Nine Lives and Bad Luck

By TALA546

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Harry finds himself turned into a cat and flees from the house before the Dursley's figure out what has happe... More



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By TALA546

From what he heard about her home, Silk had lived in total isolation from the human world beyond books and dueling. Her house rested in the middle of an unplottable section of a forest- in what part of the world however, she wasn't quite sure actually although it was far- where no living animal but herself resided. As in absolutely none since they had been cleared out long before and the area was impossible to find even for animals.

    Her trips outside were for more books, more food, more wand materials, or, more recently, dueling events. And she hunted for the food and gathered the materials by herself. Dueling was a more recent thing ever since she had forced an anmiagus form, a human, and found the abstract concept of pack animal thoughts and instincts being forced upon her. And so, in what Harry found was truly pitiful, dueling became her way of experiencing companionship and community.

    Dueling was what had drawn her to Britain this time as a circuit she participated in was back in season and as the previous champion and, as of recently, a fighting enthusiast, nothing would prevent her from going. Of course as something of a fanatic for dueling she participated in any high level circuit that allowed non-humans to participate so that did give her some degree of interaction with others. A very small one.

Silk was an odd person, or rather they were not a person, but that wasn't what made them odd as they looked perfectly human. ("Well of course I look human, humans always seemed on edge because I was so different when I went to get books which is why I looked for a forced animagus form in the first place. I uh... I modified the ritual thing so you can choose your form...." they absently rubbed at one of the thin metallic looking forearm guards that they alway wore, "I don't suggest it.") What actually made them odd was basically everything else.

Silk was about average height for a female, maybe a handful of centimeters more although it was hard to gauge as a kitten, and average weight too although broadly built and clearly athletic. Her eyes were a common enough gray blue that most of the time around others seemed empty or bored, and her hair, while long and silky was a plain dark brown. She had a barely noticeable unhealthy tinge to her skin and otherwise her features weren't particularly plain, but weren't anything to write home about either, being neither beautiful nor ugly.

    However the second she entered any area, eyes turned as she gave off an air of strangeness, power, and something distinctively inhuman, her gait was purposeful and even, her movements just a touch too sudden, and she tended not to speak around strangers unless they did first. Magic swirled almost palpably around her being at times when something caught her interest and her smile was never quite right.

   But beyond everything else, many particulars of human culture just went straight over her head- in this he was trying to help though. One of those being names as she still struggled on this one after years in the dueling circuit. Twice already in the months he'd spent with her, people would introduce themselves in both formal and informal capacities and she'd give them an awkward look and then move on. That, and mild blood-loss driven delirium, was how he ended up calling her Silk.

But when it came down to it Harry was an odd person too, or rather, at the moment, he was an odd cat. Having grown up in the Dursley's care he had learned to stifle his rampant curiosity, but his time under Rosy's affections had dealt with that and made sure he gained some confidence and rejuvenated his curiosity. (Rosy was not one to tolerate 'sniveling' especially from one she had taken into her care, firmly believing each must stand up for themselves in the end) But he still was hesitant around people he didn't know and while mildly touch starved he was reluctant to do something about it and nervous to receive affection.

None of that covered the fact that he was still a person under his fur though, no matter Rosy's disagreement he still disliked cleaning himself preferring baths despite not particularly liking those either (he wasn't sure if that was the Dursleys or instinct speaking for that however) and he definitely had a better understanding of humans and English than any cat he had met so far. Not to mention he lacked the catty self assuredness that came naturally to most cats, being uncomfortable with himself and clumsy most of the time, plus he never seemed to know what to do with his tail - although that was fading- alongside his frequent anxiety and worries about things most cats, or even humans, never thought of even once.

That was to say nothing of his looks, while his fur covered his apparently trademark scar it was still long and puffy instead of sleek, so he looked like he had just gotten attacked by an army of hair dryers, and paired with his wide, unnaturally green eyes he could easily be mistaken for a child's stuffed animal instead of an actual animal.

        He had also made it clear (with plenty of words Rosy would disapprove of) when they first met, still shaken from his meeting with the neighbor's dogs, blood loss, and the realization he was hopelessly lost, as he was that he would not tolerate being stuffed into any bags, pockets, or anywhere else. Silk for her part had merely huffed back in English- to his surprise- that she was hardly just going to carry him around in her arms, the walk back was far, and he couldn't exactly walk either. She'd given a pointed look at the blood he was lying in and how he was shaking and unable to rise despite his attempt to look fierce. 

       With her willing to help and him desperately needing it they reached a quick compromise and he was carefully transferred to rest on her shoulders so she could always keep at least one of her hands free. They had traveled like that ever since when they left their shared room although he now sat upright, perched comfortably on one shoulder. It made for a better view than the ground and he was able to shift his weight quick enough whenever she made a sudden adjustment that jostled him- which wasn't often- so that he stayed steady.  As an added bonus Harry found the distance he was from the ground exhilarating and once she realized he felt alive like never before like that, she made a point to run with him balancing there, keeping her shoulders steady enough that he could just enjoy the wind through his fur.

     It was a nice arrangement. All of it really, three and a half months had passed and the two were at complete ease around each other. The animal who appeared a human and the human who appeared an animal. It was ironic. Each day when Silk rose after at most four and a half hours of sleep (that had happened once and ever since she'd had at least an hour less of it.) she would quietly stretch, and prepare for the day with a breakfast comprised of mostly meat (some of the breakfast alongside a dish of milk would be set aside for later for him if he wasn't already awake) and putting on duelers' robes over her tank top and pants that while comfortable around her ankles and waist was overly loose around the legs. Her forearm guards were always on and every night she would pull a blindfold from around her neck over her eyes before she took off her glasses. She took the blindfold off after she put the glasses back on, which she did after she put the robes on. Like the armbands, her numerous magical amulets and protections stayed on during the night as well.

      From there she would either practice spells with training dummies in a portable room sometimes using more than just spells. After she would settle down and read, if he didn't want to move from where he lay curled she would do so aloud, if he was by her side by then she would place it so he could see and wait for his say so to turn the pages. Most went above his head as they were very technical and often about spell creation, runes, or dueling, but once she noted his interest more basic books began to cycle their way in.

       It wasn't until the afternoon that they left the hotel- if they even did- and then he would be in charge of the schedule. He got to lead them through the busy streets of the muggle or magical world directing her with his meows to wherever he chose and as long as she was able to get any business she needed completed (which was rarely and always short) he could go anywhere he wished for the first time in his life.

     In this way he was able to visit all the places he never got to before. The zoo, movie theater, various restaurants, and even a theme park (mostly he only had to slip into the hood of her tank top after she shrank and pocketed the robes to get past any security or at restaurants they would eat outside). For the magical world he was introduced to ice creams of every kind- although he only took tastes of each considering his size- and got to view a quidditch game, a circus, tried with Silk all manner of sweets, drinks, and dishes, played card games, and went to several exhibitions for inventions and specialty crafts.

     He was easily wowed by the pest-control birds that were carefully shaped out of various materials and then charmed to take care of insect problems- admittedly he barely stopped himself from lunging at those- or the clocks and pocket watches that tracked a person's health. The fizzing multicolored, and even color changing, soda drinks caught his amusement easily and the mirrors that made commentary- varying from helpful to scathing to downright inappropriate- had him watching people pass by them for almost an hour.

       He even got his own broomstick for when he became human again. Silk was greatly amused at one exhibition where a smooth talking swindler challenged her to a fire whiskey drinking contest  (his glass was charmed to reduce the effects and make it strengthen the influence in her glass ) between the two of them. She had beaten him soundly and left, pleased about the free drinks only for Harry to have to inform her of what they had tried.

    ("Really?" She had laughed again, flipping one of her newly earned coins, "You'll be able to deal with those cons easily too as a natural animagus especially if you get larger forms. Are you sure though? I really just can't tell when you're trying to pull something; so suspicious with your blinking and your compliments...I mean I know the glasses were charmed, but I thought it was because they disliked the flame in theirs. They were a bit obvious with the fact that they weren't belching flames if it was meant as part of the trick." Harry had grinned as she pointed out ways to notice the different charms that had been used, and easily reverse them, but said she'd leave deciphering the meaning behind mannerisms to him, he offered some suggestions in turn here to help her along. It seemed greater resistance to poisons and chemicals was something he had to look forward to.).

The late evenings were much of the same, they would get dinner and spend whatever was left of the daylight like the mornings before Harry would drift off leaving Silk to whatever she did before he was roused just slightly as she settled into bed herself sometime in the morning.

    The whole thing was breathtaking, thrilling, and quite possibly the happiest and most content he had ever felt.

All the same, the most amazing days were when she had a duel scheduled. She didn't attend the other's duels unless he expressed interest in one of the people scheduled both to give them an advantage over her and to leave the evenings free, but he didn't ask often because it was clear how outclassed the others were.

    And they were very outclassed, compared to the way Silk fought they were like students. When she was in the ring spells flowed almost in a stream from her mouth as her hand guided the wand smoothly, but with speed so quick it almost blurred together, through the required motions. She slipped around spells and shielded others, never moving more than she had to, or even more than a few centimeters in any way, on occasion gracefully sliding between dueling stances. But it never lasted long until her opponent was finished, sometimes they only managed to withstand the flood for mere seconds. The longest had lasted a full four minutes.

After each round she'd give them a polite nod or offer a hand up before canceling her spells and returning to where she had left him perched on the outer railing- the inner blocked off the ring, the outer set apart the spectators from the other duelers or the duelers' family, and was unable to be approached from the outside- and reaching out her arm so he could return to his place on her shoulder. She'd wave to the crowd a bit and smile, maybe shoot off some fireworks, and then the two would either be stopped for conversation by the people in both the inner and outer ring (and Silk would awkwardly attempt to navigate it without offending anyone while Harry gave meowed advice through his laughter ) or they would head out to continue their evening.

Harry had never felt more at home.

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