Affect Effect of Tricks

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(Fade to Steward's view to open the eyes as focus to normal vision as he sees hole from ceiling.)

Steward: Huh? Where's am I? (sees snake as it around him then screams and floating around as get up in Pit Chamber) Get off me! Get off me!

(Gilbert rubbing his head while awake up as groaning until he looking Steward continue screaming and floating fast by snake and keeping said.)

Gilbert: (gasps in shock) Don't worry, Stew! I've got this!

(Gilbert used his power to snake let off Steward when he stopped scream and floating fast, the snake pulls and then torn apart as died as Steward sighs in relief and wipes his swears.)

Steward: Thank you, Gil! Where are we?

Gilbert: We're in Pit Chamber from 10th floor, Tomb Suites.

Steward: Come on, Gil. (start floating but doesn't floating on the pile of sand) I... I can't floating!

(Gilbert grab Steward but he screams in pain by arms and then hiss in pain.)

Gilbert: I can't moving my arms too!

Steward: This is bad! We've got shot by arrows of poison as can't control!

Gilbert: As we needing the switch! But where the switch where we in the pile of sand to door?

(Steward holds Dr. Potter's small shove as digging the sand while throwing to Gilbert where splitting out the sand until Steward found statue switch and pull down it as door opened.)

Steward: The switch is pulled down, Gil! (no answer) Gilbert? (climbing with his hands onto top it as he screams to Gilbert covered the sand while splits out the sand) Sorry about that, Gilbert.

(Gilbert finally splits out the sand and dusted off with brush by his power and move back from falling sand by hole.)

Gilbert: It's okay, S-Ward. I help to fly for you.

(Gilbert used his power to Steward was floating as he happy.)

Steward: Thank you...

Gilbert: You're welcome.

(Steward and Gilbert floating when Gilbert used power with mind for Steward to out as onto Hidden Passageway while slowly floating away from trap.)

Steward: Careful to me, Gilbert.

Gilbert: Don't worry about this from gonna hurt.

(Steward and Gilbert made to ladder as sighs in relief and they floating up to phase Center Chamber and until they hearing eerie laughing from up there.)

Morty: (offscreen; distorted with eerie of echo voice) So, Serpci, I thinks your future mind is always right. Later, Steward was infected in 15th floor. Oh, I thought you said Steward get part after battle for you.

Serpci: (offscreen; eerie of echo voice) Yes, I've changed my mind and Gilbert too. He was infected by Robert after he knocked out me, if part was broken into three pieces for one each chambers!

Steward and Gilbert: (gasps) Oh no!

Serpci: (offscreen; eerie of echo voice) Oh! I almost forgot!

(Steward and Gilbert shocking while right side of boulder start collide and rolling to them as they screaming and floating to Snake Chamber as safe.)

Steward: Now, where piece of part?

Gilbert: (gasps) Steward, look!

(Gilbert points at statue of Serpci was holding piece of part then Gilbert screams in pain from his arm was moved as Steward looking it on the stand.)

Steward: (points at statue) There is it! Gilbert, go to it from me!

(Gilbert used power toward Steward floating to statue as he take piece into toolbox and start pull down the statue switch but it down as they scream for activate the trap and locked the door. Three Snake Lasers rises up while turned on as targeted the left side of chain as it heating while Steward and Gilbert scream in panic.)

Gilbert: Steward, you turning off Snake Lasers while I floating to you before too late for the last chain was break!

Steward: I got this!

(Gilbert used power toward Steward holding Burst Balloon while floating to lowest Snake Laser as burst it at down as deactivate lowest Snake Laser when left chain was broken as ceiling start down and they screams.)

Gilbert: Hurry! Steward! I got this for you!

(Gilbert used power toward Steward holding Burst Balloon while floating to medium Snake Laser as burst it at down as deactivate medium Snake Laser when Robert appear as eerie laughing as left-second chain was broken as ceiling start down and they screaming to Robert.)

Gilbert: (stuttering) R-R-R-Robert?!

Robert: Hello, Gil... Don't worry, I won't hurt you.

(Robert rise up his arms as floating Gilbert but he got hits from cubes and he rubbing his head.)

Steward: (offscreen) Hey, Robert!

(Robert looking Steward burst highest Snake Laser as deactivate it as all of them from chain when only two chains remained as Gilbert sigh in relief and thumb up to Steward who throwing Robert with cubes as Robert floating back from throwing and floating up while Steward and Gilbert sigh in relief.)

Gilbert: Thank you, Steward!

Steward: (bows in respect) My purpose, Gil. And don't forget that.

(Steward points at statue when rises up as he floating to statue as switch down as purple snake was closes of hole and unlocked the door.)

Gilbert: Okay then. Come on.

(Steward and Gilbert phase out Center Chamber while right side of boulder was stopped and then rolling and there's little sand on the.)

Steward: Which chamber is next from two chambers?

Gilbert: We're going to... Scale Chamber!

(Gilbert points at left side of Center Chamber then Gilbert screams in pain from his arm was moved as Steward looking it.)

Gilbert: Okay... I never moved my arms when hurt with poison arrow again.

Steward: That's my second favorite of puzzle chambers!

(Steward and Gilbert floating to Scale Chamber but left side of boulder start collide and rolling after right side to them as they screaming and floating to Scale Chamber as safe where picture of animals with arrow as open below picture was elephant.)

Steward: Ha! That was easy! Gilbert, take off vase.

(Gilbert nods as floating one vase take off on the scale flat as Steward floating to scale and press the button as arrow going to elephant as flip the green circle while they cheering to right picture from scale.)

Gilbert: Yes, we're did it!

Steward: There's one more thing.

Gilbert: What is it?

(Steward points at ceiling with spikes within holes come out the sand start going down while locked the door and Gilbert screams as next below picture was turtle.)

Steward: Take off all heavy golds and place vase back on it!

(Gilbert floating five heavy golds take off and place vase on the scale flat as Steward press the button as arrow going to turtle as flip the green circle while they cheering to right picture from scale and ceiling back to top as last below picture was alligator and ceiling start going down.)

Gilbert: This is it, Steward! This is your last chance at last time!

Steward: (deep breaths) Gilbert, place on... Two heavy golds!

Gilbert: That's it enough?

(Steward nods in justice and Gilbert floating two heavy golds place on the scale flat as Steward deep breaths and press the button as arrow going slowly as Steward and Gilbert gasps as arrow stopped and point to alligator as flip the green circle while they loud cheering as ceiling stopped down. All animal flip the green circles and then back as below the picture closed, push back and then closed it as rises up the statue and it holding piece of part.)

Gilbert: You did it, Steward! You're right it without least and most weight as you known!

Steward: Thank, Gilbert.

(Steward picks piece of part and switch down as blue snake was closes of hole and unlocked the door.)

Steward: To the Jewel Chamber!

(Steward and Gilbert floating out but they hear ticking by tongue and turning to Madame Clairvoya who ticking with tongue while shaking her head as Steward and Gilbert gulping.)

Madame Clairvoya: You boys are doing puzzles from chambers in Center Chambers. Then now... (rising arms and floating to Steward and Gilbert who worried) Time to hug you!

(Steward and Gilbert floating out the Center Chamber when boulders continued collide as rolling and fairly sand on the floor, then Steward and Gilbert dodge boulders and chasing by Madame Clairvoya.)

Steward: I got idea! Listen to...

(Steward whimpering to Gilbert's ear as Gilbert smirk and giggling and he floating down on the ground and he floating Steward take side who both hands was thumb up and nods as they stopped.)

Gilbert: (mocking in dramatic) Oh no! We're doomed now, Steward!

Steward: (mocking in nervous) Yes! We're give up now! From Joy Ghost Virus for this time!

Madame Clairvoya: Don't worry, boys. Everything is fine.

(Madame Clairvoya rising arms and floating to Steward and Gilbert. Steward start glowing eyes with green and whimpering in fear from trigger words as Gilbert and Madame Clairvoya looking Steward while happening.)

Gilbert: (softly) Steward? Are you okay?

Steward: (in ghost tone; sobbing) Not okay! Ohhh! It... Is... Not... FINE!!!

(Steward take off Gilbert's power and he start floating himself as his aura is full green from inside and outside body with electric powers, he screaming and pull away with aura wave as Gilbert against the wall and Madame Clairvoya against the tomb and knocked out by vase. Then Steward back to normal from effect power and wiping his tears as he finally floating by himself as happy.)

Steward: Yes! I can flying by myself! Yes! Whoo! (pause and notice Gilbert who floating from wall as he's dizzy and Steward floating him) Oh no! I'm so sorry about that, Gilbert!

Gilbert: It's okay, Steward. (hisses in pain; rubbing his head) Ouch! That's hurt from your strong effect power! (Steward gasps as Gilbert stop rubbing his head; pause) What? What's that? (shocking and looking his arms was moved and doesn't hurt, then happy) Hey! My arms doesn't hurt from move! Appeared green aura to you, Steward! Green aura is healing to us from poison and knocked out the infection! From your nightmare by trigger words!

Steward: Thank but no time talking about it! Come on!

(Steward and Gilbert floating to Jewel Chamber as safe where left side of wall is green diamond hole and front door is white circle hole while Steward and Gilbert looking it newer than before.)

Steward: That's newer than before.

Gilbert: Yes, because there's new shapes in Jewel Chamber after Luigi's adventure.

(Steward digs the sand as he found white circle jewel.)

Steward: Found it! But we'll finding green diamond jewel from inside the trap as after.

Gilbert: (shocking) Wait! You known about the trap?

Steward: Locked the door and then poisonous gas coming through, unless we wearing the mask.

Gilbert: That's perfect! Let's plug in it!

(Steward plug in to white circle hole with white circle jewel as opened it as revealed 17 new holes with color like Boss Ghosts and shape like floor gems.)

Steward: Wow! That's great design it!

Gilbert: Well, come on!

(Steward and Gilbert floating but notice snake who hisses to them and it take Steward's mask as they gasps and snake going to wall. Locked the door and poisonous gas coming from holes.)

Steward: Oh no... Gilbert, hurry up before poisoned me!

Gilbert: I got it! You throw right shapes and I finding the jewel shapes!

(Steward nods but coughs from poisonous gas as Gilbert digging sand as found three violet dice jewels and throw to Steward.)

Steward: Magician Sisters' jewels and now where the... (coughs) Oh no! Aha! I found it!

(Steward throw three violet dice jewels to in three violet dice holes and Gilbert digging all sand as found 13 jewels and throw to Steward who throwing it to right shapes but its still one more is green star flower hole as Steward and Gilbert gasps.)

Steward: Oh no! Dr. Potter's jewel! (coughs) We blew and dig all the sand! (coughs) I thinks it in the pot.

(Steward and Gilbert breaking the pots but doesn't in there until Steward found it from in the pot and take green star flower jewel.)

Steward: I found it!

(Steward throws it but coughs as throw missed it but Gilbert used power to floating it as plug in right shape as stopped as sealed up the poisonous gas while cleared as Steward and Gilbert cheering all sealed a gas from holes until open doors as the statue and it holding piece of part.)

Gilbert: Are you okay, Steward.

Steward: (weakly) Yeah... (coughs) Gil... (coughs) You have a drinks?

(Steward keeping coughs as Gilbert hold up the bottle and give to Steward as he drinks it and stopped coughing while he notice piece of part floating him as he takes, if he open toolbox and pick two pieces of part and glue and then he put pieces and together with glue as finally part of Virus Curer while Steward and Gilbert cheering as Steward put in the toolbox and Gilbert switch down the statue as red snake was closes of hole as full closed the hole and unlocked the door..)

Steward: We did it! Three pieces to back together as part of Virus Curer!

Gilbert: (offscreen) I found it!

(Cuts to Gilbert holding green diamond jewel.)

Steward: Great! I get my mask from snake as open the wall.

(Steward and Gilbert floating to wall as Gilbert plug in to the wall with green diamond jewel as open it as snake holding Steward's mask as it died by Steward who grab the mask and wear it as holding Multi-Mode Laser Gun for shot the snake.)

Steward: Come on! Let go!

(Steward and Gilbert floating out the Center Chamber when boulders stopped collide as rolling from filling sand on the floor, then they floating up to the door as phase into Secret Passageway as floating up but they stop by fell the brick into the trap as shutting it as they floating fast to walls of Altar Chamber as all closed as the wall.)

Steward: (quietly) Okay, that's pretty hard as battle...

Gilbert: (quietly) Okay, this is all making sense now; Then we together battle Serpci and Robert, then we beat those two and then we going up the floor and then we finding the parts as cure.

(Steward nods as he and Gilbert floating out to Altar Chamber where bandages on the floor as Steward gulps about Serpci's revealed for remove the bandages even eyes was already.)

Steward: (nervous) Are ready for t-t-t-that?!

(Gilbert nods in sheepish as he and Steward floating to outside as Sandy Grand Hall while they floating in slowly with holding the hands for Serpci and Robert was here until they stopped and looking for heard the eerie voices from Serpci and Robert who cloak off as shadow and eerie laughs as move side and behind Steward and Gilbert who feeling scared until they shriveling from blow a sand by Serpci, then they turn to Serpci and Robert and they scream and float back as light up to Serpci and Robert as Serpci's arms was blue and purple sand snakes, her tail was snake tail and her mouth was snake mouth and purple tongue while Steward and Gilbert screams.)

Steward: Remember, don't remove the sunglasses from Serpci's eyes!

Gilbert: Got it!

Serpci and Robert: I hug you, boys!

(Serpci and Robert floating to Steward and Gilbert where they spilt up as Steward to Serpci and Gilbert to Robert are they battle in two; Steward dodges the sand snake arms from Serpci and Gilbert dodges sand from Robert with power.)

Serpci: Steward, your brother told me about his plans was worked from future visions to me.

Steward: But he trying tells his friends to infect me, Serpci!

Serpci: In 15th floor, you're infected from me and my friends, during you're passed out, Dr. Potter making formula to infect with wiping away the effect power from your nightmare by trigger words, then you're awake up, you make scary after infected you and Chambrea kiss you, you're confused and crying as don't understand about we're make happy as infected them, you tells Morty for sorry about you did as he accepted that as he and you forgive each other... (Gilbert looking Steward and Serpci's battle as he gasps, then Robert jump to Gilbert scream offscreen) He give you by a gift as you opened it and you're happy for your birthday and then you never sad about few days for Morty...

(Steward sodding about Serpci's future to him.)

Steward: (sobbing) No... That's not true!

(Steward holds up blower as blowing to Serpci as she against the door of pyramid and knocked out by brick, then Steward wiping the swear and he hears and looking Gilbert screaming and removed the mask as turning eerie voice and blue and purple liquid coming out the mouth by Robert with hugging him as Steward gasps until Gilbert passed out as stopped scream while Steward cover in gasps and Robert place Gilbert on the sand and he covering him until Robert turns to Steward with smile.)

Robert: She's right about her future to Gilbert and later for you, Steward!

(Robert eerie laughing while floating fast to Steward who screaming and hold Chef Soulfflé's flying pan as he hits Robert while passed out, Steward grabs Serpci and Robert to in the hole as Steward digging to back sand on them with big shove as finally done on 10th floor, he sigh in relief and looks grave sand of Gilbert when passed out.)

Steward: Don't worry, Gilbert. I'm keep going up the floors and thank you for help me out.

(Steward floating up the floor as pans to Gilbert rises up arm and coming out the sand grave as he take off his sunglasses and he opens with blue right eye and purple left eye and smile as eerie laughing.)

Gilbert: (in eerie voice) But I'm keep going you... with calm down from infects!

(Gilbert eerie laughing as floating up and cloak on, cuts to Steward floating 11F/Twisted Suites where same floors with balloons and streamers as Elevator Hall as he looking through the hole to Wardrobe as Magician Sisters was in there, they covered with bandages are their arms and Nikki's eyes, Lindsey's ears and Ginny's mouth and neck.)

Nikki: Ginny, you telling Lindsey with you writing to you say for her.

Ginny: (in eerie voice with mumbling; shyly) Yes, Nik.

Nikki: Good. Listen, girls. (Ginny start writing Nikki's says with notebook) Steward can't phases the wall by magic as he phase the doors for his birthday but we're keep three parts each one. Got it?

Lindsey: (To Ginny) What's did she said? (looking Ginny's writing as Nikki's says) Oh, okay then. (To Nikki) Got it!

(Magician Sisters inside their hat, floating but Nikki hit into wall as pop out and they holding Nikki's arms as they floating out as left Wardrobe until Steward looking away it and wearing Music-Proof Headset.)

Steward: This be perfect. She said, I can't phases the wall by magic as I phase the doors for my birthday.

(Steward floats into Bladed Bedroom, he looks wheeled dartboard as he spin it as the knives start floating and shot to wheeled dartboard as Steward stay back while stopped spin and its shaped-like square, then it connect the knives by magic as appear the folded paper as Steward take, unfold and look as read it.)

Steward: (snickers and clear his throat; reading with in imitating of Amadeus) "Dear Lindsey, I hope your sisters are okay from Steward was attack to you und your sisters, zhen don't angry to my best friend vhen birthday as you infecting him. Don't forgot you loves me, Lin! - Your boyfriend, Amadeus Wolfgeist." (laughing as normal voice) That was funny! (continue laughing as floating down on the ground until said) That's my favorite part! But I need a new mask by Dr. Potter's invention.

(Steward floats into Suit Bathroom, he looks cards as take it from around bathroom as lamb was turning as lighting up after he taken all cards and light up to opened glass as falls the folded paper as Steward take, unfold and look as read it before he removes the mask and replace Safe and Volume Mask.)

Steward: Oh, that's making me hilarious! (clear his throat; reading with in imitating of Kruller) "Dear Ginny, I'm afraid of youse and your sisters as youse've got hurting by Steward. Good news, you finally figured out for understand your says and words! Bad news, Steward getting hurts you, Gin! We're want happy to my best friend, Gin... But I kinda hurting by too small the space! - Your boyfriend, Kruller Wolfgeist." (sheepish laughing as normal voice) That's lesser funny than Amadeus' letter as he very nice to her...

(Steward floats into Star Mageists' Gallery while floating as looking pictures of 5 Other Magicians each one, then he phases into Inverted Bedroom as he looking up the ceiling upside-down floor as Steward looking to books on the table.)

Steward: But... sometimes has... no narrow.

(Steward floats and turning downward onto ceiling upside-down floor and pick carefully the books.)

Steward: Phew. That's close one from falling it.

(Steward shocking from voices as falling on floor upside-down ceiling.)

Amadeus: (offscreen; shocking and minor angrily) You heard Steward read my love letter, Lin?!

(Steward slowly floating at listening carefully the voices from Lounge.)

Lindsey: (offscreen; happily) Yes, he thinks you're funny for your love letter from you said, don't forget I love you! I kinda loved it!

Clem: (offscreen) Ohhoo! Nice one, Deus! Because our best friend is funny to you, me and our brother, Kruller for the letters from we made it!

Amadeus: (offscreen) Vow, Kruller. I can't believe your love letter vas lesser funny zhan mine.

Kruller: (offscreen) Yes, my best friend was doesn't humor for my love letter as never embarrassment.

Ginny: (offscreen; in distorted and eerie voice with soft creepy tone) Nice... thinking...

(Steward shocking moment from Ginny was finally speaking as different voice with two words. Steward screaming in horror until they speaks.)

Lindsey: (offscreen) I heard that screaming.

Ginny: (offscreen) It's... It's

Wolfgeist Brothers: (offscreen) That's my best friend!

Steward: (quietly) Their best friend?

Lindsey: (offscreen) I know where are you here, Stewy.

(Steward gasps and floats to Illusion Bathroom while Wolfgeist Brothers coming in Inverted Bedroom as they looking around it, then they grunting in defeat to Steward doesn't here as they sad.)

Amadeus: Great! Just great! He's gone!

Clem: Our best friend gonna hide when we coming!

Kruller: Awww! We're never see our best friends!

(Wolfgeist Brothers shocking from Magician Sisters saying.)

Nikki: (offscreen) Don't worry, boys.

Lindsey: (offscreen) We're caring to him.

Ginny: (offscreen) And we're help you, boys...

(Wolfgeist Brothers turn and looking Magician Sisters when they floating as coming put from shadow as revealed for remove the bandages to their arms was mostly light blue and less dark purple as Nikki's eyes was bright blue and purple as she wear goggles, Lindsey's ears was bright blue as she wear headset and Ginny's mouth and neck was bright purple as she wear cloths while they smile for ideas to Wolfgeist Brothers.)

Amadeus: So? You gonna helping us for my best friend was infect as happy?

Lindsey: Sure, Deus!

(Cuts to Illusion Bathroom, Steward listening the voices from Inverted Bedroom but voices muttered chatting for their plans while Steward looks chest and he opens it as revealed is Wolfgeist Brothers' stuffs from their jobs, he looking stuffs and pick the Amadeus' music sheets appear are glowint colors of blue and purple from written.)

Steward: (quitely) Wow. That's it ominous.

(Steward slowly remove right side of Music-Proof Headset as creepy joy music was playing as he screams and back put it as muted it.)

Steward: (shocking and loud) WHAT THE?! WHAT WAS THAT?! (pauses as normal volume when shocking) Wait a minute. The music from Amadeus made music sheets! (ripping Amadeus' music sheets but getting harder then stop it.) Oh no! But I needing three parts!

(Steward hearing to Inverted Bedroom when no longer speaks as he floats out Inverted Bedroom where appears more balloons and steamers as he start scary and he floats into Lounge where same Invented Bedroom but blue banner says "Happy Birthday Steward" with dark blue texts from top of the stage and cakes and glass of any drinks on the three tables each one.)

Steward: (quietly) Wow...

(Steward heard eerie giggles and looking the stage when poof the magic hat on the stage as Steward screams and shaking in fear while Magician Sisters appears doing introduce themselves, they inside magic hats and flying though to False Bedroom. He shocking moment to Magician Sisters' revealed for remove the bandages and shaking his head for snapped it, then looking picture of Magica from between food store and stair of the stage.)

Steward: Magica, what they doing to me?

Magica: (offscreen) They want you happy as infected you!

(Steward gasps and looks second table rotates as three spotlights rotates to middle of the stage as light up as ghosts laughing, big poof to Magica who hiding her cape.)

Magica: Hello, Steward. Welcome to...

(Magica spins and uncover her cape as her introduce pose.)

Magica: Star Mageists' Magic Show!

(Steward awe in amazing and applause while cheering until Magica bows to Steward.)

Magica: Thank you, Steward! I'm Magica Spellight! (taking her hat as hold it) Super Magic Star and younger twin sister of Spellight Twins!

(Steward cheering until Magica prepares magic trick to her hat with magic wand as blast hat as Tortus come out Magica's hat as he flying around Lounge until he back to the stage as Tortus bows with his hat as Steward cheering and Magica put her hat on her head.)

Tortus: Hello, Steward! My name is Tortus Spotbound! (taking her hat as hold it) Magic Hat Tricker and middle brother of Spotbound Brothers!

(Steward cheering as Tortus prepares magic tricks to his hat as picking inside his hat as he surprise when something he got it.)

Tortus: Now, Steward, are you ready to see what inside my hat?

Steward: Yes! I'm ready!

Tortus: Drum rolling, please!

(Drum rolling as Tortus slowly pulling something until he pulled out as holding bunny.)

Tortus: Ta-da! Bunny inside my hat!

Steward: (clapping and cheering) That was amazing!

Tortus: You're welcome, Steward.

Magica: But there's more magic tricks as introduce.

Steward: Cool! I want to see them!

Tortus: Now, this bunny is going magic himself by magic without doing by me and my girlfriend, Magica.

Magica: He's telling about bunny going magic by himself.

Tortus: Looking carefully to bunny...

Steward: Okay, I'm looking him.

(Steward, Magica and Tortus looking bunny, then he start glowing blue and floating as Steward awe in amazing.)

Tortus: Are ready meet the magic power ghost?

Steward: Yes!

Tortus: There is my...

(Bunny transforming into Goob wearing vest with red bow tie named Extortus who holding magic by hands until stop loading magic as Steward cheering and applause.)

Extortus: Hi, Steward! I'm Extortus Spotbound! Real Magic Power Magician and youngest brother of Spotbound Brothers!

(Extortus holding up magic powers from hands as Steward cheering and clapping his hands.)

Steward: I liked you, Extortus!

Extortus: You're welcome, Stew!

Steward: Listen, guys! I'm gonna to get a three parts of Virus Cuser from Magician Sisters; Nikki, Lindsey and Ginny, but no time for waste that!

Magica: We're helping you... at time.

(Steward, Magica, Extortus and Tortus float into Water Tank Bathroom.)

Extortus: This it is, Steward. You gonna introduce my...

(Big poof from water tank as appear Intortus inside water tank while he holding the breath as waves to his friends. He big clap as big poof and then he disappeared as Steward impress for Intortus's magic trick)

Steward: Wow! But where he's go?

Tortus: He's sent Trainer's Bedroom.

(Steward, Magica, Extortus and Tortus float into Trainer's Bedroom, a big poof as reappear Intortus who make introduce pose as Steward, Magica, Extortus and Tortus applause.)

Intortus: Hello, everyone! My name's Intortus Spotbound! Best Magic Trap Tricker and oldest brother of Spotbound Brothers!

(Steward cheering until he, Magica and Spotbound Brothers looking the cards appearing and floating by magic as it flying through the rings, then the cards spinning on the floor as Magico appear with magic and he make moving with the cards.)

Magico: Hello~! My friends!

(Steward, Magica and Spotbound Brothers cheering and applause to Magico who bows.)

Magico: Thank, my friends even my guest, Steward! My name is Magico Spellight! (make tricks with his cards) Magic Card Trick Assistant and older twin brother of Spellight Twins! And we are...

(4 Other Ghost Magicians join Magico and they all pose as introduce.)

Star Mageists: The Star Mageists!

Steward: Wow! The Star Mageists!

Magico: Okay, we're all five!

Steward: Come on guys! To False Bedroom!

(Steward and the Star Mageists floating out Trainer's Bedroom to Lounge, then they float to False Bedroom but they hear from Laundry Room as they floating in and looking three lines of scarves and then they looking washing machine which shaking slightly as they gasps and shocking as position of defend and attack.)

Steward: (whispering) Careful, guys! (looking iron set plate) I've got an idea.

(Steward opened as down the ironing board to takes the iron as closed ironing board, he looking Magico.)

Steward: Magico, you have a metal card?

Magico: (nods) Sure! I got this! (hold the card turns into metal card by his magic and gives to Steward) Here it go!

Steward: Thank, Magico.

(Steward throws metal card against washing machine as Gilbert screaming as pop out with wetting while Steward and the Star Mageists screaming in horror until Gilbert smiles to Steward who feeling worried.)

Gilbert: Hello, Steward! Did you missed me?!

Steward: No!

Gilbert: Well, then I'll hug you!

(Gilbert eerie laughing as rising the arms but knocked out as falling by Steward when throwed with iron, then Extortus used magic power to Gilbert into clothes dryer as he closed it and then summon Anti-Ghost Power Chains to around to lock the dryer machine and Extortus dust off the hands.)

Extortus: There! He'll safe inside a dryer machine as longest!

(Extortus laughing until Steward said.)

Steward: Shh! Quite! Listen!

(Steward and Star Mageists Steward listening the voices from Lounge.)

Amadeus: (offscreen) I can't believe zhis! He lost from us again?!

Clem: (offscreen) Hey, brothers? I thinks I heard from Laundry Room.

(Steward and Star Mageists gasps as Spotbound Brothers pull out three lines of scarves each one, then it opened and pop out chattering teeth when chattering sounds while they gasps as covered the mouths.)

Kruller: (offscreen) We're heard from Laundry Room as Steward in there!

(Steward and Star Mageists going inside behind metal clothes rank as Intortus was first inside and Steward was last inside but he seeking as little closed. Wolfgeist Brothers come in Laundry Room.)

Amadeus: But... But he's right here!

Kruller and Clem: I know!

Clem: But... there's someone inside clothes dryer was locked with Anti-Ghost Power Chains.

(Morty phases to Wolfgeist Brothers as going Laundry Room.)

Wolfgeist Brothers: Ahh, Morty! Our artist best friend!

(Cut Steward seeking to see while gasps in vest.)

Magico: (whispering) What is it?!

Steward: (whispering) That's my brother!

(Star Mageists gasps until Steward hushing them.)

(Cuts back to Morty and Wolfgeist Brothers looking clothes dryer.)

Morty: Hmm. There's someone inside it.

Amadeus: I handle zhis.

(Amadeus cuts Anti-Ghost Power Chains with infected hands as it disappeared while Gilbert pop out as screams in pain and floats out from clothes dryer.)

Gilbert: Guys! Steward joined Star Mageists to help and get three parts!

Morty and Wolfgeist Brothers:
(gasp, then shocking) WHAT?!

Gilbert: Yes! They're going travel around in Twisted Suites! From early, he's happy about Star Mageists' magic tricks.

Morty: (shocking) What?! You thinking Star Mageists are greater tricks than Magician Sisters?!

Gilbert: Yes! They're not infected as he's happy it as his birthday...! for now.

(Wolfgeist Brothers start their left eye was twitching, then they're angry for Steward's amazed to Star Mageists.)

Amadeus: (angrily) Zhey're make me jealous about Star Magesists!

Clem: (angrily) Yeah, me too! They're make magic tricks to Steward as he happy to them!

Kruller: (angrily) Yeah! They're against to Magician Sisters even my love, Ginny!

Wolfgeist Brothers: (angrily) They're never against to my girlfriend! Since they're helped to Steward for against Magician Sisters!

Morty: Okay, okay, stop! I don't want to you hurt Star Mageists! I've a got the plans. Come on!

(Morty floats but he stopped by tapping his shoulder.)

Amadeus: Morty, your brother tried forgive you as ve're best friends now since me und Clem hurt your und brother's feeling and zhen ve're forgive you und your brother as changed my life.

Clem: He's right about y'all to Steward forgive ya... Honestly.

Kruller: And I never loses the friends even you and your brother.

(Morty happily tears as he wiping the tears.)

Morty: Thank you, guys.

(Wolfgeist Brothers hugs Morty as Gilbert watch them in inspired while Steward watching with tearing and sniffs, then wiping his tears and Wolfgeist Brothers lets Morty as they floating out to Lounge. Then Steward and Star Mageists come out the vest as behind metal clothes rank as Star Mageists looking Steward who sad about Morty and Wolfgeist Brothers' forgive.)

Steward: Guys... I've got plans... to against them.

(Cuts Star Mageists gasp and looking each other and then looking Steward for plan and then fade in of black screen.)

LM3/LMGS: Joy Ghost VirusWhere stories live. Discover now