Spread the Infection of Joy

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(Start scene of 8F/Paranormal Productions, Wolfgeist Brothers and Magician Sisters are holding the hands as floating together; Clem and Nikki, Amadeus and Lindsey, and Kruller and Ginny as they love but they someone hear the cry as Morty floating fast with cry as they looking to Morty in sad.)

Clem: Boy, seem Morty was pretty sad today. 

Amadeus: Ja, zhat's seem problem for his brother, Steward. 

Kruller: I think Steward was upset to Morty. 

Ginny: How'd know about he was upset? 

Kruller: I looked him with a footage. 

Nikki: So, what's happened to Steward was upset to Morty?

Kruller: Steward is so angry to Morty when ruined of his brother's tasks.

Clem: Woah! That's very bad for him!

Amadeus: Ja, I gonna says... (notices to Magician Sisters wasn't here; shocking) Hey! Vhere's zhey're go?!

Clem: (points at Studio Entrance's doors) Oh, they're going to Morty for make him happy.

Kruller: You know... They making him better as apologies Steward.

(Wolfgeist Brothers shocking from hear the an explode while they looking smoke of purple sparkling stars come out from Studio Entrance's doors. They floating slowly in fear, then they phasing in with heads while phase out as they start scary.)

Clem: What's gonna do now, brothers?!

Amadeus: Ve're gonna hide everyvhere! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

(Wolfgeist Brothers phasing down in fast as light turned off as in the dark. Magician Sisters phase out in their head down, then the head raising up while their eyes were open with blue and purple color and then laughing with come out the blue and purple liquid while Morty phases out in his head as his eyes cover from dark as Magician Sisters turn to Morty.)

Morty: (eerie voice) Good, girls... We're make infection with happy as they'll be happy! Now, girls... Go finding your boyfriends and then you make and join my friends to infect even my brother, Steward...

Magician Sisters: (eerie voice; happily) Yes, Mr. Morty!

(Magician Sisters phasing down, Morty start laughing as grow crazy laughter with eerie as he light up for his eyes was blue and purple color as the blue and purple liquid spilt out from his mouth.)

(Start of day as morning in 3F/Hotel Shops as Steward sit and read the book with glasses in narrowing. Pans right to Morty was normal look as voice with floating and holding in happy as humming DJ's song the 5 stacking of boxes while he stop to saying Steward when he stop reading.)

Steward: (calmly volume and annoying voice) Morty? How are you with yesterday as I'm mad to you?

Morty: (normal voice) It's barely fine. But I tell you with apologies for you.

Steward: (normal volume and voice) No! I'm not happy to tell you! And what are you bring the boxes?

Morty: Oh, there's stuff inside box for down the floor as everyone make happy...

(Morty laughs and then coughs as come out purple and blue liquid as Steward start shaking in fear for his brother's problem.)

Steward: (nervous) Y-y-y-y-ou-ou-ou m-m-means everyone make a smile and g-g-give the h-hugs?!

Morty: Of course! (creepy voice) Even for you, Steward...

Steward: I-I'm not sure about this!

LM3/LMGS: Joy Ghost VirusWhere stories live. Discover now