Joy Apocalypse

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(In the afternoon as fade to B1/Basement as Garage while Steward falling asleep on the trunk where under the hood while the headphone flashing the red lightbulb from message call and then he awake and stand up as open the hood, then yawns and stretching while he stop as he notice flashing red lightbulb and he press the play message call as he shocking to Dr. Potter's telling about mission.)

Dr. Potter: (recording on Steward's headphone) Steward! You need all parts of invention together called Virus Cuser! Before too late and you better hurry before they're infecting you! I was surrounded by my friends in the 8th floor! From Dr. Potter!

(End message calls, Steward gasps and he start sobbing as remove the headphone and he throws it to the wall as break it. Then Steward start crying.)

Steward: (crying; echo from increase volume in the floor) This... is... ALL MY FAULT!

(Steward start anxious and heavily breathing from eerie giggles as floating fast from eerie voices as phases up to 1F/Grand Lobby where he notice the blueprint and the main part of Virus Cuser while he gasps for Dr. Potter's message call said as he picking the two items while he takes the Ghost Disease Book and flashlight as replace Virus Cuser and blueprint from Dr. Potter's backpack as he opens the book as turn on of flashlight for look and read Stage 4: Eerie Voice as he gasps in horror while he close the book and wiping the tears but keeping out tear from his anxious, then Steward shocking and looking as light up the face from flashlight around the floor while floating slowly in backward as Boss Ghosts speaking in eerie voices.)

Morty: (offscreen; eerie voice) Steward. Finally I see you now...

Nikki: (offscreen; eerie voice) You always getting away from infection.

Lindsey: (offscreen; eerie voice) You never ask to Morty as apology to you.

Ginny: (offscreen; eerie voice) And you sometimes listening the plans!

(Steward bump to vase when fall and break from on the table as he screams as light to broken vase.)

Clem: (offscreen; eerie voice) Y'all always remember about missions!

(Steward continue floating slowly in forward and backward as any directions in the floor.)

Amadeus: (offscreen; eerie voice) You sometimes scary from acting creepy as ve are for now...

Kruller: (offscreen; eerie voice) You looking my office to read the secret writing.

DJ Phantasmagloria: (offscreen; eerie voice) Morty never give up for apologizing you, Stewy.

(Steward screams floating to Ballroom as from 2F/Mezzanine while Steward locking the doors with Anti-Phase Locks as he hide the keys in the coat and he stay back from 16 Boss Ghosts as he keep looking around.)

Ug: (offscreen; eerie voice) As sometimes you never being same like the day...

Johnny: (offscreen; eerie voice) You've anxious about the voices was eerie...

Captain Fishook: (offscreen; eerie voice) Ya got worse day than yesterday...

Serpci: (offscreen; eerie voice) You need the happiness, Steward. If you're trouble for today, then you need calm down for hugs when I'm cold.

(Steward gasps in horror and phases up but doesn't phases up as four ropes of chandelier was broke one as barely loses of balance and he falling on the floor as he rubbing his head as stand up but can't float as sit and then holds his arm as hisses in pain.)

Steward: Ouch! What the?!

King MacFrights: (offscreen; eerie voice) Ya can't phases up with magic by Magician Sisters since Dr. Potter's infected!

LM3/LMGS: Joy Ghost VirusWhere stories live. Discover now