Welcome to Crystal Lake (ENG)

By itachiuchihaforever

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A girl, her parents, her dog, and a new home. A lake, a forest, and an unfortunate campsite. Some teens, a sm... More

Chapter 1 - The arrival
Chapter 2 - Dinning together and unexpected visits
Chapter 3 - New information
Chapter 4 - Sightings
Chapter 5 - Night thoughts
Chapter 6 - Shopping and kills
Chapter 7 - Spared again
Chapter 8 - The paper plane
Chapter 9 - Nightmares and fears
Chapter 10 - Concerns and doubts
Chapter 11 - Buying ingredients
Chapter 12 (Part One) - Roses of Understanding
Chapter 12 (Part Two) - Preparations
Chapter 14 - Drunk
Chapter 15 (Part One) - Slaughter Party
Chapter 15 (Part Two) - Slaughter Party
Chapter 16 - New friends
Chapter 17 - A little Father-Daughter chitchat
Chapter 18 - Introspection
Chapter 19 - Area under video surveillance
Chapter 20 - Choices
Chapter 21 - Decisions
Chapter 22 - Confession

Chapter 13 - Friday the 13th

190 13 4
By itachiuchihaforever

 Jasmine enveloped the note after rereading it a few times, making sure it was fine, and then placed it under the bed along with the other two gifts for Jason.

"If I didn't celebrate my birthday for a long time and then a year, suddenly, a stranger gave me a random gift, for no reason, I would be happy." She said to Finn, who kept her company sitting in his dog's bed. "It would be a nice gesture."

Of course, she was still very convinced that she wanted to proceed, but she was no less worried about it.

She still had about three hours before midnight, so she went back to his father's office to play on the PC with her friends to pass the time.

It was nearly eleven when Jason left his house. He crossed the old Camp Blood quickly, then went into the thick the forest. For an ordinary person, the dim light of the moon that shone in the sky that night would not have been enough to proceed in an unkempt area like that, not with as much safety as he did.

Jason, however, did not need much light to see well, that soft glow was enough for him to recognize the path, not marked but that he knew by heart, without tripping or colliding with the vegetation.

After a short time he arrived again in front of the hotel, observing the area from the edge of the forest. There seemed to be no one around, or at least not outside. Jason would leave the staff and any other customers alone. After all, they had done nothing wrong, but if they had put themselves in his way they would not have been spared.

He waited for no cars to pass by the road, because he didn't want to be seen, but certainly not for fear of being run over, then he crossed and hurried to reach the back of the hotel.

As it was a weekday, there weren't many people around: summer had just begun and the only people who could have been out at that time were the youngs. But as it was also the eve of June the 13th, which finally coincided again with a Friday, only the young tourists and a few adults who still had no intention of believing the rumors were out to party.

Everyone else had learned that it was best to stay calm in your own houses during that time, at least in the dark hours.

Jason should have been silent, so as not to wake and alarm the sleepers, and not only them, with any screams: he had no intention of missing any of those who had been to the cemetery.

Without waiting any longer, the killer entered the building through the back door. Forcing it did not cost him much effort. If he remembered correctly he had never been to that hotel. To be honest, he had never been inside any hotel, perhaps only once, but he was still too small for him to remember it clearly. He found himself in the kitchen, an ideal place to look for some sharp object. He took a brief look around and finally chose to get a large kitchen knife. Those he had brought from his home were mostly hunting knives and, given the size of his hands, he considered them too small, comfortable only if he had to throw them. He left the kitchen and entered the dining room and from there he reached the corridor, illuminated by lamps with soft yellow light, which led to the hall. The doors that faced it were not numbered, but next to each of them there was a sign with the inscription "Access reserved to staff members only", a sign that none of those rooms was for customers. As a result, he was not interested and passed them without a further look.

The reception was empty, as apparently the rest of the structure: probably the work shifts were already over. Jason went directly to check the row of keys hanging behind the counter. Almost all of them were in their spots and only four were missing, so it would have been enough for him to check those rooms and then wait for the return of the missing people - the younger ones certainly, Jason was absolutely sure of it.

He could not go around the city undisturbed searching for them, even if there were few people outside that could have caused him problems and he was in a hurry.

Once the numbers of the rooms that interested him were memorized, he turned in the direction of the stairs leading to the upper floor. He pulled the machete out of its sheath and went up.

The Park spouses had been in the dream world for some time. Mr. Park was a huge horror enthusiast since he was a boy. At the first good opportunity he had dragged his wife with him to the town of Crystal Lake, crowning one of his dreams, with the promise to take her for a nice vacation wherever she wanted ... after a careful visit to JasonVoorhees' birthplace, of course. Ms. Park had finally accepted and so here they are, in the dark room number 104 of a pretty nice hotel, in a small town also apparently pretty.

When Jason, with the help of one hand, forced the door and opened it, they heard nothing. Mr. Park snored loudly and his wife had been accustomed to sleeping for years with that incessant noise beside her, so powerful that it even covered the sound of metal that bends and wood that falls apart. The two were found with their eyes wide open in terror on their bed, in a lake of their own blood.

Even before opening the door Jason felt his anger grow: that damned sound annoyed him more than a little and therefore he wasted no time in eliminating the first two trespassers. Initially he had fantasized about killing just one of them and waiting for the other to wake up, just to see what he would do. Or tried to do. But those two seemed to be heavy sleepers, so he simply cut the husband's throat with the machete, with a deep and fast cut, and then planted it in his wife's chest, hitting the heart with surgical precision without even touching the ribs. The first managed to emit only a few gurglings before he died, the second a single verse of surprise and fear. That hateful noise had finally stopped and Jason heaved a sigh of relief, left the room and closed it behind him and went to the next.

The Abrams had ended up in the city by accident; they were on a trip on the road and had decided only for convenience, and later out of curiosity, to stop for a while in Crystal Lake. They were due to leave the next day in the afternoon. Their room was 113 - a warning number apparently. The TV was on an action movie that Ms. Abrams was distractedly watching lying on the bed, but paying more attention to her cell phone while her husband was in the bathroom taking a shower. Again, when they noticed Jason, it was already too late.

Arriving in front of the door to the second room, the killer stood still for a moment. He heard noises, whoever was inside was awake and therefore he would have to hurry to avoid creating unnecessary alarms. He turned the handle hoping that the noise would be covered by the others and was surprised when the lock did not give in to his strength, being already open. Maybe they forgot to lock, or maybe they didn't think it was necessary. What idiots, he thought. Slowly he opened the door and silent as a shadow, despite his size, he entered, closing the door with equal attention. From where he was he could see most of the room, including the legs of the lady who was lying on the bed. Thanks to the presence of a wall, inside which the bathroom was located, she could not see him and he could not see her in the face. To avoid making mistakes, Jason ran the risk of being seen, leaning just a little. As soon as he could see the woman's face, and recognized it, the sound of the water stopped: he understood that he had to hurry.

Silently he opened the bathroom door a little, spying inside. There was man wrapped in a bathrobe with his back turned on him and a large mirror on the sink, heavily misted with steam. He slipped inside the little room and before the man, that feeling a stream of cold air had turned, could make even a sound, Jason grabbed him by the face, covering his mouth and preventing him from screaming, pushing him against a wall and making his head hit the tiles. The blow was strong enough to daze him, but the sound alerted his wife.

"Matt? Everything good?" A voice came from the main room.

Jason turned to the door, then immediately returned his attention to the man he held in his grip. He let go of his face and took him by the hair, pushing him towards the toilet. The man's face, which if it had not been for Jason would not even have stood up due to the hit, was submerged in the water of the toilet. With the little strength and conscience he still had, he squirmed, trying to free himself, but it didn't help much, since he passed out in no time for the blow and subsequently choked because of the water. Jason had pushed him so far that the head had got stuck between the ceramic walls that became narrower and narrower. Jason left him immediately to take care of his wife, who was getting out of bed, he felt it.

The two met, and almost collided, halfway. The woman barely had time to utter a little cry before Jason grabbed her by the back of her neck and hurled her forehead against the edge of the wall, strong enough to split her head and immediately make her lose consciousness. And as the body collapsed to the ground he was already closing the bedroom door behind him.

Debby, Sammy, George and Owen were a quartet of adventure-seeking friends. Crystal Lake was not far from their city, but because of all that had happened there their parents had never allowed the four teens to go there. In fact, in order to spend a few days of vacation there, they had lied, saying that they would go elsewhere to celebrate the start of the holidays. They had taken a room, 202, in the city hotel in secret. They had decided to go to bed early, because the next day they wanted to explore the woods at all costs, go to the lake, and get to the old Camp Blood. Finding that guide, however abusive, they had considered it a stroke of luck. They did not want to break the law, but in this way they could have dropped the responsibility on the man who, without scruples, wanted to make some extra money.

Jason opened the door to the third room, shrouded in darkness and silence. He entered with the machete in his hand, ready to strike, going towards the beds. The open window let the light from the street lamps outside pass and he noticed that he did not recognize any of the blissfully dozing faces. He wasn't interested in room number 200, so he left it without hurting its occupants. He was a bit sorry though. However, they were teens and the teens brought trouble. To be precise, two girls and a boy who had not yed disturbed him, so he let them sleep in peace. The last room to check was 202.

He looked at the clock hanging on the wall of the corridor on the second floor, near the elevator, and realized that it was almost midnight. A shiver of excitement ran through him.

It cost him a little to admit it, but he was happy. He could not wait to find out the reason for that invitation from the girl with long black hair. But his mother called him back to order, reminding him that he had not yet finished the job. With a snort, the killer went back to work and the next minute was already in the room of his victims.

He was so taken by the desire to go and check under the white oleander that he no longer cared about his little method "wait for them to wake up and hit them before they can scream". He sheathed the machete and pulled the knife he had taken from the kitchens out of his pocket.

The boys had split up in the two beds of the room, probably two engaged couples. All the better for them, he found himself thinking, with a hint of irony that occasionally presented itself to him. If they wanted to be together, he would have made them stay together forever.

In succession he cut the throats of the four teenagers, making sure to make deep, fast cuts, and to cut the vocal cords of the first three, so as not to wake the last one, a girl who for a moment reminded him of Jasmine, even if only for the hair. Perhaps because of that very slight resemblance, Jason kept her last, but the treatment she received was identical to that of her friends. In turn everyone woke up, opened their eyes and mouths, in an attempt to scream, without being able to do anything.

The killer was not very satisfied though. He liked to be creative with his killing methods, since it was the only thing, apart from resurrecting, that he did really well. Instead, in an hour he had slaughtered in the exact same way not one, not two, but five people.

Fortunately he still had eight other youngs and a man to be eliminated. And maybe someone else would join.

Jason dropped the kitchen knife on the floor, no longer caring about it now that he had used it, and went to the girl's house. He wasn't going to arrive exactly at midnight, just a little later, but it certainly wasn't going to be a problem.

He disappeared into the forest that midnight had just struck, and Friday the 13th officially started.

Jasmine had concentrated a lot on the game and in the end with her friends she had won all the tials. She was so absorbed that she hadn't realized what time it was. Stewart, however, was quick to point it out.

NightmareKing: Hey Jas shouldn't you go now?

LadyChainsaw: It's a little late, you should hurry

Jasonette: OMG it's already 22.45?!

LadyChainsaw: Are your parents already asleep?

Jasonette: They went to bed a little while ago, I don't think they're already sleeping ... they even barricaded the doors before going, because "you never know"

Boogiegirl: Well they certainly didn't do a bad thing

Jasonette: No, but goodbye possibility to go out and come back without having to go through the window

NightmareKing: Don't you have the keys to open?

Jasonette: Yes, but they are still not asleep and the locks are not exactly silent ...

NightmareKing: Then you better hurry, you certainly don't want to be late on your first date <3 XD

Boogiegirl: What an idiot XD

LadyChainsaw: Aaaww, cute x3

Jasonette: Ha ha ha very funny

Jasonette: I'm going, I'll talk to you soon on whatsapp

LadyChainsaw: Ok, see you later

NightmareKing: Cya

Boogiegirl: Be careful

Jasmine, however, did not have time to read those last messages, she had already lowered the screen of her laptop to bring it to her room. Slowly she passed in front of her parents' room, just to make sure if they were still awake or not. The lights were out and everything was dark inside, but Anna's voice soon reached her daughter.

"Are you done with those violent stuff that you young people today call entertainment?" She asked in an ironic and falsely annoyed tone.

"Just for now. I'm going to sleep. Good night." The girl replied, going to her room.

"Goodnight" both parents answered in chorus.

"We love you," added Anna immediately afte.

And Jasmine stopped, immobilized in front of her bedroom door. A sudden sense of guilt had taken her in the chest.

"I love you too." Saying those words gave her a heartache. Her conscience had awakened. Finally!

But it was too late to back out now.

She put the PC on the desk and stroked Finn on the head as she always did to give herself courage. The dog was resting peacefully on the girl's bed, carefully following her movements. Jasmine retrieved the gifts and placed them on the windowsill, opening it with a sigh.

She gently, and especially silently, placed the ax and envelope with the container on the roof, then stepped over. Then she did the same to get everything on the ground, also thanking the help of a bush on the corner of the house which cushioned the fall of the objects.

The young woman jumped down, looked around without being able to see anyone, placed everything well under the oleander and climbed back up, returning to the room. She turned off the light, went to bed, without bothering to remove the covers, and updated hes friends, all with that persistent weight on her heart.

All that remained was to wait, and so she did. She did not feel like waiting at the window, however, partly for the anxiety of making a big mistake and partly because she felt slightly guilty for running away from him the last time.

She waited until 1 am, going from time to time to check at the window, but never being able to see him, then eventually collapsed asleep without knowing if Jason would arrive or not.

What the girl didn't know was that Jason had already been there, but not on one of the moments when she was at the window. In any case, the huge man had not stayed long since he still had work to do.

He had arrived ten minutes after the stroke of midnight and, assuming that everyone was asleep at home since there was not even a light on, he went directly to the designated plant.

He knelt and pushed the lower branches away, immediately finding the plastic bag and remaining a little dazed. In his childhood mind the idea of a classic gift pack had been created, with the paper to be discarded and the bow to be untied. However, when he opened the bag and inside he found a transparent container full of muffins that initial idea - and that hint of disappointment that was starting to form - was swept away. He hadn't eaten muffins for years and years.

There was also a note, but he would have read it later, and left it in the envelope with the sweets.

He lowered himself again, he would have sworn he had seen something else under the shrub.

When he pulled out the bowed case, from the shape he immediately understood what it was and by opening it he confirmed his thought.

He smiled under the old hockey mask.

It would have been a very interesting birthday.



I can't believe it, I finally managed to update this story on the perfect day. It's not June, but details, we are satisfied with it, aren't we? It's not Jason's bday, but it is mine! So I am really happy that the date is so perfect.

I don't know when the next chapter will be published as I also want to update the Italian version of this story, however I hope not to let the centuries go by (again). Unfotunatly the situation here is not so great because of COVID-19 and studying and following the lessons from home is not so fun as I thought it could be. Anyway I hope that wherever you are you and your families and friends are well.

Also this: if we talk about gore I am a little desensitized now, especially if we talk about written and non-visual gore, so I don't know if it is appropriate to have this story with a red or orange rating. Personally I don't think I'm so good as to have put descriptions deserving the red one, but who knows, give me some advice: P

And if you find errors do not hesitate to point them out to me ^^

Since I hadn't put it in here yet, I leave another little aesthetic that I created some time ago for this story.

Let me know what you think of this new chapter!

See you soon, stay safe and happy Friday the 13th!

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