Online | M.Y.G. x P.J.M

By fixon18

7.1K 155 24

"I don't understand how you can love someone you met over the internet," Seokjin mumbles. Jimin frowns. "We'r... More

I: Pilot
XVI: Epilogue - 2 Years Later


369 10 3
By fixon18

"Remind me why we had to drive in order to take a walk in this oddly specific neighborhood," Jimin says, walking nearer to Seokjin.

"Just seemed like a nice place to me, I guess; plus the trees look so pretty here," Seokjin makes up an excuse, driving the lie home by looking around at the spring trees around them.

Seokjin - 3:34pm
Rounding the corner soon

Yoongi - 3:34pm
shit okay
i'm so nervous
he's already had a bad day
what if i make it worse?

Seokjin - 3:35pm
You won't
At all
In fact, you'll make it so much better!
Read - 3:35pm

Seokjin tries his hardest to hide his desire to smile as the step around the corner, walking around the apartment complex building. He sees Yoongi standing a ways away; Jimin doesn't recognize him, Seokjin only does because he's expecting him. Once Jimin stops abruptly, he knows he finally noticed.

"What is it, Chimchim?"

"I-Is... I-Is that..." Jimin stutters in his shocked and confused state.

"It is," Seokjin replies, not bothering to hide the smile splitting his face.

Jimin breaks out in full sprint, watching Yoongi through teary eyes run towards him as well. When Jimin finally reaches Yoongi, he throws himself at him as fast as he can. Yoongi catches him without hesitation, clinging to him as tight as possible. Jimin is a laughing and crying mess; even Yoongi lets a few tears fall from his eyes.

"I-I thought you d-didn't want to talk to me a-anymore," Jimin hiccups, his voice muffled by being held so close to Yoongi's chest.

"No, no, no, baby. Never ever." He mumbles into Jimin's hair, gently stroking it with one hand. The younger keens at his touch, his tears subsiding.

"I-I missed you so much..." Jimin admits shyly, wiping his eyes on the sleeve of his sweatshirt.

"I missed you, too, more than anyone could ever say."

Yoongi gently lifts Jimin's face up, leaning down slowly to give Jimin a chance to back away if he wants. Instead, Jimin grabs the back of Yoongi's head and crashes their lips together, softly kissing the older. He responds quickly, wrapping his arms around Jimin's slim waist to hold him as close as possible. Seokjin takes this moment to snap a picture; it looks so romantic to see the two kissing and holding each other around so many beautiful trees.

Once Jimin pulls away, he continues to cling to Yoongi, resting his head against the older's shirt and letting himself get lost in the smell of his cologne.

"How long do you have until you leave again?" He mumbles, lacing his fingers with Yoongi's.

"Hmm... well, I already am home."

"That's cute and all, hyung, but I'm kinda serious..."

"And so am I, baby. This is my home now. I moved all of my things and I'm almost fully unpacked," he grins. Jimin looks at him, completely shocked again.

"Y-You... y-you moved?!" He exclaims, fresh tears streaming down his face already. A simple nod from Yoongi is all it takes for Jimin to throw himself at the older a second time, kissing him excitedly.

"Wow, someone's happy," Yoongi chuckles. Jimin blushes, obviously embarrassed.

"Obviously! I get to see you all of the time, every day!" He beams brightly at Yoongi, his contagious smile spreading to the older.

"C'mon, baby, let's go inside. I wanna show you around my new place."

Jimin nods and waves at Seokjin, who smiles brightly and wipes his own tears from his face. Jimin giggles slightly before clinging to Yoongi's arm, following him inside.

— — —

Neither know how it happened, but the next thing Jimin knows, he's pressed against a bare wall, Yoongi's lips once again against his. Hunger and need are evident in their kiss, Jimin letting small whimpers pass through his own lips every so often.

"You have no idea how much I missed this, how much I missed you." He mutters during the kiss.

"M-Missed you too," Jimin replies slowly, "s-so much."

Yoongi's hands find their way to the skin of Jimin's waist, gently drawing smooth circles on it, making the younger shudder at his touch. He slowly kisses from his lips to his jawline, kissing down to his neck. Goosebumps cover the younger's arm as the feeling sends him into a small sate of bliss. Even though it feels so right, so perfect, all that can come to mind is how much he wishes Yoongi was truly his. He tries to stop the tears from flowing yet again, but to no avail. His lip involuntarily quivers as he tries to blink them back.

Yoongi pulls back from Jimin's neck, looking at the younger with a soft expression.

"Baby, what's wrong? Did I push it too far?" He gently asks, holding Jimin's hand in his own.

"N-No... Y-You didn't... I-It's just..." Jimin purses his lips, unsure whether or not he should tell Yoongi just yet.

"Just what, my little mochi? You can tell me anything," he assures, smiling at him.

"I love you!" He blurts suddenly, quickly covering his mouth with his hands. Yoongi stands, slightly shocked, but not surprised, since Seokjin already told him. He smiles brightly at Jimin and gently removes his hands from his mouth, whispering in his ear.

"I love you too, baby."

Jimin's breath hitches at Yoongi's words.

"Y-You do..?" He whispers back, stunned. Yoongi nods in silent response, taking both of Jimin's hands in his.

"I have for a long time. I've wanted you to be mine for months. I got jealous when Taehyung came into the picture because I thought he'd take you away from me. I was too afraid to admit to you that I truly had feelings for you. But now I'm not afraid."

Jimin's heart skips a beat when Yoongi's thumbs rub the back of his hands, trying

"So... Jiminie, will you be my boyfriend? Officially?"

Jimin doesn't hesitate a single second before crying out "Yes!" and clinging to Yoongi as tightly as possible.

"Took you long enough," he jokes, giggling to himself. Yoongi flashes him a gummy smile before kissing his nose sweetly.

"I just had to be sure it's what you wanted. I want the best for you, baby mochi."

Yoongi rubs Jimin's back soothingly and the younger involuntary leans into his touch, humming to himself.

"I like this." Jimin has a dazed, dreamy look about him.

"I do too." Yoongi smiles at the younger, pulling him even closer.

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