Bad guy 《 Jooheon × Changkyun...

De curiexxxx

27.6K 1.3K 388

Jooheon a fuckboy and Changkyun the new rebellious kid at school. What if they met? Do you think all Hell wou... Mais

The past
Turn me on
Sly man
Roof job
Oh no.
Breaking Point
Getting Comfortable
Back together
They know
I love you
The end.

The party

1.3K 52 15
De curiexxxx

changkyuns pov

Day Thursday

"What?" He didn't say anything just gave me back my boxers, I wonder what he means by that?

"I'm going to take a shower..Can you stay here with me?" He spoke, I put back on my boxers and the room became silent for my answer. Should I? I mean he won't do anything right?

"I guess.." He smiled, showing off cute dimples. Jooheon closed himself inside the restroom, I watched the door with light escaping it from under. I was fucked by him. I had sex with him. Jooheon. I'm not mad or angry but more confused.
Changing back into my sweats, waist was like I had been run over 100 times.

I should probably go and get him some clothes, staggering out of bed my ass was sore like hell. He really didn't go easy on me. Walking out the room my legs can't even walk straight without giving out, how do girls do it with him? I felt around in my pocket and pulled out my phone, can't believe he fucked me while I was on talking with my mom. I hate him.


I lied down on the bed waiting for Jooheon to step out already, he's been in their for 30 minutes and 5 minutes ago stopped taking a shower. Did he die?
Th door suddenly opened with a whirl of steam flowing, Jooheon stepped out looking like a celebrity. Towel wrapped around him, body dry but hair visibly damp still. His eyes immediately went to me, and looked down at my arms.

"Change before I throw up please?" He chuckled, I tossed him the pajamas I hadn't worn in years.

"You were waiting that long for me baby?" He went back into the literal smoke room to change, his voice was soft like silk even loud.

"Twenty decades, I'm 1,000 now" I said sarcastically, he laughed hysterically. At least he finds my sarcasm funny, Wonho and Kihyun don't take the crap at all. It hurts a bit but whatever.

"How do I look?" He did a twirl, I nodded subtly. How can he pull of such old clothes?

"Okay?" His mood went down and with out saying a word switched off the light in the bathroom, Jooheon seemed saddened by my words. What a kid.

"You look handsome I guess.." I corrected myself, his face went into a huge grin.

"Thanks I guess" He mocked me with a small laugh, then jumped into bed.

"Fuck don't do that it hurts" I grabbed my hip, he smirked getting into the covers with me.

"What else hurts baby?" He scoot into my bubble closer, eyes not breaking eye contact.

"My brain, from you"

"So I'm a headache?" I cracked up a bit, he can be funny too.

"Goodnight" My body turned away from him, getting imbedded into the deep cushion, sinking in slowly.

"Already? I tired you out huh?"

"Are you asleep?"

"I guess you are..Goodnight" Finally.


Day — Friday

(Their fits)

The party. It's here already. I'm dreading the hour. Hours. Fuck me.

"What's wrong Changkyun?" Minhyuk tapped my shoulder, gym. Barely anyone was here since it's the last day until break, thank the lord.


"Is everyone exited for the party?" Kihyun questioned, rusting his jeans. Is he high, so jittery and hyper.

"Yes sir!" Hyungwon jeered.

"What time?" Kihyun asked looking at Jooheon.

"I guess 7 pm? My parents and brother probably already left on there trip" What? They left? And he didn't say goodbye? He didn't say anything to me?

"Where they going?" Minhyuk asked, leaning against the wall.

"Europe or something, who cares" Hmm.

"Changkyun! You know that girl that went to the hospital?" Hyungwon suddenly blurted out, I nodded.

"She got surgery and is recovering!" That's good, at least she didn't die. I still remember that day, her face, body.

"What a relief" I muttered, Jooheon looked at me weirdly. His eyes trailing down my body, pervert.

Time skip

I walked among everyone, eagerly waiting to get away from school and start their vacation. It's so crowded and suffocating that I feel dazed.

"Hey baby" I shivered, Jooheon popped up behind me like a wizard.


"Give me the keys, I'm driving" Is he just going to use my car from now on? Doesn't he have one? Or multiple?


"Cause" I took the keys out of my pocket, and blindly handed him them.


"Are we going to your house?" I looked at him, he smiled and his eyes disappeared. Cute.

"Yep" I felt his arm place itself around me, pulling me into a hold.

"I'm tired" I mumbled under my breath, students gazed at us as we walked out. Whispers, gasps, glares.

"Sleep in the car like last time" Why was he so calm? Doesn't he pay attention around him?

"Jooheon? Do you have eye problems?" I joked.

"Actually I never told anyone but..I do have trouble seeing, my damn eyes are so tiny!" My giggles were hysterical, he does squint a lot I've noticed know that I think about it.

"What's so funny, it's a serious problem!" It's like nothing else mattered around us, and everything was just blurred, everything was perfect.

"Why don't you open your eyes wider! I said mid laugh, we crossed the road into the busy parking lot. Cars drove around, honking at others, picking up kids.

"Well I cant remember to do that everyday" He dragged on.

"You need glasses"

"Do I? I'll get some then"

"Cause I told you to?"

"My baby's always right is he not?" My heart was going crazy, thumping loudly, it reverberated my eardrums.

"Dye your hair then" I looked at him proudly, will he actually do it?

"What color?" We reached the car, and Jooheon let me run free. I skipped to the passengers side, opening the door. If he says yes I'll be so happy, imaging him looking so retarded is a dream.


"White? Why?"

"It's my favorite color!"

"Really? Thought it was black"

"Are you going to do it? Actually you wouldn't look that bad" I guessed, examining his face. How does he have such nice skin with rarely any pimples? Did puberty hit him yet?

"Maybe, this isn't my first time dying it..but I like black" He pouted revving up the car.

"You look like a delinquent lowkey"

"You look more it than I do!"

"Fine but you look like a thug then!" We argued like a newly married couple, Jooheon frowned his lips gloomily. "Just drive"

"Do I look like a thug?" He whispered not taking his eyes off the road.

"I was just joking" Lier.

"You're lying, I've been told it before many times"

"At least you're not a thug" I crossed my arms, my head leaning against the hard seats cushion. I'm the real thing.

"You're a delinquent, a pretty one" Pretty? I'm not pretty. I'm cute. That's it.

"Lier" My mouth grumbled.

"I'm telling the truth" Fucking 2020 hearing my god.

"I'm pretty? Isn't that for a girl?"

"It's neutral" Truth. Isn't it supposed to hurt? Why is it so nice?

"You know, I never been called that before. Just cute" I never thought anything but that, everyone said I was so shouldn't I believe It? I think I am.

"You're handsome" I smiled uncontrollably, I felt tiny dimples indent themselves onto my cheeks.

"You smile like me, cute"

"Your eyes go non existent that's the difference"

"Not my problem it's adorable!" Child. We went quiet for as second, admiring the sunset. Blues and oranges, mixing together creating a wonderful view.

"We're here" He spoke, the déjà vu kicked in. Ugh so rich, you can smell the snobbiness.

His house was modernized, I didn't get to see it last time but today...Wow, imagine being this rich? Can't relate.

"Come on!" Jooheon yelled already outside, I quickly got out the car and followed him in. He locked the car up, and threw me back my keys. The bushes and grass were well kept and cut making the scenery look lush and flourishing.

"You shocked?" He pressed the keypad to his right, random numbers my brain couldn't comprehend beeped. The big wooden door automatically drew out, making a whiff of honey drift into my nostrils. I took off my shoes, carefully placing them beside the doorway. Jooheon threw his shoes recklessly next mine, that was harsh sheesh.

"Want a snackie?" I laughed like a maniac. He said snackie! Such a child it's so cute. He gave me a innocent look, his eyes clear with stars.

"Ya! Don't make fun of me, I say it around my brother a lot" Nodding subtly, I still had a grin. I never seen him act like this before.

"Tell me what you want"

"You have chips?"

"Yeah, make yourself at home" Jooheon skid off through the humongous house, leaving me there all alone. I was going overwhelmed, so many rooms and spaces to explore.

"Jooheon?" I asked out quietly, making my way into his direction, following echoing noises. I passed a living room, one that was the size of my house. Fireplace, grand couch, luxury chairs, charming flat screen Tv that shined.

"Jooheon?" I said again this time loud and high, I crossed my arms. I went by rooms, bathrooms, a wine cellar that looked like museum art. What is this house?

"I'm right here" I jumped up out of terror, my heart beat booming in my eardrums.

"Fuck you!" I yelled, trying to regain my composure. He came out this dark hall, thought he was a goddamn ghost!

Jooheon wheezed, "I'm sorry" My glare burrowed into his eyes, I hate him.

"Where the hell were you?"

"Kitchens this way" He pointed behind him, a dim hall with no light whatsoever just weak sun rays.

"Don't do that ever again"

"I'm sorry baby" He pouted.

"It's fine" I didn't like the tension building up here. So weird.

"Lets go buy some time and watch Tv" Jooheon wandered off into the house again, I made sure this time to keep up.
It'll be okay Changkyun, it's just a party. You'll be fine.


Let me give you a run down of what's happening, only 9 and there's more than hundread people here. The guys arrived and helped me and Jooheon set up the place , they brought food, drinks, beer, lights, more food and more food. What's this a wedding?
I sat uncomfortably in a corner of what's seems the living room? Can't tell when there's rainbow lights hurting my eyes. People were getting down on each other, grinding, having fun, some passed out already. The guys were somewhere and I'm here alone. I sipped on some punch, this isn't so bad.
I saw Jooheon far from my vision kiss a girl sloppily, reminded me of..Last time. Honey filled lips, I miss them..WHAT?! Don't think that Changkyun, how weird.
Jooheon felt my intense gaze and looked my way while kissing the random girl, I took my eyes apart abruptly. Ugh.

"There you are!" Kihyun danced his way to me, I smiled.

"The one and only!" He laughed gulping down beer.

"Come and dance with me!" He moved my body with the beat, Kihyun was so drunk that he was dancing like a traffic instructor.

"Hey!" Minhyuk came in, clapping his hands around. Jooheon was no where to be seen, thank the lord feels like he's always watching me.

"Looking for me baby?" A low whisper echoed into my ears, I jerked with terror.

"I hate you" He kissed my neck softly causing a tingly sensation to take over me. Why is he doing such a thing? In public!

"I'm horny baby, mind taking care of it?" He moaned, I glanced at Kihyun and a Minhyuk who were oblivious to what's happening.

"Fuck no" I growled, he scoffed back. Girls were soon crowding around him, sticking to him like monkeys. I tried not to pay attention to the amount of flirting Jooheon is doing but its inevitable, I'm trying to have an okay time here and he tears it apart. Drifting away from them I found myself wandering into places, so claustrophobic here. Too many people.
I noticed the grand stairs were closed off, darkness huddled together, should I break the rules? Fuck it. Ducking under some flimsy rope I trudged up the steps, glancing behind me to see if anyone would dare to say something.

"Rich boy.." I muttered looking at the many halls, so shadowy and dim could barely make out a thing. I remember coming up here but didn't take a good look, how rich is he?

"Should I snoop?" I wondered aloud, passing through a dark corridor, it's starting to get disorienting here.

"What's this?" I frowned at a stairway, hidden amongst the darkness, the moons dim light helped me see this odd thing. Where does it go? I looked up, a trapdoor?

"How weird" I started to go up the metal steps, it creaked a bit which caused unease to stir me up. I reached the top, and unlocked the doors latch, it popped open. Is this what I think it is?

"Stargazing" I pushed my body up onto the foods surface, wow you can see the sky so clearly. Stars twinkling, galaxy swirling, so mesmerizing to stare at. Who knew they had something like this? I carefully stood up and walked across steadily, the roof was clean besides from mold and bird shit. Picking a spot that was untouched I let myself collapse, getting comfortable in the night. I could fall asleep to this view.

"Such a nosy boy" What? Picking up my head I was met with someone I didn't want to see. Jooheon.

"You followed me?" I asked shocked, he's a wizard for sure.

"Yeah, you snuck up upstairs so I had to" He crept to me, wasn't he having fun down there? With all those girls?

"Not my problem I'm a curious person" I sighed softly and rested my head against my arm, the moon shined like the sun, all old and yellow.

"Curiosity kills people" I rolled my eyes, Jooheon crawled down next to me, why so close? Doesn't he know space?

"You could've stayed at the party instead of following me"

"This is much more nicer.." Boom!

"Whatever floats your boat" The crickets chirped in the silence, wind roared against us, music muffled loudly in our ears. The night sky was lively and filled with life, maybe even aliens.

"Changkyun can you stay with me during break?"

"Why? Lonely?"

"Yes or no?"

"Or" He chuckled softly, does he think I'll say yes?

"I'll let you dye my hair" I sprang up, with a huge smile.

"Really?!" Jooheon leaned up to my face, eyes not breaking contact. Breath against breath.

"Yeah anything for you" Boom! Boom! That's nice..

"Anything?" He hummed gently.

"Would you retire from being a fuckboy?" He nodded reluctantly, this isn't believing at all, but fun to witness.

"Take me to Hawaii?"

"For our Honeymoon?" I went hot all over, such a fuckboy. Such a flirt. The mood became intimate, I feel the need to break it, so tense and romantic. But something is tugging me back, making me stay.

"We aren't together" I said nervously.

"We can change that" His lips softly pressed mine, I was hit with the warmth of his skin, a tasty honey flavor, and his tongue that gently fought mine. What is me?

This chapter has been delayed so many times due to the Corona virus and school homework, I'm so sorry!😔 I am very thankful for 500 and 600 reads and it has made me so happy! I hope everyone is staying safe from corona and is being very healthy! Love y'all❤️❤️

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