Last First Kiss ( A Harry Sty...

By jintime

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What would happen if two best friends fall in love with each other but everything is just so complicated? More

Last First Kiss
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 [ Part 1 ]
Chapter 7 [ Part 2 ]
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 [ Part 1 ]
Chapter 13 [ Part 2 ]
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note ! [ Please Read ]
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

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By jintime

Mileena's POV

I looked at the crowd for a matter of second, everyone was cheering, i see fascination on their faces. They are all smiling.

But a thought came to my mind. What about Caroline? He can't have two girlfriends at the same time. The thought in my mind made me frown, i looked back at Harry, my eyes met his and he is still waiting for my answer. I leaned down and whispered "What about Caroline?"

"We're not together anymore" he whispered back which made me smile and let out a sigh of relief.

i stood straight again, inhales some hair and proudly said "Yes"

The cheers went louder, Harry wear the ring to my middle finger and he stood up and hugged me tightly.

"Can i kiss you now?" Harry asked.

I smirked then nodded, he crashes his lips into mine, his soft lips touching mine, i didn't even think of protesting.  His tongue starts touching my lower lip begging for entrance and i gladly let him in, out lips moving in sync. I felt butterflies in my stomach and sparks on us.

This moment is just perfect.

"You don't know how long i've been waiting for this to happen" He said at the moment we break the kiss, his forehead leaning into mine.

I smiled, "You don't know how long i've been waiting for you to be mine" i said then a tear slipped down my face again, Harry used his thumb to wipe it then slowly pecked my lips.

Then he tugged my arm, leading me at the back stage.

"Wait. but the concert is not yet done" i said.

"You'll see a normal Maroon 5 concert some other time, come on..the boys are waiting"

As we walked fast, he intertwine his fingers with mine. it felt extraordinary.

"wait i have a great idea" i said to Harry before he opens the door.

"what?" he said then i whispered something to him.

"you silly girl. But it will be fun though" he said and winked at me. I just giggled.

Harry stood at the side of the door; hiding.

i had a fake but believable frown on my face as i open the door. The boys are standing there, their faces seems worried or something. I think they're worrying about me rejecting Harry in their plan.

"NOW WHO PLANNED THIS?!" i shouted, i acted like an angry lady. Their jaws dropped. i want to laugh at their faces but i need to control myself. omg.

"i..i...ummm..." Liam paniced.

"Niall Horan" Zayn said. Louis and Liam nodded while Niall raised both of his hands like he's getting arrested.

I stomped my feet while walking towards him.

"YOU?! YOU PLANNED THIS?! HUH?!" i said, acting as angry as i can be.

 he just nodded.

"Mileena, Look...uhmm... So-" i trailed him off.

I raised my hand acting like i'm gonna slap him, he had eyes closed expecting for a hard slap but i suddenly hugged him.

"Niall ! You brilliant bastard!!!!" i said as i hugged him.

"What?" he said in confusion.

"You're brilliant!!" i said again.

"Yeeeyyyyy!" Harry entered the room, like a kid who entered a candy castle.

"You guys back to being bestfriends again?"  Liam asked

"Actually..." Harry started

"NO" i said. they smiles turn into an ' O ' shape.

"what? so what's is happening right now?" Louis asked in confusion.

"Because....." i said then Harry wrapped his arms on my waist then we kissed on the lips then laughed.

"Did you just kissed each other on the lips?" Niall said with his eyes opened. We laughed harder on the looks of their faces. they were shocked.

"Yes, We're officially together" i said

They all cheered and jumping around the room.

"Hey guys !!" the door suddenly swung opened revealing a hot guy named Adam ;)

"Hi Adam!!" i squealed. literally. "Can i take a picture with you?" i was really fangirling. oh my gosh.

"If your boyfriend don't mind." he said as he laughed.

"I'm sure he won't. right?" i said and narrowed my eyes at Harry

"Ofcourse." he said as he nodded once. "Let me take the picture, she's a huge fan. Like obsess." he added when he took my phone to take the picture.

All of us took a picture with them, most of it are funny pictures. it was really fun. I'm able to control a bit of myself on that moment even though i squealed at fist but eventually i got a little calm but the smile on my face never left.

"We're just gonna be in the other room to arrange our things, gotta fly back to America after this... Busy schedule" Adam said

"ok. thank you again to all of you for doing this for me." Harry said to them.

"No problem, anything for a good cause" he answered. "Gotta go now." he said as he turned the door know and opened the door.

"Bye... I LOVE YOU ALL "

"shit i forgot the albums" i mumble to myself. Then i felt a hand snaked around my waist that send me butterflies in my stomach.

"I forgot to bring my Maroon 5 albums, now i got no chance to have it signed my them" i said and sighed.

"Do you want another surprise?" he said and smirked cheekily.


"hmm.. kiss me first" He said as he pointed his lips, waiting for my kiss. I stuck my tongue out to him. 

"hmmm... what if i don't want?"

"Then you won't have a Maroon 5 signed albums and posters" he stuck his tongue out.

"oh my gosh..." then i quickly pecked my lips on his. He grabbed my hand and we went to the other room with a paper hanging on the door with a 'Maroon 5' written on it. 

Harry knocked on the door and James -the drummer- opened it for us.

Harry was about to open his mouth to greet him but i beat him to it. "Hi James" i greeted.

"Hi. come in guys, we're about to finish signing these things" he motion us to come in. and thereon the couch was the other members signing all my Maroon 5 stuffs.

"Is that all my stuffs?" i asked Harry. He just nodded. Then i jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a bear hug. "Thank you so much"

"anything for my girl" he said.

"Big fan yeah." Adam said as he shrugs. which made all of us break into fits of laughter.

- - - - - - - -

After spending 2 hours on the room, having laughs and chats with the lads. Its good to be me again. the Mileena that's happy with these lads. I already decided to forgive him, after all he did.. it's actually too much but its the best, One of the moments i won't forget in my life. And these lads will never be erased in my heart. Especially Harry Styles.

My thoughts are interrupted when a husky voice fill the silence. "Are you alright?" Harry said, One of his hand hold my left arm and his other hand keeping a grip on the steering wheel. He said he'll give me a drive home.

"Yeah, just thinking" 

"About what?" he asked, not looking at me and focused at the road.

"'us'" i answered. a smirk grew on his lips when i answered.

"So, there's already an 'us' ?"

"Ofcourse" i said as i nodded.

"umm.. Mileena?" he said.


"in case you still don't know, I love you" 

- - - - - - - 


I got no classes for the rest of the week, so i got a time to update but this is a short one because ... i don't know. omg. but it's better than nothing.

So i already told you that there is gonna be asequel after a few more chapters, i decided to put another plot twist here before ending it so it's not really near the ending. i think 5 more chapters to go before it ends.

You can still answer my question on the Author's note.

Check it out at the previous part. 

Thank again for everything.

Sending lots of love to everyone !! xx

- @1DWillKissMe

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