LM3/LMGS: Joy Ghost Virus

By LovelyTeng

535 12 0

Morty was sad for Steward's tasks was ruined by Morty while he turned joy host as Steward finding cure before... More

Spread the Infection of Joy
Joy Apocalypse
Birthday Escape From Infect
Affect Effect of Tricks
Finding Ways From Joy Magic
Lost Collects From Dark Joy
Be Happy and Safely

Night of Joyful Bad Memory

38 1 0
By LovelyTeng

(Fade to 6F/Castle MacFrights as Elevator Hall while Steward falling asleep in the elevator with pillow and sheet and then he awake and stand up as shocking in quickly from shaking elevator, he put pillow and sheet in Dr. Potter's backpack as he wearing it as adjects his mask and glasses, then yawns and stretching.)

Steward: Okay, where was I? (realize to snap the fingers) Oh right! To the Garden Suites! (picking something in Dr. Potter's backpack) But I need wearing... (pop out from Dr. Potter's backpack called; ) Effect Vision Goggles! (remove his glasses and wearing Effect Vision Goggles; happily) Cool! That's my favourite for Dr. Potter's invention! (sad tone) Oh, grandfather... (back to normal tone) But I must going to get the part of Virus Cuser as be cure them!

(Steward phases up and out to 7F/Garden Suites as Elevator Hall where messed with blue and purple liquid as he whimpering in fear as floating and looking around happened the floor as glowing plants.)

Steward: What's just happened on the floor?

(Steward shock as hear Dr. Potter's laughing like mad scientist while floating slowly to doors of Atrium as hearing in.)

Dr. Potter: (from the inside) Morty, that was great idea for plan to infect Steward! (Steward silence gasps as continue hear in) Well, then Steward taking the part of Virus Cuser as it get away by me!

(Dr. Potter laughing in crazy as Steward whimpering for moment while Dr. Potter stop laughing and Steward notice for moment to Dr. Potter stop laughing. Steward pop out his diary and pen from his coat as writing it.)

Steward: (in thinking; write and read of mind the diary; in worried) Dear diary, I hear plans for this floor, Garden Suites. Dr. Potter was infected now from his friends as he joined them, sometimes I was worried inside Atrium as plans for this! (closed his diary as hide it with pen in the coat, inhaled and then exhaled; in speaking) Okay, Steward! You can do this!

(Steward press on Cloak/Dark-Light Vision Mode from Effect Vision Goggles while he enter Atrium where messed with blue and purple liquid and plants was glowing while Steward impress Atrium.)

Steward: Wow! That was pretty! In fact, infected plants was glowing effect! Where's a part of Virus Cuser? (looking the part on the strand; blinking shook) Well, that was easy but somewhere it is trap.

(Steward floating slowly to get the part from on the strand while Dr. Potter who hiding door of suite when dark on the his appear as only one eye and mouth as splitting out for blue and purple liquid and then he covered it.)

Dr. Potter: (whispering) Come on, Steward~! Just pick it up~!

Steward: (offscreen) Oh! I almost forgot!

Dr. Potter: What?! What he's doing?! (gasps in shock as Steward pop out Mechanic Arm from Dr. Potter's backpack) No... No, no, no, no, no! (Steward pick the part with Mechanic Arm to back him; Dr. Potter grunt; normal volume) That's it!

(Dr. Potter used his power to grow Venus flytrap as it behind Steward who scaring and turn around Venus flytrap roar as Steward screams as take off the part as it on air and then Venus flytrap take the part and it throw to Dr. Potter catch the part and hold his watering can, his bandage covered to his left eye as still wearing glasses, left arm, end tail and mouth as wearing mask and his clothes covered blue and purple liquid. He place the part on the head as under his hat and he smile to Steward who he press off current mode from Effect Vision Goggles and the shaking in fear.)

Dr. Potter: (disappointed) So, you used my inventions from my backpack, huh? Well, I know all my inventions from after tested it as you get it and Morty told me to happy you... (soft with eerie voice; happily) Come with me, Steward! (put his watering can from coat and raise his arms along floating slowly to Steward who floating away as worried) Don't be scary! I'm not gonna hurt!

(Steward continue stay back from Dr. Potter as he hold up untested invention was 9 colors each in tube on the gun while Dr. Potter gasps.)

Dr. Potter: Steward, don't use untested invention!

Steward: But I'm testing your invention. Let see... (point the invention as point the target) Okay, I'm target to... (he keep saying for target as press orange button as Fire Mode as he locked target to Dr. Potter) YOU!

(Steward shoots Dr. Potter with fire laser from 9 mode invention as Dr. Potter screaming as blasted him on explosion with fire as Steward cover to blasted and he looking fire and the part rolling to him as pick it as place it in the toolbox.)

Steward: Cool! That was my new favourite Dr. Potter's invention, I thinking it called Multi-Mode Laser Gun!

(Steward floating up but he stop for hold the tail by plant-shaped arm as covered blue and purple liquid while removed bandage as it burned was Dr. Potter. Steward gasps to Dr. Potter's revealed for remove the bandages while Dr. Potter slam Steward as he down to floor.)

Steward: (hissing in pain) OUUUUCCCHH!!!

Dr. Potter: (offscreen; angily) I told you, Steward! I told you!

Steward: But I tested your invention when doesn't used for you!

(Cuts to Dr. Potter floating as fire's gone, he removes the bandages but only shadows as covered appear.)

Dr. Potter: No, not that! You need... (in distorted with eerie voice) TO REST!

(Lightbulb turns on but broken as Dr. Potter's revealed for remove the bandages was his left eye was blue color and full wide glasses, his left arm was covered blue and purple liquid as made plant-shaped arm, his end tail was plant-root with blue and purple color and his mouth was sharp as coming out blue and purple liquid while he was heavily breathing for Steward tired escape.)

Dr. Potter: (distorted with eerie voice; angily) You don't give up to cure us! You're an one to hurt us and make Morty sad!

Steward: (start crying; sad tone) Yes! That's what doing that and all my fault! And how'd you called to Morty?

(Cuts to Dr. Potter show and point at one headset while Steward gasps, wiping his tears and floating side to powered saw.)

Dr. Potter: (in distorted with eerie voice) After I infected, Morty told me and my friends listened the plan to infect you, Steward. Morty give me for headset with friends to call for take the parts of Virus Curer!

(Cuts to Steward get the powered saw when it already on as press to Effect Vision Goggles as Safe/Shield Mode as cutting Venus flytrap as it died as dropped film tapes as Steward catches it and Dr. Potter gasps.)

Steward: (gasps) Morty's secret tape?! (looking as duck to Dr. Potter's infected arm to wall; deadpanning) Oh no...!

(Cuts to Dr. Potter take off wall as holding up watering can as floating around as he watering the place and growing plants as covering doors of Atrium, walls, ceiling and windows while Steward shaking in fear as holding saw and film tapes.)

Dr. Potter: Steward, you're taken Morty's secret tape as never show it! (whistles; shouts) The Three Sisters! Come me, ladies.

(The Three Sisters as they're Joy Ghobies now as they floating around Steward when he shaking and screams as floating to suite as inside, then they floating to Dr. Potter when he glares at Steward inside the suites.)

The Three Sisters: (eerie voices) Yes, Dr. Potter!

Dr. Potter: Ladies, Steward trying to escape and stay away from infection, then you catch Steward before he escape. (points at suites) After him!

The Three Sisters: (salute to Dr. Potter) Yes, Doctor!

(The Three Sisters floating Blooming Suite as Bedroom while Steward hiding top the bed as keeping hiding as holding film tapes and powered saw when turned off and then covering shadow and whimpering in fear as The Three Sisters hold up the mirror as they looking around of behind.)

Herlinda: (eerie voice) Lucinda, you staying here for this suite, Belinda and I finding him from any suites.

Lucinda: (eerie voice; nods) Yes, sister!

(Herlinda and Belinda floating exit Blooming Suite as Steward looking they leaving and looking Lucinda, then Steward open Dr. Potter's backpack as picking two Anti-Virus Gloves as he wearing it and film tapes put in Dr. Potter's backpack as he wearing it and he hook powered saw along toolbox.)

Steward: (whispering) Okay... Time to experiment!

(Lucinda gasps as looking mirror as reflection to Steward who gasps while he floating to Blooming Bathroom as Lucinda follow him as she looking Steward but no sign as piles of flowers.)

Lucinda: Where is he? (notice the flower start floating as wind around as floating slowly to faster) Oh no...! (looking mirror as reflection to Steward who spinning around her with flowers) You neven escape this, Stewy!

(Lucinda start swing with her mirror but her arms stick together as mirror floating and swing Lucinda as knocked out while flowers stopped wind as falling and covering Lucinda while Steward cloak off and heavily breathing as he smashes Lucinda's mirror.)

Steward: Okay, one down, two to go.

(Steward floating up but he hear Belinda's eerie laughing while he floating to Thorny Suite as Bathroom and then Thorny Bedroom where covered and places with cactuses, vines with spikes and fall leaves as Steward amazed to Thorny Bedroom.)

Steward: Wow! I never seem Thorny Bedroom before! (hearing Belinda's eerie laughing as hiding under the bed; whispering) She's coming!

(Belinda floating around Thorny Bedroom with mirror as she looking it and turning back as Steward when he feeling hurt as whimpering in pain from under the bed.)

Steward: (whispering in glitter of pain) Dr. Potter was right! About bed of thorny plants was harmful! That's why Luigi can't go to Thorny Bedroom!

(Steward screaming in pain as floating fast around Thorny Suite as cactuses falling from shelter to Belinda as she dodges the thorny plants until Steward stop and remove spike vines as he looking and gasps to Belinda who holding the mirror.)

Belinda: (eerie voice) So, some trouble about thorn plants, don't you, Steward?

(Belinda laughing until knocked out by falling flower pot from ceiling, Steward floating slowly to Belinda who barely one eye as Steward scream as take Belinda's mirror to smashes Belinda as knocked out for mirror was broken. Steward looking in shocking to Belinda.)

Steward: Two down, one to go! (whimpering in pain) And I'll get out Thorny Bedroom!

(Steward floating outside Thorny Suite as up to Ivy Suite as Ivy Bedroom while Steward looking branches covered inside there as he take powered saw as turned on as onto branches as cutting until broken as there is wooden box as Steward looking it and take crowbar from floor as open the lid and Steward looking inside the box while mirror floating to Steward who taking the recorder and recording tapes.)

Steward: (whispering) Dr. Potter's secret record tapes! (Herlinda cloak off as holding mirror right behind him; normal volume) I barely hearing Herlinda was here...

(Herlinda start swing to Steward with mirror but she missed Steward when he leaving as cloak himself while Herlinda follow him but she notice her mirror floating as it hitting Herlinda until she knocked out as mirror was broken. Steward cloak off as he smiling for The Three Sisters are all knocked out as he cheering until he hearing Dr. Potter screaming in anger.)

Steward: Oh no! He's coming!

(Steward cloak on as Dr. Potter floats in anger to Ivy Suite as Bedroom as he looking until gasps to Herlinda as Dr. Potter grunting to defeated The Three Sisters.)

Dr. Potter: (angrily) You're pay for this, Steward!

(Dr. Potter leaving as holding Herlinda to exit Ivy Suite while pans to Ivy Bathroom as Steward cloak off as sitting onto giant watermelon and taking one recording tape into recorder while plugged in with wire headset and he wears it as he playing it.)

Dr. Potter: (in recording to headset; eerie voice) Okay, I recording that for now... Morty told me about tell the trust when I wasn't brainwashed for infection as ghosts realize to me as controlled myself... (Steward writing the book to Dr. Potter's record after he infected) Morty telling me to help Steward make happy as infected... Sometimes there nobody has afraid of nightmare from joy infection... (laughing as Steward start worring as start writing is unchatting) Sometimes my friends have been realized of joy infection and no one escape here all at time. (Steward shock moment to said as Steward start worried; distorted with eerie voice) There's no one escape HERE FOR ALL THE TIME!!!

(Dr. Potter record laughing as Steward eject it as throw onto bathtub but he still heard Dr. Potter laughing as Steward remove headset and covering his ears as shaking his head.)

Steward: No, no, no, no, no! Leave me along and get away from me!

Dr. Potter: (soft tone in distorted with eerie voice; offscreen) There's no more nightmare, Steward...

(Steward turning around to bathtub as he looking floating watering can until Dr. Potter cloak off as he holding watering can as he looking in unimpressed to Steward start anxiety as tear coming out while shaking as Dr. Potter turn sad smile as floating slowly while Steward floating backward as stay back while floating up for stair.)

Dr. Potter: Steward, just stop doing that for yourself from you did... (He and Steward enter Mushroom Suite as Bedroom as continue floating) (disappointed, then angrily) You're heard my first record tape of I was infected as plans, then Morty wants you for make apologies him!

(Dr. Potter attack Steward with infected arm as Steward screams and dodges Dr. Potter's plant-shaped arm as they floating up to Rare Plants Lab Suite as Bedroom as Steward takes gold-colored formula as hold up Spray Spring and then they going outside of Rare Plants Lab Suite. Steward pour formula to Spray Spring and hold up spray part to Dr. Potter gasps and notice headset ring until he calling it.)

Morty: (through Dr. Potter's headset) Potter! Did you see that? Steward poured your formula! What's formula was made of?

Dr. Potter: (whispering to speak headset) That's made of Star Flower! Steward used it, we're cure us forever!

Morty: Just don't get away to him!

(Dr. Potter dang up the headset as he looking Steward was holding powered saw as it covered gold liquid as Dr. Potter shaking hands and head.)

Dr. Potter: Steward, don't use it to saw the plant from ceiling!

Steward: (deadpanning/dumbfounded) What? You getting worried about formula as not figured out?

Dr. Potter: (nods in worry) Yes! Please! Don't... saw... that... plants on the ceiling! (Steward little floats up to ceiling) Steward, stop it! (Steward little closer to ceiling) Don't do that! (Steward starting switch on the powered saw) Steward! (Steward switch on as turned on the powered saw) Stop it! (Steward slowly up to touch plants from ceiling with powered saw) (grunts in worried; angrily) I said... STOP IT!

(Dr. Potter stretching and holding Steward's arm with plant-shaped arm as Steward screaming as cutting around ceiling with powered saw while all trap plants was back to normal as unblocked doors, window and ceiling when failing thick plants was falling as Steward floating but stop as struggling by Dr. Potter holding him with plant-shaped arm. Then Steward finally to shield from falling of thick plants as he looking Dr. Potter still holding Steward's arm as he holding powered saw still on as he cutting Dr. Potter's plant-shaped arm as Dr. Potter screaming in pain as holding the arm while he's knocked out and falling the floor from big thick plants as Steward looking down as smashed on the ground as finally stop falling of thick plants, then Steward sighs in relief and wiping off the swearing.)

Steward: Wow! That was close one and it's over! (looking Dr. Potter's watering can as hooking it with powered saw when turned off to next it) And it's done for this floor! Yes!

(Steward floating up but he looking Dr. Potter where still knocked out as he's on the big thick plant as Steward sighs in sad and wiping the tears.)

Steward: (soft tone) I'm sorry about this, grandfather...

(Steward floating up to 8F/Paranormal Productions as Elevator Hall as he hearing Morty's crying as Steward gasps as crying.)

Steward: Oh no! What I done... for now?!

(Steward sniffs and floating slowly Entrance Hall to Studio Entrance as doors as coming out the tears as he hearing in to Morty's crying and said.)

Morty: (from the inside; sadly) No, no, no, no, no! It's can't be! Steward got my secret tape and part of Virus Cuser! (sodding as Steward trying stop crying from Morty's Genre Embodiment but Steward loud crying as powers was all shut down from overpower in Last Resort from his Electric Embodiment as offscreen glass pop as screams) (soft tone; happily) Steward? Is that you?

(Steward gasps and hiding reception desk as he cloak himself while Morty floating to Studio Entrance as he looking him but no sign as he grunts in defeat.)

Morty: No! Steward, don't hide and scared! Steward? Little bro? (screams for Steward wasn't here) Steward! You can hide everywhere and I'll find you!

(Morty floating away, pans to Studio 1: Horror Set as Steward hiding the box while heavily breathing as holding his diary and pen as writing it.)

Steward: (in thinking; write and read of mind the diary) Dear diary, I was hiding in the box from my brother, Morty. He's doing plans to infect me for my friends when they're infected, somehow doing plans as little "better" for infection... I've be found my brother's secret tape from 7th floor as I finding protector as watch his plans, but I'm scared my brother's appears from bandages... Even I finding part of Virus Cuser!

(Steward closed his diary as it and pen hiding from his coat and slowly open as peaking looking Morty when no sign here as he come out the box and looking in Horror Set as he wiping off swearing for Morty's not here.)

Steward: (in speaking out) Phew! That was close one! But where's part of Virus Cuser? (floating to set as turned on fog and wind machine on the stage as he scary in shaking) Oh no!

(Familiar eerie laughing echo as Steward hold up Clem's paper fan as looking around familiar voice in Horror Set.)

Male Eerie Voice: (with strained tone; in French accent) Why bonjour, Steward!

Steward: (gasps in horror) Oh no...! Morty!

(Morty floating down as end tail trail glowing around Horror Set as he holding part of Virus Curer as he smiling, giggling and floating to Steward when floating back to Morty.)

Morty: (in strained with eerie voice; happily and soft) Steward, stop doing yourself from your fear... (Steward throw rubber duck to him but he missed) Just calm down and relax...

(Morty slowly rise up his arm as eerie laughing as Steward screams and the floating away as he hits Morty when he rubbing his head.)

Morty: Ouch! Hey, Steward! Come back here!

(Morty floating to Studio 2: Castle Set where battle background as he turns the knight as hold up sword and looking Steward until he looking Steward was on the tower of castle as he wearing helmet and holding King MacFrights' sword and shield as Morty gasps while Steward floating down to the ground as he feeling nervous.)

Steward: Big bro, that was a mistake for I made this!

Morty: (as knight) Mistake? Oh no, your highness. Why telling for mistake you did?

(Steward floating backward start forward with shield.)

Steward: Because... I DID AFTER THAT!

(Steward screams as floating and to pull Morty with shield as he going to Studio 3: Fire Set and turn back to normal for appear as he slides lie on the ground for set while Steward floating with Kruller's water gun as he wearing firefighter hat as Morty standing up as the building start fire and he floating slowly to Steward who shaking in fear as holding with water gun to Morty.)

Steward: Morty! Just stop for doing with my friends!

Morty: No...

Steward: What?! Why not?!

Morty: Because... (picks the fire extinguisher) I NEED YOU HAPPY!

(Morty floating to Steward with fire extinguisher but he got spraying as drops fire extinguisher while to inside building with fire and screaming by Steward who did sprayed Morty with Kruller's water gun, then Steward shocking moment until looking part of Virus Cuser rolling to Steward as pick and place it to toolbox and then he looking to Morty when inside building with fire.)

Steward: (soft tone) I'm sorry about you're sad for I did upset you, then now, I forgive you, big brother... Sorry about this.

(Steward floating to Studio 4: Micro Set with through the studio while to building was stopped the fire from inside as shadow of Morty from the wall shown start floating with his bandages was fallen by fire while he open eyes and then smile while remove neck bandage as he laughing in distorted with eerie voice.)

(Cuts to Studio 4: Micro Set as Steward looking set and then projector without tapes as takes it as he's go to inside giant box and sitting down as pick film tapes and the attach onto projector as he turn on into giant cardboard as he watching it. Cuts of film to Morty but shadow as darkness with blue and purple glowing from eyes, mouth and spitting from mouth in 8F/Paranormal Productions as Backstage in dark as start Morty's infected as Joy Virus Ghost was start.)

Morty: (in film; eerie voice) I feeling... happy and controlled myself for virus... (coughs as spitting out) After Magician Sisters hugged me as infected with joy... (coughs) In fact, I was tested to them as turned like me from infection as sometimes I planning for tomorrow... (weak to loud laughing from end sentence) For my brother's special bir-...!

(Static screen for unfinished sentence as cuts back to Steward gasps and turns to projector was covered with blue and purple liquid while Steward screaming and looking to screen was pop out with blue and purple glowing hand as Steward screaming and floating to Studio 5: City Set, then he looking around it as he holding Clem's paper fan while shaking and whimpering in fear to Morty's revealed for remove the bandages.)

Steward: Now, he's gonna make me for "battle"!

(Morty phases in City Set when he covered shadow as dropping blue and purple liquid from injuries and below his head while he heavily breathing as Steward stay back to Morty as cuts to Morty still covered the shadow and below the head while turned smile.)

Morty: (in distorted with eerie voice as together with his and 16 Boss Ghosts' voices) Well, Steward... You may think I'm the Joy Ghobie and I wish you're happy from... (raising up his head as smile; one voice) HUGS!

(Morty distorted with eerie laughing in crazy while Steward screaming as floating but stopped by wires from Morty as he around and tied to Steward when he struggling it and he turned on flashlight to Morty as Steward loud screaming as all light was turned on in The Last Resort. Morty's revealed for remove the bandages was his neck was spider web tape around it with blue and purple as like Micro Set, his left eye was darker colors than other eye like Castle Set, his hands was blue and purple with sharp nails like Horror Set, his nose was blue and purple burn mark like Fire Set, and his whole tail was blue and purple Kaiju-shaped like City Set while he smile and floating to Steward still struggling until screams and bouncing to water as he dive as Morty gasps.)

Morty: Steward! (dive to underwater from under the city as swimming/floating to find Steward in worry) Steward! Steward! Steward? (notice wires as gasps swimming/floating wires as get it; sad tone) Steward...

(Pans to Fire Set as Steward inside building when he get wetting by water, removed the tired wires and fast breathing for Morty until he sighs in relief as he sliding down as against the wall onto sitting while take off Dr. Potter's backpack as taking another one recording tape into recorder while plugged in with wire headset and he wears it as he playing it.)

Dr. Potter: (in recording to headset; normal voice) This is Dr. Ollie Potter!

Steward: (gasps in joy; quietly) Dr. Potter's Pre-Infected Tape!

Dr. Potter: I'm in 6th floor with King MacFrights. Sometimes like... opposite personal battle...

King MacFrights: (in recording to headset; normal voice) Hey, buddy! What's ya doing to tape?

Dr. Potter: I recording for research of happened from infection in Stage when getting harder and worse then previous stage, Rory.

King MacFrights: (shout in delight) That's what I want it!

Dr. Potter: King, stop being funny to me and anybody! I'm getting nervous and embarrassing about this!

King MacFrights: Just me lets, Ollie.

Dr. Potter: Hey! Give me that!

King MacFrights: Hey, Me and Potter going to adventure for this floor as making spooky for him!

Dr. Potter: I'm not!

King MacFrights: He's trying to me to stop for my opinion.

(King MacFrights record laughing as Steward quietly laughing until Dr. Potter grunting.)

King MacFrights: Uh-oh. It's look Dr. Potter got mad as I chasing around for now!

(King MacFrights record laughing as fade out of voice in echo.)

Dr. Potter: Sorry, guys. King MacFrights has too innocent for my secret personal as I telling him after that. Okay, I finding the cure of Joy Ghost Virus in this floor as sometimes gone wrong of my experiment. (Steward shocks to King MacFrights screaming in recording; Dr. Potter gasps) You guys heard that scream? That's King MacFrights! Let's see happened to him! (Steward heard barely to loud three eerie laughing as he and Dr. Potter gasps in horror; whispering) Oh no! He's infected with hugs by Serpci and Captain Fishook!

(Crashes sound of metal as Dr. Potter whimpering as Serpci, Captain Fishook and King MacFrights who he was infected as laughing while Dr. Potter whimpering in fear.)

King MacFrights, Serpci and Captain Fishook: (in recording to headset) Hello Dr. Ollie Potter~!

(Dr. Potter record screaming as Steward gasps.)

Dr. Potter: Remember, guys! Don't turn around and just hearing from behind you! Dr. Ollie Potter out!

(Recording player stopped itself as Steward eject it along remove the headset as all things put in Dr. Potter's backpack and then he wear it in shocking moment as until he hearing Morty eerie laughing as Steward start scared.)

Morty: (offscreen) I know where you are, Steward...

Steward: Oh no! What's I do now? (looking around as outside the building) Morty has strong as Cartoon Physical, but only has weakness is... (looking around until he got idea) I know! Just I think!

(Steward picking thing in Dr. Potter's backpack as Morty cloak off with smile as Steward gasps and quickly picking in Dr. Potter's backpack.)

Morty: Time's out, Stewy! (Steward hold up tiny bouncing ball when he's confused) What is that, Steward? We're playing baseball?

(Steward looking up the ceiling with spotlights to Morty when turns to baseball player and he holding baseball bat, then Steward looking ball and turned smile and snickers.)

Steward: Okay! Game's on!

(Steward hold up gum as chewing and then blowing as pops it and chancing as throws the ball as he targeting to. Cuts to Morty looking watch and then looks Steward.)

Morty: Come on, Steward! Don't afraid of lose the game.

(Steward throws to wall as Morty duck it as they looking ball bouncing everywhere in Fire Set while Steward blow gum as bubble, then he takes the bubble as he hold up the glue as place inside bubble and he looking Morty with wide smile.)

Steward: Hey, Morty! (Morty looking him) Here, catch it!

(Morty catches bubble inside glue while Steward giggling and hold up remote as press it as the ball pop out with spikes while it breaking rope of spotlight and then it to bubble when popped as explodes with glue as Morty covered with glue as he mutter screaming while the spotlight falls onto Morty as stopped screams and knocked out.)

Steward: Ohhh! That's gonna hurt! (press it of remote as ball flying to him, then it back to normal ball as land to his hand) Thankfully to Bouncing Ball Moder! (looking Morty when still knocked out as on the spotlight; sad soft tone) I'm sorry about this for yesterday from I did you with upset as we are...

(Steward floating outside Fire Set as Backstage and he looking Morty's megaphone as takes it while he sighs in sad and he put in Dr. Potter's backpack. He floating up to 9F/Unnatural History Museum as looking around in floor was messing with blue and purple liquid until he hearing sneeze from plant side hallway as he floating to it and turned on the flashlight when he feeling nervous.)

Steward: (stuttering in fear) H-h-h-hello? Are y-y-y-you in th-th-th-there?

(Steward scream to plants shaking until pop out for familiar shape like Poltergeist as Steward gasps to... Gilbert was wearing lab coat, google, gloves, backpack, mask, headset with microphone and holding the gun as he wasn't Joy Ghobie as he was feeling scared then happy to see and hugging Steward.)

Gilbert: Oh, I missed you, Steward! I was worried for infecting you!

Steward: Gilbert? What's doing here anyway?

Gilbert: Well, after Albert's infected, Robert and I are doing to plan of cure them as we researching in the library and then laboratory from Garden Suites.

Steward: And what next?

Gilbert: And then... I heard Robert's screaming from Twisted Suites (nervous) and then, and then...!

Steward: He was...

Gilbert: Infected!

(Steward gasps while lightning striking sound as eerie laughing while Gilbert screams and hugging Steward as other each as pause moment after that.)

Steward: What's happened to him?

Gilbert: He was infected with hugs by Magician Sisters and then I hiding to the 9th floor!

Steward: Gilbert, listen! I needing part of Virus Curer from this floor as getting scared right now!

Gilbert: I think must it to the Dinosaur History Exhibit.

Steward: Come on, Gilbert! Let's go!

(Steward and Gilbert floating Dinosaur History Exhibit when lightning striking as where part of Virus Curer on the stand next to Skeleton T-Rex as they deep gulp about this as they floating slowly while flashing from lightning as Skeleton T-Rex was move from flashing in three until they made to Dinosaur History Exhibit as take part of Virus Curer but they notice blue and purple liquid was dripping and looking up to Skeleton T-Rex was coming out the mouth while Steward and Gilbert whining in disgust.)

Gilbert: That's disgusting for this...

Steward: Agreed. Hey, Gilbert. Why don't use your power to pick it?

Gilbert: Oh yeah.

(Gilbert telekining part to give Steward as put in the toolbox while they floating up until they stopped as holding Steward's tail by a big blue and purple fire arm as Ug holding it while Steward and Gilbert screaming as Steward pull down till Gilbert pull up with his power to Steward as Ug and Gilbert trying pull side like tug game while Ug pulled out as Steward slam down as knocked out, Gilbert gasps.)

Gilbert: Steward Flimtory!

(Cuts to Ug was possess out of Skeleton T-Rex as he revealed from bandage as his arms was big blue and purple fire and his tail was brighter with blue and purple than Joy Ghobies while Ug laughs as Gilbert holding Steward with his power as he scaring to Ug's revealed for remove the bandages.)

Ug: Gil, you can't escape before infected you and Steward! So, you got attack the friend from broken Dark Moon as loses the life!

(Gilbert gasps as start crying while the voices said.)

Albert: (in Gilbert's mind) Gilbert, what are you did us?!

Robert: (in Gilbert's mind) Yeah! Means we're never be friend to you!

(Gilbert shaking at last words as start glowing and screaming as every objects were floating as Ug was scary about Gilbert's strong power.)

Gilbert: (in ghoul and robotic voice) No! NOBODY NEVER BE FRIEND TO ME!!!

(Gilbert telekining objects to Ug who screaming and then knocked out by big bone while objects onto Ug as pile until Gilbert stop glowing from strong power as gasps, Gilbert floating out with Steward of Last Resort as they going ScareScraper as they in 1st floor as suite. Gilbert place Steward on the bed after remove Dr. Potter's backpack, Effect Vision Goggles and mask as Gilbert remove mask as Ghost Survivors floating as joined in.)

Gilbert: Everygeist! Get first aid kit and food!

Male Speed Goob: (in German accent) Ja, Gilbert! (floating away)

Female Speed Oozer: (in French accent; bows) My ways order, sir!

(Ghost Survivors left the bedroom while Gilbert looking Steward who still knocked out.)

Gilbert: I hope Ug's not woke up till now.

(Cuts to 9F/Unnatural History Museum, 7 shadow ghosts floating to pile of objects as light up was 7 Boss Ghosts who digging the objects until Ug was found. Ug wake up as confused while he looking 7 Boss Ghosts when looking barely angry even Morty was angry crying.)

Morty: You're knocked out my brother, Ug!

Ug: Sorry, Morty! But Steward found non-infected ghost to help him as taken it! It's Gilbert Experistory!

7 Boss Ghosts: (shocking) Gilbert Experistory?!

Dr. Potter: (gasps in realize) A Strong Poltergeist!

Amadeus: He's helping to Steward!

Clem: But he's going to ScareScraper with Steward!

Morty: Guys, I have the plans...

(Morty eerie laughing while 6 Boss Ghosts was joined laughing.)

Morty: I finding you, Stewy!

(Morty laughing in echo as outside of Last Resort and then fade in of black screen.)

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