Peter Parker Field Trip Trope...

By Harleys_Potato_Gun

470K 12.1K 15.4K

I've become obsessed with this trope so now all of my idea shall be spit out here. Ships: Parley (Peter x Har... More

Feild Trip (Parley)
The Fieldtrip of Doom
The Five Times Peters Blindness Surpised Someone and the One Time He Could See
#1 Ironman and Bruce
The Rogues (pt. 2 of blind peter)
Peters Class (pt. 3 with a bit of parley)
Its a Small World Pt 1
Its a Small World Pt 2
A/N and book advertising
Iron-lad Harley
The Fuck did you just call my Nephews?
A quick A/N yall then Ill update tonight or tomorrw
Best. Day. Ever. Pt.1
Best. Day. Ever Pt.2
Best. Day. Ever. Pt.3 (Extra)
A Suprise Trip
I cried while writing this so lets cry togther
How Endgame Really Happened
Stress Baking
Head canon and i swear im working in an update.
Coffee Shop au Pt. 1
Coffee Shop au Pt. 2
A:N concering the discord and Request page
Another Discord One (i figured out how to make the link not expire)
*laughs Nervously* Hey guys
Stable Boy (Pt 1)
Stable Boy (Pt. 2)
Stable Boy (Pt. 3)
Im Going to Be Selfish....Just this Once
"Happy" Ending (^Pt. 2)
Baby Project
This Didnt Turn Out So Bad After All
A quick Authors note
Think 'bout it Love, Why Arent We Dating?
Ha ha, hi.

Today is Not My Day

16.2K 497 648
By Harleys_Potato_Gun

Peter POV

Today is already not my day, and it's only 5am.

How do I know?

Well considering the fact that I just woke up from a nightmare with shit sleep on a test day. Yeah, I would say life isn't liking me much right now.

Recalling the nightmare, I feel like I want to cry. My parents last words, Bens death, the fear of losing the one father figure I had left.

I take a deep breath and flash a smile to my self. Here's a tip, if you want people to believe it, smile with teeth. No matter how sad your eyes are people choose not to think that someone smile so widely could be sad.

I wipe my eyes and stand up. Walking over to my closet I grab out a science pun Tee and a pair of jeans.

'If I dress like everything is fine, then I'll have to keep it together,'

I hop in the shower, eat breakfast, stare at my text books and pretend like I'm studying, pretty standard for a morning like this. Soon I noticed it was time for me to leave. Grabbing my keys and metro pass, I walk out of the apartment complex and down to the subway. It was very uneventful, until  I realized I forgot my lunch money back at Mays apartment.

'I'm not feeling too hungry anyway,'

I smile brightly, scolding myself.

'It's just lunch money, your fine, don't be a baby,'

After 20 minutes, the subway pulled into my station. The walk into school was normal, each clique taking up different sections of the hallway. Still, I make it to my locker and my first and second hour classes without a hitch. I even got a 95 and a 98 on my online tests for those classes.

The first blow of the school day came in history.

"What did you get on your tests Ned?" I ask, I feel like my day turned around slightly, I was wrong.

"Ugh, I got a 75 and a 70," he complained banging his head against the desk.

"Oh really? I got a 95 and a 98. I didn't think they where that hard, but I did study for them and-,"

"We get it Peter, your super smart!" He snapped, we both froze.

"S-Shit Peter I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to, I just didn't get much sleep last night-"

"No no it's fine," I say, I give him a smile, trying to ignore the pang in my chest, "I get it, besides if anything it was kinda my fault,"

Ned looked like he wanted to speak, but then the teacher walked in. The rest of history went on without a hitch, Ned and I talked Star-Wars for the last five minutes of class. After we parted ways, everything else progressed smoothly.

Till lunch.

"God loser, your eating me outta house and home,"

I knew MJ wasn't serious, in fact we often joked like that. Today it just hit different.

"You know you love me MJ," I say, sending her a wink despite the heavy feeling  in my chest.

She rolled her eyes before diving into her book.

I choose to just eat my food.

The rest of my day went as well as it started until last hour. I had just sat down when a splash of water landed all over my $200 text book.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" It was Cindy, she ran to the paper towel dispenser and rushed back, her arms filled. After assuring her that it was fine and my text book would be ok, she went back to her seat, muttering apology's the whole way.

"Why the hell would I waste my time on someone as worthless as penis?" Flash asked, purposefully making sure I heard, "clearly his parents and uncle agree with me, seeing as they aren't in his life anymore."

Half the room laughed, the other half turned a blind eye.

'I won't cry because of him. I won't.'

So enough the teacher comes in and has us take the test.


I glance at the clock.

"Excuse me, can I leave early? We only have five minutes left,"

The teacher looks at the clock then nods. I hurry out of the class, Flash making a comment about how I have to take the subway or something. I just want to get outta there, so I ignore him. I walk to my locker; I put in the combo and it doesn't open. I glance to my left and right before yanking the lock, hard, hard enough for it to break right off of the locker. Ignoring the guilt of having to have May pay five dollars for a new one, I stuff everything into my backpack. I never keep anything valuable in my locker anyway.

I wipe my eyes as a few tears start to pop up.

'Don't cry don't cry,'

I'm out the front door right when the final bell rings. I spot Happys car and make my way over.

"Hey Happy!" I exclaim, well, happily.

He rolls up the divider without a word. Again, wasn't unusual, it just hurt more today. I smile to myself and pull out my phone.

Time to scroll through reddit.

The straw that broke the camels back was my crush, Harley Keener. To be fair, it wasn't really his fault. Also, if it was anyone else I would have been fine.

"Hey Harley,"

"Go bother the old man,  I'm working," he said, not looking up from his work.


This is the way we normally talk when one of us is super focused. But imagine hearing that from your crush when you've been on the verge of tears all day.

I gave a dramatic gasp.

"Trying to get rid of me already huh?" I'm really happy that he was focused because my eyes where welling with tears.

"Yes," he deadpanned, "begone peasant,"

"Fine, if you insist," I spin around walking back to the elevator. The second the door closed the waterfall of tears started.

"Fri, take me to my lab please, and don't let anyone down," I say with a shaky voice.

"Are you sure Peter?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked, "When humans are sad, they are supposed to seek comfort with other humans, yes?"

"Not always Fri, I just had a bad day and wanna be alone. Please."

"Ok, Peter," She sounded unsure but the elevator moved anyway.

"Thanks Fri,"

The door slid open. I stumble out of the elevator, feeling my breath quicken. I walk to the right about 20 feet before I slump against the wall.

Quite sobs ripple through my chest as the tears keep coming.

'Today is really not my day,'

Harley POV

I frown as Peter walking into the elevator. Call it crush intuition, but something about his reactions seemed off.

I tap my pen against my desk a couple times, pondering my options.

'Fuck it,'

"Hey Fri," I say walking towards the elevator, "take me to Pete's lab,"

"I'm sorry Mr. Keener, Mr. Parker has requested to be alone," F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice answered. Her response made my brow furrow. Something was definitely up, Peter never requested to be alone before.

"Com' on Fri, pretty please?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Keener, he insisted," she responded.

I shrug,

"Well, too bad," I say pulling out my Stark phone. "'Cause I don't really like takin' no for an answer,"

"Mr. Keener no-," Her voice faded, showing that she powered down. I quickly rush towards the elevator, the power down only last 60 seconds, so I gotta move quickly.

I hop into the elevator and press the down button, luckily, Peters lab is right below mine. So the door opens with 15 seconds to spare.

What I didn't expect to see was a sobbing Peter.

"Oh, hey Harley," he said, sniffing and wiping his eyes fericly, "I thought you where working,"

I rush over and kneal next to him.

"Oh sweetheart are you ok? Is this about what I said. I swear if I had know it would make you upset I wouldn't have said it. We just usually-,"

"No no, it's not your fault, I just," he faultered slightly, he looked at me with those bloodshot eyes and it made my heart hurt, "Today is not my day,"

"Aww I'm sorry hun, do you wanna talk about it?" I question while adjusting so I'm sitting more comfortably.

"Nah," he sighs, giving a smile. He was pretty much tear free at this point, a few strays streamed down his face but nothing more. "most of it is stupid anyway,"

"I doubt that sugar," I threw in a wink for good measure, loving the blush that spread across his face, "com' on tell me what happened,"

He seemed to think it over a bit before answering.

"Well I woke up at 5am because of nightmares after three hours of sleep. Then I forgot my wallet which means MJ had to pay for my lunch which I felt bad about because she jokingly criticized it. In third hour Ned snapped at me which wasn't his fault but still kinda hurt. Seventh hour was the worst because this girl spilt water on my $200 text book so now I have to figure out how to get a new one, and Flash was being....Flash," he took a deep breath, trying to blink back tears.

I think back to a while ago, he told me that whenever he feels upset he likes to be sour rounded by something, like a security blanket. Weird thing to remember I know, but I brought one in here a while ago because he fell asleep on the couch.

"I'll be right back Darlin' one sec," I whisper gently. I walk over to the couch and do a small victory dance in my head when I see that the blanket is still there. I grab it and walk back to him.

"Sorry 'bout that Sweetheart, please continue," I say handing him the blanket.
He took the blanket and wrapped it tightly around himself.

"Uh, yeah Flash was being Flash, I failed the test in that class too and I got so frustrated that I literally ripped the lock off of my locker which is just more money May has to spend because I can't control my damn temper. After that I got into the car with Happy and he just wordlessly rolled up the divider which makes sense so I don't know why I'm that upset about it. The last thing was really the thing with you which made it way worse than it should have been, and it's stupid because we literally talk that way to each other all the time but I guess having the guy you like tell you to go bother someone else hits different when your sad, you know?"



I blink. Then smile slightly.

"Did you just say that you like me?"

"Oh fuck," his eyes went wide, he subconsciously wrapped the blanket tighter around himself, " I messed that up! Crap, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that. Umm, just ignore it please, I, shit!"

I chuckle softly to myself, they boy I've like since I first laid eyes on him liked me back.

Hell yes.

"Well, if it makes ya' feel any better sugar. I like you too,"

"....what?" He asked, I couldn't help but let out a soft laugh.

"I like ya' too hun, I think that your adorable, and also incredibly hot. Which is totally unfair by the way."

Peter let out a giggle, you know when you've been crying for like an hour and everything is funny? Yeah, one of those.

"Well I would say that definitely turned my day around," he said, rubbing his eyes. Oh right! He didn't get much sleep.

I stand up, offering Peter a hand, which he took, I drag him in the direction of the couch. Once we get there I flop down, patting my chest and a signal for him to lay down. I let out a sigh of content once he settled in. He's so warm.

We sat in comfortable silence for about 5 minutes.

"Shouldn't we, you know, have like an actual conversation about this?" Peter questions, he sounds like he's fighting to stay awake.

"We can in the mornin'" I say, planing a general kiss on his forehead, "for now ya' need some sleep,"


I rub circles on his back, doing what my mom used to do to get me asleep. It must have worked because soon, I could feel his steady breathing, meaning he fell asleep. I swear, being near him must be therapeutic, because not long after, I felt myself drifting to sleep.

"Well," I mutter to nobody in particular, "today wasn't so bad,"

I close my eyes one last time before drifting off to sleep.


"Yo, miss AI," Clint Barton said from the vent over Peters lab. "Take a picture and send it to Tony with the message, 'you owe me thirty bucks,'"

Extra extra that has nothing to do with this story:

Peter: Hey Harley wanna year an offensive joke?

Harley: Sure why not.

Peter: how much does it take to kill Mr. Starks parents?

Harley *curious to see where this will go*: How much?

Peter *try not to laugh *: one buck

Bucky: *chokes violently on coffee*

Harley *trying and failing not to laugh* : oh my god that's not funny

Peter and Harley both look at each-other before rolling on the floor with laughter and Bucky doesn't know how to feel.

Ok so I swear I'll have your request out soon Pen_Ink_Thorn I just have a start to it on my chrome book and I'm using my phone rn. I'll get that out soon I swear.

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