☆Mike Wheeler X Reader☆

By finnnwolffhard

41.4K 966 1.1K

Setting: Season 3 More

Chapter 1: How Did You Escape?
Chapter 2: The Group
Suzie, Do You Copy? pt 2
The Mall Rats
The Case Of The Missing Life Guard pt 1
Filler :3
The Case Of The Missing Life Guard pt 2
The Sauna Test pt 1
The Sauna Test pt 2
Happy 18th Birthday Sadie Sink!! ❤💕
The Flayed pt 1
The Flayed pt 2
E Pluribus Unum pt 1
E Pluribus Unum pt 2
The Bite pt 1
The Bite pt 2
The Bite pt 3
The Battle of Starcourt pt 1
The Battle of Starcourt pt 2

Suzie, Do You Copy? pt 1

2.5K 52 26
By finnnwolffhard

Vee's POV:
I woke up early so I could practice my English to get better at it. I got out of my bed changed my clothes, and brushed my hair.

I have been studying my English for two and a half hours and I'm getting better at it. Me and El were going to this kid named Dustin's to surprise him for some reason.

Hopper was already gone, and me and El got breakfast, brushed our teeth, and put on our shoes to go to Dustin's house.

Me and El got to Dustin's house for his surprise. "Hey El?" I asked "yeah?" She responded. "Why does he need a surprise?" I shyly asked "he's coming home from camp so we are going to surprise him." She said

Me, El, Max, Mike, Lucas, and Will were behind a wall so Dustin couldn't see us. El was making his toys go into his living room.

Dustin was in the living room trying to understand what was going on with his toys.

Me and the group carefully came out from behind the wall and blew our thing that made a lot of noise. Dustin got so scared he sprayed his hair spray in Lucas' face.

Me, El, Will, and Mike were all in Dustin's room because he was showing us his "inventions" he made at camp. "So who are you?" Dustin asked me "I'm Vee short for Twelve" I responded he smiled "I'm Dustin" he said I smiled at him.

"What exactly are we looking at here?" Mike asked Dustin, Dustin had out his other "invention" called Cerebro "an unassembled one-of-a-kind-battery-powered radio tower." Dustin said smiling.

"So it's a... ham radio?" Will asked sure but not sure at the same time. "It's the Cadillac of ham radios, this baby carries a crystal-clear connection over vast distances, I'm talking North Pole to South, I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I want." Dustin said once again smiling. "Girlfriend!?" Everyone but me said.

"Wait so her name is Suzie." Mike asked "Suzie with a "z" she's from Utah" Dustin said as we were walking down his hallway. "Girls go to science camp?" Will asked "Suzie does, she's a genius" Dustin responded to Will. "Is she cute?" Mike asked and El sent him a glare. "Think Phoebe Cates, only hotter" Dustin said.

"What's going on?" Max asks as she finished helping Lucas try to get the pain out of his eye. "We're going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend" I said, Max and Lucas look at each other "girlfriend?" They said shocked.

Mini time skip...

We had been walking on the hill for awhile so we could talk to Dustin's girlfriend "aren't we high enough?" Lucas asked panting "Cerebro works best at a hundred meters" Dustin said

I was walking next to Max, I really wanted to walk next to Mike but I couldn't because El was basically glued onto him.

Everyone was talking but I didn't listen to them. "Hey guys!" Mike shouts, we all turn and look at him. "This is fun and all but.." Mike said "me and Vee have to get home" El finished for Mike. "We're almost there" Dustin said almost trying to protest. "Sorry man, curfew" Mike said.

Me, El, and Mike started walking down the hill, Mike and El were holding hands though. "Good luck" El says smiling.

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