The Bite pt 2

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Vee's POV:
Nancy shattered the glass with a rock, as we walked into the store. I held onto Mike as he helped me walk. "Okay, get her down" Nancy said to Mike. He carefully set me down as I whimpered in pain.

"Okay, lemme see" Nancy said taking off the "cast" Mike made in the care, I started groaning the pain was so bad. "Holy shit" Mike whispered holding my hand. "What- hey, hey what are you doing?" Max asked Nancy "I'm cleaning the wound" Nancy replied.

"No first we need to stop the bleeding, then clean, then disinfect, then bandage" Max exclaimed "my skateboard trust me" Max said. "Mike hold this" Max said as Mike held a napkin on my wound "keep the pressure on it, nice and firm okay?" Max asked and Mike nodded.

"Were gonna need water and soap" Max told Nancy and Jonathan as they frantically nodded walking away. Lucas dumped out some stuff in his backpack. "Does any of this help?" Lucas asked "no, go get me a wash cloth and a bowl" Max ordered "a bowl?" Lucas asked "Lucas" Max said "El can you please go with them?" Max asked, El nodded.

Little time skip

"Does that hurt?" Mike asked me innocently "no not that bad" I said "you'll have an awesome scar. You'll look even more tubular" Mike said "tubular?" I ask confused "yeah, totally tubular!" Mike exclaimed and we both smiled.

"Vee..." Mike started "yeah?" I ask "I've been meaning to tell you something. It's just now that I've broken up with El it's made me realize how important and special you are to me and I... I really like you you are so beautiful, kind, and your totally tubular!" Mike said and I laughed "but the thing I 100 percent realized is that..." Mike started "I've fallen" Mike said.

"Mike..." I started "I like you too" I said smiling at him he smiled back we both started leaning in before we heard Mike's walky talky started speaking not that clearly though.

Mike ran over to the walky talky "I repeat, this is a code red!" He heard kind of clear "Dustin?" Mike asked "Mike?" Dustin asked "Dustin!" Mike exclaimed "Mike!" Dustin exclaimed.

"Mike! Oh my gosh listen, I know I've been MIA, and I'm so so sorry" Dustin continued talking but we couldn't hear the rest of what he was saying. "And now they're using it to open the gate "Dustin said cutting out "Dustin your breaking out" Mike said "what is it?" Nancy asked.

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