BMC One Shots and Shorts

Door WriteMoreChill

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A collection of One Shots and Shorts based on the characters from the musical Be More Chill. I will be tryin... Meer

Heart Eyes and Miscommunication
Moonlight and Long Distances
Thorns and Needles (part one)
Thorns and Needles (part two)
Secrets and Confessions
College and Coffee
Party Time and Story Time
Weed and Crushes
Cuts and Bruises
Broken Hearts and Angry Words
Dark Nights and Sharp Knives
Netflix and Cookies
Quarantine and Chill
50s slang
Poodle Skirts and Drive-Ins
Thunder and Lightning
Tik Tok Dances and First Kisses
Late Nights and Shooting Stars
Bad Days and Birthday Surprises
Bad Dreams and Ballroom Dancing
Love and Cheer
Valentines and Secret Admirers
Drag Makeup and Placing Bets
Birthdays and Matching Tattoos
Hanukkah Night One
Hanukkah Night Two
Hanukkah Night Three
Hanukkah Night Four
Hanukkah Night Five(ish)
Hanukkah Night(s Five and) Six
Hanukkah Night Seven

Declined Happiness and Extreme Emotions

329 8 14
Door WriteMoreChill

Boyf Riends
Michael's POV
Guardian Angel AU

A Guardian Angel is paired with their human from birth, aging with them through life.
A Guardian Angel's responsibility is to provide happiness and guidance to their human.
Guardian Angels are able to: adjust a human's emotions, play memories, come across as a voice of reason, help a human see the brighter side, and more.
A Guardian Angel should not expose themselves to their human as it would then become difficult for the human to abide
          •If such a situation occurs, the human's memory will be erased and they will be assigned a new angel.


Alert: Human #7,319,646,084's happiness is declining. Act immediately.

I pick up my tablet and replay the last two minutes of my human's current situation. Oh great Rich Goranski, aka Human #7,319,648,259 ,stopped Jeremy, my human, in the hallway. I watched Rich knock Jeremy's books out of his hands, give him a loose threat, and walk away. Making a mental note to have a talk with Rich's Angel, I skip back to the live feed of my human. I sigh as I try to figure out how to cheer up my human. Wednesday's are never good days for him.

Let's see... He's had the same three lines of a song stuck in his head for two days now, so let's get rid of that. Oh! He saw that funny meme last night. I add the meme to his memory train. This makes his happy-meter turn up a little bit, but not enough to make the alert go away. I got it! I click on the note that will remind Jeremy of a new video game coming out tomorrow.

And just like that, the alert is gone. Good job, me.

I turn my tablet off as I sit down in my human's computer chair. Angels are usually bound to the room in which their human spends the most time, which for a teenager, is typically their bedroom. Only under certain circumstances are we allow to leave the assigned room. The only reason I'm able to sit in his chair is because I made myself visible. This allows me to make contact with human creations, but I'm only allowed to do it when my human is either asleep or not in the room.

I look around my human's desk and notice that he left his history notebook here. I take my tablet and set a reminder for him that he has loose paper in his English folder to use for note-taking. I set the reminder for the beginning of history class, knowing he would forget about it if I reminded him now. I stand up from the chair and walk around my human's room, stopping then I get to the bookcase. I scan the varying titles, one in particular jumping out at me. He got this book on our thirteenth birthday and read it about five times. I always wondered what made this book so good. I open up to the first page and start reading.

~this time skip is brought to you by the book being Be More Chill just with different character names~

Hours pass and I haven't moved from my spot standing in front of the bookcase. I'm about halfway through the book and I can tell why Jeremy was into it. Just as I'm about to turn the page, I hear foot steps and the sound of a doorknob turning and I immediately freeze. The door opens and reveals my human. Jeremy sees me and stops in his tracks.

"Either I'm hallucinating or there is a really cute stranger standing in my room."

"Both," I say in a panic and quickly turn myself invisible, causing the book in my hand to fall to the floor. I'm still standing in the same spot and I watch as Jeremy shrugs his shoulders and walks into his room, closing the door behind him. He drops his backpack onto the floor and plops face-first onto his bed. Probably to take a nap; an after school usual.

As soon as I hear his snores, I become visible again. I pick up the book and put it back in its original spot. As I walk over to my tablet (which does in fact disappear and reappear when I do), I contemplate on what kind of dream to give Jeremy. At first, I think about making him dream of angels, thus prompting him to look them up when he wakes up. He wouldn't find anything because there is not any factual information about Guardian Angels on the internet. The People In Charge made sure of it. So what do I have to lose with giving him a dream about us!? I open the tab that controls my human's dreams and type in a description.

When it comes to dreams, we don't have the power to give them a specific scene to dream. We can only give their brain an idea and they take it from there. That's how nightmares exist. The human brain takes our description and twists it into something unpleasant. When they get too bad, Angels have the ability to wake up the human.

I send in the description and close the tablet. I turn myself invisible just in case Jeremy suddenly wakes up. His naps usually last about an hour, so I got some time to kill.


Did I really just watch Jeremy's neighbor mow the lawn for the past hour and fifteen minutes? Yes. Yes I did. I am amazed that Jeremy slept through the whole thing. Speaking of Jeremy, I'm pretty sure he's starting to wake up. He starts moving around a bit before stretching and sitting up. He takes his phone out of his pocket and checks something. He then reaches for the laptop at the edge of his bed.

Jeremy opens his laptop and waits for it to load. It's a fairly old computer that tends to lag, so it seems that he is always waiting for something to load. When he gets everything up and running, he positions his hands above the keyboard.

"Am I really looking this up?" He whispers to himself. He shrugs and types in his question.

What is a Guardian Angel?

When that question didn't work, he moved on to the next one.

Do Guardian Angels exist?

And the next one.

How to tell if you have a Guardian Angel.

And finally:

How to detect a Guardian Angel.

Wait, what? The People In Charge never said anything about detection!

I read along as Jeremy skims through different methods of detection. Instantly, I know that the first few won't work, and I think Jeremy figures the same thing because he skips all of them. He then scrolls to one method farther down on the list, far enough where most people would assume it wouldn't work. However, I think this one will.

You see, one of the main jobs of a Guardian Angel is to make their human happy. So, technically, if a human states that they will never be happy unless they get to meet their Guardian Angel, they have to reveal themselves.

Jeremy favorites the tab and shuts down his computer. He takes in a deep breath and looks straight ahead, looking at the space where he saw me earlier. I expect him to announce the phrase the make me reveal myself, but he doesn't. Instead, he pulls his backpack onto his bed and starts his homework. On my tablet, I remind him that his history notebook is on the desk and he should probably transfer over his notes from today. As soon as my reminder goes through, he gets up to grab it before returning to his bed and continuing his work.


It is Saturday afternoon and I'm sitting in my human's room while he's downstairs eating 'breakfast'; aka gnawing on a frozen eggo waffle while he waits for two other waffles to toast at 1:30pm.

Days have passed and he hasn't done anything to try and draw me out or make me reveal myself. I'm starting to wonder if he forgot about it...

Some time later, Jeremy walks into his room and sits on his bed, pulling over his laptop and, nope, he hasn't forgotten. He's opening his computer, probably to do more research. I watch as he opens his browser and start typing something into the search engine.

Oh. He's definitely not- oh no. I focus on the computer and bust the WiFi connection. The adult site freezes and shows only a loading symbol. Jeremy taps the computer impatiently, clicking a few keys in the process.

"C-c-c-c'mon, c-c-c-c'mon, go go. C-c-c-c'mon c-c-c-c'mon, go go," Jeremy mumbles. After a few minutes, he gives up and closes his computer, pushing it to the food of his bed. He's silent for a few moments before speaking up. "I will never be happy unless I meet my Guardian Angel."

Guess I should have seen that coming.

I wait a few seconds before turning myself visible. I'm standing behind Jeremy, so he doesn't immediately notice me. Should I say something? Is this even a good idea?

"Hey." The word seemed to fly right out of my mouth without me getting a say.

"Holy shit!" He exclaims, turning around to see where the sound came from.


"Oh shit-fuck-dammit-aaah I'm sorry!" Jeremy covers his mouth with his hand. I laugh and shake my head at him. "You're real. Wait, you are real, right?"

"I am," I say as I place my hand on his shoulder. I'm pretty sure he expects my hand to go through him. "See?"

"Wow. Hey, wait. I saw you the other day. I came home from school and thought I was hallucinating because I was tired. It was you wasn't it?"

"It was," I sit on the side of his bed, "I believe you said 'Either I'm hallucinating or there is a really hot stranger standing in my room.'" Jeremy blushes and covers his face.

"I said cute, not hot!" He points at me, correcting my 'mistake'.

"So you think I'm cute?"

"Shut uup."

"Alright, alright," I put my hands up, "I'll back off. Now let's get back to what you said before. I'm here because you said you'd never be happy unless you met me. What can I do to make you happy?" Jeremy raises his eyebrows and I immediately know what he's thinking. "No I cannot cast spells on anything."

"Dam- dang it." He stops himself before using foul language. "You're an Angel right?" I nod. "So where are your wings?"

"Don't have 'em," I state simply. "I can't fly either."

"Man, I was hoping we could do some Peter Pan type sh- stuff." I make a mental note to give Jeremy a dream like that one night. "How did I get you? Like is there a type a person that gets a Guardian Angel?"

"Well, everyone gets one. We're assigned to you at birth and we age with you. Basically, for the beginning of your life you were being looked after by me and my teacher until I learned everything about guarding. I've been your sole personal angel since you, and me technically, were nine years old."

"Nine. That's when..." he trails off, tilting his head down.

"Your mom left."

"Are you the one that played memories of her in my head?"

"Yep. I'm also the one that got you into video games. I thought they looked cool and wanted to watch you play them." Jeremy looks up at me with a small grin.

"Gee, thanks. Now I'm addicted to them."

"You're welcome." I wink at him. Suddenly, my tablet starts going off with an alert. I get up and walk across the room to get it.

Alert: Human #7,319,646,084's heart rate has rapidly increased. Check that all is well.

I laugh a bit at the alert. I made Jeremy's heart rate increase.

"What is that?" Jeremy asks.

"Just my tablet." I walk back over to him and sit down, placing the tablet next to me. "It keeps me updated on you."

"What about me?"

"Stuff like your emotions, temporary and overall, your health, your... heart rate." Jeremy's eyes widen in realization.

"The notification was about my heart rate?" I pick up the tablet and show him the alert. "Oh. Well that's awkward."

"You're awkward."

"Is that a compliment?" I reply with a stern face and a firm yep. After a few minutes of staring at each other, Jeremy and I break out laughing. Towards the end of our laughter, Jeremy let's out a yawn.

"Wow am I boring you that much?" I chuckle.

"No! No." Jeremy frantically places his hands on mine. "I'm just tired."

"You woke up like 40 minutes ago."

"Exactly. I'm still waking up. It's an awake kind of tired."

"Makes no sense but okay." I turn my hands around in his so that we're properly holding hands. His eyes flicker between mine and our hands. He seems to enter a daze but he keeps talking.

"Do you never feel tired? Do Angels even sleep?"

"We feel all human emotions, including tired. We usually sleep when our humans do, but it's not something we need to do. Humans need sleep to survive, but Angels use it as a way to pass time."

"Humans also use it as a way to pass time, too sometimes," Jeremy points out.

"Yeah, I suppose that's tr-" I am cut off by Jeremy unexpectedly leaning in and kissing me. He pulls back quickly and takes a hand away from mine to cover his mouth.

"I am so sorry," he says from behind his hand. I smile at him and shake my head, feeling a strong emotion come over me. Jeremy's hand drops as he looks around me. "Are you glowing?" I look and myself and, yep, I'm glowing with a bright yellow.

"Yeah. We do that when we feel a really strong emotion and each emotion has its own color."

"What does yellow mean?"


"Did- did I do that?" He asks, seemingly shocked. I nod at him, my smile growing. "Just from-" he points to his mouth, referring to the kiss. I nod again. "Wow."

"It's kinda funny when you think about it. I get alerts to update me on your strong emotions and you get to see my strong emotions."

"That's awesome." Jeremy's face brightens in a way I have never seen before. My eyes glance down at his lips. I don't know if this is necessarily a good idea, but it's what I want to do.

"Can I..." Jeremy nods before I even finish my sentence. I laugh lightly at him and lean in. He eagerly meets me half way and sparks fly between us, metaphorically of course. I wrap an arm around his waist and pull him closer to me. He reciprocates by bringing his around around my neck and tilting his head. An alert goes off on my tablet, but I push it away without breath the kiss.

Alert: Human #7,319,646,084's happiness has reached an all time high. Good work, Angel.

{2530 words}

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