Lost Collects From Dark Joy

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(Fade to 12F/The Spectral Catch as Elevator Hall and Menu Bar while Steward and Magico looking around as sitting for hour after Twisted Suites adventure until looking TV and video camera when attracted to TV with wire and covered blue and purple liquid on the Menu Bar.)

Magico: Someone recorded the video during infection.

Steward: Let's see...

(Steward and Magico go to Meun Bar as Steward press button as turn on to TV and video camera. Cuts to in video as static and then appeared to 4F/The Great Stage as Elevator Hall in first person view as moving for floor.)

Specs: (in video; offscreen as view of camera) Okay, guys! We're looking happened The Last Resort by our friends when infected by Joy Ghost Virus! (hold up a yellow gift with blue ribbon at camera) I make gift for Steward! You tell him for a gift to I made it!

Amadeus: (in video; offscreen) Vhy hallo, Specs!

Specs: Huh?

(Specs turns around with camera to Amadeus who eerie laughing and tired hug Specs when he dodges it and then screams.)

Specs: Oh no!

(Specs floating up as phasing to 7F/Garden Suites as Atrium while he tripped and dropped a gift as he tries pick a gift until Dr. Potter floating down with smile as he holding Affect Effect Bloom as Dr. Potter floating Specs while Specs stay away to Dr. Potter until Dr. Potter looking gift as Specs looking away and floating out as Elevator Hall and phasing to 12F/The Spectral Catch as Elevator Hall and Menu Bar as he under as hiding Menu Bar as camera moving to Specs who wearing goggles and face mask.)

Specs: (whispering) You tells Steward for I know a gift where! It's on Garden Suites!

Captain Fishook: (in video; offscreen as happily) Aye, Specs!

Specs: (gasps in shock) Oh no!

(Camera moving to Captain Fishook but shadow as blue and purple glowing his left eye was less blue and more purple color, his right hand was longer with blue and purple color, his nose was sharp point with blue and purple color and his mouth was sharper teeth than uninfected as blue and purple color while he smile and heavily breathing moment until he eerie laughing and start swing with his hook as Specs screaming in horror, then Captain Fishook swing/slash to Specs as he crying and pain to his left eye coming out ghost blood and he covering it as he dropped camera as it statics as end video.)

(Cut back to Steward and Magico gasp to Captain Fishook's revealed for remove the bandages and he attacked Specs as he hurts to Specs' left eye with hook.)

Steward: Oh no!

Magico: Poor Specs!

Steward: He said, a gift on Garden Suites! But I hated and fear being alone from monsters as they're left caught by monsters.

Magico: Don't worry, Steward! I'm here with you and we'll survivors as join us and help you!

Steward: Thank you. What's waiting for?

Magico: Let's go find it!

Steward: To Garden Suites!

(Steward and Magico phasing down to 7F/Garden Suites as Dr. Potter's Laboratory while Steward and Magico finding a gift until Steward found Affect Effect Bloom but three flowers and he takes it from desk.)

Steward: Magico, I found Dr. Potter's experiment from footage.

Magico: Wow! This is amazing for his experiment!

Steward: I know! But we're need to find a gift made by Specs!

(Steward put it of closed the lid to Affect Effect Bloom and then it into Dr. Potter's backpack, he and Magico finding a gift but they hearing whimpering in crying.)

Magico: Steward, you hears for crying?

Steward: It's sound like...

Steward and Magico: (gasp) It's Specs!

(Steward and Magico looking chest was shaking as Specs screaming for out in crying until it opened as Spec floating and hugging to Steward and Magico in crying of joy as he holding towel on his left eye and removed the goggles until Specs let it and wiping his tears.)

Specs: Oh thank goodness! You're back and not infected!

Steward: Specs, what's happened you?

Specs: After you watched my video, I was hiding from Captain Fishook and his crew! And I want show you to my left eye.

(Specs removed towel as Steward and Magico gasps to Specs' left eye was infected with blue and purple color.)

Steward: Oh no! Your eye was infected!

Specs: Yes, Steward. (looking a gift on the table next flower pot) Guys, I found a gift! From table!

(Steward floats to it as takes it and he open it as he surprise and pick the book called: )

Steward: It's Harmless Virus Chapter 8: Be Hope and Safe! Specs, thank you to gift me of birthday for I reading other chapters of Harmless Virus!

Specs: You're welcome! Happy Birthday, Steward!

Magico: Speaking about read the books, it's just our adventure for this!

Steward: Wow! Remind me of this adventure from Joy Ghost Virus! Like books!

Magico: But I heard someone coming!

(Steward, Magico and Specs heard voices familiar from Atrium.)

Dr. Potter: (offscreen) ...Well, Morty. Specs dropped a gift to Steward and I added one more flower on Affect Effect Bloom.

Morty: (offscreen) If Steward have affect effect power, then I'll take him!

(Steward, Magico and Specs gasp and floating up as Dr. Potter and Morty phase in as they shocking.)

Dr. Potter: (shocking) What's happened and where's Affect Effect Bloom and gift?!

Morty: I thinks Steward took it.

(Dr. Potter eerie screaming as pans fast to 12F/The Spectral Catch as Grotto Lounge where Steward, Magico and Specs who feeling nervous as heard Dr. Potter's screaming until they heard voices from Beach.)

Captain Fishook: (offscreen) Dr. Potter! I knows it for Steward took your experiment! What? No! He's just trying safe it by himself!

Specs: (whispering) I thinks Captain was calling Dr. Potter.

Captain Fishook: (offscreen) Don't worry, Morty! I'll care for your brother!

Magico: And Morty.

Steward: Oh no! This is bad for this!

Specs: I'll help you for handle this.

(Steward, Magico and Specs floats to Beach and then go to the ship and looking around the ship.)

Steward: Hmm. (looks part inside Anti-Ghost Dome on the barrel) There it is!

(Steward floats up and take slowly and take it, he floats down to Magico and Specs as they all sigh in relief.)

Steward: That's close one! But I can't phase it, we need the key!

Specs: Wait! I knows the key belong to...

(Captain Fishook jumps out on to ship as finally light on as same appearing from footage while Steward, Magico and Specs screams.)

Steward, Magico and Specs: Captain Fishook!

Captain Fishook: Aye, mates! You need a key to unlock it. Steward and Specs, you two need stop scared from hurts.

Specs: Captain, where the key?

Captain Fishook: You means... (points to key onto gold ring on the fin) ...this?

Steward: (gasps) That's harder to take than Amadeus.

Specs: Let's get out of here!

(Steward, Magico and Specs floating fast away and screaming from Captain Fishook who gasps to escape.)

Captain Fishook: Saltwater Taffy Buccaneers, don't let them to escape this!

(Saltwater Taffy Buccaneers flying out from sand who they're Joy Ghobies as they floating to Grotto Lounge as they finding them while Steward hiding behind rock cave as Magico hiding inside chest and Specs hiding dive underwater from under the bridge. Cuts to Steward as hiding and holding candle.)

Steward: (whispering) Now, Saltwater Taffy Buccaneers are Joy Ghobies now... I wonder Morty is doing the plans with friends as they're infecting me...

(Cuts to 8F/Paranormal Productions as Editing Room while Morty sitting on director chair and looking in sad to picture of Steward with smile and holding his Six Floor Gems from it on the desk while he touches picture frame as he sigh in sad until Wolfgeist Brothers come in as Morty looking them in sad.)

Morty: (sadly) Oh. Hi, guys...

Amadeus: Mort, vhy you looking so sad?

Clem: And we're still going to infect him?

Morty: Because Steward still upset and we're still going...

Amadeus: He's tries forgive you as his affect desire from his nightmare as he did.

Clem: He's tries find his heart desire from his nightmare.

Kruller: Look, Morty. That's not you're thinking about Steward's upset today, you're thinking about Steward's nightmare and anxiety from affect effect.

(Morty shocking about forgotten to Steward have affect effect as he snaps his fingers.)

Morty: Oh right! His problem from nightmare and anxiety! I've got another plans!

(Cuts back to 12F/The Spectral Catch as Grotto Lounge where Steward still hiding behind rock cave as still holding candle as he gasps.)

Steward: (whispering) No, it's can't be happened!

(Steward shocking and heard Magico's screams as he looking to chest was opened already and then he gasps as Specs pop out the water of under the bridge and he hiding barrel as he inside it as peek to Steward as same looking.)

Specs: (whispering) Steward! It's Magico! They're got him!

Steward: (whispering) This is bad! I used Past Visions to Morty has another plans with Wolfgeist Brothers!

(Cuts to Specs while Pearl slowly pop out as smile to him as she behind him.)

Specs: What's plans from Morty?

(Cuts to Steward while Cutlass slowly floats as smile to him as he behind him as Steward and Specs gasp to behind each other.)

Steward and Specs: Behind you!

(Cutlass and Pearl grab Steward and Specs as they screams and push away. Cuts to Beach as Harpoon holding Magico as his arms and he struggling for tires let's it go as he looking in worried to Captain Fishook until they looking Cutlass and Pearl holding Steward and Specs with their arms as they struggling for tires let's it go as they paused and looking in worried to Captain Fishook who eerie laughing.)

Captain Fishook: Nice job, Cutlass and Pearl! Don't let them go!

Saltwater Taffy Buccaneers: (in eerie voices; salute to Captain Fishook) Aye-aye, captain!

Captain Fishook: Expect him.

Pearl: (in eerie voice) Him who?

Captain Fishook: (points to Steward) Steward.

Magico and Specs: (shocking; along Steward's says) What?! Him?!

Steward: (shocking; along Magico and Specs' say) What?! Me?!

Captain Fishook: Yes, you're one of made Morty's sad and later, he's want you to apology you as infect you. Cutlass, let him go!

Cutlass: (in eerie voice; salutes to Captain Fishook) Aye-aye!

(Cutlass lets Steward who tired floating away by Cutlass holding Steward's tail and he slam to rock as Steward knocked out and coconuts falling to Steward as inside pile of coconuts while everyone looking pile of coconuts which Steward inside as knocked out until everyone looking Cutlass who looks worried and then Captain Fishook, Harpoon and Pearl glares at Cutlass as Harpoon and Pearl let go to Magico and Specs and they floating to Cutlass as Magico and Specs hold up their weapons as Magico's magic cards and Specs' coconuts and they floating slowly to Captain Fishook and Saltwater Taffy Buccaneers while they telling to Cutlass for did to Steward's knocked out.)

Captain Fishook: (angrily) What did you to him, Cutlass?

Harpoon: (in eerie voice) Yeah, you're did slam him on the rock and then coconuts fell on him when knocked out!

Pearl: At same time for wrong direction?

Cutlass: Yes! I did wrong direction to Steward!

(Magico and Specs stop floating as they start target and then they throw to Harpoon and Pearl with their weapons as they passed out and go into sea while Captain Fishook and Cutlass turn around quickly and gasp to Magico and Specs.)

Cutlass: Captain! Harpoon and Pearl let them go as they telling me!

Captain Fishook: Cutlass, you going to them and I'll take Steward!

Cutlass: Aye-ay...

(Cutlass knocked head as dizzy by Specs who throws the coconut. Cutlass floats backward in dizzy to sea until passed out and fall into sea.)

Specs: I'm sorry about this, guys!

(Captain Fishook gasps and take Steward when still knocked out.)

Captain Fishook: Specs, why you still here with Steward and Magico?

Specs: Because you're slashed to my eye as it's infected as hurt!

Captain Fishook: (gasps in horror) I'm so sorry from I'm going insane for finding you! You feeling sad about you're hurt.

Specs: Yes! It's not fine to me!

(Magico gasps for idea as looking Steward.)

Magico: (thinking) Steward has affect effect power as trigger is saying for fine about Joy Ghost Virus! (speaking out) No, Specs. It's fine to you.

(Captain Fishook and Specs gasp in horror to Magico as Steward start glowing green as whimpering in fear and closed his eyes while Captain Fishook looking Steward.)

Specs: Magico, what are you talking abo-...?

Magico: (covering Specs' mouth; whispering) Shh! I've got idea! We're saying fine about Joy Ghost Virus to Steward start affect effect power!

Specs: (muffed) Oh, okay. Right! (Magico take off Specs' mouth as speaking) You're right as everything is... (screams and duck to throw the coconut to him but missed it) Oh no!

Captain Fishook: Specs! Don't say that!

Specs: (titled his head; confusing) Say what?

Captain Fishook: Steward has affect effect power from his nightmare! I tell you... Don't says fine about Joy Ghost Virus!

(Steward whimpering and shaking in fear as glowing start bright and he crying as coming out the tears while Captain Fishook, Specs and Magico gasp.)

Captain Fishook: (angrily) What did you to I did do this, Specs!

Specs: Aw, come on! Everything is fine!

(Steward opens his eyes with glowing green while screaming as his aura is full green from inside and outside body with electric powers as Captain Fishook gasps and let Steward who floating up.)

Captain Fishook: What did you do to him?!

(Captain Fishook floating and screams to Magico and Specs but Steward push of aura wave as Magico and Specs who covering the head as Captain Fishook against the tree and knocked out by coconuts when fall on him. Then Steward back to normal from effect power and wiping his tears.)

Specs: We did it!

Magico: High five!

(Magico and Specs high five and then laugh to Steward as they hug him and then let him.)

Steward: Thank you, guys. (gasps) Specs, your eye was cured!

Specs: Huh? (hold up mirror to reflects to him as gasps to his left eye was normal) My eye! It's cured! I did it for this!

Magico: Now, we get the key to unlock it and take it.

Steward: Right! (floats to Captain Fishook as he remove key onto gold ring from on the fin) And now...!

(Steward hold up Anti-Ghost Dome where part inside it as he unlocked it and it opened as he picks part and put in the toolbox and key onto gold ring put in Dr. Potter's backpack. Steward, Magico and Specs cheering.)

Specs: We're done this floor!

Steward: Now, Specs. You can join us?

Specs: Yes!

Magico: I thinks we're called the team is...

JGV Survivors: Joy Ghost Virus Survivors!

Specs: Or JGV Survivors for short!

Steward: Come on, guys to next floor as I'm leader of JGV Survivors!

Magico and Specs: (salute) Yes, Steward!

(JGV Survivors phasing up to 13F/Fitness Center as Gym Lobby while they looking around places with covered blue and purple liquid and darker with lights when turned on as Steward turned on the flashlight.)

Magico: Just happened when...

(Steward looking Pool from through window as no sign for Pool.)

Steward: There's no sign of Pool here.

(Until Johnny pop out from window as jumpscare only shadow appears with glowing blue and purple color as Steward screaming and floats backward as against the wall and sliding down as sitting it and then he curing into ball as whimpering and shaking in fear while Magico and Specs looking in shock to Steward.)

Magico: What's wrong, Steward?

Steward: (stuttering) J-J-J-J-J-J-J...

Specs: Calm down! Who is it?!

Steward: It's... It's... It's Johnny!

Magico and Specs: Johnny? Johnny Deepend?

Steward: (whimpering) Yes! I looked him as I was scared as he's removed the bandages already!

Specs: What is it?

Steward: He has all skin was cut marks with blue and purple over his body expect his head. His hands was bigger than normal.

Magico: Wow! That's horrible tense!

(Steward floating up looking through window as looking Pool as Johnny pop out on the pool while Magico and Specs join him as start worried.)

Steward: I'm so scared!

Magico: We're can't pass the next floor since Johnny has part of Virus Cuser.

Johnny: You mean... (hold up a part as point at it) ...this you want?

Steward: Yes, Johnny! Just please give the part now?

Johnny: Sorry, Stew. Mort told me for getting to you as if you want take part, then I'll drops it!

Steward: Don't do it! Don't do it! (Johnny start throws the part) Don't do...! (Johnny throws the part into ceiling, then it falls into Pool) ...it. Now, it's into water from Pool!

Magico: Uh, guys? I thinks he's start floats to us! Look!

(Steward and Specs looking Johnny floats up from on the pool and he floats as start eerie laughing and then he floating to through window as louder eerie laughing as JGV Survivors screaming as floating to Locker Room.)

Johnny: You can't away from me as that easily!

(Johnny floats to Locker Room while he looking as open lockers as all lockers was no in there as he grunts in defeated for not here.)

Johnny: Where are they?!

(Johnny floats to Shower Room as pans down to under Locker Room was JGV Survivors was here as they heard Johnny's voice.)

Specs: You thinks he's gone?

Steward: Let's see...

(Steward pop out as only upper body to floor of Locker Room.)

Steward: He's gone, guys!

(Magico and Specs pop out to join Steward and then they floating up from below the floor and then they sigh in relief.)

Magico: That's close one!

Specs: He's can't see us from room.

Steward: (whispering) Come on! To Weight Room!

(JGV Survivors float to Weight Room while they heard the voices as gasps.)

Steward: (whispering) They're coming!

(JGV Survivors float to hiding as behind the compartments as avoid reflection of mirror while 15 Boss Ghosts coming through from Training Room when they're shadow as JGV Survivors listen as hiding to 15 Boss Ghosts.)

Ug: Nope. No sign for Steward for around the rooms.

Chef Soulfflé: Like playing hide-and-seek or not.

Clem: Maybe Steward cloak himself as no one see him.

Amadeus: Only somegeist can see vhen cloaking on.

Ug: What is it?

Amadeus: (points at mirror) Mirror!

(JGV Survivors and 15 Boss Ghosts gasp about mirror as JGV Survivors was worried and 15 Boss Ghosts was excited about mirror.)

Morty: This is perfect for found Steward when cloaking on!

Wolfgeist Brothers: And he's infected as be best friends!

(15 Boss Ghosts eerie laughing as Steward deep gulps, Spec shaking in fear as coming the swears and Magico holds up the card and throws to mirror as cracks appeared and 15 Boss Ghosts stopped laughing and looking mirror as Amadeus pick the card.)

Amadeus: I know the card belong to.

(15 Boss Ghosts looking the compartments as JGV Survivors start more worried than before until they hear creaking as 15 Boss Ghosts looking back to mirror when it cracks are getting bigger until full screen as 15 Boss Ghosts gasp and mirror break as falling as into pieces. 15 Boss Ghosts screaming and then JGV Survivors sigh in relief to mirror was broken.)

Morty: No! It's can't be!

(Morty rises arm as fist as it glowing and hits into the ground as break the compartments and Weight Room is covered with whole dust as 15 Boss Ghosts can't see everthing as JGV Survivors gasp as Magico and Specs hold a bags of seated chest press each one and Steward holds both handles.)

Steward: Oozers! Counting on three!

Serpci: (offscreen) I heard the familiar voice!

King MacFrights: (offscreen) It's sounds like...

Wolfgeist Brothers, Morty and Chambrea: (offscreen; happily) Steward!

(JGV Survivors gasps to heard the voices.)

Steward: (whispering) On three!

Magico: (whispering) One...

Specs: (whispering) Two...

Dr. Potter: (offscreen) I thinks he doing to...

JGV Survivors: (loudly) Three!

(Steward push the handles as Magico and Specs pull the bags as metal weight rises and down as large shake in the Weight Room and then another large shake as Magical Sisters and Serpci eerie screaming in pain as JGV Survivors shocks from accident.)

Specs: We're have an accident. Steward, what's accident to?

Steward: Well, I have an accident last time.

Magico: When?

Steward: You'll see...

(Flashback cut to B2/Boilerworks while Steward floating as looking the book until looking wrench on the pipe.)

Steward: (voiceover) I saw the wrench stuck on the pipe.

Specs: (voiceover) And then?

Steward: (voiceover) I start pull it.

(Steward put in the book as he floats to pipe and start pulling it while Wolfgeist Brothers floating while chattering each other.)

Clem: (flashback; normal voice to Amadeus) Look! That's not your thinks about... (gasps; shocking to Steward) Steward, do not pull the... (Steward pull out a wrench as he cheers) ...wrench.

Steward: (flashback) What's wrong, Clem?

Clem: I tried doing fix the pipes and tried warn ya! If y'all pull out the wrench.

Steward: And then?

(Steward and Wolfgeist Brothers looking the pipes start shaking and come out the water.)

Clem: And then it's start flood in this basement!

(Pipes breaking as water coming while Steward and Wolfgeist Brothers screaming as spraying them by water as burst the doors and spraying other ghosts in all around B2/Boilerworks until stopped as Steward and Wolfgeist Brothers shocking and wetting.)

Steward: Uhh, sorry about the pipes was broken! (nervously laughs and give the wrench to Clem when still shocking and wetting) Here, Clem. (Give the wrench to Clem but falling by shocking) Umm... Don't worry about I'm curious about that. (nervously laughs as pick the wrench to hold Clem's hand as wrench to place on the Clem's hand and he closes Clem's fingers as hold it.) There's here go, Clem! (no reply to Clem still shocking as Steward nervously laughs) That was... ...an accident! (nervously laughs) Bye!

(Steward floats fast up from B2/Boilerworks as Wolfgeist Brothers fainted and fell on the water as shocking moment.)

(End of flashback aa cut back to JGV Survivors.)

Specs: So, that's why doesn't touch the things on the pipes in Boilerworks!

Magico: And that's why you're scared as fly away from Amadeus and Clem are mad at you from accidents!

Steward: (loudly as echoes) Yes! That's why I'm always clusmy as float away from accidents! As no one forgive me!

(Steward echoing last word in Weight Room as JGV Survivors pause in shocking and notice to 15 Boss Ghosts who shocking and light up the appears as looking to JGV Survivors when whole dust was uncovered as Johnny and Ug hold large sign as Johnny's revealed for remove the bandages like Steward's says as Magician Sisters and Serpci under it as Wolfgeist Brothers and Captain Fishook holding their girlfriends until says.)

Wolfgeist Brothers and Morty: (shocking) What?! You're always float away as clumsy?! As no one forgive you?!

(JGV Survivors screaming as floating to Training Room as 15 Boss Ghosts gasp as Magician Sisters and Serpci stand up and Ug and Johnny place large sign on as against the wall.)

Morty: They're getting away!

Wolfgeist Brothers: Not this time!

(Wolfgeist Brothers floating as Magician Sisters following them.)

Nikki: Wait for us, boys!

King MacFrights: Morty, why Wolfgeist Brothers always first looking for Steward?

Morty: Because they wanted be best friend to him.

Dr. Potter: Secretly, I doesn't like being dramatic to Wolfgeist Brothers when Steward fly away.

Wolfgeist Brothers: (offscreen) Not again!

Morty and Dr. Potter: (groan as rolling their eyes) Here we go again!

(9 Boss Ghosts float to Training Room while they shocking to Wolfgeist Brothers when opening control from bikes and treadmills as finding and they feeling worried as Magical Sisters watching them and then Wolfgeist Brothers stopped and groaning to Steward's gone.)

Amadues: Zhis no used it!

Clem: Yeah! Like Steward accident in Boilerworks!

Kruller: Forgetting about lost the mission! We're trying about current mission!

Morty: He's right, Amadeus and Clem! Since he's never gave up the many missions from trouble!

Amadeus: You're right... You both always right... We're never gave up!

Clem: He's right, guys! We're trying to reach the mission!

Morty: Okay! I got a plan, listen!

(14 Boss Ghosts cowering around as whispering for plans, pans to Yoga Room as JGV Survivors behind the wall and Steward looking thought the hole which Effect Vision Goggles as Dark-Light Mode.)

Steward: Nope, there's no sign of Joy Ghobies. (Wolfgeist Brothers coming out which cloak as seeing by Effect Vision Goggles' Dark-Light Mode; gasps as whispering) They're coming!

Specs: (whispering) Who is there?

Steward: (whispering) It's Wolfgeist Brothers.

Magico: (whispering) They're gonna hurts me from their girlfriends hur-...

Steward: (whispering) Shhh! Quite! Listen!

Amadeus: (offscreen) Brothers, ve're need ze mirror to Steward can seen from us!

(Steward gasps as cuts to Wolfgeist Brothers when cloak off as shadow appear.)

Clem: But where's mirror?

Kruller: Oh, (points at mirror) it's right over... (shocking to mirror was gone) ...there.

Amadeus: But it's right here!

Clem: I think survivors picked the mirror.

(Wolfgeist Brothers groaning until remain clam.)

Amadeus: Okay, ve're telling Morty for plans with it.

Kruller: This getting almost happy for almost floor!

Amadeus and Clem: Yeah!

(Wolfgeist Brothers phasing down as Magico quickly out from behind the wall.)

Magico: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, guys!

Specs: Magico, stop being dramatic as relief for Wolfgeist Brothers was gone!

Magico: I know!

Steward: (holding press to Music-Proof Headset; To Magico) Shh! Quite! (To Luigi as speaking it) Sorry, Luigi! Magico being dramatic for now!

Luigi: (through to Steward's Music-Proof Headset) It's okay! Now. What-a happened then now?

Steward: I did Morty sad as Magician Sisters hugged him and then he's infected! It's called Joy Ghost Virus!

Luigi: That-a horrible!

Steward: Don't worry about me, buddy! I'll care that! Oh, forget to get the gift when my birthday before midnight!

Luigi: Okay! Luigi make cure and gift-a myself!

Steward: Okay! Goodbye, buddy!

Luigi: Ciao!

(Steward hang up as stopped holding press to Music-Proof Headset.)

Steward: Guys, I called Luigi for helping me as visits it before midnight.

Specs: Aye! That's great! Let's go, mates!

(JGV Survivors float to Shower Room while they heard three male voices when laughing as gasps and they float in backward to showers each one.)

Amadeus: (offscreen) Finally! Ve found you, Steward!

(Steward gasps and then whimpering.)

Kruller: (offscreen) Youse make right as doesn't clumsy...

Clem: (offscreen) Since y'all accident for you're curious about I tell about I couldn't done the fix the pipes, then we're making you to listen and right about I tell ya... Like y'all telling us!

(Steward gasps in horror as Wolfgeist Brothers cloak off as JGV Brothers screaming and Wolgeist Brothers eerie laughing until they saying.)

Amadeus: Ve knew you guys were hiding in behind the wall from Yoga Room!

Clem: And Steward called Luigi to helping you!

Steward: But, but how'd you know without seen us?!

Clem: Nikki's visions as overseeing.

Amadeus: Lindsey's ears as overheard.

Kruller: And Ginny's voices as speaking with our voice to fake of us.

Steward: Wow...

Magico: Okay then. Those guys was genius to plans with their friends even their girlfriends and Morty.

Steward: I'm so funny to those boys telling their girlfriends with no reasons!

(Steward laughing hardly as Wolfgeist Brothers blushing hardly and grunting while Magico and Specs feeling nervous.)

Steward: Make me stop! This make me funny for Wolfgeist Brothers telling to their girlfriends since I doing their embarrassment to them as I acting to Nikki to rock music with Clem!

(Steward continues laughing hardly as holding faucet while Wolfgeist Brothers still blushing hardly and grunting.)

Clem: Steward, just stop that laughing! Y'all making us embarrassing!

Steward: I can't help myself!

(Steward laughing as turns on the shower as whole steaming was out in Shower Room until Steward stopped laugh and Wolfgeist Brothers can't see everywhere in Shower Room as Magico and Specs gasp and turn on the showers while Wolfgeist Brothers floating to showers each one as holding the faucets.)

Amadeus: Okay, guys. On three!

Clem: One...

Kruller: Two...

Wolfgeist Brothers: Three!

(Wolfgeist Brothers turn off the showers as steaming was gone as JGV Survivors was gone too as they gasp as shocked.)

Amadeus: Vhere they're go?!

Clem: They're go to Pool!

(Wolfgeist Brothers phasing it but can't as they're start worried and tries to phasing and open doors of the rooms as no used.)

Kruller: We're can't go to the rooms!

Clem: Then who's this?

Wolfgeist Brothers: (gasp in realized) Magico!

(Wolfgeist Brothers screaming in anger as tires to open the door while pans to Pool as doors was glowing purple where JGV Survivors hiding as behind the scoreboard.)

Steward: Nice works, Magico!

Magico: You're welcome!

Steward: Okay, this plan is gonna...

Johnny: (offscreen) Time to play, boys!

Steward: That's what I trying to say that!

Johnny: (offscreen) Whatever you saying, Stewy!

Specs: (whimpering) I'm scared to water dodgeball game in Pool! Like a school gym!

Magico: (whispering) Quite! This will taking forever!

Steward: (whispering; gasps) I got an ideas! Magico, you shielding us as Johnny's throwing! Specs, you throwing him with volleyballs!

Specs: (quietly) WHAT?! Are you seriously about tha-...

(Steward covering Specs' mouth.)

Steward: (whispering) It's easy!

Magico: (whispering) Don't remember about we threw at Fishook?

Specs: (shocked in realize as uncovered; whispering) Ohh! Right! I forgot! But I really scared to strong ghosts!

Steward: (whispering) And I'm going to the draining switch as you distancing him. Got it?

Magico and Specs: (whispering) Got it!

Steward: Good! On three. One, two, three! High five!

(JGV Survivors high five each other, Steward hold up Mini Speaker as stick on the scoreboard as he thumb up to Magico and Specs who thumbs up to him as he cloak on and then Magico and Specs jump out from scoreboard as Specs picking volleyballs as he holding up one volleyball and Johnny pop out the pool and holding volleyball.)

Specs: Game's on!

Johnny: Wait a second! Where's Steward? He's still hiding the scoreboard?

Magico: Oh yes! He's in!

Specs: And safe!

(Magico and Specs nervously laughing as start swearing while Johnny feeling puzzling.)

Johnny: Okay then. Steward, are you in there?

(Cuts to Mini Speaker as light turn on as green.)

Steward: (in recording) I'm here, Johnny! We're talking about new skills of sports! As I'm watching it!

(Cuts to Magico and Specs smile in nervously as still swearing while Johnny feeling puzzling and then smile.)

Johnny: Okay, Steward! Let's do it!

(Magico and Specs sigh in relief as ready to battle of sport.)

Specs: (whispering) The plan was working...!

Magico: Specs!

(Specs screams and throws to Johnny with volleyball but Johnny dodges it.)

Specs: Magico, how to hit to Johnny when play the water dodgeba-...?

Magico: Take cover!

(Magico summon shielded card as covering him and Specs as volleyball hits it as Johnny grunts.)

Magico: Easy! Johnny ready to throw the volleyball as floating up on the pool!

Specs: Got it, Magic-O!

(Johnny holding volleyball and floating up as start throw as Specs same too but they pause as looking the draining switch was turning itself as arrow point going to yellow as drained but Johnny groan in pain by volleyball from Specs as Johnny falls on the pool as start drinking the water.)

Magico: Johnny, just a wind to turning the switch.

(Johnny spilt with water to draining switch as Steward screaming as cloak off and he turning the switch fast as dodge the water and then arrow on the yellow as the pool start draining as Johnny screams and tired the swim while twirling from drainer and then water of the pool was drained as Johnny stuck on the drainer along his tail as he tired get out while JGV Survivors looking down to Johnny.)

Specs: Now your chance, Steward!

Steward: Got it!

(JGV Survivors float down the pool as Steward pick the part as put it on the toolbox as they looking Johnny who smile.)

Johnny: You guys have great and smarter plans than Morty and Wolfgeist Brothers. You have been forgotten to one more plan to defeat you...

Specs: What is it?

Johnny: Strike out!

(Johnny holding remote and press green button as two electric laser guns pop out from side of pool as it loading and targeting to JGV Survivors who gasp as Johnny eerie laughs.)

Johnny: Morty told me about security in the gym as passed out to you! (eerie laughing as JGV Survivors hugs each other as scared) Good night, boys!

(Johnny press red button as two electric laser guns start shot to JGV Survivors but it got shooting to Johnny which screaming until it stopped and Johnny passed out as JGV Survivors shocking in moment to Johnny.)

Magico: But... We though it's shot us.

Specs: Yeah, but how?

Steward: Well, I did it!

Magico and Specs: (shocking) What?! You did it?!

Steward: (laughing) Yes, I did! I reprogrammed it to fire to Joy Ghobies!

Specs: But how?

Steward: Well... During adventure of The Spectral Catch as hiding with us when I used Past Visions to listen Morty and his friends' plans as I making to it as break up! (hold up Johnny's dumbbell and Chambrea's headband) During covering the whole Weight Room with dust as I took Johnny's dumbbell and Chambrea's headband without seen me! (laughing as put it in Dr. Potter's backpack) To The Dance Hall!

(JGV Survivors cheer and phasing up to 14F/The Dance Hall as Dance Floor while they looking around places with covered blue and purple liquid and darker with neon lights when turned on.)

Steward: Careful, guys! This is pretty sharp of dance!

(Eerie disco music was played as DJ Phantasmagloria appeared on the DJ desk as her arms was fire-shaped with blue and purple color as JGV Survivors gasp to DJ Phantasmagloria's revealed for remove the bandages and they start dancing and slapping their fingers.)

Steward: Remember, guys! Gloria was covered her eyes as special effect! Just covering our eyes from her!

Magico and Specs: Got it!

(DJ Phantasmagloria float on the dance floor as hold her wig and it up as shows her eyes as JGV Survivors scream and they covering their eyes with arms included Steward switch Sunglasses Mode on Effect Vision Goggles. DJ Phantasmagloria's eyes was blue and purple as bleeding it.)

DJ Phantasmagloria: Morty telling about you, he tries apology you as he tries forgive you until now... Now, hugs me, Stewy!

(DJ Phantasmagloria rise up her arms and floating to Steward as chasing until DJ Phantasmagloria stopped by holding from Magico and Specs holding her arms as take off as their hand was heated as shaking it.)

Specs: It's hot!

Magico: Me too!

(DJ Phantasmagloria pulling Magico and Specs to against the sides of records as opposite side. Steward floats on the middle of dance floor and looking sides of upper as record player and then looking up the disco ball as gasps as signaling to them for turn on the record players together ready.)

Steward: Gloria!

DJ Phantasmagloria: Stewy! I don't hurt you, I promise!

(DJ Phantasmagloria floats to Steward when stay away from middle as Steward slaps his fingers as Magico and Specs turn on the record players together as speakers and disco ball shaking as disco ball falls to DJ Phantasmagloria screams and then knocked out when fell on her as music stopped as Magico and Specs float on the dance floor looking DJ Phantasmagloria when knocked out as Steward pick last part from DJ Phantasmagloria's wig as put in the toolbox and take DJ Phantasmagloria's records as put in Dr. Potter's backpack.)

Steward: Guys, you means for now when I picks it?

Magico and Specs: Yes.

Steward: We're all collected 17 parts of Virus Curer!

(JGV Survivors cheering for complete collected 17 parts of Virus Curer.)

Steward: Come on guys! To last floor, Master Suite!

(JGV Survivors cheering as floating away up to 15F/Master Suite as 15 Boss Ghosts cloak off as they looking up and then looking DJ Phantasmagloria as Morty take his girlfriend in worried.)

Morty: Gloria! Gloria! Are you okay?!

(DJ Phantasmagloria wake up as Morty gasp in happily and hugs her.)

Morty: Oh Gloria! Are you okay!

DJ Phantasmagloria: Huh? (gasps) He's taken a last part of Virus Cuser!

(15 Boss Ghosts gasp in horror as they say.)

Clem: If Steward got all parts, then he'll fixes it and it'll cure us!

Morty: No! We're never give up then! We're start new plans without harm to him...

(Morty eerie laughing and then 15 Boss Ghosts joining him and then fade in of black screen.)

LM3/LMGS: Joy Ghost VirusWhere stories live. Discover now