for covering fire, but the down fall that will soon come at the first trench will be the low amount of ammunition up there for the MG teams while the rest of the ammunition is located in the third trench guard by the best to the best MG teams using the state of the art MG 42 that were used in only for defence only and few were produce due to the amount of material it cost to build, but nevertheless this weapon will cut down thousands of undead before they could even reach the walls and bunkers. As the dead gets closer and closer to the first trench and artillery shells never stop raining the fields once filled with lusted greenland and now turn to ash, smoke, fire and crater going about three to four feet in the ground. The clones, droids, Elves, and Volkssturm prepare to open fire on the horror that draws ever so closer.

Colby: "Attention! People of the Empire. We are about to be attacked by an incoming undead horde please seek shelter. We will deal with this threat quickly as we can and promise to protect you and this great nation. We built this nation from almost nothing and we shall fight to our last dying breath before this nation falls!"

Colby walks over to the armory and pics up a K98 and a new assault rifle the STG44 or Sturmgewehr 44 and a few grenade and then Featintila came rushing in the armor with a few elves and OberfieldMarshall Redac with his best clone fighters all of them grabbing ammo, gewhers, and artillery rounds.

*Meanwhile on the frontlines*

Soldier 1: "Incoming undead forces. Looks like the first wave is zombies with a few small arms melee weapons"

Droid 1: "Roger that sir."

Soldier 2: "Sir we have a limited amount of ammo for the MGs up here so I'm guessing we will have to retreat to the wheat fields where the second trench is located?"

Soldier 1: "Ja mein freund! Once all ammo is spent here on the MGs we will retreat back to the other trench where there fresh ammo is waiting for us and hopefully where we can hold our positions"

Droid 1: " I'm picking up a large amount of biomass incoming!"

Soldier 1: "Alright men you heard the droid get ready to open fire!"

All the men and women and droids quickly moved to their positions and some were shaking due to the ground always moving due to the artillery shells kept raining down behind them all the way back from the City while others were smiling and eager to charge or kill their enemy with no remorse. The droids had no fear nor sprite for anything except for following orders.

Horde: "BBBBBB Rrrr aaaa iiii nnnn" "Kill . . .them . . . ALL!"

Soldier 1: "OPEN FIRE!"

Everyone opened fire and hail of bullets started to fly towards the mindless and undead and soon hit their soft flesh and quickly gave those once people, but undead horrors mercy for becoming nothing but slaves in an arm that never tired or sometimes eats. Waves of the Zombie infantry battalion kept coming and just adding to the body count that is already making a pile that will reach for the sky.

*After two hours*

Right now I have been getting reports from the frontlines that we are holding the dead back for now, but recently I got a status report of ammo shortage on the front so the men and droids will soon fall back to the second position stationing in the farm district and mining district.

Officer: "Come on men hold the line!"

Soldier: " but sir! We can't hold our for long" undead skeletons comes running with a spear and hit that soldier in the eye through the other side of his head then the officer open fired with his MP40 and used his entire clip to shoot it in the head.

Officer: "Mein Gott I shall never forget your sacrifice!"

High Command: "attention all forces in the first trench fall back orders have been giving out. More enemy forces are coming in with some type of catapult and creatures. I repeat fall back to the second trench line!"

While the officer was listening to the radio a big and ugly abomination came through killing a dozen or so men and most of them were cut in half or being devoured by the creature.

Officer: "Fall back and shoot that abomination while retreating to the second line. Attention High Command request an artillery strike on my position!"

While he waited a response the abomination came close to kill him, then the officer pulls out his Säbel 1898 and cut off one of the arms in the abomination and then High command responded

High Command: "Request granted. Fire on your position now and get the HELL OUT OF THERE!"

The officer quickly ran for the next trench only to be hit by some shrapnel and luckily managed to get in the trench to be banged up and fighting until his last dying breath with his men.

"Meanwhile back in the inner City"

Redac: "Order four mortar teams to shell the enemy once they are in range and disregard those that are our men and droids loss. The only thing that matters is the city must hold!"

Colby walks in the War room where radio operators and high ranking commanders are planning their move as quickly as they can to bring down the horde of the undead.

Colby: "Marshall Redac, what is our Situation?"

Redac: "Well Herr Kaiser. Our forces had to fall back to the second trench line because of new problems just presented to us"

Colby: "What are the problems?"

Redac: " The undead have deployed some type of new creatures that look like something from a horror book and a catapult filled with meat in it and recently we've been calling it a meatWagon."

Colby: "MeatWagon you say!" Think for a moment "Well then let see if these machines can beat our 10.5 CM artillery batteries!"

Back on the frontlines all troops from the first trench retreat to the second one just in the farming district as well in the mining district and trying to quickly build up as many fortifications and laying mines to try and halt the undead heavy infantry.

Officer: "Kommandant Roger?"

Roger: "Ja Herr officer"

Officer: "all my remaining forces have retreat from the first trench and setup what remains of the mg teams to bolster our defenses"

Roger: "Wunderbar Herr Officer" "Now Someone get me two MG42!"

Officer: "Kommandant, why do you need two MG42?"

Roger: "so I can buy time for you all to retreat to the final trench before this position is over run"

As Roger told them his plan the undead horde screams howling in night left the troops shaking of what they hear, but before the undead could even get to the second trench they must cross the killzone of artillery that Continuously bomb the position of where they must cross about 30 yards of no cover in farmlands and mining district.

Roger: "Here they come boys! Show no mercy and do not retreat until I say so and once I give the order run like hell, ok!?

Officer: "Ja Herr Kommandant!"

As all the men and droids line up in the trench and aim their guns at the enemy that comes for them. The undead wave was getting pounded by non-stop artillery fire for one day now. Kaiser Colby sent a distress signal for help and runners to ask the aid of nearby kingdoms for help, but it would be another day or so before they would see help come and save them.

After hours and near midnight Roger ordered his men and droids to fall back to the wall and final entrenchment to hold the city walls. Roger was the only soldier let or droid in the trench picking up zwei Maschinengewehr zweiundvierzig and the final words he said when the officer look back at Roger and heard this Roger say "Für Gott, Kaiser, Vaterland!!!" then the droid open fire with his two MG in both hands becoming the James Rambow, but as a droid just laying waste to the undead forces cutting them down with every shot he made, and then once he ran out of ammo for both guns he took a grenade and charge at the enemy's meat wagons to take out the undead siege weapons. Roger throws his grenade while getting speared to death by the undead spear men. With roger final breath he said "Jetzt bist du Screw Mutter ficken untot" and then the undead that speared him look back at the meat wagons and saw the grenade that Roger through and scream so loud the defenders that retreated look back and saw roger sacrifice himself in the defence of the Fatherland.

*Meanwhile elsewhere*

It has been hours since the Kaiser dispatch runners to go find help, but after hours one of the runners ran into a huge army coming from a mountain and all of them are refugees from once a great Kingdom that stretched from vast amounts of territory. One dwarf came up to the runner and spoke to him.

Dwarf: "If you come to this once great kingdom to find wealth and prosperity then you are too late" "We are nothing more but refugees and we do not wish to cause you any trouble and the only thing we seek now is a new home"

Runner: "Well I actually looking for help to save my Kingdom from a horde of undead that are still sieging Neu Vienna and my Kaiser has sent me to find help to destroy the undead horde"

Dwarf: "A undead horde!"

Runner: "Ja mein freund."

Dwarf: "well then if we help can your Kai..Kaiser give us a home?"

Runner: "My Kaiser would give you a home and more if you help us."

Dwarf: "Well then We will come to help"

After the dwarf agrees to help Runner and his people in Neu Vienna. A group of elves mostly women and few men appeared and wish to join them because these elves are once from the same place where Featintila is from and one them is her sister Sasha Axanquenudu that came up to the runner asking questions about other elves and the city under art h by the undead and then she also agreed to lend aid to help save the Kingdom and her sister.

Back at Neu Vienna the undead horde is almost out of troops but something or someone has been slowly raising the dead to come back to fight and some of them are the soldiers of the Kingdom, but one of the spotters for the artillery teams spot a lich raising the dead and tell the Kaiser.

Colby: "Now we know who been leading this undead horde"

Artillery Officer: "What are your orders, Herr Kaiser?"

Colby: "Concentrate all firepower on the Lich." "and has anyone seen Featintila?"

Artillery Officer: "Last I saw her she went to the frontlines with a K98 sniper rifle modification herr Kaiser"

Colby: "Why would she take a sniper to the front while a horde of undead are knocking on our doorstep?" I stood there thinking for a moment and then I realized what she was up to. "Officer do not fire until we find her"

Artillery Officer: "Ja herr Kaiser"

Colby took his STG44 and some of his Honor Guardsmen and took to the frontline and went to find Featintila before the artillery teams started raining hell upon them all. Colby ran into the living hell and fought his way through the undead and finally found her. Featintila was hiding in a few trees and brushes taking aim on the Lich to take her revenge and to take out his undead army, but Colby came right behind her and turned her over and pinned her down.

Featintila: "C...Colby what are doing? I'm missing my chance to take the shot and take my revenge for my people!"

Colby: "Featintila listen to me" I yelled at her and she look at me in the eyes "We do not have much time until the artillery teams start firing on us"

Featintila: "b..but I'm so close on ending this" "please let me end this"

Colby: "NO" "I don't want you to die" "you have your whole life ahead of you so please come back with...Featintila" Colby notice Featintila start to cry with tears of joy

Featintila: "O. . . Ok I will come back"

After Colby got back up he helped Featintila  on her feet and they started to run like hell when they heard the first of the many shells incoming from the sky on their position. Colby, Featintila and the Honor Guardsmen ran into the trench and watched as the shells came down and watched the lich being shelled. After a few minutes of endless bombardments and men in the trenches still shooting the undead. For Some reason the lich should have not survive that, but then everyone saw the Lich used a spell to shield himself for a few moments and then the undead did one last final assault on the city walls and trench and then they brought down the wall, but Kaiser Colby, Featintila  and every last soldier, droid, and citizen stood side by side to not let them enter the city at any cost.

After Hours of trying to hold the breach and almost endless amount of undead clashing and killing the defenders of this Neu City a sound shock the ground and it was not from either side, but then they heard a song that sounded familiar to Colby and it was the Winged Hussar, but instead he saw winged Dwarfs coming from the mountain side and Elves leaping from edge to edge firing there muskets and arrows at the undead and splitting the undead army on two fronts.

After hours and days of non-stop fighting both the undead army and the Lich leading it were killed, but the kingdom had lost a lot of good men. Most importantly Roger, but they recover his chip and body. Colby chose a song to remember the men, clones, droids, dwarfs, and elves that gave their lives today to save a Kingdom. Everyone removed there helmets and sing with the music that was playing in honor of these that shall not be forgotten and one song they all hum and listen to one and this made colby feel like it was like the great war ended

After a while of burying their dead and burning the once undead army Kaiser Colby went to speak to the Dwarf that was in charge.

Colby: "Hello there. Thank you for coming in our time of great need and I promise to pay of my debt as soon as possible"

Droghondreg Firebrew: "Well I may have something in mind, but first my name is Droghondreg Firebrew Emperor of the once great Dwarven Empire of Iron Mountain.

Colby: "Welcome to my Kingdom Emperor Droghondreg" "So can you tell me your story how your empire fell and you all became refugees?"

Droghondreg Firebrew: "I shall tell you our story, but first let finish with putting the dead asleep and tend to the wounded."

Colby: "agree, so tonight then ja?"

Droghondreg Firebrew: "yes"

Droghondreg wake away tending the dead to bury while Colby went to tend the wounded and rebuilding of the city's wall and farmland and mining district that took damage in the battle. Colby then walked up to Featintila and her sister Sasha.

Colby: "hey Featintila how are you after that fight?"

Featintila: "I'm a little tired, but happy to see my sister again thank you"

Colby: "your sister?"

Featintila: "oh ja right let me introduce her" "This is my sister Sasha"

Sasha: "Hello there Colby nice to meet you and thank you for taking care of my sister"

Colby: "Your welcome"

Sasha: "So sis you finally finding a man for yourself."

Colby blushed red

Featintila: "SASHA!!!"

Sasha: "what you never had time to find a man because you were always busy in our kingdom military."

Featintila: "Well yes, but don't say that to the guy I like in front of me please!"

Sasha: " Uh Featintila?"

Featintila just realised Colby was still there standing next to her and just realised what she just said and she ran back in the city to her room blushing hard as a tomato.

Colby: "s...she likes me"

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