My kryptonian daughter (techn...

By hentai-lovin-angel

270K 6.9K 4.3K

It's hard enough to take care of a child in general...but what would it be like if this child of yours was an... More

The normal day
Crashed date night
Teen parents
Difficult choices
Just leave us alone
When "evil" does good deeds
The candle that fades pt 1
The candle that fades pt 2
The candle that fades pt3
The punchline
Help from below
Both sides of the gun
Love concers nothing
Our new home
Rescue, rehabilitate, and in need of rescuing again
Survival of the horniest pt 1
Survival of the horniest pt 2
Survival of the horniest pt 3 (L)
Not a chapter (new story)
Trigon pt 1
Trigon pt 2
Trigon pt 3
Down hill from here
A new friend
You can't take her!!
Suffer no more
Burying the hatchet
Healing wish
Facing the past
The aging machine
New problems
At home training
Personal training
Love crazed pt 1
Love crazed pt 2 (L)
New teammate
Boys being boys
The burdan of fatherhood
Kryptonian's best friend
Game night
To be a hero or not to be a hero
The perfect solider
Titans east
(Not a chapter)
Buncha bullshit I felt like saying
The molder of clay
Terrorist amoung assassins
Chaotic beginning
Rise of our king
The end pt 1
The end pt 2
The end pt 3
Alright its out

Let me help you

4.7K 124 58
By hentai-lovin-angel

('This chapter was exodus as of September 2020.')


3rd POV

(Y/n) had been taken away in handcuffs a couple of hours ago. Rachel, who was both angered and sadden, has left to meet up with her team. They'd never seen her cry being that she was seen as emotionless so that raised enough red flags to catch their eye.

Beast boy- "what's wrong Ray Ray?"

Cyborg- "yeah, why are you crying?"

Rachel- "I-I might lose someone I love...all because o-of some stupid misunderstanding..."

Robin- "misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?"

Rachel- "it's like this.."

Short timeskip

They all gasp and look at her, Starfire floats to Rachel and says.

Starfire- "friend Raven, I promise we will do our best to help you."

Robin- "yeah...about's kinda not in our control to do anything about it."

The two of them look at their leader.

Starfire- "what!? Robin, does not the wrong accusation make you feel any form of the negative feelings."

Robin- "Star, we can't mess with them. They're the actual law, and if he did something wrong then there is nothing we can do about it."

Starfire- "how can you let something like this pass off as another robbery or murder! He did nothing wrong!"

Robin- "how do I know that all of this is even true?"

Cyborg- "because the video is kinda sorta all over the internet...."

Robin- "wait what!?!"

Robin checks the giant computer in the living room and surfs the web. It didn't take long for him to find the video. He unintentionally played it and soon moaning filled the room. Robin immediately shuts down the computer and the others just stare in weariness.

Robin- "...ok you've made your point, let's go get him."

3rd POV

Pretty soon the news about a new extraterrestrial child spread across the country. NASA had gotten hundreds of questions from various news corporations as they still had the shuttle that the kryptonian child was held in.

But that wasn't the only thing that sparked controversy in the country. Criminals have broken free and rioted just to get their hands on the child, being that an extraterrestrial child would be a lot more on the black market. The dark knight had a hard time keeping everything in order in Gotham.

Alfred- "another crime alert."

Batman- "I'll get down there."

Alfred- "not without any proper sustenance."

Batman- "I'll be fine."

Alfred- "very well sir."

(Y/n)'s POV

The forensics team got a sample of my blood and said I was free to go. I was walking back to Rachel's house being that my license was suspended. Not even ten minutes of walking and I hear police sirens. I ignored them until I heard the voices of those two dickheads.

Off. Stark- "mind telling us what you're doing this late at night?"

(Y/n)- "go jump off a bridge."

Off. Banner- "what did you say you little shit?"

(Y/n)- "oh sorry, where are my manners. I would greatly appreciate it if you two could please jump off a fucking cliff, thank you."

The car stops but I only walked faster. The doors started to open and I bolted, not wanting to get into anymore trouble. They started yelling things like 'stop that thief' and 'the murderer is getting away' to get other people's attention. I kept running and took a left only to find a dead end. When I turned around, the two cops were standing at the end of the entrance to the dead end, smiles on their faces and handcuffs in their hands.

Off. Stark- "mighty fine catch we got here wouldn't you say Billy?"

Off. Banner- "got that right Micheal."

They rushed me and took out their batons. I fought back tripping one and breaking the others nose but they eventually got me on the ground.

Off. Stark- "I guess we could add assault of an officer of the law as another charge."

(Y/n)- "g-go to hell, you self righteous hypocrite."

Out of the corner of my eye, the other cop raises his baton to get ready for another strike.

3rd POV

The boy was getting a taste of the darker side to the police force. One that he always speculated, but never had proof of. In his mind, he wished death upon both of them....something he never wished on anyone, not even his worst enemies.

From a distance, the previously named shadow demon was watching him, trying her best to find an opening where she could use him to kill those cops. Before the cop could bring his baton down or even Azara could jump down and posses him. A pink light flashes the surrounding area, blinding everyone from the scene. When the light died down, (Y/n)'s body was gone.

Azara- "what the hell?"

(Y/n)'s POV

(Y/n)- "what the hell happened?"

???- "I apologize for not coming sooner."

I turn to face a woman.

(Y/n)- "who are yo-wait, it's you. You're the fourth one on the video!"

She nods her head.

(Y/n)- "wait...Mika?"

Mika- "I knew you'd remember me! Oh my god you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment."

(Y/n)- "wha-mmmpph!!!"

She smashes her lips on mine and wraps her arms around my neck to deepens the kiss. I break free and back up against a wall as she stares at me.

Mika- "w-what's wrong?"

I sidestep and run to the door to find it looked.

Mika- "why are you trying to leave?...I saved you...doesn't that mean anything to you?"

(Y/n)- "all you did was make me suffer more. I know it's your fault that Cindy is in her condition."

Mika- " didn't love you. She'll NEVER love you like I do. Don't you see, I took your virginity, you and I are destined to be soul mates!"

(Y/n)- "no, the only ones meant to be my soulmates are Cindy and Rachel, so let me go you crazy bitch!"

Her eyes went full as she looked down. She then started.....giggling.....the giggling turned to laughter.....then the laughter turn to deranged laughter which soon died down to her flashing me a sadistic smile.

Mika- "you....are....MINE!!"

She shouts as pink light surrounds her. I tried to run for the door but was caught in pink translucent shackles. I turned to Mika in which she had dawned a new form.

(Y/n)- "w-what are you?!"

Mika- "I'm the new star sapphire, and you are my true love, (Y/n). You're mind has been clouded by delusion....let me help you. Let my clear your mind of those sluts. But first, you need punishment...."

(Y/n)- "p-punishment? For what?"

Mika- "you cheated on me, you look at other women...and most of all, you called me a crazy be a good boy and sit down."

(Y/n)- "fuck you."

She giggles again.

Mika- "that's not that bad of an idea. But it'll be me who does it~"

She creates a bed with her ring and lays me down on it. The ring tightened the shackles on my hands and she got on top of me and straddles my waist.

Mika- "let your punishment begin~"


('Yeah.....I took out a bunch because it didn't make much sense to me at this point.')

Bye bye

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