Infamous: Into the Light

By AssassinNovice72

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Kessler is gone, but the government is not going out without a fight and the last two conduits in the city ar... More

Chapter 1: Aftermath
Chapter 2: Invasion
Chapter 3: The Forgotten Enemy
Chapter 4: Capture
Chapter 5: No More Lies

Chapter 6: The Final Showdown

70 0 0
By AssassinNovice72

Empire City, nineteen days ago...

Cole was resting in a makeshift hospital, Trish was checking over him as Zeke stood in front them, rubbing the back of his head as Cassandra was right across from Cole and Trish. "How's are they doing?" Zeke asks her, "Cole's still running a fever. But the girl seems to be fine right now." Trish answers. "Want me to try 911 again?" he asks her. She shook her head, "At this point, they're better of here. Besides, the streets are dangerous." she informs him and continues to tab Cole's forehead. She then checks Cole's pulse, feeling that he was going to be okay.

Then tears well up in her eyes, streaming down her face and she pulls Cole close to him, so happy that he was alive, but also terrified that she almost lost him. "A year or so before he met you, Cole got hit by a truck." Zeke states and she nods her head, "I know, he told me." she mutters, rubbing her forehead his.

But Zeke shook his head "Nah, he told you what he tells everyone, makes it sound like it was no big deal." he informs her. Then places his hand on her shoulder as she looks down at Cole, "Truth is, he shoulda been killed. The front of the truck hits him square in the chest, whips him around, and then he rolls under the tires. Both of his legs get run over. I heard what happened and figured her should be dead and buried. Or at the very least crippled." he states and she looks up at him, both were unaware that Cassandra's fingers twitched. "Anyway, he spends the night at the hospital, for observation or whatever. But he walks out of there with nothing more than some bruises. Compared to that, this is nothing. He'll be fine." Zeke tells her.

Trish then starts to break down, and turns to him, gripping onto Zeke as she trembles in fear. "I love him so much, Zeke. I'd don't- don't I'd do if... if..." she cries as she couldn't finish the sentence. Zeke places his arm on her shoulder and comforts her. "Don't worry about a thing, because it ain't gonna happen. He'll pull through Trish. You wait and see." he tells her. Then they both heard groaning from behind them. Trish pulls away and they look at Cassandra as she slowly opens her eyes, Trish wipes away her tears and steps over to her, kneels down and was right in Cassandra's view. "Hey, can you hear me?" she asks her, Cassandra's looks up at her, her vision cleared up and saw this woman who was kneeling over her. "Who... are you...?" she moans, "I'm Trish Dailey, I was there when you pass out with my boyfriend Cole," she informs her, Cassandra hums at her. "Here, let me help you sit up," he states and Cassandra pushes herself up with Trish's help. "I'm going to need to run a few tests on you, alright?" Trish informs her. Cassandra nods at her.

She then pulls the stethoscope on and places the scope onto Cassandra's chest, "Deep breath in." she states, Cassandra inhales deeply. "And deep breath out," she said again and Cassandra exhales. Trish then moves the scope to Cassandra's back. "Again, Breath in," she states and Cassandra inhales. "And out," she said and Cassandra exhales. "Do you have a name?" Trish asks, pulling the scope away from Cassandra. She looks at the doctor "Cassandra O'Connell." she answers as Trish checks her eyes out, "Cassandra, that's a pretty name, did you have a nickname?" she asks her and Cassandra nods, "Everyone calls me Cassie or Cass." she answers and Trish smiles a little as she checks Cassandra's pulse and her fingers twitch a little as Trish moves her veins in her wrist a little, "Cassie, I like that." she states, "How are you feeling?" she asks her, pressing her hand to Cassandra's forehead, feeling that she wasn't burning up.

"Thirty and tired," she answers and yawns a little. Trish nods and moves to her tray and pulls over a glass of water to her, "Here. Drink." she tells her, holding the cup to Cassandra's lips, tilting it up a little and the cold liquid passes her lips and down her aching throat. Trish then pulls back and places the cup back onto the tray and helps Cassandra lay back down and she looks up at Trish as she places her hand on her head as Cassandra was becoming tired again, "You'll be okay, you're safe now. Rest." Trish tells her as Cassandra slowly closes her eyes and sleep overcomes her.


Steel Harbor,

aboard the USS George Washington,

the Present...

Sasha wonders through the ship as tar was dripping from her mouth, "Here little bitch, here little bitch. I know you're--" Sasha taunts but was then shut up as Moya wings a pipe at her and swung at her again and she smacks against the ground. "You couldn't leave well enough alone, Sasha. Now I'm going to have to kill you." Moya promises her.


Steel Harbor, Empire City, the Present...

Cassandra threw her punch right into David's face, throwing his head to the side, then the super-soldier sock David in the face to the other side and he lets go of Cole, Cassie shot at to him, wraps her arms around him as he automatically wraps his arms around her.

And they both went flying back, Cassie turns them and shielded Cole as they went crashing into a building. The super-solider then pins David down, but he shot his arm into the super-soldiers head and he cries out as it's neuro-electric energy was drained from him.


Sasha then jumps at her, "I've had rougher than this on first dates." she informs her and knocks her right off her feet and the pipe out of her hand.

Then shoves Moya back, swung at her, hitting her in the face, blood flew out from her nose and mouth as she cries out and collapses onto the ground. Sasha then picks her up by her hair, held her arm behind her back and grips her chin, ready to blaster her with tar.

Then she stops as she looks over and saw trooper locked and aiming their guns at her, "Let her go." one orders, "Shoot her." Moya croaks out. Sasha sighs "Ooh, things were just getting fun." she whines and her tongue retreats back into her mouth.


Harms and Zeke ran over to the Conduits and the two pulled Cole up as Cassandra stood on her one, "What the hell're those things?" Zeke questions as Cassie took Cole's arm and places it on her shoulders and helps him stand, "Probably something Moya cooked up." he moans and Cassandra helps him walk.

Phil watches in surprise as he records the fight, Linda looks over and saw the girl making a run for it like everyone else. "Where are you going?" Linda calls out, "I am not dying in this damn city!" she shouts back and was gone.

David was then restrained as one was behind him and the other socks him in the face. But he was shoved back as David smelt another familiar energy signature from them. -I can smell her stink on you. All of you.- David states, then breaks free. "Warden, I think Cole's right-- we need to get while the gettin's good," Zeke states as the battle were tense.

But then Cassandra then removes Cole's arm from her and she gave him to the Warden, "What are you doing?" Cole asks her, "I'll fight them off for a long as I can. You get out of while the window is still open." she tells him, then flew back to the fight. "Cassie!!" Cole calls out to her, but she threw electricity right at David, catching him off guard.


Sasha lets go of Moya and makes a run for it as the Troopers fired at her. She ran through the halls as they followed her. Moya pulls herself up and rolls her arm a bit to get the pain out of it.

She then found the hole that Cole had made a while back, she took her chance and jumps right through it, the bullets miss her by inches and she dives right into the ocean, gone from sight.


David then tore a super-solider in half, -Her guilt is just as thick as ours, Kessler.- he states then dodges the next hit, but Cassandra throws a strong blast at him, making both him and the super-soldier slides back a few.

Cole and Harms watch the battle congress, Harms was shouting something at Cole, but the Conduit just stood there, frozen in his spot. -I quit college six short credits of graduation. I got pissed off by how a professor was treating a friend of mine and walks away. Been walking away ever since. From my dad. From jobs. And from myself.-

Cole looks up and saw Cassandra get smack against the ground, but she shook it off and threw more electricity into David's face. He grits his teeth -And looks where that's gotten me.- he growls and electricity course over his body. -Now a 15-year-old girl is fighting a battle she was never meant to be apart of, but she does it head-on and alone. That all changes right here, right now.- Cole said and charges right back into the battle. David held the last of the super-soldier onto the ground, a tentacle held Cassandra restrained from the fightback. She growls as she struggles in his grip. -My days of running away are over.- Cole promises and then swung his fist at the tentacle and breaks it right off and Cassandra gasps as she drops onto the floor.

David kneels down and Cole went to strike him again, but David wraps his tentacle around him and flung him away, "Shit!" he cries out. Cassandra shot out at him and wraps her arms around him and they crash right on top of the warship.


Moya returns to the cockpit and saw Cole and Cassie being flung onto the warship, "You're way out of line this time, Moya. That thing just wasted a hundred million dollars in research, all because if your infatuation with that damn MacGrath kid and O'Connell! I'm shutting you down." Bridges threaten her and Moya just about had enough.

She pulls out her gun and aims it right at him, "Never knew when to keep your mouth shut." she growls then fires at him.


David turns back to the last creature and drains him dry, making the super-soldier cry out in pain of the neuro-electric drainage.

Cassie opens her eyes and saw the dust settle around them. Then heard groaning from under her, she shot up and looks down at Cole, "Okay, that hurt." he mutters as his arms were wrapped around her. "Why did you..." she asks him and he pants. "I told you. You're a MacGrath now and it's a father's duty to protect his child." he answers and looks up at her, "It's my turn to protect you." he tells her and that look made her freeze.

Then they both look over and saw David was standing behind them, So Cassandra got off of Cole and they both stood up, ready for him. -This is the end, Kessler. No more running, no more hiding. No more distractions.- David tells them as he too was ready.


General Bridges lay dead on the floor in a pool of his own blood and everyone in the cockpit looks at Moya and froze in their spots. "I want every gun on board this boat manned and firing on that thing! If anything happens to Cole or Cassandra, I swear to god that I'll kill all of you myself!" she orders.

The men look at her as they think she's finally lost it, that she was now mad on her mad quest to obtain Cole and Cassandra that she was obsessing over and she will sacrifice anyone or thing just to get them.


Cole and Cassandra square off with David, glaring each other in the eyes, "Well are we going to do this or what?" Cole questions him as electricity pulse over his hands as Cassandra pulls herself into the air.

Cole then jumps and soaks him right in the face, then Davis wraps his tentacle around Cole, lifting him up, he grunts and fires at him, then Cassandra pulls out her electric blade and cuts the tentacle right off, David shrieks and Cole drops back onto his feet.

Then the anti-guns fired at them, but Cassandra pulls Cole jump into the air and away from David. The ground under David started to crack then Cole summons more electricity breaking the floor underneath David and sends him crashing below. "Let's finish this!" Cole shouts and Cassandra nods and flew the both of them in after him.


Moya growls as she turns away from the front. "Out of my way," she growls and a trooper stumbles out of her path as the other moved out of the crazy-ladies way.

"If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself," she mutters to herself as she was lock and loaded, then out the door and ran down through corridors.


Harms and Zeke ran from the battle as they saw the ship be blown from one spot to another, "They're tearing that damn thing apart!" Zeke shouts.

Harms took a hold of his arm and pulls him along and they quickly left.


"Cassandra, drop me." Cole orders and she did so, Cole drops and did a thundering slam, knocking David back. Cassandra then lands next to him and blast him with electricity. But David knocks them back too, both shouts, Cole smacks against the ground as Cassandra collects herself and stood up.

She then pulls his attention away from Cole, firing at him, Cole pulls himself up and found a tank of Jet fuel. "Bingo," he mutters, knowing that it should do the trick. Cassie then pulls back to Cole as he picks himself up and held the tank in his hands, catching onto his plan. "On three," he said and she nods at him. "Three!" he shouts and tosses it at David and they both fired electricity right at it.

Moya arrives at the scene and saw that a jet fuel tank was being electrified, so she shields herself as it blows up in David's face. He roars in pain as he was burning alive. -Kessler...- he cries out and the two look at him, "Let's see you walk away from that." Cole mutters then he raises his hands and jerks them down, summoning lighting and tore David into waves of peace.


David saw nothing but white, then two figures stood in front of them, it reveals themselves as his wife and daughter. Tears well up in David's eyes and he reaches for them -I'm so sorry. Please forgive me...- he begs of them.

But they just smile at him, "There's nothing to forgive." his wife tells him and a heavy burden lifts itself off his shoulders, "We love you, David." she said as her voices echos a little bit and they faded away and David was finally at peace.


David's corpse was reduced to a smoking crisp, then Moya places the barrel of her gun against Cole's head. "Just give it a rest already, Moya. It's over. You lost." Cole tells her as Cassandra walks behind them. "Where are you going to go, Cole? One phone call and there's a 30 million dollar bounty on yours and Cassandra's heads. Hell, even your own parents will sell you out." Moya said as rage drips from her mouth.

Cole smirks, "What's so funny?" she snaps and presses barrel further into his head, "For an FBI agent, you left yourself wide open." he states, then a blue hand shot out and grips Moya by the throat and catches her by surprise. She gags as he was lifted into the air and looks down at Cassandra as she was glaring right back at her. Moya aims her gun at her and fires, but the bullets pass right through her. She gasps and drops her gun. Cole walks over and places his hand on Cassandra's shoulder. "Let her go," he said and she looks at him. "I know you want to suffer for all the wrongs she did, but doing this. You're no better than her," he tells her and Cassandra looks back at Moya.

She then let Moya drop and she cough, holding her throat clutches her other hand and it grew brighter, she shot it up and then to the side and screams as she lets all of her anger, rage, sadness, and regret fly out in that signal strong bolt as it destroys more of the ship. She then pants and covers her face, her body then returns back to its original form and Cole wraps his arms around her.

But then the moment was over as the ship shook violently, turning itself onto its side and the three inside lost their balance a little. Cole and Cassandra reacted in time as they were a pipe above the water as Moya was a trap in the wreckage in the water was starting to fill up. The two look up at their way out then back down and Cassandra sighs in defeat. "I'm never going to let myself live this down." she mutters and then kneels down and hung upside down by her knees and Cole hold onto her as Cassandra reaches out for Moya, "Jones! Give me your hand, the whole ship's coming down." she calls out but the agent looks up at her, already accepted her fate. "There's not enough time, Cassandra. You both need to get out of here before the water kills you." Moya tells her. And Cassandra looks at her. "It didn't have to be this way," Cassie calls at her and Moya nods. Cole then pulls Cassandra back up, pulls her onto his back and he climbs out of the ship and started to walk on the edge of the ship to safety as she sank.

Moya held her breath as she was pulled under the water, by the wreckage. She then screams out, letting all of her air out, then stops as she had drowned from her own foolish mistakes.

A part of the ship breaks off and Cole jumps over and grips the side, Cassie gasp in looks down, she panics and grips onto Cole even tighter. He pulls himself up and ran for it, as he reaches the edge. He then jumps again, using his thrusters and glides over to the building, but he started to float down too soon and were going to miss the building, but a hand shot out and grips onto his, "Hang on, I got you." Zeke assures him and pulls the both of them back up.

Harms held his hand out to Cassie and she takes it, pulling herself from Cole and they were both pulled up onto the roof. "Good to see you're yourself again." Harms states and Cassie nods, "Same here." she pants and Zeke looks down at Cole, "You alright?" he asks and Cole just pants. "Not sure." Cole mutters and Cassie went over and helps him back onto his feet and they all look out at the sinking ship, "Uncle Sam's not going to be happy about this." Harms states and Cassie scoffs a little, "I'm just glad we made it back in one peace." she states and they laugh a little.


Two Days Later...

The news was blowing up with what happened in Empire city and it was broadcast all over the United States. Greenfield, Massachusetts. Beatrice, Nebraska. Bellevue, Washington. And in Phoenix, Arizona.

"... stunning images coming out of Empire city..."

"...Provided by USTV reporters Phil Maabe and Linda Kaufman, they clearly show the so-called Electric-man and Electric-fox fighting what appears to be a..."

"...appalling conditions, the sick and injured are forced to live in sewers..."

"...USS Washington sinks in Steel Harbor outside of Empire city, claiming over three hundred lives..."

"Governments sources claim that FBI agent Moya Jones-- working without authorization of her superiors or the United States Military-- initiated a series of disastrous decisions that resulted in..."

"Cole MacGrath and Cassandra O'Connell, who now calls herself Cassandra MacGrath-- remains at large and the CDC confirms that the quarantine around Empire City will remain in place for the foreseeable future..."


The Warren...

Three were at the beach, Zeke was skipping rocks, Cole was sitting down with his arm bandaged and Cassandra was using her coat as a pillow and was napping as she was tired. "You really think those monster things dead, like, for good?" Zeke asks them, "I really, really, hope so." Cole states as Cassandra smirks a little. "The good thing that came out of it is, I got a new power." she mutters and Cole looks down at her, "That will drain you completely and leave your dog tired." he reminds her and she giggles, "It's a work in progress. And it's a good way to let out all of the negative energy and feels more relaxed right now. And we no longer have to worry about Moya or Sasha anymore." she mutters and Cole nods at her. "Video of the fight is all over the internet. Heard some Hollywood big-shot wants to make a movie about you." Zeke informs them and Cassie opens her eyes and shook her head.

"Maybe they'll hire us to do the stunts." Cole states and Cassandra laughs at that, "Yeah, as they'll ever let a 15-year-old girl do stunts." she state and Cole shrugs at her a little, "You never knew, it could happen." he assures her and she looks up at him, "The day the let a 15-year-old do stunts and the day when pigs that actually fly." she tells him and he laughs at her a little. "You know, I was wondering about that." Zeke states, picking up a few rocks and the two look at him, "None of the CGI crap's gonna do your powers--" he said then was interrupted as Cole's phone went off.

The two looks at it and Cassandra sat up, "Hold on a second." Cole tells him and he stood up and Cassandra followed in pursuit. "Hello?" Cole answers, "Cole, my name's Lucy Kuo. I work with John White in NSA." Lucy informs him and the two exchange looks. "We need to talk."

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