Chapter 2: The Group

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Vee's POV:
I woke up next to El since we stayed up late and fell asleep in the same bed but we're both lab tests she told me last night so we're basically/kind of sisters

El woke up, smiled at me and I smiled back, then we both got out of bed to get dressed, brush our teeth, and brush our hair

El gave me one of her outfits (outfit and hair on top) El also brushed my hair and curled it. How is she so pretty?

We ate breakfast before we brushed our teeth (I know I said you guys already brushed your teeth brushed your teeth but that's after breakfast) and said good morning to Hopper "Hey El why don't you introduce Vee to the group?" Hopper asked El "sure" she smiled and grabbed my hand "be safe" Hopper said, we said bye to Hopper and left the cabin.

We made it to someone else's house. El knocked and some boy with black hair, beautiful freckles, and a nice smile answered the door. "Hey El everyone's inside" the boy said and kissed El I guess they're dating.

The boy let us inside and I saw 3 boys and one girl. "Hey guys this is Vee short for Twelve" El said and smiled at them "Max" the girl with red hair said "Will" the boy with a bowl cut said "Mike" the boy that is cute said and smiled at me "Lucas, and there's also Dustin but he won't be here until tomorrow." the boy with black kind of curly hair said.

"She's gorgeous." I heard Will whisper to El and blush "She's pretty, really pretty." El whispered back to El. Mike came over and sat down next to me. "So wanna learn about each other?" Mike asked since everybody else was busy chatting to one another "sure" I said and smiled "Well I'm Mike Wheeler short for Micheal, I have two sisters Holly and Nancy, I'm fifteen years old, and I'm dating El." Mike said and smiled "I'm Vee short for Twelve, I'm fifteen years old, my powers are telekinesis, I can make people and things stop, and I can see other people's thoughts" I said and smiled. "Cool" Mike said and smiled at me, I smiled back. "Wait so Vee is basically another El?" We all laughed at Lucas' attempt joke.

"We have to go come on Vee." El said which made me kind of sad because I was talking to Will about the upside down and other stuff "okay" I said, I got up, hugged everyone, and said bye. El kissed Mike before we left. "Be safe." Mike said to El and me. "But Mike you can come with me Hopper won't be home for about another hour" El said "okay." Mike said and came along with me and El obviously the group left.

Me, El, and Mike got home to the cabin. El and Mike went into her room while I stayed in the living room doing a puzzle because I had nothing to do.

Hopper came home "Hey Vee." Hopper said and smiled "Hi Hopper" I said and smiled back. "Where's El?" He asked me "In her room with Mike" I responded.  "Okay" Hopper said and went into the bathroom.

Five minutes later Mike came out of El's room, and put his shoes on.

El came out of her room. "Bye Mike" El said to Mike "Bye El" Mike said back and left. I continued my puzzle. "Goodnight Vee." El said to me and went into her room.

Hopper came out of the bathroom about 15 minutes later. "Vee you should probably go to bed." Hopper said to me. "Okay goodnight Hop." I said and smiled. Hopper smiled back.

I went into my room because Hopper gave me a room last night but I fell asleep in El's room. I changed into a black t-shirt, blue shorts, and white fuzzy socks, and went to bed.

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