Anyone call for a Hero of Oly...

נכתב על ידי percyfan4ever123

367K 10.2K 6.4K

Set six months after the House of Hades, and in the Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts. Percy Jackson, Son of Pos... עוד

Authors Note!
A suprising conversation and a terrible day
Suprising Discoveries and The End Of Summer
All Aboard The Hogwarts Express!
We get sorted and meet a Fluffy Pink Toad
Training and First Lesson's
Revealing Secrets and a Serious Talk
Happy birthday percy!
Detention with delores and a Confusing Night
Detention with Delores and a Confusing Night part 2
New Powers and A great idea
Worring Information and an Important Meeting
A Really Inconvineant Quest Part 1
A Really Inconviniant Quest part three(is this chapter EVER going to end!)
A Really Inconveniant Quest Part 4
Quidditch Bans and Disturbing Dreams
An Important Chat and A visit to St. Mungo's part 1
Unplanned events and a Happy Reunion part 1
Unplanned Events and a Happy Reunion part 2
Shocking Revelations and a Merry Christmas
A Mad Dash and a Grim Situation

A Really Inconviniant Quest part 2

10.8K 352 114
נכתב על ידי percyfan4ever123

Ok, first things first, I spelt inconvenient really wrong, and my spell check isn't helping. like, at all.
Anyways, I gotta get this written ASAP, but I have this piano exam tomorrow, that I'm so not ready for, and my spell check is really, really, crazy. So, I'm gonna just write now...
All rights to Rick and Rowling!

still Percy's POV

"What!?" I was pretty much screamed. Outside, I could hear the fighting stop, and Annabeth's concerned voice call out,"Percy?"
I wasn't sure what to do, but definitely didn't want to worry the others, so without thinking, I waved my hand, stopping time everywhere but around Hermes and me.
I could almost hear Annabeth correct my grammar.
"You want me to go back to that pit?" I asked Hermes hesitantly. He looked a little confused. I don't think he realized why everything was suddenly really quiet, but he didn't ask.
"I'm really sorry Percy! Gods can't go down there, it's too dangerous for us, we have too many enemies, and I know you know Iapatus, so.." he trailed off looking pathetic.
"So you want me to do it instead?" I asked, my anger rising by every word.
"Percy, I have to get all my packages delivered, and I thought you'd like a chance to save your friend, Bob."
That was it. Hermes had just used the guilt card, and I wasn't ok with that.
"You," I started, poking the god in the chest. "you, you gods, you're all the same. You use your children to do all your dirty work, and you don't care what happens to us!"
"Percy, listen to me." he grabbed my by the shoulders, and sat me down on a Chair nearby.
"Please? It will be ok. I can use my powers to MAKE sure that you won't die. I can make you immortal for the day. and, if-when, you succeed, I can give you an amazing reward."
I raised my eyebrows. "have you always bribed demigods like this to go into Tartarus, of all places?"
"No! no!" Hermes sounded a bit horrified. "believe it or not, this is the first parcel to be sent to Tartarus. please?"
Since he sounded really pathetic, I agreed.
Hermes snapped his fingers, and suddenly, I wasn't scared anymore. I suddenly felt a lot more confident.
"That should help," Hermes said, then added," you can't die now. However, you can get hurt, but you'll bleed ichor."
I nodded slowly.
"Do I go now?" I asked.
Hermes nodded. "I'll flash you out whenever you're ready."
"And how do I get back?" I really didn't want to get stuck in Tartarus forever.
"You can water travel back. Just imagine being back here, and you'll be here. Here's the parcel. I'll tell the others after you leave. It will be easier."
He handed me a small package, and I slipped it into my robe pocket, next to my wand.
I didn't think Hermes knew too much about our quest, but telling two children of the Big Three bad news would be disastrous, and they'd probably end up destroying the castle.
"Actually, I have a better idea. Would you like to take a look outside, Hermes?" I asked polietly.
Hermes walked out of my cabin away from camp, and glanced outside. Seconds later, he turned back to me and asked," How did you freeze them?"
"Well , it's not them I froze," I told Hermes. "it's time."
I froze time again , then decided I didn't need Hermes to get to Tarturus. It would cause some awkward questions when I unfroze him, since I had just told him I could freeze time. Insead, I saved the explaining for later, and released time, then, before Hermes could say anything, I focused on a familiar 'sinkhole' in Rome, and felt my molecules liquify. I opened my eyes, and saw the gaping hole that lead straight to Tartarus below me, and the asphalt of the parking lot above us.
"Can't believe I'm doing this of my free will," I grumbled to myself before taking a deep breath, then jumping, Riptide in one hand, Ember in the other. It was about time I started using dual swords publicly.
The cold air whipped around me on the way down, and I just hoped that I would land somewhere safe. I had just realized that explaining the whole time thing to Hermes and probably getting teleported safely to the ground would be a better idea than jumping, but I guess they don't call me Seaweed Brain for nothing.
I remembered last time, where it had taken a while to hit the ground.
"I guess I have to hang out for a bit," I told myself, speaking out loud, since there was nobody to really hear me. I recapped my two pens, and pulled out my wand, wondering if it still worked.
It did. The spell I cast to make red sparks worked perfectly, so I muttered," lumos," and the pit was instantly brighter.
Seeing nothing else to do, I curled up as best as I could in midair, and decided to rest for a while. I could use my magic to cushion the fall when I was about to hit the ground. I would probably be awake by then. And, my nightmares about Tartarus would have to stop when I was back in Tartarus, right?
They were still there, with Bob, Dameson and Small Bob yelling that I'd abandoned them and that I was a horrible friend, with the spirit of the pit nearby. Annabeth's dead body lay metres away, but I couldn't seem to get closer to it.
I awoke just in time to see the ground approaching. I immediately pulled out my wand, muttering the spell to slow my fall, but nothing happened.
I slammed into the ground at full speed, right on my back. Pain flared through my back, and I gasped.
Sleeping on the way down a pit to Tartarus. I really wasn't making good choices today.
I groaned, and got up slowly, only to notice that the ground I had just been lying on was covered in gold blood, ichor.
The thought that godly blood was flowing through my veins, even if only for a few hours, filled me with confidence, as well another feeling I couldn't quite place. Unsettlement, I realized.
There was something about this sudden close tie with the gods tht deeply disturbed me, but I didn't have time to ponder rhat, because my back was starting to grow numb. I quickly nibbled a bit off the edge of the ambrosia bar I always kept in my pocket, and, feeling better, I started to walk. A quick glance behind me told me that, just my luck, I had missed the Cochytus by a few metres. Even misery would have been a better option. The fall wasn't as bad as it should have been, probably thanks to my new immortality, but my back still hurt with every step. I could still feel the shards of glass in it from the ground. The worst part however, was that I could now see Tartarus as I did when I was about to die from the arai, and it was pretty horrific. I could see monsters out of the corner of my eyes. Not just the normal monsters, but really scary ones, like the ancient monsters that lived in the depths of Tartarus, which is pretty much here, but every time I turned around to see what it was, it had dissapeared. I kept walking, ignoring the sulphurous air, which I knew wouldn't kill me. I had Riptide and my wristwatch shield activated, but I still didn't feel safe. I tapped my sheild, watching it turn back into the usual wristwatch, then pulled out my wand.
"Lumos," I thought, and the wand tip exploded in light, sheathing the dark cavern in a bright, angelic light.
I knew that last ime, it had been around a days journey to Damesen's house, which is where Bob no doubt was. If I ran, I could probably make the journey within an hour.
I began to run, glad to have a chance to stretch my legs and finally be free even if it had to be in Tartarus.
A little bit of alone time was a refreshing change.

*time skip to an hour*

I could see the familiar landscape of Tartarus that I had last seen outside the hut, heard the roar of a Drakon, and knew I was there. To be honest, I was really excited about this, and the only reason I accepted Hermes' quest was because I wanted to see my friends again, and find a way to bring them back.
I started running towards the house, when something slammed into me from behind. I guess the roar I heard earlier wasn't just random or something. There was a Drakon, which I had just forgot about. Tartarus was messing with my senses, making me feel slow and stupid.
I landed on my back, inside some cave, and winced as it throbbed painfully. I got back onto my feet, knowing that it could have been worse, when I realized that what I thought was a cave, wasn't. It was the inside of the Drakon's mouth.
"It's all right," I told myself," stop panicking. I could probably stab my way out of this thing."
I swung my sword at the side of my fleshy prison, and Riptide bounced off, not even making a dent.
There had to be a way to get out of the Drakon's mouth, and besides, there was still hope. The Drakon might have swallowed me, or worse.
Chewed me.
I was about to push that thought out of my head, when I realized.
"What if it did?"
If it did start to chew, I would be dead meat.
I glanced up at the razor sharp teeth, lined in crooked lines above me, glinting in my wands glow.
I pulled grabbed Riptide, which had reappeared in my pocket after flying from my hand outside of the Drakon.
I started to slice at the bottom teeth of the monster, and, to my delight, Riptide sliced through them like butter. A few minutes later, all the bottom teeth were cut to blunt, relatively safe edges.
I walked over to the other side of the mouth, careful not to slip into the gaping throat of the beast. I heard fighting outside the mouth, and I knew Damesen had began his never ending quest once more. It had to be a few more minutes until they killed the monster and it would turn to dust. All I needed to do was make sure I didn't get bitten in half. I was quite grateful that Bob and Dameson hadn't gotten destroyed by Tartarus.
I was starting to get drowsy, which was probably another effect from Tartarus.
I shook it off and started slicing the top teeth, and was almost done half the top teeth, when the monster's mouth suddenly tilted.
I was throw to the side, and just had time to stick my wand safely in my pocket. It was kind of useless. The only spell that worked down here was Lumos.
I landed under the half of the top teeth I hadn't cut yet.
The Drakon's huge tongue came from behind, and pushed me forward, and I came to a stop right on top of one of the blunt bottom teeth.
I closed my eyes, feeling drowsy, knowing the end was coming.
"Percy Jackson died in a Drakon's mouth," I told myself. "how pathetic."
I opened my eyes a crack, just to see razor sharp teeth coming at me.
I closed my eyes tightly. I didn't want to watch.
"I'm sorry Annabeth."
I heard a crunch, and a sickening SQUELCH from multiple places at once.
I didn't feel anything, at least, not yet, but that was when something occurred to me.
Hermes had temporarily made me immortal. I could survive this. I wouldn't die. I could make it back to my girlfrie-fiancé. My true love.
Then, another thought hit me. I couldn't die, but I could still feel every bit of pain I was going to go through.
That was when I finally registered the pain.

Annabeth's POV(just for a few sentences. Then it's back to our wonderful Percy)

Hermes had just told us what his quest had been. and I had never been so furious.
I immidiately sprang at him, a dagger in my hand, about to slice through his neck.
Nico and Thalia pulled me off, and I resorted to pacing nervously.
I wasn't sure if we had all been pacing for minutes or hours. I couldn't tell. All I could think of was how my Seaweed Brain was all alone in Tartarus. The last time we were in there, we were together, and had tons of help, but we had both still got nightmares and flashbacks, until Mr. D had helped us. Now, he was alone, not prepared and probably really scared.
"Couldn't he water travel or apparate to Bob?" I asked, breaking the silence.
"It doesn't work that way. There aren't that many entrances to Tartaurus, but the only way to enter the pit is to use the entrances. Your means of transportation can only get you to the edge of one of these pits. From there, you need to jump. after that, you can't rely on any means of teleportation to get you from place to place, and, because I made Percy temporarily immortal, he can't die, and his teleportation powers will rival an Olympian's, so he can travel out of the pit. I can guarantee that your Percy will get back to you alive."
"But he didn't say and well," I mentally noted.
"How could hebe able to travel out of he pit if he can't even travel in it?" I asked Hermes.
He didn't look at me, and hurriedly went on," I didn't know which entrance he used, but the one the two of you used last time is the closest. I hope that's the one he went thought."
He pulled out his Caduceus.
"George, Martha, could you track parcel 0-10-12-16-27 again?"
The two snakes around the staff writhed, then one of them opened it's mouth. Martha.
"It'ssss sssstoped moving."
It'sssss been ssstanding ssstill for a few minutessss now, George added worriedly.
"I hoped it wouldn't come to this," Hermes muttered.
"Come to what! It he ok!?" I was practically shaking the god, as was Nico and Thalia.
"He's not moving, but that could mean several things. He's lost the package, he met the addressee before he reached the address, he's trapped or he's unconscious." Hermes wasn't being very comforting. "I can make a connection with him, like an Iris message, but it's powerful, and will attract every monster in the area to him, and if he's unconconcious..."
I nodded grimly.
"Do it."

K, back to Percy now!
Percy POV

All I could feel was pain, ripping through my body. I opened my eyes, and saw blood everywhere, and not just blood, golden blood.
At least I wouldn't die, but the pain sure did feel like I would.
I was moments away from blacking out, when I felt a weird sensation, as if I was falling from a great height.
I felt the darkness wash over me, and I closed my eyes.

***time skip***

I woke to faint voices.
"Is he ok?" A voice asked.
"I'm not sure. He lost a lost of blood, but he seems to be immortal, so he definitely won't die." another said.
I opened my eyes to see two people standing over me. Well, they weren't exactly people. More like Monsters.
I saw a silver Titan, and what looked like a giant. The Titan was holding a package.
"Percy!" He yelled, and I suddenly recognized him as the memories came rushing back to me. He was that Titan I had pushed into the Lethe last year.
"Where am I!" I yelled. "what did you do to me!"
I had just noticed the numerous bandages wrapped all over me, but that wasn't right. I had the curse of Achilles. And the blood was golden. Ichor. That meant I had to have accepted the God's offer, but I hadn't. Something was really wrong.
"Percy. You came to give me this package. You were most likely in the Drakon's mouth, because when Dameson and I killed it, you fell from the monster dust, and you were bleeding severely, with several broken bones. you need to rest, my magic isn't strong enough to heal your cuts, so if you move too much, you could reopen your wounds, " the silver Titan explained, frowning. "you don't remember?"
I shook my head, then asked," where am I?"
"Percy," the second voice from earlier said, and I whirled around to see a short giant.
"A giant!" I yelled. I pulled out Riptide, my senses dulled for some reason.
"Get away from me. You two have somehow kidnapped me, and apparently hurt me, and now you're feeding me some story about a Drakon eating me! What do you think I am, stupid?"
I jumped to my feet, and set my sword against the giants throat, glaring at the Titan. What had I named him? Oh yes, Bob. The last time I had seen him, He had been pretty friendly, but you never know.
I really wished I had another pen/sword. My hand went down to my jeans pocket, hoping there would be another one there, even though I knew there wouldn't, and, to my suprise, there was.
I pulled out the other pen, and, curiously, I opened it, carefully dropping the arm that held my sword aimed at Bob and the giant, who were still staring at me in shock and confusion.
The other sword was weirder that the fact that it existed. It was golden.
How does someone even fight with a golden sword?
"Percy?" The giant asked.
I glanced back up at it sharply.
"What was the last thing you remember before waking up here?" It asked.
"Easy. we just won the war against his kind," I nodded at the former Iapatus. "and I was kissing Annabeth underwater."

I'm sorry, I can't write long chapters.. it takes way too long for this chapter,so this will be in maaaaany parts, cuz there's already two, just for Percy's POV, so yeah. Well, I got 90% on that piano exam, so yay! And I'm happy that I updated faster than I usually always do. This means the next chapter is coming sooner too! And now I can update my other stories faster too! Yay! And, the holidays are coming up, and I can write about faster cuz I'll have more time, so yay!!! Excited for that!!' And no school for a few weeks! Yay!!!! Anyways, bye!
Oh, and also, a little Percy Jackson Q and A thing... what is your opinion on Jason Grace, and what is the weirdest ship you can think of......

Continue being awesome!!!

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