Team Weird|Walter Beckett X R...

By GoldenLink145

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Walter Beckett has been in the spy agency in Washington working with his partner Lance Sterling for three yea... More

The Beginning: One
Riding With Rockets: Two
A Werid Distraction: Three
A Task In Los Angeles: Four
IMPORTANT! Please Read!
Moving Along at Dawn: Five
The Club Of Fun: Six
A Serious Situation: Seven
A New Plan: Eight
Gumballs: Nine
A Flesh Rotting Street: Eleven
The Little Demon: Twelve
A New Lance: Thirteen
The Freind in San Francisco: Fourteen
Mansion On The Mountain: Fifteen
Hello? Virgin Speaking: Sixteen
Mess Of A Dress: Seventeen
The Dance: Eighteen
Cult of Crows: Nineteen
Winner's Raffle Art
Human Eyes: Twenty
Reverse! Cha Cha Real Smooth: Twenty-one
Sneaky Bud: Twenty-Two
*GASP!* Another Art Raffle?
Airport Friends: Twenty-Three
Crushing On You: Twenty-Four
Welcome to the Agency: Twenty-Five
A Simulation Performace: Twenty-Six
Winner Raffle Art!
Before Then : Twenty-Seven
Needle Tricks :Twenty-Eight
A True Maliden: Twenty-Nine
Wet Dreams: Thirty (haha 'Thirsty')
The Paper Thief: Thirty-One
GTA: Thirty-Two
I Like You: Thirty-Three
The 'Perfect' Visitors: Thirty-Four
Fun Head Cannons and Facts!
Russ Takes The Bait: Thirty-Six
The Phone Call :Thirty-Seven
The Teasing Before The Sex: Thirty-Eight
S E X + Third Raffle
The Real Sex: Thirty-Nine
Half-Ass Father: Forty
Cold Kisses: Forty-One

I.S.T.C : Thirty-Five

488 12 38
By GoldenLink145


"So-- you don't have a lady roommate?" Angelina asked Walter, raising her brow in confusion.

She and (Y/N) were both walking on opposite sides of him. They had arrived at the agency about ten minutes ago; after all, there was still work needed to be done; even though Dr. McEntire told him to take a break, (which he still found absolutely absurd). But he'll find his way through it. . . Somehow. . . And he'll find a way to tell her about 'Dr. Timmph' without him knowing.

Dr.Timmph is usually in control of the economic part of the agency, as well as most of the lab, such as, keeping control of its resources and what's available. It's easy for him to get any private information on their scientists and inventors; so, it's scary to think someone is impersonating him when he could possibly do some serious damage.

"Well-- I do have a lady roommate, but it's not a human lady, " Walter shrugged.

"What do you mean?" (Y/N) asked him.

"My roommate is a pigeon, best girl, sorry (Y/N), " he kissed (Y/N)'s forehead and snickered as she pouted. "I do miss her though, " he mumbled, a little saddened look on his face, but he knows she has gotten stronger with him as well over the years, (even if she was just a pigeon).

"Wwhhatt?" Angelina looked more confused than before. "Then why do you have tampons under your sink? . ."

"Oh-- *Cough* that's Marcy's doing, we like getting each other weird gifts on holidays and playing it off like it's something amazing--"

Flash back

"Here you go, Walter!" Marcy exclaimed happily as she handed him a gift wrapped in a printed picture of Jesus Christ. "I bound something holy to it so whatever is in there can't harm you."

Walter took it with hesitation, smiling nervously at it. "Wow, can't wait to see what it is this year!" He said sarcastically while taking a seat in his office chair. "Gotta love Mr.Christ. Don't want to wrinkle the paper or anything."

"You have to open it you asshole, " she cackled.

"Fine, fine," he said, but as soon as he made the first tear he immediately looked back up at her with the most disappointed look, making her burst out with laugher. ". . .- Honestly, didn't know what else I would expect--"

"You're so ungrateful. Open the rest of it."

Walter did so. Tearing the printed Jesus until the whole 'gift' was visible, placing the wrapping on his keyboard by his work desk. "I mean-- WOW! TAMPONS! THANK YOU SO MUCH, MARCY! ITS JUST WHAT I NEEDED!"

"Fuck yeah, If you get shot again just stick one of these bad boys in and it'll absorb the blood!" she told him.

"I'm pretty sure that won't work but okay!"

"Works for me every month."

Another person stepped into view and knocked on the wall to get their attention. "Happy Birthday, Walter!" Astro exclaimed while raising his arms in the air.

Walter smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks, Astro. But, you already told me twice today."

"I know! You only turn twenty-two once! But I came here for another reason--" the tall man stepped aside, making an opening. "Come on Kappa, get in here, I know you ain't shy!"

Another male slowly walked into the room with an uncomfortable and sweaty look on his face. After a moment he slapped himself and held out a shaking hand. "I-I'M KAPPA CARLSON ASTRO CARLSON'S BROTHER A-AND IT'S A REAL HONOR TO MEET YOU IN PERSON!" He quickly said.

". . . Okay. . . Maybe that's a little too much. . ." His brother told him, putting a hand on his shivering shoulder, making Kappa jump a bit.

Kappa blushed in embarrassment and bowed "Oh gosh! I-I'm so sorry!"

"Anyway, this is my brother Kappa. He just recently graduated from the Spy Academy in Washington D.C. and he's been asking to meet you for ages now. You've really inspired him-- well go on Kappa!"

"Don't push me. . ." Kappa complained.

Walter smiled gently as Kappa walked slowly to him, "Sup Kappa, I'm Walter Beckett. Your brother is a good friend of mine. . . Want some tampons?"

"Uhhh-- No?"

"Walter what!? I'm so upset you would give my gift to someone else! You fiend!"

"Oh? I'm sorry, does it hurt your feelings?" Walter smirked, putting the tampons aside.

"Man, you really gained Lance's attitude ever since you've been partnered up with him. . ."

"What the hell is going on?" Kappa squeaked.

"See, Kappa, he's very nice, " Astro said.

"YO, WALTER!" D.J. suddenly yelled out, bursting into Walter's work station; following behind him was Eileen.

"Oh, hey Ears! . .Want some tampons?" Walter asked while pointing to the box.

"Who the fuck do you think I am? . . Of course I want some tampons! Are you kidding me!?"

Eileen smiled at him. "Hey Walter! Happy Birthday!"

"Awe thanks! I feel so old. . ." Walter laughed then glanced back at Kappa who looked rather uncertain. He held out his hand in front of him for a hand shake. "It's nice to meet you Kappa, I can't wait to see you in action. I heard the Spy Academy in D.C. does a really good job at teaching their students. I wish I had a chance to experience some of it."

Kappa's eyes shimmered as he took Walter's hand firmly in his own. "Wait- you weren't trained at an Academy?"

"Nope! Lance was my personal trainer. I never thought I would become a spy, plus, I didn't have much strength or agility back then. I would have never gotten past the first course or even the beginning tests."

"Wow-- so you're an 'imperfect'! There is only a rare few of those!"

"I-I guess, but me and Lance don't use the term 'imperfect,' even though he did train me in a whole different way from all of you. And the word sounds a little-- ehhhh--"

"O-oh! I'm so sorry--"

"'Imperfects' are often looked down upon in Academy's, " Marcy interrupted. "I mean-- the students have to go through a whole process that could end up taking years of practice. But when a top spy trains someone privately they are more likely to take on the spy job early without having to worry about tests. . . Cause, you know, top spies are favored in agencies. . . I'm guessing that's one of the reasons why our agency got so many complaints when Walter joined."

"Jeez Marcy, way to spray it, " coughed Eileen while glancing at Walter who had a shameful look on his face.

"Are you guys having a party for my boy without me!?" Lance fixed his tuxedo as he walked himself into the room. "I thought you hated parties, Walter! -- Astro my man!"

"I don't hate parties. . . I-I-I just don't like clubbing like you do. . ." Walter said while tensing and looking to the side as he blushed.

"AWWW! You're so cute sometimes Walter! BABY!" Marcy squished his cheeks. "You gotta stop acting so tough and show your adorable side more often!"

Walter furrowed his brows. "W-What!? Your totally wrong!"

Astro and Lance shook hands. "Hey, dude! Where were you?" Astro questioned.

"Getting stuff ready for me and Walter to practice in the simulation room-- by the way-- Walter you set?" Lance grinned while turning to Walter, Watching him stand.

"Oh! Yeah," Walter said. "Gotta go, guys, thank you so much for the wishes!"

"Why does D.J. have a box of tampons?"

"I wouldn't even worry about it. . ." Eileen told him with a sigh.

"See you later, Walter, " Marcy smiled. "I know you guys don't need it but-- good luck with simulation training!"

"Yup! Oh, and It was nice meeting you Kappa!"

"Y-yeah. . . a pleasure, " Kappa said with a nervous wave towards Lance and Walter.

Astro punched his brother lightly on the arm after they left. "See, it wasn't so hard, was it? --you look a bit scared. Everything alright?"

"Yeah! I just--" Kappa began. "I didn't think the first thing that Walter Beckett would ask me is if I wanted any tampons. . ."

Astro burst with laughter after he said that, making Kappa more confused than he already was.


Walter shook his head and chuckled. "Marcy pisses me off sometimes but I love her."

"Huh. . . " Angel tilted her head. "Weird. . ."

"Hey! Walter!" Walter heard a voice in front of him. Kappa rushed towards them, pushing past multiple spies who rolled their eyes at him. "I didn't know I would see you today! Dr. McEntire said you were taking a break."

Walter smiled at him. "Same with you Kappa; I didn't expect you to be here. I heard you were going on a mission to California, Is that correct?"

"Oh yeah! Well-- Me and Astro were supposed to head out in the morning but Dr. McEntire said she and Dr. Timmph wanted to look more into it. It's a bit strange, even my brother is uncertain about it because of everything that happened in Los Angeles. . . And now our mission is kind of spread through the entire Agency."

"Wait a minute. They want you and your brother to go together? But you guys are two totally different ranks. . ." Walter frowned and thought for a second. "What mission were you assigned?"

". . .A rescue mission, " Kappa responded. "Dr.Timmph told me not to tell anyone about who it is in order not to scare everyone at the agency. . . But word has already gotten out so-- I don't think telling you--"

Walter frowned at this and suddenly had a stern look on his face, interrupting his sentence. "Is it for my partner? Were you assigned a recuse mission for Lance Sterling?"

Now Walter noticed, most people around him were staring at him and whispering in a pitiful way; it made him feel uncomfortable and upset. The world's best spy is kidnapped? How baffling would that sound to everyone that looked up to him at the Agency. He definitely felt pressured to do something about this. He couldn't let everyone here down, he was Lance's partner after all. What would people say if he didn't do anything?

(Y/N) seemed to notice his worry and frantic glances, she slipped a hand into his own and intertwined her fingers with his, making Walter take a breath and look down towards her. Her eyes caught his and she smiled with confidence and hope.

'Breath. . .'
He reminded himself.

"Yes. . . For Lance. . ." Kappa finally said.

"I will talk to your brother about this later, we can't talk right now. . . To many people around. It's not safe, believe me, " Walter told him.

"Yeah! I-I understand."

"Good. Do you happen to know where Lee is; is he here today at all?"

"Maybe, I haven't seen him today but maybe he should be in his work station, if not then he should be preparing gadgets for the trainees in the simulation area, section '2', " Kappa responded.

"Oh shit! I didn't know it was a test day! Which Academy's?"

"The students from 'Russ S.T.C' from Texas and 'StarShip Academy' in Louisiana. That means any rooms in Section '2' are scheduled off for today until six p.m. I was actually heading over to go see a couple before I bumped into y'all."

"EXCUSE ME!? THERE IS ACADEMY'S FOR SPIES!?" (Y/N) shouted with a glimmer in her eye. "I should have figured! That's fucking cool!"

"You didn't know?" Angel laughed.

"Yeah, they're testing today. You guys can come with me if you want to, " Kappa smiled.

"HELL YEAH!" (Y/N) yelled.

Walter looked to the side, thinking. "Uh. . . You guys can go, after I'm done I'll meet up with you. I need to talk to some people before I do anything else."

"Oh, " Angel started. "Okay, Walter."

"Do you want me to come with you?" (Y/N) asked him, but Walter smiled and patted her on the head.

"Don't worry, it's fine. I actually rather you guys stay on the low, remember what I said in the car? Dr. McEntire doesn't want you guys in here. I made the excuse of (Y/N) still having the tracker in her and told them she feels more protected if she is around me but-- I fear that might not be enough for a solid excuse to keep bringing you here. Do what Kappa tells you to. . ." Before Walter walked away he said, "Oh, and watch yourselves."


"Odd, " (Y/N) said while watching Walter walk away. "Why would he tell us to watch ourselves? It's literally the safest place."

"I don't know, but he looks tense, im kind of worried about him," Angelina uttered.

"Nowhere is really 'safe.' Anything could happen, " Kappa told them. "But I know we have the best spies here! Everything is going to be just fine as long as their around!"

"Yeah. . ." (Y/N) muttered, then changed the subject. "Anyway! SPY ACADEMY'S!?"

Angel giggled. "You really are overexcited about this."

"There are a lot of them in the U.S. but they're very difficult to get into, most people just give up after the first test, " Kappa said. "Every beginning test in each academy is different though, most of the time it's hands-on, and other times it's a written exam."

The Intense Spy Training Corps (I.S.T.C) allows teens the age of fifteen (with parent signature of course, if not then wait to your eighteen) to be properly educated and trained before becoming a spy. All students are tested in Agility, reaction time, strength, and knowledge and are criticized by professionals in order to become the best spy they could be. They learn to deal with pain, rescuing and dealing with harsh situations.

Every Spy Academy in America has different ways to train their students, but all the exams remain about the same. The results of the tests and each student's weaknesses are recorded on paper by the time their final tests are taken. The courses could last up to about six or seven years depending on if the coaches think if you're ready or not.

There are three final tests you have to take before you are ready to take on the job.

Test 1

Test 2
Strength + reaction time

Test 3

You have to at least pass two to get your certified spy ID and green ribbon, if you don't pass at least two you are allowed to take it again the next year, fail that one and you are kicked out! Spies are given a rank boost if you pass all the tests.

As they all walk into the doors of section '2' in the simulation area (Y/N) constantly heard conversations near the mission board about the trainees, Lance, Walter, and even about her.

"Did you hear the rumors about Lance being kidnapped? It was near California to. . ." One said.

"Really!? I heard he was killed or something!" Another one responded.

"Walter has a girlfriend now?" She heard another group say.

"Yep! Saw him kiss her and everything. . . Kinda hot," Another uttered.

"Ppsst-- you would say that."

'These are stupid rumors; Walter never kissed me and Lance isn't dead. . .right? Walter would be really upset if he heard all of this, ' she thought to herself.  'They figured out everything so quickly though. Walter was right, everything does spread eventually, Walter and Lance being famous doesn't help either.'

The area in Section '2' was quite similar to the looks of Section '1' of the simulation rooms; it just seemed like everything was flipped. However, the place seemed much more bare than what she previously seen from the other section. From what (Y/N) knows, there was only one simulation room being used in the entire place. It was bigger than all the others, they must be able to attach other rooms to make a larger space; it almost took up half the area, and was placed almost towards the center.

Spies with ribbons already wrapped around their arms, from blue; to red; to yellow; to green, all pressing their faces against the force field and crowding around the large room to get a look inside. Most of them were betting or talking about the Academy students and coaches.

There were other people that (Y/N) noticed who didn't wear the ribbons or a similar tux to those in the crowd. Instead, they wore different uniforms; there were two groups; one group to the right, and one group to the left on the outside. "Are those the trainees?" Angelina asked Kappa, and he nodded at her in response.

He pointed at the group on the left; they had on red long-sleeved shirts with gold buttons, black pants, and red hats to match with their shirts with the label 'RUSS S.T.C.' they looked rather confident, glaring at the other team from a distance while their tall coach laughed. "Those are the Russ Academy students, " Kappa said. "Their coach is Daniel Mac, he retired at the agency in Texas, he was an 'S' rank. Russ is number one for the best Spy Academy in America, so you know. . . A lot of people are excited to see how it goes."

He then pointed at the other team, who seemed to look like nervous wrecks while the Russ team stared them down. They wore white suits with stars on their shoulders and bright blue belts with a shooting star in the center. "Those are the StarShip crew, I heard they're not good with reaction time or strength but they're pretty clever when it comes to planning out something, " he then glanced over at a woman behind the team. "And that's their coach, she's new so I don't know much about her but I heard she went to that all-girl spy academy in Montanna."

(Would y'all go to a Spy Academy, lol I wouldn't-- i'd fucking die)

"There's an all-girl Spy Academy? I'm not familiar with that, " Angelina said.

"Yep! Back then most Spy Academy's didn't accept women. So someone stepped up and made a whole ass school called Marine G.S.T just for the girls who wanted to accomplish their dreams to become spies. And guess what, " Kappa leaned in and smirked. "They're the second-best Spy Academy in the U.S."

"Jesus!" (Y/N) yelled. "Where can I apply?"

Kappa chuckled. "Like I said, it's really difficult to get into one and to finish it it's even more difficult. You might even get kicked out the third year in because you have to pass everything, no retake's except in the finals. Plus, if you do get in your life is in control by the government. In a way, you have less and more freedom at the same time. . . If you get what I mean."

(Y/N) shook her head. "Not really."

"Oh, hey! I know you!" Someone shouted from beside (Y/N) looking at her with a cheeky smile. "We met at the airport, nice to see you again, (Y/N) right?" Marcy Kappel said.

"Y-yeah!" (Y/N) waved. "How are you?"

"I'm great! And you are?" She looked at Angelina.

"Oh!" Angelina held her hand out "My name is Angelina Richard, it's nice to meet you!"

"Marcy Kappel, and to you too, here to watch the kitties? I thought you weren't a spy."

"Y-you're right, we're not, we are actually not supposed to be here right now but Walter brought us so we could get measured, " (Y/N) told her.

"GASP!" Another abrupt voice said from behind them, "You dudes 'Imperfects' or something?" Said a short man with a large hat.

"WHO YOU CALLING IMPERFECT!?" Angel yelled at him.

"Shit lady didn't mean for you to get angry."

"Sorry, that's D.J. we call him Ears. He's a fuck tard. 'Imperfects' are actually people who trained and become a spy outside of an Academy. Is Walter planning on training you guys?"

"Well, he said he just wanted to prepare us for---" Angelina was interrupted by (Y/N) jabbing her in the side. "I-I mean! Nope!"

"OooOoo, " D.J. crossed his arms. "Secreeettsss"

"Of course, " Marcy sighed. "I expected Walter to do something. He told me about Lance and what happened with Dr.McEntire the night you had surgery. The kid is becoming a smarter version of Sterling. . . It's kinda scary. Just let Walter know, if he needs anything I'll try to help him with it."

"Same here! Walter is my man!" D.J. exclaimed. "I remember the first time I met him, TWIG!"

Kappa stood there awkwardly, twiddling his fingers, "I-I'm here too."

Marcy laughed. "Sorry Kappa! Which school are you routing for? I think the highest scores would go to the Russ kids, they're BRUTE!"

"Same with me, " Kappa responded. "The StarShips don't look too optimistic."

"Wait-- which Academy are you guys from?" Angel questioned.

"Marine G.S.T, all-girl!" Marcy replied. "I finished high school before I went, even though you really don't need to for any Spy Academy. Those were the years."

"I went to Oken in Washington D.C. same as my older brother and Lance Sterling, " Kappa told her.

"I failed everything! But I still work here!" D.J. proudly said. "I'm better as a gadget inventer and a computer scientist."

"And you're still a dumbass!" Marcy exclaimed.

"HA! I'm not the one who wasted five years of Spy tests!"

"What about Walter?" (Y/N) tilted her head.

"Beckett is an 'Imperfect, ' and one of the youngest, greatest spies out there. Pretty impressive honestly, and he got is ID in three years." Marcy said. "Sterling did a very good job. I bet Walter is stressing. . . I told him to take it easy."

"Don't worry, " (Y/N) said gently. "I know what you mean. I'll take care of him to."

Marcy suddenly started squishing (Y/N)'s cheeks. "Aahhh! So cute!"

"Yo, is it true that you and Beckett are dating?" D.J. asked.

(Y/N) felt her face heat up. "Uh! Yeah!"

"AAHH! SO CUTE!" Marcy shouted again.

"W-wait so, it's true he kissed you? I thought that was a fake rumor. . ." Kappa said.

"T-That isn't true! We haven't kissed. . . yet," (Y/N) frantically waved her hands at them. "I mean! Y-You got it all wrong!"

"They did, " Angel stepped in. "They did kiss."


"I knew it! Who leaned in first?" Marcy suddenly questioned.

Talking about this made (Y/N) think about the one dream she had before they were dating, making her heart squeeze. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

"But you guys did, " Angelina said. "Before your surgery. . . Naw, you probably don't remember."

(Y/N) face erupted in blush as she hid her face in her hands. "No-No-No-No. . ."

"Don't be embarrassed, " Marcy laughed. "I know a lot of girls who would die to kiss Beckett. You probably have a lot of rivals now. Have you read his friend-book DM requests? THEY ALL THIRSTY!"


"I wish the bitches would swoon over me, " D.J. said. "Maybe I'm just too much for them."

"Maybe you're too less for them, " Marcy corrected.

"Attention trainees! You have ten minutes to changed into your given simulation wear! Testing will begin shortly! This test will be based on teamwork! The coaches have agreed to the game 'Tag Team!' Remember trainees, give it your everything!" A woman with a speaker announced.

"'Tag team,' huh?" Marcy said while smirking.

"Fun!" Kappa bounced.

"What's 'tag-team'?" Angel questioned confusingly.

"They put the team into pairs of two, each of them will have a ribbon around their head. One pair of each team will go at a time and a new person will appear if one of the persons ribbons were caught. The teams will have to grab an item at the opposite other's base and bring it to their base. Every member is given a gadget of their choice as well to help them guide their way through, " Marcy told her. "Their suits will cause them trouble as well, one student may be experiencing hot temperatures while the other his being weighed down. . . But the special thing about this is-- they get to tag in one actual spy of their choice. All you have to do is touch them and say 'tag.' Most of us here would agree to it. It gets chaotic when they step in."


"Phew! Okay!" Jeff said as he spread out his wings. "You got this Jeff! First time flying again with a healing wing! You won't embarrass yourself!"


"Another reason I don't want to fall."

The old man trusted him enough to let him out of the cage after his granddaughters left yesterday. He seemed content with his family near him. Shawn is at his factory job now, which meant Skimpy could pounce on him whenever.

"It's now or never. . ." he mumbled to himself.

As he began to run and flap his feathers he felt confident and brave once again. Feeling the wind brush up against his wings and the speed of taking off into the air! He was finally free!

When he finally got to the edge of the desk he jumped and flapped his wings desperately until he was lifted a small bit into the air, he cheered in victory!.. Well--Until he felt another sharp pain and started falling.

He screamed and flailed as the stupid vibrating fucking cat caught him in his mouth and started to fling him around everywhere. "GOT YOU! GOT YOU! MMMM I-I'M GONNA CHOP OFF YOUR FUCKING HEAD, UGLY!"

"You ugly, " Jeff insulted back.


"No, you."

They only stopped fighting when a sudden click came from the door, the old man walking in and nearly fell, holding his chest in pain as he barreled to his home phone. His breathing was heavy and hitched, and he was sweating like a mad man. He didn't have time to dial the rest of '911,' he fell to the ground with a big thump.

"Shawn?" Skimpy uttered, dripping Jeff in his mouth and hurrying to the old man's side.

"Oop--" Jeff hopped far away from the black cat as he could, he didn't want his head chopped off.

Skimpy poked at the old man's face with his paw and licked his ear waiting for a response. "Shawn. . ." he mumbled, before laying on his chest and resting his head near his neck, his ears down.

"What happened? He fell, " Jeff questioned.

". . . You can go away now. You're free. . ."

"Really?" Jeff bounced happily the glanced at the door. "THANK THE GODS!"

". . ." But Skimpy still just laid there.

"Are you just gonna sit there? He'll get up, right?"

"No, he's always had heart problems. . . We were supposed to go fishing tomorrow. . . And then cook the fish and watch a movie like we always used to do."

"So-- he's dead?"


"Oh. . . "

"I'll die here. . ."

For the first time, Jeff felt bad for the vibrating cat, but he told himself not to give in. The cat was an asshole! It was his fault his wing was hurt! Now he can't fly, and he'll most likely die or some shit.

Jeff sighed. 'Don't give in dammit' he told himself and started banging his head onto the floor. "UUUGHHH!--- You know, I know another person who would accept you into their care."

"Yeah right, beat it pigeon. . . The world is cruel."

"Turning fucking emo on me all of the sudden. . . Look, if you rather die here then die here. But I'm just saying. There's a nice person over in Washington that I know about. Believe me."


"Yeah, you know. Like the state."


"Whatever mate, I could really use the lift there, but anyway-- Bye-bye. TO WALTER'S!"

Skimpy took a couple of minutes before deciding to get up. With one last glance at his dead owner, he left through the open door with Jeff. "Walter? . . I like that name."


"Sure! I can do that for you, " Lee said to him, a wide smile on his face. He fixed his lab coat and walked over to his desk where a mess of random parts laid aimlessly, putting down the virtual gloves he had on his hands; the ones similar to what Kappa wore.

Walter smiled back at him. "Ah! Thank you so much, Lee. I promise I'll pay you back, I really need them."

"No problem-o! It's an honor to help you. Just send them in and I'll measure them, it'll take me about twelve hours or more to get them done."

"Right! Well-- I-I only have two of them with me, the third one is currently in the hospital. He's about four inches smaller than me and thinner too."

It was obvious Walter was talking about Owen. Even though he said he was leaving Walter could only hope that he would change his mind. And if he did, a suit will already be ready for him. Of course, it was still Owen. . . Maybe he wasn't going to come back. Maybe he really couldn't take anymore.

"Ah! Okay then! I'll need to borrow your suit in the meantime, " Lee said.

"I'll do that. I mean I'll be heading down to the simulation rooms anyway. I just hope they'll allow me to grab my suit real quick; it's trainees testing today, " Walter told him.

"OH YEAH! I completely forgot!"

"Yep, no one informed me either."

"Dr. McEntire usually makes a whole deal out of it and makes us keep track. . . But everything has been a bit odd lately so I'm not really surprised if she's tired."

Walter sighed and started to walk out. "Definitely odd. . . I'll see you in a bit."

"Right-O! I'll be here!" Lee said before Walter closed the door.

As he went down the elevator Walter thought of Lance. . . The bud. . . Everything that happened over in California. . . It made him tear up, but of course, he managed to dry them, people can't see him cry in the agency. . . He did want to seem weak to them; to the people who looked up to him. .He wiped his eyes and straightened himself while the doors to the elevator opened.

He began his Walk towards Section '2' of the simulation rooms, where Angelina and (Y/N) were. He knows once he embraces (Y/N) he'll feel so much better, he doesn't know why she makes him feel so comfortable. Well-- it definitely had to do with love, but it was still weird to him; he was still awkward next to her.

Once he got close to the doors of the entrance, a girl with simulation wear suddenly burst out, running into him and falling down to the ground with tears in her eyes. Walter stood there confused and worried while other spies ran up to her.

"A-Are you alright!?" One spy asked.

"Are you hurt?" Another asked while kneeling down next to her.

It was almost like she couldn't hear them though, she rubbed her eyes and bruised cheek, slowly tilting her head up to the figure she bumped into. Once she caught eyes with Walter she immediately froze, her face going pale and her hands began to tremble. Walter kneeled down next to her, glancing back at the doors to section '2', "You okay?" He asked.

Her face only got paler the closer he got to her, but her tears had stopped falling. Walter moved a part of her hair, noticing a little blue like bud in her ear, realization caught him after. He started doing movements and gestures with his hands.

"Sign Language?"

Walter motioned to her, sitting criss-cross in front of her. It was amazing how fast the girl's face lit up, her eyes started to sparkle towards him as she returned his gestures.

"Yes! Oh my God. . . I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run into you. You know sign language?"

"Only a little. It's okay."

"This is so embarrassing. You're such an idol to me."

Walter chuckled. "It's alright, you trainee?"

"Yes. StarShips. My name's Hannah."

"Nice to meet you Ha-ah."

Hannah laughed at him and fixed the movements of her name by touching his hands and moving his fingers. "Ha-nn-ah"

Walter face palmed himself, "Ha-nn-ah, very sorry."

She shook her head and stood up, Walter doing the same. A moment after a woman came bursting out of the same door Hannah came from and grabbed the girl, making her jump in surprise. "Hannah!" She got in front of her and tried to do a few hand gestures.

"You can't just do that! You can't run away! This is the finals! You'll never get in like this!"

Then she turned back to Walter, "I-Im am SO sorry Beckett, if she troubled you, she's deaf and--"

"No it's fine, I just wanted to 'talk' to her, " Walter smiled. "She must be doing very well in the Academy to get to the finals."

"Very well! Though-- she is a pain in the ass. Anyway--- we have to get going, she can't risk making her teammates wait."

"Oh! Uh-- good luck!"

Once her coach started pulling her back towards the doors Hannah managed to struggle out of her grasp and rush towards Walter again. Holding her arm out in front of her, her palm touched his chest and quickly she took a deep breath and tried to form the right works together.

"TAG!" She said.


"My aarrrrrrrmmmm!" Brett complained, cradling his broken arm. Him and Killian have both been walking through the forest for a while now, trying to get as far away from the bodies as possible before anyone finds them. Though it will be kind of difficult; Brett was basically drenched in blood.

"Your elbow is shattered, " Killian said told him calmly.

"D-do you not think I know that?" Brett sniffled.

"Hmm, " Killian grumbled. "I liked it when you were crazy. . ."

"I-I'm not crazy!" Brett exclaimed while looking down at the ground. "Maybe I just. . . Need a little help. . ."


"A-Anyway-- Are you really (Y/N)'s father? She said you were dead. . ."

Killian sighed. "Yes, " is all he said.

"How did you split?"

"I'm not talking about this right now. . . Especially to a kid."

"I-I'm not a kid! I'm twenty. . ."


There was an awkward silence after that until Brett spoke up again. "W-Where are we going?"

"Away. For now."

"W-where's away?"

"Kid. If you keep asking me questions I will break your other elbow. . ."

Brett gave him a blank stare after what he said and was originally going to say something back but he rolled his tongue back and kept quiet. 'Jeez, this guy really just wants to be alone. . . he doesn't seem giddy like (Y/N). . . Ugh! My arm! Why does it feel like there's more!'

After ten minutes more of walking, Brett got sluggish and weak, dragging his legs behind him and breathing heavily as he felt his vision get dizzy and dark. "H-Hey. . . I-I don't feel too good. . ."

"You're probably about to pass out, " Killian said.

"W-What? . ." Brett was starting to lose his hearing by that time and has he lifted his bloody arm all he saw was more of those small lumps crawling under his skin. Damn it! It probably multiplied. But Brett didn't have the strength to react, the last thing he saw was Killian turning and slashing at his arm. His hand falling to the ground before the rest of his body could, an intense pain wailing through his shoulder.

He laid on the cold forest floor next to his amputated arm.

". . . I guess im responsible for this," Killian shrugged.
Thank you for reading! It's break time for me so I'll be writing more often! I hope to finish this story at the end of the month or the middle of April (or longer lol)! There will probably be one or two more raffles and more art!

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