Skinny ☓ 5sos

By pvnkhemming

103K 3.5K 1K

Hopeless. Freak. Elephant. Pitiful. These are the words of skinny, a vicious voice that lives inside 17 year... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
The Last Chapter

It's been fun.

2.8K 101 42
By pvnkhemming


By the title i bet that you guys already know where i'm going with this but it has truly has been so much fun writing this for all of you guys that have read it and have been through all the spelling errors. I first joined wattpad two years ago starting off as reading a bunch of these fanfics are to this day still my favorite and the writers inspired me to write my own. When i first started i feared that no one will read it and ill forever get a few reads from my friends but i got some tips and support from my some of my favorite writers and i kept going and i'm readily glad i did. I've made so many new friends on wattpad and i appreciate every single one of them. Everyday i would look forward to go home from school and read your comments and all of you guys are so nice and leave me the cutest comments but to be honest my last few chapters have been crap and not good and there's a reason for that. I know that for many months you guys have been waiting for chapter 15 and i actually did write half of it but i honestly just can't continue this. I know that you guys have probably seen these types of excuses before but  i havn't been the happiest and all the joy that i used to feel writing chapters and making trailers, i don't feel anymore. I just don't think that you guys deserve to read chapters that i don't put my best work in. I'm not going to delete this story or my other one because i still did used to love doing this but i'm not going on wattpad anymore. 

I love love love love love love all of you and i mean every single word of my last authors note. I know that i haven't seen any of you guys in person but i know that you're all beautiful and please please remember that. If you're going through anything right now trust me it will get better, i know it may not seem like it right now but it will. My mom once told me that everyday you have a choice, you can either look at the dark side of the road or you can choose to see the bright side. (p.s. i suggest you choose the bright) 

So for one last time thankyou guys so much for 57k.

ilyyyy xx 

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