Infamous: Into the Light

By AssassinNovice72

385 1 0

Kessler is gone, but the government is not going out without a fight and the last two conduits in the city ar... More

Chapter 1: Aftermath
Chapter 2: Invasion
Chapter 3: The Forgotten Enemy
Chapter 4: Capture
Chapter 6: The Final Showdown

Chapter 5: No More Lies

46 0 0
By AssassinNovice72

Neon District, Four months ago...

David's wife paces around her house as she was on the phone, trying to find out what has happened to her husband. "C'mon, c'mon..." she mutters as the phone was ringing.

Then someone answers and she gets into an argument with them, "I already told you, I'm trying to reach my husband. He's a security guard there, works for a man named Kessler. No, I don't want to hold--" she argues and was put on hold anyway, "This is ridiculous." she growls as they were lying about her husband and she knew it well.


Kessler was getting ready to expose David to the Ray Sphere once more, but a man held out the phone to him.

"It's David's wife, sir.she's already called four times today." he informs him, "I'll take care of it," he states and took the phone from him.


"How may I help you?" Kessler asks her, "I'm looking for my husband, David Warner. I keep calling and calling, and I'm tired of getting the run-around." she informs him as she rubs her hand to her forehead.

"David Warner? He hasn't worked here for over a month." Kessler informs her, but she snaps at him. "Stop lying to me, I know--" she snaps. "David walked off the job. From what I hear, he often talks about wanting a fresh start, leaving all this behind. He was a very sad, broken man. Had a bit of a drinking problem." he informs her, as she didn't know that Kessler was standing right next to the testing chamber with David inside and the Ray Sphere expose to him.

"Is this Kessler? He told me about you!" she snaps right at him. "I'm calling the police!" she threatens him.


Kessler smirks as her threat assumed him, "If it makes you feel better, then by any means, call them. But perhaps you should consider the fact that your husband simply left you. It happens all the time, I'm afraid." he informs her.

Then pulls the phone away as she still didn't believe him, "I'm not going to get away with--" she shouts, but Kessler hangs up the phone, then tosses it right back to the man. "Send someone to watch over her house, I want her to watch at all times. And get in touch with the ECPS, make sure that they need to stay out of this." Kessler orders. "Yes, sir," he answers and walks off.


Neon District: Sewers...

The girl leads the two reporters through the sewers, as they were being mindful of their steps, "I'm sorry about your father. How'd he die?" Linda asks and the girl shrugs. "Heart attack, stroke, you know? One day, he just fell over." she states and climbs down the ladder, "I use to cart him to the quarantine line, asked the soldiers if they could take him out, bury him. Told me if I come any closer they'd shoot me. So that's why he just sitting in the doorway." she informs them and continues down the tunnel.

Then they walk onto the catwalk, "I need to ask you something-- how'd did you get into the city?" she asks them, "Why?" Linda asks her, "Just answer the damn questions." she reports at them. "We stole an inflatable raft from the military." Troy answers her, "You hid it?" she asks again. "Yeah," he answers her again. She stops and turns to them, "Good, hopefully, it doesn't get stolen. Okay plan. I show you around and in exchange, you get me and my dad out of here." she offers them.

But Linda was the first to reject the offer, "There's no way we're getting a corpse, sorry, your father through the quarantine line." Linda informs her and the girl glares at her. "Don't treat me like an idiot, I know what this story's worth. Once you tell your network what you've got, they'll move Heaven and Earth to get you out of here. So you either take us with you or have fun finding a way out of these sewers. So, what's it going to be" the girl offers them again and the two were reliving the threat Moya gave them.

Linda sighs and nods, "Not much of a choice." she states and the girl started to walk again, "Follow me." she tells them and they were in front of a door and the girl pulls on it, opening up the room and the two look at the room in shock. "What is this place?" Linda asks and the girl looks at them as she steps in, "Our hospital."


Steel Harbor, Aboard the USS Washington...

Cassie groans as she walks up and found herself in a room with two troopers in front of her and Moya to the side of her, "You used Sasha gas on me..." she mutters as she clutches her fists. "Worked, didn't it?" Moya asks and Cassie glares at her, "You should of killed Cole and me when you had the chance." Cassie growls at her.

But Moya was unfazed by her glare, "I don't want you or Cole dead, Cassandra." Moya informs her, Cassie scoffs. "You sure have a funny way of showing it," she mutters and looks away. "Believe it or not, we need your help." she informs her and Cassie just laughs at her, "And what makes you think I will ever want to help you?" she states then shot forward, tugging at her restraints, making the troopers aim their rifles at her, "You fucking bitch!!" she growls at her, rage boiling inside her. "When the government detonated the first atomic bomb in July of 1945, it changes the world. And now, sixty-odd years later, the world's been changed, by Cole." Moya informs her, "You can drop the sweet talk, sweetheart. It's not going to work on me." Cassie growls at her, "Threaten me all you want, Cassandra. It's the truth." Moya tells her, "You people cover up the truth, so your precious reputation and agency remain intact and me, I don't give a damn about you or what you want. I just want you people to leave me the hell alone." Cassie said as she leans back and lays against her restraints.

Then Moya sends the guards away and she sat down in front of Cassie, "In the past two weeks, we've arrested eighteen foreign agents on charges of espionage. We're tracking eight other suspects, two of which are operating in New Marais, of all places." Moya states and Cassie looks at her, "And I should care because..." she asks the agent. "They all want the same them, Cassandra. You and Cole. Or someone like you." Moya answers her and Cassandra scoffs. "We can take care of ourselves.." she assures her, "Not against something like this." Moya informs her, "So you're trying to protect us, is that it?" Cassie questions her. "You and Cole are national assets. We need to know where you are, what you're doing. Any other than those arrangements are unacceptable." Moya informs her.

Then Cassandra clutches her fist again, "How'd you get Sasha's gas?" she asks her, "Hooked her up to a machine, sucked it out. Didn't look too painful." Moya answers her and Cassandra glares right back at her. "Got the same plan for me and Cole, is that it?" Cassandra snaps at her, "Don't be stupid. Sasha and Alden were unhinged, a threat to everyone. The world's better off without them. But you, both you and Cole. Are reasonable people. You'll do what's right." Moya informs her. Cassie just glares at her, "John warned Cole about this, that you would try and use me and Cole as weapons or to recreate the Ray Sphere." she states, "He was a smart man." Moya states. "I knew we should've listened to him," she states.

"Time is short, Cassandra. I need your answer." Moya tells her, Cassandra glares at her. Then spits right into Moya's face, making land right on her cheek, "How that for an answer, bitch?!" Cassie snaps and tugs again at her restraints. Moya glares at her, loosing her cool then stood up and wipes the spit away, "I told them this conversation was a waste of time, but they insisted. Ah, at least I tried." she states and then held out a device. "Take a good look at this, Cassandra. Once we implant this device into the base of both yours and Cole's skulls, you'll do whatever we say. Whether you like it or not." Moya tells her, but Cassandra kept her glare, "Screw you bitch?! Where is he? Where's Cole?!" she questions her.

Moya said nothing as she walks away, "Where's Cole?!" she shouts at her, again, but Moya ignores her and walks out the door, "WHERE COLE?!?!?!?!" she shouts against as she was left in the room and her rage was reaching the breaking point. And the electricity sparks in her eye.


The Warren...

The policemen row out in rafts as they were reaching Steel Harbor, where the warship was stationed at. "How are we goin' out that aircraft carrier?" Zeke asks Harms. "It's docked a couple of times a day so that they can load and unload stuff." Harms informs him, "Won't it be guarded?" Zeke asks him, "Probably." Harms answers him.

Zeke chuckles, "Never a dull moment here." he states and Harms smirks, "That's the spirit." he states then they reach the shore and ran onto the land, ready to infiltrate the ship. The men gathered around Harms for orders. "Once we're aboard the carrier, we'll split up and look for Cole and Cassandra. The second we find them, we all get the hell out. And remember-- the military still active across the city. We need to make damn sure they don't see us." Harms orders them and they ran out keeping low and out of sight.

Then headed into the docks as the ship was in view. Ready to rescue Cole and Cassandra from whatever fate Moya has in store for them.


Neon District: Sewers...

Linda was getting the mic ready as Troy turns on the camera, "You ready, Phil?" she asks her partner, "Yeah, almost. Okay, all set." he informs her, then points the camera at her and the EMT, "On in three, two, one." he states and the camera started. "This is Linda Kaufman for USTV. I'm joined today by Captain Paul Sheely, an EMT Empire City." she states then looks at Paul, "Captain Sheely, can you explain where we are?" she asks him and places the mic right at him, "We're in the sewers beneath Empire City, but I don't want to say more than that. The last thing we need is for people to start raiding us." he informs her "And how long have you been down here?" Linda asks him.

He looks at the camera. "A week or so, ever since the hospital in the Warren got trashed by the Dust Men." he answers her, "We were doing pretty well over there, but now we're getting hit staph infusions, E. Coli., things are like that. Diarrhea's a huge huge problem. The city's water purification system's shut down, and there's barely anything to eat." he went on. "What about all the food the Military's been dropping?" Linda asks him and he looks at her in confusion. "The what?" he asks her. "We were told that the military regularly drops food into the city." she informs him and Paul places his hands on his hips, "We wouldn't be eating out of garbage cans if there were food," he said then looks right back at the camera.

"Everything on TV, the stuff you've reported? No offense, but it's all bullshit. There isn't any food, any medicine. Between the military rounding up people and idiots shooting anything at moves, this is the only place that's safe. Which is pretty damn pathetic when you think about it." he informs her. "And we can't stay down here forever. Eventually, someone's going to find us or the people with bronchial infections are going to have to be relocated. This damp air isn't doing them any favors." Paul informs them as Troy got a few good shots of the wounded, "What about the Electric-man and Electric-fox?" Linda asks him, "Cole and Cassie? Seen them a few times, but they can't be everywhere at once. For every guy they deal with, two more are waiting to take their place." Paul informs her as Troy turns the camera back to them, "So, they've been helping you?" Linda asks him and Paul nods at her, "Of course, they're helping us. Hell, they've told us about this platform." he answers her.

She nods at him, "Thank you for your time, Captain anything else you'd like to add?" she asks him, he shook his head, "What I really want to sat probably isn't suitable for television." he informs her. "Do you if we talk to some of your patients?" she asks him, "Feel free, bitching about this hellhole will probably do them good," he informs her then they went to the first one they were closet too.


Steel Harbor, David was right at the Harbor, plotting his revenge against Cole. -He's cornered. Alone. There's no escaping me.- he promises him, "I heard everything she said, how she threatens you. What she said about me. But you'll be free, and we'll deal with that bitch, once and for all." Sasha promises Cole.

As she was breaking herself free and staggers through the hallways to find Cole. And Cassandra laid against her restraints as she was dreaming about her family.


Cassandra was walking with her parents as they left their house, "So where are we going to dinner?" Jack asks and Emily smiles at him, "It's a surprise." she tells him, Cassandra smiles then looks over at the construction and took a picture of it, "I still see you're not going to give up on becoming a photographer." Jack states as he looks at Cassandra, she smiles and looks back up at him, "You always said to pursue my dreams and don't let anyone or thing get in the way of your pursuit." she said to him with a smile.

Jack looks at her as Emily giggles at her, "Looks like she learns from you well." she states and he looks at her, "Haha, you're funny." he grumbles, then both of his girls wrap their arms around his and they walk down the street.


After they had dinner and Cassandra took a few pictures, they headed back home, "That was a wonderful surprise, thank you." he tells them and they smile up at him, "You're welcome dad." she tells him and places the camera in her coat pocket. "And when we get home... I have a surprise of my own." Emily smirks and Jack smirks right at her. "Oh really?" he asks in a playful tone, she nods at him and Cassandra just gags at them.

"Please don't do this when I'm present." she asks them and they both look down at her, "When you're older and hit puberty, you'll understand." Emily tells her, "What? Have uncontrollable sexual urges and have a man in my life that wants to sleep with me all the time?" she asks her and Jack covers his mouth holds back a laugh. Emily eyes him. "What have you been telling her?" she questions him, Jack held up his hands in surrender. "No nothing, I swear." he answers her, "You know I can hear you guys talking dirty to each other every night, right?" she reminds them and they both blushed. "Why do you think I keep requesting or stealing the earplugs?" she reminds them and they both were embarrassed.

"Note to self, buy more earplugs." Jack mutters and the three started to walk again, Cassandra smiles to herself and then time slows down as she looks overseeing a bike courier hold something in his hands, it was a Sphere of some kind. Emily turns back to her and saw what she was looking at. Jack looks over as well as the two and his alarms went off in his head as well as did the alarms in Emily's head. Emily took Cassandra's hand and they took off running. But the blast went off and Jack swung the two girls in front of them, Emily held Cassandra into her arms as Jack took Emily into her arms and they both scream, but the blast shuts the scream right out as everything went white.

~End of Flashback~

Cassandra opens her eyes closes as the door to her cell opens, a doctor walks in with the syringe in his hand with the device. Rage boils in her again and she started to tug and pull against cuffs.

He steps closer to her and she growls like an animal at him, -Everything was taken from me. My home, my parents, teenhood, a change for graduation, going to college. A life, Trish and Cole. Now they want to take away my freedom and make me a slave. Never! I WILL NEVER BECOMES ANYONE SLAVE!!!!- she shouts in her mind and her Rage breaks through.


Sasha stumbles into the Cell where Cole was being held and the doctor going to inject the device stops and looks at her in horror. "Oh my God..." he mutters and Cole looks at her in surprise. "Sasha...?" he asks.

She then took a hold of the man, jerking him away from Cole and tore off his mask and blast his face with tar. "Get away from him!!" she growls and he chokes on tar.


Back outside, David jumps onto the warship, getting the Military attention. "What the hell!" one shouts and the fired at him.

David tore and drain the men that were in his way of getting to Cole. "That's the thing that attacks us. We should--" Zeke states, but Harms shook his head. "Just hang tight, we gotta be smart about this," he informs him as they stayed back.


Cassandra lets out an ear-piercing scream and it bounds off the walls, then the man drops the syringe and covers his ears. The electric around her body starts to pulse and shot out of control radiantly. The man then went to a knee. -No one is ever going to control me, I am not some property to be used and thrown away. I will show her that. I will make her pay!- Cassandra swore then the electric shot to her restrains and broke them off and the rest of her body change, becoming pure blue electric energy.

The scream stops and the man pulls his hand away, goes to pick up the syringe, but a blue hand out and grips the man around his throat. He gasps and was lifted right off the ground, he then turned and gasp at the newly transformed Cassandra MacGrath. "Where's Moya-Jones?!" she orders him, her voice echos.


Sasha then drops the man and pulls the wires off and breaks one of Cole's restraint cuffs, "Listen, I don't think--" Cole starts, "Shhh, shhh. There's plenty of time for that later." she whispers then leans up close to him, pressing herself against him.

"I love you, Cole," she confessed then kisses him, he just stood there in shock as she had her lips pressed against his and pulls at the last of the wires and took off the cuff.


"Go, Go!" Harms orders and his men hurried up the stairs, past the battle and were able to avoid detection. They arrive at the top of the warship.

But then soon stop as they were discovered and fired at "Ah, Hell!" Harms shouts and they take cover behind the chopper.


Sasha pulls her lips away and presses her forehead against his cheek and he just looks down at her in shock. "Look, Sasha, I appreciate you getting me out of this--" he tries to let her down easy. "I know how much you love me, Cole. I can feel it," she states, not really listening to her.

Then the moment was interrupted, too much to Cole's liking as troopers stood in front of them. Sasha pulls away and growls at them. "Get out of here, my sweet. I handle Moya's boy-toys," she states, Cole went running, but then stops as he heard Sasha chuckling. "She's coming and she's mad." Sasha whispers and the men exchange looks. "MOYA!!!!!" a female voice cries out and the door behind them is swung open and makes the men fly to the sides, Sasha moves out of view as Cole was in shock as Cassandra glides into the cell and looks around, "Cass..." Cole calls out and she looks at him, "Cole..." she mutters the walks gracefully to him and stood right in front of him. "Are you... alright?" she asks him in a frightened tone as she raises her hands to his face and cradles his cheeks.

Cole shook the shock away and smiles a little at her and nods, "Yeah... I'm okay." he tells her and took a hold of her hand, she exhales and pulled her hands onto his chest and press her forehead against them and her floating blue electric hair slowly drops down and Cole wraps his arm around her pure electric body. "Let's get out of here," he tells her, she nods at him. Sasha crawls to the men blast them with tar was they were pulling themselves back up.


David showed no mercy as he was slaughtering the troopers. "We got to find a different way!" Zeke shouts and they pulled away from the slaughter.

Cole stumbles through the corridor, but Cassandra took hold of him as she floats a little of the ground and he looks at her, "Hold onto me." she tells him, he nods and held onto her shoulder.

A trooper stumbles into the cockpit, "MacGrath and O'Connell have escaped!" he informs Moya and she looks at him, "What? How?!" she asks him, "Sasha helped MacGrath and O'Connell freed herself, changing herself into pure energy!" he informs her and Moya sighs. "For fuck's sakes!" she shouts as lost her two most valuable Conduits.

Cole groans as he felt like they were running in circles, "Screw this!" he shouts then blast at the wall, making a hole, then Cassandra flew out, keeping her grip on Cole's waist and they were free from the warship.


Moya ran down into the lab, to the scientist, "Open those damn things up now! All of them!" she orders and the man turns to her, "They're still not ready!" he informs her, but she pulls out her gun and points it right in his face.

"I'm not asking, doctor." she threatens him, he then nods at her, getting her message as clear as crystal. Then opens the containers.


Familiar neuro-electric energy that he despises more than anything fills his nose. -Kessler, I can smell you...- he mutters. Then Harms calls his men back as the situation was getting out of hand. "We've got to get out of here!" he shouts, "We can't leave Cole and Cass!" Zeke shouts back and Harms pulls on his arm, "It's over Zeke!" he tells him and pulls him away.

But then they saw some explode on the side of the ship, getting their attention of the blue electric energy and both Cole and Cassandra land softly on the ground.


Sasha smirks sinfully to herself as she was shocking the last of the men were her tar, the room covered in blood and gore with some tar as well and she laughs.

"That slut is going to pay for what she did to my beloved... my Cole... a pity, she won't see the rage she had drawn forth. She was so beautiful in that form. Little Cassandra." Sasha mutters and drops the man onto the ground.


Zeke ran down the ramp with Harms right behind, then stops and looks at the two people, "Cole! Cassandra!" he calls out and in doing so, got David's attention. -There you are.- he mutters then toss the two dead bodies to the side and darts for Cole.

The two ran up to the Conduits and they were in awe of Cassandra's electric energy form. "How's the hell you get out of there?" Zeke asks them, Cassandra looks down at her and back at him. "Sasha... damn lady's nuts." Cole answers him. Then he took Cassandra's hand and pulls her along, "Where are you going?" Harms asks them.

"As far away from that thing as we can!" Cole calls back to him, "It's going to kill us, Cole. If we run, it's still going to hunt us down and kill all of us!" Harms reminds if as Zeke looks up, Cole stops and turns to him. "That thing kicked the living shit out of me! We need to get the hell out of here before it's too late!" Cole argues with him. "I think it's already too late, brother," Zeke tells him and Cassandra looks up and her eyes widen. "Look out!" she shouts and pulls to the side, taking Cole with her, they rolled and Cassandra was kneeling in a predator stance as she was right over Cole. He coughs and looks at David as he was bigger than before.

Cassandra growls at him as David growls at her, -Get out of my way! Kessler is going to pay for what he's done to me and my family!- he growls at her, -Kessler is dead! Cole and I killed him!- she argues with him. He glares at her, -I know what Kessler did to you, to your family. But that doesn't give you the right to hurt Cole!- she growls at him. -Get. Out. Of. My. Way!- he growls back. -You're going to have to kill me first.- she warns him, -So be it!- he shouts and they both charge at each other.


The girl, Linda and Troy pulled themselves out of the sewers, "What're we going to do if they want to see the camera?" Linda asks Troy he smirks a little at her, "I swapped out the disk with some old footage of you talking to the general." he informs her. "They're still going to search you, Phil." she reminds him and her smirks again, "Well, they're going to have to get pretty personal if they want to find it," he informs her.

The Girl looks out of the corner of her eyes and took a few steps to the harbor, "You're joking, right?" Linda asks as she was surprised he's actually did something like that, he then stands up, "Why do you think I ask to use the bathroom?" he informs her. "Oh my God..." the girl mutters, the two then looks over and saw officer run pass them as Cole was being swung around like a rag doll and Cassie in her energy form, throw out Electric bolts at David.


The Super-soldiers then step out of their pods as the smoke settles, "Make sure they don't harm Cole or Cassandra. Everyone else is expendable." she orders him.

He nods at her, types in her orders and they left the lab.


David held Cassandra but her wrist and ankles two tentacles, she struggles in his grip as David looks down at Cole, -They're dead because of you, Kessler. My wife, my little girl. I can still her on the phone, crying, begging, desperate to find me.- David said, slamming Cole around. The Conduit coughs and was losing consciousness a little bit. "Cole!!" Cassandra cries out, struggles even harder then David leans in -That was the last time I heard her voice. It's my last memory of her. It's all I think about.- David states then something explodes behind them, getting all three of their attention.

They look over and saw that it was big red men that Moya had the order to be sent out and take care of David. Cole laughs a little to himself. "I think you piss off the wrong people..." he moans and Cassie growls as she sends powerful electric into the tentacles, David shrieks and pain and drops her, she drops to her feet and glares at him, her body grew brighter and lets out a battle cry and charges at him with her fist more powerful than ever.

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