The Case Of The Missing Life Guard pt 1

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Vee's POV:
I was at Mike's house with Will, Mike, and Lucas, Lucas and Mike were talking about El while Will was setting up something on a table.

"Hey Vee I have a question for you" Mike said "yeah?" I said "did Hopper say anything this morning at all?" Mike asked "he said you were at home where you should be "okay" Mike replied "did Max say anything?" Mike asked "Max said to El dump his ass" I said "okay thanks" Mike said.

"I know it's just why is she treating me this way?" Mike asked "I don't know" Lucas sighed "I know woman act on emotion not logic" Mike said. "Mike, just find someone else!" I say "wh-why?" Mike said "maybe El isn't good for you just move on" I say and Mike sighs.

"Okay um guys it's ready!" Will said "Will not right now." Lucas said "they broke up with you, what else is there to talk about" Will said "tons" Lucas said sitting down on the arm of the couch "Yeah we're trying to solve the great mystery of the female species" Mike said, then a weird sound comes from his mouth "dude you can smell the nacho cheese" Mike said laughing "ugh gross" Will sighed "I got that beat" Lucas said "oh no" Will said worried "no, Lucas, no!!" Mike said "no!" Will shouted as Lucas lifted up his leg and made a sound it stunned.

Time Skip
"Did I help?" I ask "Yeah you helped but Max definitely said more" Lucas said "Vee you can tell us what she said" Mike said "okay she also said that Mike needs the medicine" I said "huh?" Mike said "she also said if he doesn't fix things or explain himself dump his ass" I said and Mike sighed.

Mike and Lucas look at each other than back at me.

"El's been corrupt!" Mike says sighing and sitting back down on the couch.

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