This Is Our Sweet Blasphemy (...


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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

1.2K 40 8

~Ashley's POV~

"Ashley......Ashley!" CC snaps in his face.

"Huh?" I blink and looks over at my friend.

"You were staring at Andy.......again."

"Oh.....was I? Sorry." Shit, caught again.

"Dude are you blushing?" I hid my burning face and waited for him to connect the dots. CC gasps and his eyes widen. "Ashley you like An-" I cuts him off hastily, placing a hand over his mouth. Andy had just looked over at us. I smiled and CC crosses his arms, rolling his eyes. Andy returned the smile and began to walk away. CC pushes my hand away and raises an eyebrow, his arms still crossed.

"Scream it to to the world why don't you CC?" I huff

"So it's like Andy."

I nod.

CC looks a little upset and frowns slightly.

"Fuck do you like him too?" I question.

"Not the way you do." CC sighs and turns to leave but I grabbed his arm.

"You can't tell anyone okay?" I begged him. God if anyone knew I was actually gay....

"Tell anyone what?" A new voice said from behind me. I let go of CC's arm and turned to see Jinxx. Shit shit shit shit shit. How much did he hear? I was almost tempted to ask.

"Ash here has a crush on a certain band member." I saw the smug little smirk CC had on his face. I gave him the death glare.

"Who is it Ashley?" Jinxx looked like a kid on Christmas, real giddy all the sudden.

I looked at my feet to hide my blush. "Andy." I whispered.

Jinxx deflates and goes from crestfallen to mad as fuck in no time. He balls his fists and storms away. What the fuck?

"What the Hell? CC what'd you say to Jinxx?" A deep voice said behind me. I cast a side glance and just my luck, speak of the Devil. Andy was right next to me. I tensed and rubbed my bare arm self-consciously. I can't breathe.

"I swear I didn't say nothing." CC says defensively.

I still couldn't breathe, my face extremely red right now.

"Ashley breathe." Andy grabs my elbow. "Ashley."

I look up at him, intense concern written all over his fucking flawless face. God he was so sexy. I wanted him so badly.

"I think I'm just gonna leave you two to talk." CC turns and walks off.

"Okay what the fuck? Purdyboy you gonna tell me what is going on?" Then it dawns on him, I know that because he lets go of my elbow and his whole posture changed. He was uncomfortable I could tell. "'re like one of my best friends, and we're bandmates but I'm not really looking for love." I felt hot tears threatening to spill over. I bolted down the hall wanting to spare what little dignity I still had and cry in private. I nearly took down the others but I didn't give a fuck.

"Goddamnit Biersack!" I heard CC shout and then his footsteps running after me. I didn't want to be followed at the moment. I hid in a bathroom and locked the door. I pulled the bundle of cloth out of my biker boot and undid it. A little blade laid in my palm and I picked it up and started cutting anything that was exposed skin. I bit my lip at the slight sting as the blade slide across my scarred and tattooed wrist.

"Ashley Purdy you unlock this door immediately and let me in!" CC bangs on the door and I just sat on the toilet watching the blood flow from my arm. I was such a motherfucking idiot to think there was a possibility that Andy would like me back. CC's pounding started fading and I felt very lightheaded. I faintly heard him kick the door in and grab my arm. "Why Ash?" He wrapped my arm tightly. My vision turned black.

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