Nine Lives and Bad Luck

By TALA546

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Harry finds himself turned into a cat and flees from the house before the Dursley's figure out what has happe... More



442 31 0
By TALA546

      A small grouping of professors had gathered to discuss what to do, unable to find Albus Dumbledore and not sure if they were willing either.

Filius had looked downright horrified while he explained the strange person that had entered the Great Hall had been the boy's guardian and a practically guaranteed shot at healing them. Being prepared to be stuck in various forms was normal to natural animagi as it happened at least twice for all of them and, that didn't mean life got put on pause. So as the Tiamats were no stranger to hard work or injuries, you learned the proper way to deal with basic first aid no matter the form. If the damage was too great for her, she would have known a person to go to who probably treated many natural animagi.

Minerva fussed over not knowing what had come over Albus for him to behave that way, and the two no nonsense professors, Professors Babbling and Snape, had cast disparaging looks at the two quietly worrying to the side. The final Professor, Keetleburn worriedly gushed about the creature- he was near useless considering he had only seen a leopard in passing, much less a cloudy leopard and both of the others assisting sent him annoyed looks as well. All three had been sent for by Poppy to help.

For the worst case scenario, potions would be altered to allow for Asphodel's current non-human form and until then runes and medical wards would keep him in stasis. Percy and the three upperclassmen; Oliver Wood, Alexander Milton, and Janus Barclay, all sat nearby. Reed Adley lay in a bed beside them, uninjured except for the broken arm that had already been seen to, and under a dreamless sleep.

The professors turned as one with the rush of the floo, Percy stopping mid guilt ridden sentence and the four turned to face the fireplace as well. And then from the raging green fires she stepped, stormy eyes flashing dangerously and magic flowing to dance wildly throughout the room- an unspoken warning- their eyes immediately landed on Harry's form and their rage only grew.  From behind her stepped a calm long, white haired man with perfect poise several others followed behind him, the board members, but their eyes followed the first as they rushed to the occupied bed, immediately soothing words echoing from their lips as eyes widened, filling with tears.

A necklace was drawn from around their neck as spells were cancelled and new ones set in quick motions, the soothing words and assurances barely pausing between each spell. The single charm on the necklace expanded until a large trunk was resting besides the bed and then diagnostics were flashing, with each one the hopeless defeated look grew and desperation set in before the fell back. Their skin was not smooth like that of a human, their hair and fibers also strongly to maintain a human like appearance.

"I can't heal this. I-I ne- the floo. I need to make a call." They, fumbling returned to the fireplace they arrived from and- with some help limply called out an address.

"Kore, what is it, some of us have things to do." The voice was silky smooth and scathing, both of which were familiar-  A few eyes darted towards the silent potions master before the owner's of said eyes could stop themselves- but the hint of affection in the voice was something they hadn't expected.

"I need you, it's, it's Asphodel. I don't know what- please." their voice broke as they collapsed to the ground before the fire. The four students looked away.

"I'm coming through."

Poppy gently guided them from the fire as it blazed upwards and from it stepped a thin, pale figure. They had a crooked, hooked nose and thin lips which were pressed together in a scowl to match the dark look in their darkly colored eyes. Their clothes were plain and without embellishments, but snapped behind them as they stepped gracefully out. They sneered at the two beside the fireplace although dark eyes softened upon landing on the second. Long thin fingers jerked Kore away from Poppy and gave a tug towards the bed, still not moving themselves.

"Well, what mess have you lot somehow made now? I have business to return to."

The pleading look didn't change, but a small smile formed and there was a watery chuckle as they took the others arm (earning them a scowl) and guided them to the bed, "I did all- the- the emergency spells you told me-"

A quick glance was all they gave- few caught the slight widening of the eyes and pain that flashed across their face- and then they conjured a seat behind Kore and pushed her down onto it. "Pull yourself together, you're barely any use at all when you cannot even keep control of yourself. I see the braces are working, good. I shall need your assistance with this and I cannot have you helping when you can't even hear clearly over the sound of your own pity" a sharp glare cut out any protests from the onlookers "and I can hardly expect help from these... people." It took Kore a moment before they recovered and gave a firm nod. "Better, look at that, you're not an entirely useless wand waving fool after all,"

Kore  laughed weakly "Gee thanks Asha."

   "Good, but what did I say about that infernal nickname, now, hand me the..."

     The newcomer worked quickly and  at some point all the professors, but Poppy, Severus, and Bathsheda were exiting the room as the time dragged on, knowing the school board was watching, to an extent given the board had left to speak with the headmaster, and classes were continuing. The three stayed to watch as the scowling female worked smoothly and calmly going through the motions; demanding potions from the chest, writing runes, and casting spells with a graceful efficiency most could only dream of achieving. In under thirty minutes they had stood and gave Kore one last softened scowl.

"If that was all you needed of me I suggest you hurry up and call one of those sputtering pansies you seem to like so much to try and calm you down before something happens."

"Well you're already here, aren't you?"

They huffed, "fine." In a smooth movement they summoned another chair and gracefully seated themself by the head of the combined hospital beds that Asphodel had been stretched out on along the foot. One arm reached over tugging Kore to look at them for a moment, "He will be fine." Their eyes remained locked until Kore finally nodded, and then Akasha's dark eyes fell on the audience. "I suppose I'm to believe your school does not take place during the week days and teachers have nothing better to do than stand around in the hospital room?"

Under the scathing glare they all went into motion again, two exiting, and one bustling to feed the four older students who still remained a dreamless sleep- despite their weak protests.

"Thank you." Kore's voice was near a whisper.

The darker haired only scowled deeper, "....I did say I would come when you called."

"You still have my gratitude, humans put great importance on expressing that don't they?"

"And you will forever be the only one to ever call me that."

"You can never say, forever is a long time, and you are not so different as you like to pretend."

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