Hermitcraft: Escaping Insanit...


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Grian got mixed up into a mess made by taurtis and Sam, now Yuki wants him dead. Grian is so desperate to esc... More

Chapter 1: [Prologue]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
[Announcement] : New Book
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
[Announcement] Hermitcraft ANIMATION

Chapter 11

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Xisuma's POV
   No it can't be.... "Grian?" I asked poultry man who has a face of Grian and I looked at grian next to mumbo.

"how are there 2 Grians?!" Ren questioned In shock. Then the rest of the Hermits started freaking out and questioning xel at the same time.

I stood up to calm the Hermits "calm down everyone, I know you have so many questions and want answers but let the guy talk" then he started to speak.

"first of all I know your all confused, me and grian are the same person and 2nd you may call me xel or xelqua it's my watcher name" poultry man or xelqua answered.

"EX you know about this?" I asked EX right next to him.

"nope I only found out about it 5 minutes ago, right after I saw those two flying away from the scene and xel here told me everything after that" my brother replied to me.

I stared at xel and asked him "then how come there are 2 Grians??" I asked.

Then suddenly a trident flew right beside xel hiting the white concert next beside him.

I glared at doc since he's the one who threw it. "what's with you doc?!" Ren yelled at doc.

Doc then stood up from his chair and walked to xel grabbing his trident out of the wall. "I don't trust you even a little bit, how do we know your also grian, this might be some sort of trick" doc asked xel.

"D-doc.." Grian started then doc turned around and faced grian that stood up and walked over to him.

"G?" asked doc.

"please calm down let's talk about this first" Grian tried to convince doc.

Doc sigh "fine" doc replied to grian and went back to his seat.

"come on and join us, then explain everything" Grian offered xel.

"would love to"  xel replied as he sat down next beside Grian

As xel and grian sat down I stared at the brother who was about to leave. "EX? Where are you going?" I asked my brother.

"im gonna go back to the obsidian cell, someone needs to keep an eye on that rabbit maniac" my brother  replied as he left the room.

That made me wonder maybe, what did xel do to make my brother agree on helping him?? I thought he hate all of us Hermits, but why help grian??.

Xel's POV
   I sat down next to grian, well right next to myself. Then xisuma started "now Pls tell us, everyone is confused"

I cleared my throat and bega. To speak.

"alright, now as you can see me and Grian here are just the same person, and if your wondering why we're uhhhh like this, because of watchers magic" I explained

"watcher magic??" cleo asked.

"yes, I came from evolution server in short we call it Evo, it's just like this one but watchers gives us quests to achieve and portals to jump on to proceed to the next update" i explained then scar questioned. "but grian here came from a Highschool server, right??" scar asked pointing at Grian beside me.

"yes, but, I have memories of it" I answered "how?" mumbo asked, "if your from a different server and a different Grian, how come you have memories as Grian!?" mumbo asked confused.

I was abiut to explain when diamond suddenly appeared behind me and spoke "that's because they were split into two entities" everyone jumped from the sudden appearance of diamond. Even grian almost had a heart attack.

"don't scare us like that please" I told diamond as I sigh.

"my sincere apologies" he replied.

"why are you here anyway?" I asked him while facing him.

"I heard your identity was found out, so I decided to help you fill in the details" he replied.

"alright" I answered.

We didn't have any more seat left for diamond to sit on but when me and xisuma offered our seats he declined and preferred to just stand up.

"so what your saying Grian splits into 2 person??" impulse asked.

"yes, when he was chased at yandere high, me and braids decided to save him but he was caught by Sam when we tried to teleport him out of there" diamond started explaining when I saw grian staring at him like examining him.

All watchers wears a watcher mask so no one can identify them since diamond wears one Grian can't tell who he is, even I don't know who he is.

"my magic and braids magic got blocked off for some reason but we don't have time, but we need to save grian so me and braid decided to split his soul into half, half went to Evo and half went here at hermitcraft" diamond explained and all the Hermits Jaws dropped.

"whaaaatttttttt!?!?!?!?!?" iskall screamed. "iskall calm" mumbo tried to calm his architech friend.

Doc's expression is a complete state shock

ren is pacing in and out while impulse tried to clam him.

Scar is shocked while cub is trying to get his attention.

Tango almost seems like he can't belive it and staring at the 2 Grians

Cleo and false are trying to process what's happening

Biffa looks confused a bit and python is trying to act it cool.

Wels is having trouble processing this.

Xisuma, is also trying his best to calm down.

"so these 2 Grians can still be fused together again??" xisuma asked diamond.

"yes but only if both of them are willing to, and if they fused both memories from Evo, yandere high and here will join together" diamond explained.

"well seeing 2 Grians sure is weird" cub exclaimed.

"hey diamond?" Grian started to ask, "can you remove the mask for me?? It's just that... You seem familiar..." Grian started.

I saw diamond looked away "I'm sorry but no, it's against the code of being a watcher, no one should know our faces" diamond replied.

"but xel here is a watcher and we've seen his face" scar added.

"his condition is a different matter" diamond defended

"wait so if grian and xel fused, is he still gonna have his watcher magic?? And the wings??" Ren asked diamond.

"yes" diamond replied.

I saw xisuma sigh "now that explained everything, we need to plan the place were building for Sam" xisuma started.

"we'll make it like a simple and comfy house but the outside wall will be surrounded with obsidian and the doors will be iron bars where only can be accessed from the outside" xisuma instructed to every hermit.

As the meeting went smooth xisuma adjourned the meeting and the Hermits went flying to their bases to get resources and that's where I saw diamond was a bout to leave and stopped him.

"hey" I grabbed his cloak and he turned and face me. "who are you really?" I asked.

"I can't tell you" he answered.
He then gently took off my hand from gripping his cloak  "I need to be going, braids is waiting" he sad and as he was about to leave "take care.... Gri.." and he was gone.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw grian "hey xel... He called you Gri too didn't he??" Grian told me "yeah, I wonder why?" I questioned.

"well this many sound weird, I feel like I've heard someone calling me that before, just can't remember" Grian told me.

"I have the same feeling as well I answered.

Braid's POV
    I was waiting for diamond when I saw him teleported in." Hey.."  he greeted me.

" you told them? " i asked

" no, I just explained Grian's position and why there's 2 of them" he replied.

"don't you think it's best for them to know??? Like who you really are?" I asked him.

"it's best they don't, I don't want to open anymore scars and wounds into them" he stated.

"alright, If you say so diamond" I walked back to the mirror of Evo to guard and watch over Evo as Diamond watch over hermitcraft.

But I can see even from afar he's looking at Sam on his magic mirror with a sad face.

"im sorry.... Sam.... Grian.." I heard him say that as his watcher voice changes to his normal voice with sadness.

"you know..... A torito would be nice for this occasion!!" I tried to lighten his mood and I heard him chuckle. Glad he's still holding on.

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