Suzie, Do You Copy? pt 2

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Vee's POV:
Mike and El were hanging out in her room, while I was just watching T.V. I could hear music in her room and it was a bit to loud for my liking.

I wanted to ask Hopper if he could tell them to turn down the volume. So I went over to Hopper's room and knocked on the door. Hopper answered "Hey Vee what do you need?" Hopper asked. "Um the music in El's room is a bit loud" I said.

Hopper went into El's room. A few minutes later Hopper came out and Mike gave me a nervous smile and left with Hopper.

Hopper hasn't come back for awhile so I decided to go to bed. Also El hasn't come out of her room for two hours. I decided to go knock on her door, so I did.

El answered the door. "Yes?" She asked but she sounded like she was mad. "Um goodnight?" I said more of a question. "Goodnight" she said and smiled at me before she closed her door.

I went into my room and changed into my pajamas, turned off my light, and went to bed not knowing anything that would happen tomorrow.

I know this is a short chapter but it will be longer tomorrow because I have no school due to the virus going around so yeah.... have an amazing night or day whatever time it is for you.

☆Mike Wheeler X Reader☆Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ