Love Triangle

By HersheyKandii97

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Mario sighed before he closed his eyes "Do you still have feelings for him?" he asked. I bit my lip "Does it... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: The Plan
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 18

540 14 7
By HersheyKandii97

Hello my lovely readers, I'm so sorry for the late update. With this crisis and everything going on I just had a severe case of writers block. Anyway, I hope you all are being safe out here during these times. I know you've probably heard about it on the news enough, but PLEASE PLEASE wash your hands CONSISTENTLY and avoid touching your face after touching any type of surface. It is important that we don't spread this virus anymore than it already has been spread. I live in New York, and there are over 40,000 cases of the virus out here with over 500 deaths. They closed down schools, they closed down a lot of stores, it's just a lot going on because this virus is serious. Please take precaution. Be safe and please take care of yourselves and your loved ones. I love ya'll ❤ 

Now here's Chapter 18. Enjoy 😊

Chapter 18

Chasity's POV

I woke up to the sun's rays shining through the window and into my eyes. I squinted at the brightness, before I let out a yawn and stretched like a cat. I then sat up and realized that I was in a bed. I ran my hands over the silk satin black sheets as I took in my surroundings. I was laying in a king sized bed and there was a heart shaped Jacuzzi on the left side of me. There was a stove and a mini fridge in front of me, along with a counter and a dining table. There was also a huge window next to the bed I was in, and all I saw outside was the ocean and the light blue sky. I must be on the cruise. How I got here, I don't know. The last thing I remember was me and Tyron making love on a private jet...anything after that is pretty much a blur.

I suddenly heard a door open, making me dart my eyes in the direction of the sound. Tyron then stepped through the door in a pair of boxers with a towel around his shoulders, and no shirt with water droplets dripping from his muscular chest and down his abs. Ugh, he's so damn sexy it's unreal.

Tyron grinned "Well well well, look who's back from the dead. Good afternoon Brown Sugar" he chirped before walking over to the bed that I was laying in and kissing me softly on the forehead.

I smiled "Good afternoon. Um, quick question. When did we get on the cruise?" I asked curiously. I literally don't remember much of anything.

Tyron chuckled "Well I don't wanna brag but....I gave you the best orgasm of your life and you passed out afterwards. After checking your pulse to make sure you weren't dead, I tucked you in the bed and you slept through the remainder of the flight to Miami. Once we got to Miami I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't budge, so I carried you from the airport to the Uber, then from the Uber to the boat. And now here we are" he explained, a grin on his handsome face.

I stifled a yawn "What time is it?" I asked, stretching again.

He glanced down at his watch "2:30. We got on the plane last night at 11ish, and we finished having sex at around 12:30. So you've been passed out for thirteen and a half hours" he said before shrugging, making my mouth pop open in shock. DAMN! That orgasm must've been strong as hell. I was sleeping for over 10 hours!

I nodded "So it's confirmed. You're really trying to kill me".

Tyron bursted out laughing "Listen, I did what I had to do aight. You looked like you was about to have a damn heart attack when the plane took off, I needed to distract you. Sex was literally the only way because talking wasn't gonna cut it. I never would've guessed that you're afraid of planes" he stated as he walked over to the mini fridge and took out two water bottles.

"Was afraid of planes" I corrected, catching the water bottle that he tossed to me. Hey what can I say, I had sex while 8,000 feet in the air. What's there to really be afraid of at this point?

Tyron chuckled "Nice to know that I helped you conquer your fear Brown Sugar. So what's the plan for today? We're on a boat with a thousand things to do" he said, his eyes shinning with excitement.

I shrugged "You planned the trip Anderson, you tell me" I stated. I like when Tyron takes the lead for our plans, he's so fun and creative and always keeps me on my toes. I guess that's the Pisces in him.

He took a sip from his water bottle "You hungry? There's a fancy Diner downstairs that I saw. We could talk about our plans over lunch" he suggested.

Right on cue my stomach let out a low grumble, making me chuckle in embarrassment. Yeah lunch sounds like heaven right now.

As Tyron got dressed inside of the bedroom, I went into my suitcase to gather my things so that I could take my shower. As I walked into the bathroom I couldn't help but gasp at the scenery. The bathtub was HUGE....yeah, me and Tyron will defiantly be having sex in there at some point before we get off this boat. There was also a big shower on the other side of the room with a see through glass door. The toilet was pearly white and clean looking with a solid gold colored toilet seat. And there was a huge mirror hanging over a seashell shaped sink. This bathroom is gorgeous!

I washed my body with my Dove body wash for 20 minutes, before stepping out the tub. I wrapped myself in my pink towel and began walking back into the bedroom. I walked over to my suitcase and slipped on some red and black laced panties, before slipping on a sheer navy blue bodysuit that had red crescent moons all over it. I lotioned my face and hands with my Jergens Coconut scented body butter, before spraying myself with my Coconut Passion body spray from Victoria's Secret. 

I grabbed my make up bag from out of my suitcase and made my way back to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and did my eyebrows, before adding a brown shimmery shadow to my eyelids. I did a dramatic winged liner and added a nude lip gloss to my lips. I then applied some false wispy lashes along with some mascara. My hair was still curly from the night before, so I just sprayed it with some Coconut Oil hair spray before running a denim brush through it, giving it loose waves.

Once I was done with my make up and hair I walked back into the room and slipped on some black pumps and added some silver hooped earrings to my ears.

I then felt someone boring a hole into the side of my head with their gaze, and I glanced at the bed to see Tyron staring at me with a look that I couldn't make out. Why is he staring at me like that? 

I chuckled "It's rude to stare and not speak lover boy" I stated, running the brush through my hair again. Let's hope my hair and this humidity get along. 

Tyron chuckled "I can't help but stare at you. You're just so damn beautiful Chasity" he said tenderly, making my heart melt into my chest.  

I smiled "You're not so bad looking yourself Ty" I said as I looked his appearance over. 

He had on a black V neck shirt and a pair of black cargo shorts that stopped a little under his knees, along with some white and black Jordan 11s. He had a gold chain hanging from his neck and a Rolex watch on his wrist. His hair was braided in cornrows underneath his white durag, looking sexy as hell that it turned me on. The outfit was simple, but I know that chain around his neck and that watch on his wrist probably cost more than my car. Tyron is wealthy because he owns his restaurant, but he's also very humble. He doesn't flex his money or show off like a lot of people do. He literally acts the same way as a restaurant owner that he did when he was just a high school teacher. 

"Hellooo, Earth to Brown Sugar. You ready to eat baby?" Tyron asked suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

I smiled "Yeah, let's go" I stated, grabbing my purse from off of one of the chairs in the room before we made our way out the door. 

Tyron locked our room door, before grabbing my hand and leading me to the elevator. We rode the elevator to the 2nd floor, before exiting off onto what looks like a mall. My mouth dropped opened at the sight before me. There were stores all over the place. Victoria's Secret, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Chanel, MCM, you name it. Damn, it must be nothing but rich people on this boat. I mean don't get me wrong I have a good job, but not that damn good. It took me 5 months to save up for my Gucci bag. And I brought my Louis Vuitton suitcase after tax time. 

Tyron grabbed on my arm gently, pulling me into the direction of this Diner. I'm not even going to make an attempt to try and pronounce the name of it.

We entered into the Diner and I looked around at the scenery. There were brown tables with brown and beige booths attached to them. There were elegant pictures hanging all around the Diner, along with this big fish tank that was in the corner of the room. The fish tank had huge Lobsters, Snow Crabs, Dungeness Crabs, and Blue Crabs swimming in it, which made me grin. I could use some seafood right now. 

"Hello, table for two please" Tyron said as we approached the waitress. 

She smiled at us, before ushering us to this booth that was by the window. I slid into the booth and Tyron slid in next to me, just as the waitress handed us two menus.

She took out a notepad and a pen "What would you like to drink?" she asked me.

I pursed my lips "Do you have any liquor?" I asked, scanning over the menu. They have something called the Crab Buffet Special which is all you can eat Snow Crab Legs for $35.99. Sounds like a deal to me.

She nodded "Yes, we have uh....Pina Coladas, Henny Coladas, Passion Fruit Daiquiri's, Strawberry Daiquiri's, Long Island Iced Tea, Red Wine, White Wine, Bahama Mamas, Sex on the Beach, Apple--"

"I'll take the Sex on the Beach" I stated quickly. That's my favorite drink of all time. Pina Coladas is also my favorite but I feel like I order that every time I go out to eat with somebody.

She wrote on her note pad "And what about you sir?" she asked Tyron.

Tyron's eyes skimmed over the menu "Um....I'll have the same thing" he stated. 

She scribbled on her pad "Cocktail or frozen?" she asked.

"Frozen" me and Ty said in sync, before we exchanged a grin. He owes me a soda.

She wrote quickly on her pad "Are you guys ready to order your food or would you like more time?" she asked.

Tyron cleared his throat "We're ready to order. I'll have the whole Lobster with a Corn on a Cob and a Baked Potato on the side. And she'll have the Crab Buffet Special. Could you also give us some extra butter please, along with a glass of Red Wine to go with my Sex on the Beach drink?" he said politely before closing his menu and handing it to the waitress and taking my menu from me and handing it to her as well. What the hell?

The waitress gave us a smile and walked away, and my mouth dropped opened in shock as I stared at Tyron with wide eyes. How the hell did he know that I wanted crab legs?

"Don't have your mouth opened unless you want me to put something in it" Tyron stated smoothly, flashing me a wicked grin.

I ignored the river that flew to my panties from his statement as I shook my head at him.

"Ty, how did you know that I wanted crab legs?" I asked curiously. I know this man doesn't read minds and didn't tell me.

He chuckled "I saw you eyeing the fish tank. And you hate Lobster so I figured you was looking at the crabs" he said before shrugging.

I couldn't help but smile "Damn, why you be watching me so hard Anderson?" I teased.

He bit his lip "Because you're sexy as hell Jones. And no matter how hard I try I can't stop staring at your beautiful face and your thick body. And I see that look in your eyes, so change the subject before I drag you out of this diner and take you back upstairs and fuck your brains out" he stated, making lust run through my veins. The affect that this man has on me is crazy.

I huffed "Okay then um...what are our plans for today?" I asked, pressing my thighs together to try and calm my hormones.

He shrugged "I don't even know, there's so much to do. Um....wanna go to the pool after this? There's a huge pool up on the 4th floor" he stated, playing with his chain absentmindedly.

I scrunched my face up "Nah, I'm not in the mood for the pool right now. Are there any dance clubs or anything?" I asked.

He nodded "Yeah, there's clubs and lounges all over the boat. So after we're done eating we could go back to the room and watch some movies and stuff and then later on tonight we can figure out which one you wanna go to" he stated, making my stomach bubble in excitement. So much to do and we only have 4 days. But I'm determined to do it all. 

We chatted and joked around for a little while longer, before the waitress came over with our plates. Mmm, everything looks so good. Even the Lobster is looking edible and I hate Lobster. 

Tyron raised his hand up "Wait, excuse me miss! Could you take our picture please?" he called out to the waitress as she began walking away. 

She smiled "Of course" she said warmly. She's really nice, I'll be sure to give her a nice tip before we leave. 

Tyron dug into his pocket and pulled out his iPhone, before he handed it to the waitress. She turned the phone horizontally while lifting it up.

"" she said while grinning.

Tyron wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him as we posed for the picture.....

The waitress handed Tyron back his phone before walking away, and we both looked down at the picture.

He smiled "We really look good together" he mumbled more to himself than to me, so I acted like I didn't hear him as I scooted over in my seat slightly and began digging into my crab legs. I'm starving.

We chatted some more as we ate, and soon we cleaned our plates and finished our drinks. After we were done eating Tyron paid the tab and I left the waitress a $15.00 tip, before we both got up and made our way out of the diner and back to where the mall was at.

We got back on the elevator and took it back up to our floor, before we exited off and made our way back to our room. Tyron unlocked the room door and we both stepped inside. 

"We have cable right?" I asked as I tossed my purse into one of the chairs.

Tyron nodded as he sat down on the bed "Yeah. I think on the TV Guide I saw BET, TV One, VH1, MTV, Nickeloden, Disney Channel and a couple of other channels. I think we have on Demand too" he stated.

I took off my pumps and placed them neatly by the dresser before sliding into the bed next to Tyron. He took off his Jordans and slipped out of his shirt, and he got under the covers, making me snuggle into his side. This is the life. 

He grabbed the remote from off of the night stand and he turned on the TV and began flicking through the channels. He ended up turning to Free on Demand and immediately went to the VH1 section. 

"Ooh! Black Ink Crew!" I shouted out, making Tyron jump slightly from my sudden outburst.

He chuckled "New York or Chicago?" he asked. 

I grinned "New York please".

Tyron chuckled again, before pressing on Black Ink Crew New York. He then laid back against the headboard and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

I sighed in content. I'll say it again, this is the life. I'm on a cruise to the Bahamas with the love of my life, for 4 days. No work, no school, no drama, no confusion. Just me and my man.....well.....he's not my man as of yet. But he will be soon. I plan on trying to convince Tyron to break up with Adrienne and get back with me. I mean, I don't know how serious he is about her, but they can't be that serious if he's on a cruise with me and away from her. I don't know, but I do know that imma relax and enjoy this trip. I have 4 days to live it up and have as much fun with Tyron as I can, and I plan on taking complete advantage of this situation.

"HE DID WHAT?!" I heard a deep voice boom through out the room, making me jerk out of my sleep. What the hell?

I squinted my eyes as I slowly sat up on my elbow and took in my surroundings, only to see that I was in the bed alone. The TV was off and the lights were dimmed, the gaze from the moonlight shined into the window and bounced around the room. Ugh, I must've fallen asleep at some point of me and Tyron binge watching Black Ink Crew and Love and Hip Hop.

"Trent, that motherfucker better watch his back because I'm coming for him" I heard a muffled voice say, making me dart my eyes towards the bathroom.

The bathroom door was closed, but I could hear Tyron's voice coming from behind the door. He sounds angry as hell. Who the hell is he talking to?

Curiosity got the best of me, and I slowly inched out of the bed and placed my feet softly onto the carpeted floor. I then carefully tip toed towards the bathroom, before turning my head and softly placing my ear onto the hard wooden door.

"Yo I swear to God, when I get back to Virginia imma kill him........what do you mean calm down?! Trent, he threw a fucking brick at her! What if it would have hit her?! How is it that I'm more upset about this than you are and that's your damn fiance that almost got hurt..........did they arrest him?........he made bail?! Are you fucking serious?! Ugh! This motherfucker is reeeaaalllyyy getting up under my skin" Tyron hissed into the phone, making me furrow my eyebrows together in confusion. Threw a brick? Who threw a brick at who? And somebody got arrested? What the hell is going on?! I've been gone for only a half a day and Hell is already breaking loose.

Tyron grunted "Trent, we gotta do something about him, dead ass.....I don't know yet but I think I have a! Do not tell Chasity. If she finds out she's going to get mad and try to take this shit into her own hands and I don't want her getting involved. Imma handle Mario, leave Chasity out of it. I want her to enjoy the rest of this trip...just....just don't tell her. Tell Yandy not to tell her either. We got this shit. If the police don't wanna do anything then we're gonna do something" he barked.

My mouth popped opened in shock as I took in everything that I just heard..... Mario! So it was Mario who threw a brick at my best friend? What the hell?! The last time when I spoke to Mario we were cool! The day that we broke up everything was fine! He took the break up well and we were okay. Now 3 months later he throws a brick at my best friend?! What the fuck?! IS HE OUT OF HIS FUCKING MIND?!

I have so many questions. First of all, why was Mario around Yandy to begin with.....unless he came to my house. Why would he come to my house? What did he want? Ugh! What the hell happened?! I need the full story.

I couldn't contain my anger as the bathroom door suddenly flew opened, revealing a stressed out looking Tyron. His eyes then met mine and they widened slightly, before he put on a smile that I knew was painted on.

"Hey Brown Sugar, you're finally awake. Ready to check out some of the lounges on the boat?" he chirped, but his voice held a burden on it.

I bit my lip as I stared at Tyron, deciding on whether or not if I should ask him about what happened with Yandy. But I knew better than that. Knowing Tyron he's not going to want me to get involved...he said it out of his own mouth, and I defiantly have to get involved. Mario has to stop this bullshit, and he's going to hear that personally from me. 

I gave him a fake smile "Yeah baby I'm ready, just let me take another shower first" I stated, trying to keep my face neutral. Tyron can read me like a book, and my facial expressions always gives away what I'm thinking. 

Tyron nodded "Okay baby, imma get dressed in here " he said, softly kissing my forehead before walking by me and into the bedroom. 

I let out a sigh in relief that my face didn't give anything away, and I turned on my heel and walked over to where my bag was laying at on the chair. I quickly reached in and grabbed my phone as Tyron was looking through his suitcase, before I walked back into the bathroom and closed the door softly. 

I turned on the shower, and the powerful jets of water hit the shower's floor, creating enough background noise. Something Tyron should've did. The key to having a sneaky conversation is to make sure the person that you're trying to hide the conversation from can't hear you. Duh.

I went through my phone and went to my block list and unblocked Mario's number, before pressing call. I hesitantly held the phone to my ear as I heard it ringing. Imma give him a piece of my damn mind. 

"Chasity?" Mario's shocked deep voice said into the phone after the fourth ring, and my stomach instantly went sour from the sound. We were cool at first, but after hearing what he did to my best friend he can honestly kick rocks.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror "Mario let me ask you something, why the fuck did you throw a brick at my best friend?" I snapped. 

He paused "Look...I came over to your house because I wanted to talk to you, aight. Yandy was being mean to me and Trent slammed the door in my face. I kept telling them that I just wanted to talk to you and they kept lying and saying that you weren't home!" he exclaimed. What?

I couldn't help but scrunch my face up. That doesn't sound like a logical reason for throwing a brick at someone....... I'm dumb, of course he doesn't have a logical reason. He's fucking crazy! 

I rolled my eyes "First of all they weren't lying, I really wasn't home. And second of all, I don't wanna talk to you. I had your number blocked for a reason. We broke up, I blocked you on everything and I thought we were cool so what the hell is wrong with you! And even if you did want to talk to me, we go to College together. You could've waited until you saw me in school and pulled me to the side or something. But noooooo, you come to my house and throw a brick at my best friend because you're a fucking sicko!" I snarled, feeling anger running through my veins. Is he dumb?!

" my defense, I didn't actually throw the brick at Yandy. I threw the brick at the window, and it just so happened to land where Yandy was standing. But Trent pushed her out the way so... you know.... she's good" he stated. HE BROKE MY DAMN WINDOW?!

Headaches.....he gives me headaches...

I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance "Mario, let me tell you right now how this is going to go. I didn't wanna do this, but your crazy ass has left me no choice. I'm going to court on Tuesday and I'm getting a restraining order against you. You're a fucking psycho and you need to take your medicine, seriously. And you're paying for me to get my damn window fixed. I'll take either Cash App or Apple Pay, your choice".

He chuckled "You don't mean that, you love me and I love you. A love like that never dies. You're upset right now and I understand, but I'll give you some time to cool off and get your thoughts together. Me not wanting to take my medicine shouldn't have to come between us baby. You have Anemia and you don't like to take your iron pills, did I break up with you because of that?" he asked. Huh?

I felt my eyes widen "Are you really comparing me having iron deficiency to you hearing voices and seeing shit?!" I squealed. And in my defense, I don't take my iron pills because they give me gas. 

"The point is, I supported every decision that you've made and I've always stood by your side. So why can't you stand by me Chasity? The second shit got rough in our relationship you copped out and that's messed up. We're suppose to hold each other down no matter what, that's crazy that the second you found out about my sickness you didn't talk to me for weeks and then you broke up with me" he stated. Is he serious....he's not serious. He can't be.  

I took a breath to control my temper "Again, your sickness didn't make me break up with you, but you not taking your medicine did. You are a threat to me and I don't think that you understand that--"

"And I would never hurt you Chasity, I don't think you understand that" he snapped.

I laughed humorlessly "No you're right, you would never hurt me. You would just slap me with a brick the next time you get mad. No big deal" I stated sarcastically. 

You know what, calling him was a bad idea and it was pointless. He sounds like a damn lunatic and clearly he doesn't see what he did wrong and he doesn't have any remorse for what he did. So I'm not about to go back and forth with him. I'm getting a restraining order and that's it. I can't even believe at one point I was in love with him.

I hung up on Mario without saying another word, before I re-blocked his number and placed my phone onto the bathroom sink. I then stripped out my jumpsuit and hoped into the shower, and began washing my body with Tyron's Irish Spring body wash that was already in the shower, being that I didn't feel like going back into the room to get my stuff. 

When I was done with my shower I grabbed a white towel that was folded up neatly near the sink, and wrapped it around my body and entered back into the room. 

I was greeted with Tyron sitting on the bed texting on his phone, looking sexy as hell in his white Tommy Hilifger shirt, black jeans, and his white and black Foamposites. His eyes then met mine, and instantly Mario and Yandy vanished from my head and the only person that I was thinking about was Ty. Imma deal with Mario's dumb ass when I get back home, but for right now, imma enjoy this trip. 

Tyron smirked "Took you long enough, what you was doing in there Jones?" he asked, putting his phone into his pocket.

I bit my lip "Playing with myself, thinking about you" I lied, but needed some way to start the mood.

"Oh really?" he asked, his eyes darkening with lust.

I dropped my towel "Really" I whispered, swaying my hips as I walked up to him. I don't think the lounges are closing anytime soon, we should have a couple of hours to spare.

I slowly made my way over to Tyron, and once I was standing in front of him, he instantly grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap before crashing his lips into mine.

I moaned into his mouth as he bit on my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth allowing him to slip his tongue inside. We massaged our tongues gently against each other, both of us showing how we feel about one another with our mouths. I swear I wish this was everyday life.

Tyron pulled out the kiss "Have we ever did 69 while standing up?" he asked breathlessly, planting small kisses on my naked shoulder. 

I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips when he grabbed my nipple and rubbed it between his expert fingers.

I shook my head "I-I don't think so" I stammered out, feeling a waterfall flow to my other set of lips.

He grinned "Looks like it's time to try something new" he whispered, pulling me in for a kiss again, making my head spin.

Oh yeah, imma defiantly enjoy this trip.....


I'm not happy with this Chapter at all, I really just needed something to upload being that I didn't update in so long. I had bad writers block I'm surprised I even wrote this much. But anyway you guys, don't forget to comment and vote. Stay safe, I love you guys 😘


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