I'm Tired Of This(Peter Parke...


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There was a kid. Neither one of them knew it at the time, but when Steve Rogers went under Peggy was pregnant... Еще

Cast List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

2.2K 49 9

"Hi." Juliet looks at the group of strangers and takes in all of their appearances. She recognizes the female with the bright red hair as one of the people that took her out of that hell hole. The lady looks nice but Juliet can tell that she could kill you if she wanted too. Juliet looks at the man that stands next to the redhead and sees that he looks pretty normal. Nothing crazy stands out about him but those are the scariest kinds of people. He could blend into a crowd like no other and kill an enemy with a flick of a wrist.

'WOW' Juliet stared wide-eyed at the biggest man she has ever seen. He is so tall and buff, he could break me with a simple hug. Juliet backs away from the big man a little bit and looks at the last person in the room. She would know who he is no matter his age. Tony Stark, Anthony Edward Stark, wow he really does look like his dad. I wish I was around when he was little! He would have been so cute!!!!

"Hi Tony."

"Hey Juliet."

Thor storms up to Juliet and picks her up and hugs her! "She is as light as a feather!" He swings her around until Natasha punches him in the arm!

"You're going to crush her!" Thor drops Juliet and she heaves first breath. That may have been the scariest experience she has ever gone through.

"Now that you introduced yourself kinda I think we should as well." Clint says and goes up to Juliet and holds his hand out. "I'm Clint Burton. Also known as Hawkeye." Juliet shakes his hand with a firm grip. Clint looks at her shocked and pulls his hand away fast "damn kid strong grip. You could have broken my fingers."

Juliet laughs "Or you're just fragile." The rest of the group looks at her with amusement. She is so different from Steve they find it funny.

"I did get to properly introduce myself when we were saving you. So I'm Natasha, also black widow." Natasha waves at the girl but doesn't make a move to give the girl a hand shake.

"Thanks for that by the way."

"It's my job."

"Ya but still thanks. I would most likely still be frozen if it wasn't for you."

Tony watches Juliet from a distance as she is introducing herself to Bruce trying to memorize what she looks like. He has grown up with the stories of this girl and here she is. Right in front of him, this shit is crazy. Juliet turns to Tony and sees him staring at her, she smiles and waves.

"Hi Tony."

"Hi Jules."

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."

"Why? You didn't do anything."

"I left, I got taken! I was supposed to go to one of your dads events and I didn't. I was so mad at my mom and everyone for judging me for who my dad was. I just wanted to be known for me, not Captain America's kid."

"I understand."

"I should have been there. I should have been here for you when you were little, and when your dad died. I'm such a horrible aunt and godmother! I'm so sorry Tony. I'm so sorry." Juliet runs and jumps at Tony and holds him. She keeps on saying how she is so sorry, Tony just holds her and strokes her hair. He didn't realize how much he needed this nor how much he needed someone else to understand how he felt as a kid.

The elevator door opens and Steve walks out and sees his daughter clutching onto Tony like there is no tomorrow. He looks to the group and they all just shake their heads at him. He'll have to ask her what happened when they are alone again.

"I thought I told you we would wait to introduce yourself to the group." Steve says as he walks up to Tony and Juliet. Juliet looks up at her dad and wipes away her tears and smiles at him.

"Well father you should learn that I am a very impatient person. Plus you were still asleep and I was bored." Juliet walks you to him and jumps on his back. She has always wanted a piggy back ride from her dad and now that he is here this will become a normal occurrence. Steve's face brightens up and he pretends that she weighs a ton.

"Ump, geesh Doll how much do you eat! You weigh a ton." Juliet looks at him wide eyed and smacks the back of his head lightly.

"If there is anyone to blame for that it would be you Mr. Supersoldier who crashes their plane into the arctic to quote on quote save the US."

The team looks at the father daughter duo with amazement in their eyes. For one they have never seen Steve act like this and two Juleit just brings a piece of the team that was missing. Clint can't help but think of his family when he sees how the two of them interact. While Tony on the other side wishes that he and his father had that kind of relationship that Juliet and Steve have developed in less than 24 hours.

"Actually Steve you are quite wrong. This young lady weighs nothing. She should have much more meat on her bones as you midgardians like to say." Thor tries to say as a matter of fact. Thor is quite worried for the girl because he believes that she weighs too little for what age she is supposed to be.

"I know Thor, I was just trying to make a joke." Steve tries to explain to the Asgardian, but gives up when he sees the confused look on Thor's face. Bruce can't help but look at the girl and notice that Thor was actually correct and she looks very skinny for her age and height. He begins to worry for the girl and makes a mental note to talk to Tony and Steve about it later when she goes to bed.

"Maybe you should leave all the jokes to me Capsicle."

"Ha ha very funny Stark."

"I'm just saying Steve, I have the jokes and you have the serious face that doesn't let anything fun happen."

"Ok Stark, we get it."

"What? No need to get pissy with me Cap, I'm just saying the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

"Actually Tony you are quite wrong in that aspect." All eyes turn towards Juliet who has moved over to the kitchen and is eating an apple, she smirks at the group as they look at her with intent.

"You don't even know the first thing about my dad if you think that."

"Umm kid I'm pretty sure I do, he is Mr. Perfect. This man hasn't committed a single crime and is a stickler for the rules."

"Now are you quite sure about that." Everyone watched the exchange between the Youngest Rogers and Stark as they have a stare down. Steve is looking at Juliet with pleading eyes because he doesn't know what stories she is going to tell but he can't imagine that they are good.

"Yes, I'm pretty damn positive."

"Ok, then question time. How did my dad get accepted into the Super Soldier program."

"Well Dr. Erskine saw your dad and was like 'he is the one' and then your dad went from small to a perfect Specimen."

"Awww Tony you think Steve is a perfect Specimen." Clint couldn't afford to lose this perfect opportunity to tease Tony. Tony glares at Clint and Steve blushes and the group can't help but laugh at the duo's reaction.

"Shut up Clint." Tony retorts

"As I was saying." Juliet glares at Clint for interrupting her little story, but winks at him to let him know she is only messing with him. "Do you know how many times he registered to be in the army before he actually got accepted?"

"No... but you can only register once, doing it more than once and lying on your paper's is a crime, and a big one at that."

"Exactly, my dearest father mhmhmmhm" Juliet couldn't even finish her sentence before Steve ran over and covered her mouth with his huge ass hands. His entire hand could probably cover her whole face easily. He looked at her wide eyed and shook his head no.

"That's enough about me, my dear daughter." Juliet laughs into his hand as he continues to shake his head. He tries to keep his past as under raps as he can from the team because he doesn't find it that important or interesting. I mean there is a literal God standing only a few feet away from him. So ya his little experiment isn't anything compared to the people around him.

"Oh but I wanted to know more Stevie." Natasha says she already knows his entire past because Steve can't keep stuff away from her but she doesn't know the exact number of times he tried to enroll in the army. She can only imagine because if he is as stubborn as he is now, wow that would be a big number.

"Ya Stevie." Tony says in a mocking tone. Juliet slips out of Steve's grasp and runs up to Tony and whispers in his ear. Tony's eyes go wide and looks at Steve with shock. "Are you kidding?!" Steve rolls his eyes at Tony and his daughter and shakes his head.
"You got told no that many times and you still tried!"

"I wasn't going to collect metal scraps from the dump like 10 year olds. I was a grown man and wanted to fight for my country."

"You're insane!"

"I know right!!!" Juliet looks at Tony with a sparkle in her eyes that only a Rogers can have. It is a look that he has only seen in Steve's eyes when he really cares about something deeply. Tony may have only seen it a couple times but it always amazes him when he does.

Natasha is tired of the three of them debating so she decides to stop them and ask the question that is on all of their minds. What the hell happened to the girl, if she was going to be up here with the group she might as well tell them what happened. "As much as I hate to break up this little reunion." Natasha says with as much sarcasm as she can muster. "I think we would all like to know what happened."

Juliet tilts her head like a dog and gives Natasha a questioning glance. "What do you mean Nat? Is that ok if I call you that?"

Natasha can't help but smile and nod at the girl before she remembers what she wanted to know. "What happened to you. I think we would all like to know exactly what happened."

"Do you mean how I was taken or everything from the beginning."

"Well doll personality I would like to know everything from the beginning. But it is all up to you what you feel comfortable telling us."

"I don't mind telling you everything. I mean I'm going to have to tell you guys eventually so why not now. But can I sit down? This story is going to take awhile."

"Of course." The group walks to the living room and sit in the big couches and look at the Teen while she gets herself situated. She looks up to see everyone looking at her and she takes a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"Well, it started after you went under and mom thought you were dead."

OMG I am so sorry for how long it took me to got this chapter up! I have been super busy with school and I got casted in my school play. So my writing had to be put on the back burner for a couple months.
Now that the play is done I will be updating this story more frequently. I want to say thank you to all of those who have left me comments and voted for my chapters. It means the world to me!!! Thank you so much for reading this story and I will be back in a few days with the next chapter!
Much Love,
Your Author

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