Welcome to Crystal Lake (ENG)

By itachiuchihaforever

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A girl, her parents, her dog, and a new home. A lake, a forest, and an unfortunate campsite. Some teens, a sm... More

Chapter 1 - The arrival
Chapter 2 - Dinning together and unexpected visits
Chapter 3 - New information
Chapter 4 - Sightings
Chapter 5 - Night thoughts
Chapter 6 - Shopping and kills
Chapter 7 - Spared again
Chapter 8 - The paper plane
Chapter 9 - Nightmares and fears
Chapter 10 - Concerns and doubts
Chapter 11 - Buying ingredients
Chapter 12 (Part One) - Roses of Understanding
Chapter 13 - Friday the 13th
Chapter 14 - Drunk
Chapter 15 (Part One) - Slaughter Party
Chapter 15 (Part Two) - Slaughter Party
Chapter 16 - New friends
Chapter 17 - A little Father-Daughter chitchat
Chapter 18 - Introspection
Chapter 19 - Area under video surveillance
Chapter 20 - Choices
Chapter 21 - Decisions
Chapter 22 - Confession

Chapter 12 (Part Two) - Preparations

215 14 8
By itachiuchihaforever

Jason was quick to retrace his steps and reach Jasmine's house. He was very surprised when, arrived in its vicinity, he began to hear music coming from inside. She too was like everyone else then, he found himself thinking. The music was not set at a volume too high as teens usually did, but it was one where the singers screamed in anger. He just couldn't stand them. Why did they have to shout so much?

Going to the back of the house, the sound grew louder until he saw the kitchen window open and the girl doing something right there. Before she could notice his presence, he lurked behind the vegetation. This time he really didn't want to be discovered.

It seemed to him, from her movements and the objects she handled, that she was preparing some kind of dessert. It was confirmed when she started using an electric mixer - his mother too used it when making desserts - combining its sound with the annoying music. Now that was starting to really get really on his nerves: he hated loud noises, unless it was he who caused them, such as the screams of his victims or those of the "tools" that he happened to use from time to time. He liked the silence a lot, it soothed him. And it also calmed his mother, it meant that there was no intruder around that had to be eliminated.

And as like she was called into question, Pamela's voice returned to be heard, urging him to kill again. "Remember what they did to us, Jason. Everyone must die." And Jason absolutely agreed with her. But on the other hand he was still a big boy for certain things and after a long time spent in solitude the prospect of receiving a surprise for his birthday was too tempting. Surely his mother wouldn't have taken it too badly if the girl had to live one more day and he was ready to wait and endure the time that had to pass until then.

Jasmine, again totally unaware of the presence that was watching her, continued to cook quietly and at some point she began to hum the song. She loved the songs of that group, they always managed to cheer her up, to give he the right rhythm while she did what she had to. Or in other cases they had the opposite effect but perfectly reflected her mood. Her voice was very different from the singer's one and she certainly wasn't screaming. Being completely sure that nobody was listening to her, she didn't even bother to start singing in a low voice. She didn't like singing in front of others, even though her friends and parents had told her several times that she had a beautiful voice, but if she was alone she didn't have a problem with it. She just didn't like having all the attention on her.

Listening to "The vengeful one" she found herself thinking that the song was almost perfect for Jason, it reminded of him a lot. The title was pretty self-explanatory.

"Hear the innocent voices scream as their tormentor laugh through all of it. No forgiveness from all I've seen."

Jason wanted revenge and the lyrics of the song mirrored what he did and what happened to his victims. If they could, they screamed, but Jason is not a guy who forgives those who enter his territory. He had gone to another city to kill the girl who beheaded his mother; he was able to do even worse as far as Jasmine knew. According to the films, he had also gone to Manhattan once.

"So sleep soundly in your beds tonight, for judgement falls upon you at first light."

Jason certainly wasn't waiting for sunrise to strike, but the girl found that phrase somewhat suggestive, as well as a piece that arrived shortly after.

"When you'll die you'll know why, for you cannot be saved, this world is too depraved."

Who knows, maybe even Pamela would have liked that song, or at least its lyrics.

The Crystal Lake killer had started to pay more attention to the words of that song as soon as the girl started singing. His ears were no longer intact as they once were, and one had never been completely normal, but he could hear very well indeed. Enough to recognize that she had a beautiful voice, which could make even those unbearable songs more pleasant. He realized he agreed with what she was saying, although he hadn't understood some parts very well.

The dough was ready, so Jasmine preheated the oven, buttered the baking tin molds and started pouring the mixture into it. She had decided to make at least thirty muffins. All that remained to do was to bake the first group and wait for them to cook.

Meanwhile, the random reproduction of her phone decided to start the only song on that album that managed to make her really sad. Jasmine had always been a person with a strong character, which had caused her some problems, but she had never been able to completely overcome one event in particular. "Save our last goodbye" was the song that brought her back to the death of her grandmother. A natural thing that everyone at some point experiences in their lifetime, but that had left her with a deep wound, never completely healed.

Her grandmother, on the father's side, was the person she was closest to when she was little. Not because she gave her a lot of gifts or the like, but because she had supported and helped her, always defending her grand daughter. She was the only person who had never thought of even the slightest negative thing about her, convinced that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her little girl. Her parents, on the other hand, had some doubts, but Jasmine had never blamed them, they had good reasons.

A small reference to her grandmother was enough to make her lose her smile, it was still very painful to think of her. On the other hand, however, every now and then she wanted to remember her, even if it made her suffer and she always ended up shedding at least a few tears. That was why she never skipped that song: it helped her take a few moments for her, to think about the woman who had been such an important part of her life.

The girl put the muffins in the oven and stopped, concentrating completely on that desperate song. When her grandmother passed away because of an illness, she was still quite small and her parents did not want to take her with them to the hospital when they learned that the moment had come. Jasmine hadn't been able to say goodbye, and she still didn't want to. But she regretted not being there.

Her eyes became wet and tears were soon there, no matter how much she tried to hold them back.

Jason was taken aback by the girl's sudden change of attitude. For a moment it seemed to him that she had received a phone call as a new song started, then he realized that that was also part of it. He was surprised and felt strange when a tear fell from the girl's face, followed quickly by another. He tilted his head, watching her and listening carefully, the words he was hearing were affecting him too. His thoughts immediately rushed to her mother, everything they had gone through together, anger and pain. Jason immediately sensed that the girl had also lost someone very important to her and that this made her sad.

Watching her become sad and being sad himself because of his mother made him feel some empathy for what he still considered a practically certain victim. He didn't want to convince himself that she was so different that she wasn't a nuisance or a problem for him. The mere fact that she was sending him a little in confusing to him was more than good reason to eliminate her.

He stared intently at her for all the time.

"They said in time the pain goes away, but in my soul it will forever stay."

It was the first time he had heard that song and the first time that he cared so much about someone without having the urgent desire to kill them. Those words definitely suited his situation, what he felt. They made him, even if only for a short time, feel understood, less alone. The fact that he nevertheless continued to hear his mother consoled him a little. She never really left him.

The song ended with the usual sad verse: "Save our last goodbye. It's killing me that I won't get to hear your laughter anymore."

Jasmine wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, trying to chase away both tears and bad thoughts in a short time. She had a job to do after all.

"Maybe one day we could hear this song together sometime and be sentimental." She thought, thinking again about the big killer, joking about it and not knowing it was what just happened.

"Who knows if Jason really hears his mother's voice like in the movies." Her flow of thoughts continued, making her ask questions that she had tried to answer for some time, but without success. "And if he hears it, is it the fruit of his imagination or does Pamela Voorhees really speak to him from the netherworld...or wherever she is?"

Continuing to muse over that and many other things, Jasmine divided the remaining dough into two parts, pouring the chocolate chips into one and the cocoa powder into the other. Mixing first one and then the other the time passed and while she waited she went to get the pc and headphones from her room to take them to what was her father's study. She turned on the device and first went on Steam, finding Wendy already connected.

BoogieGirl: Ehy Jasey! Are you already done?

Jasonette: Not yet, I have another batch to make. Discord?

BoogieGirl: Ok

BoogieGirl: Have you seen? Friday the 13th is on sale, hurry up and get it XD

Jasonette: Oh my God really???

The girl immediately went to check and actually the game was on half price. Needless to say, she wasted no time buying it and starting the installation.

Jasonette: Got it! It's downloading. I won't ever get off the pc from now on *-*

Jasonette: well...starting from tomorrow XD

BoogieGirl: Right XD you have a very important date tonight <3

Jasonette: Let's cross our fingers ... I might be making the worst mistake of my life, but I'll update you when you're all here.

BoogieGirl: Come on, what harm could some muffins ever do?

Jasmine: Let's say another little thing was added ... but I'll wait for the others so you can scold me just once.

BoogieGirl: Oh God ... don't let yourself get killed, Jas

BoogieGirl: C'mon on discord, gurl

Jasmine opened the program, which immediately started on the JAWS group and she joined the voice call with Wendy.

"What are Alex and Stuart doing?" She asked her friend.

"Stew is still playing Little Nightmare. He was shocked by-" Wendy stopped before saying a big spoiler. "Will you play it or have you seen the gameplay?"

"I don't know yet, so don't tell me more."

"In any case, he was shocked by something that happened while he was playing with me watching. You should have seen his face." Wendy laughed, making Jasmine smile too.

"Hell, I missed another of Stuart's reactions. I told you you have to film him!"

Chatting the time passed and the moment came to bake the remaining muffins.

"I'll be right back, you try to get the other two over here."

"Okay, don't take too long."

Jasmine as quickly as possible took out the first batch of muffins, risking several times to burn herself to get them out of the molds without crumbling them and putting them in the paper cups. A quick cleaning, a second buttered and the pan ended in the oven with the last part of the dough.

Jason did not lose sight of her, continuing to observe her throughout her movements from one room to another. The office window was closed, but he could still see her and hear what was being said from the other voice from her computer. If the device had remained in that same position, the girl would have turned her back to the window and he could have continued to spy on her more comfortably. The scent that came from the house was really good, and if she hadn't prepared that dessert for him, as he was convinced by now, he would have probably taken it by himself. Or at least he would have taken some.

He had always had a sweet tooth. His mother had to hide the cookies or he would have been able to make them disappear at an impressive speed.

Jasmine returned to the study, sitting at the desk and turning her back on the window.

"Hey. I'm back." She said facing the screen. From when he was a child, technology had taken a big step forward, even he who didn't care about that stuff had noticed it.

"Welcome back! Stew and Alex are coming soon" replied the voice he had heard earlier.

"Well, then the two of us should start a game without them"

Jason was rather interested in what the girl would do. He had never used a video game, but since he discovered their existence he had been a little curious. He didn't think he would like them much anyway.

"So what are you planning to do?" The voice of what was surely a friend of hers asked.

"Nothing special, I found something in the attic and I think he might like it."

"It doesn't promise anything good, you know?"

"I know. But I want to try."

The situation seemed promising: he would receive a dessert and even a real gift. Jason was quite happy with the idea, but then a thought made its way into his mind and was telling him not to trust, so that he won't get disappointed. As much as he would have liked it to happen what he predicted, it was just a coincidence. Maybe it was the girl's father who had the birthday on the same day as him. This saddened him not a little, he was almost completely convinced. Disappointment would soon give way to anger, but he wanted to refrain from doing anything and wait. He could have been wrong, but he wanted for some reason to give the curious girl a chance.

The two friends joined a trial on Dead by Daylight, unaware that a real killer was watching one of them very closely.

"I use Meg, I have the quest of the generators to finish." Jasmine said.

"As usual. I'm going in with Laurie, I'm going to do some unhooking." Wendy replied.

"As usual." She chuckled, as the match started.

Between an "He's chasing me" and an "I'm coming to save you" - and a few unkind words towards the other two teammates - both girls won the game in about a quarter of hour, a great time to allow Jasmine to go check the almost ready muffins.

"See if the others are ready now, I'm going afk."

Jasmine went back to the kitchen and noticed that the treats were perfect, so she left them to cool. She selected thirteen of the best ones: four white, four with chocolate and five with chocolate chips. To decorate them she could wait, she didn't have to do anything complicated. She wanted to write something on it, like "Happy Birthday", but then she remembered that to keep them in the container she had chosen to use, she would have to put some on top of others. So she eliminated that option, she would think later of something else.

When she returned to the PC, she was happy to see that her other two friends had joined the call. Alex and her brother Stuart greeted her, all happy to be able to spend time together again.

"So what are you up to?" Alex asked immediately "Wendy said you want to be scolded only once, so I deduce that you are going to do something really stupid."

"I could, but I don't know for sure. Maybe it's a good thing, I'll find out by living." She answered enigmatically.

"Or dying." An ironic Stuart added.

"Jeez, thanks for the tust guys, I really appreciate it." Jas acted a bit offended, but in her mind she knew that her friends were right.

"Will you tell us something or should we guess?" Alex asked curiously.

"I found something in the attic that made me think of him, and since it's his birthday it seems nice to give him a gift."

"Aww how sweet you are Jasey" her friend teased her, giggling.

"Oh, you'll see how sweet I am as soon as I catch you, Alex" She threatened her, since she would play as a killer in the next game. She was pretty good at that role, perhaps because the character she used looked a lot like Jason?

"So will you reveal this mystery gift or not?" Stuart intervened.

"Well" Jasmine put on the headphones and connected them to the PC to be able to hear better during the game "is something that surely the Huntress would like very much."

There was a moment of silence, the time necessary for the three friends to understand what the girl was referring to. Then they gasped simultaneously. The Huntress is one of the killers in the game that uses axes as weapons, and the association was quite immediate.

"An ax?!" They exclaimed in shock together, deafening her for a moment.


"Are you crazy?" Stuart exclaimed.

"What difference does it make if I give it to him or not? Surely he already has one, one more won't make a difference."

"So why give it to him?" The guy continued, still not understanding.

"Uff, have your girlfiend explain it for me, I'm sure she understood."

Wendy took word, trying to analyze the situation thoroughly, as usual for her.

"Jasmine wants to use a symbol. Her gesture will serve to make Jason understand that she doesn't want to go against him and to prove it to him, she will put a weapon in his hands. So he will understand, hopefully, and at least Jasmine and her family will be spared this time. "

"Thanks Wendy" said the girl to her future psychologist friend.

"Whenever you want sweetness."

"Try to be careful anyway, sweetness." Stuart was still not very convinced, when those three girl put something in their heads there was no way to change their mind. If the slashers were involved, it was even worse.

"Jasmine will do it, I'm sure of it." Alex intervened "But a little caution doesn't hurt." Then she added, a little less optimistic.

"I have already decided, this thing will be done. Tomorrow morning I will know to what it has led." The girl said. If Jason had wanted to do something, he would have in any case waited for his day to act and she had made sure that she did not give him reason to anticipate his possible action.

The person concerned had not understood much, he could only hear the girl and in some moments he had lost the thread of the speech, but he was even more convinced that Jasmine was preparing something for him, something he would have liked.

Between a victory and a defeat time passed and the evening would soon descend on Crystal Lake. Jason had to go get ready, it was almost time to get to work. As far as he understood, the girl was better at chasing than fleeing and found himself wondering if the same was true in reality. Who knows, maybe he would have found out soon enough.

He left just as he had arrived, without being noticed, silently. This time, not even the girl's dog had noticed him. He would have gone first to his house, to get what he could have needed, and there he would have waited for the evening to be able to walk undisturbed near the city. Then he would reach the hotel and, if everything went as planned, the shopkeeper would be the last to receive his visit.

The last one excluded the girl, but it all depended on how long it would take to kill all the trespassers.

Jasmine realized just in time that she had little time left before her parents returned home. The last few hours had passed rather quickly and she still had to hide her present. As soon as the match she was in ended, she said goodbye to her friends, who until the last minute did not stop making recommendations on prudence. She went to the kitchen to finish the preparations.

The closer the moment was, the more her agitation increased. If things went wrong, her parents and Finn would surely get involved. She would do anything to prevent it, in the worst case, at the cost of losing her life. It would have been her fault after all.

She stood in front of the muffins she had set aside and sprinkled icing sugar on top of them. She made several tests, but the container she had chosen to use did not allow her to make writings, or the chocolate cream she wanted to use would all end up attached to the lid. She could always write him a note.

She placed the muffins in the plastic container, closed it and took it to her room. Now she had to find a way to get everything out without her parents noticing. She looked out the window, from which she could see the white oleander and came up with an idea. Getting to the ground by jumping off the roof would not have been difficult, but maybe going back up would. She would have to do a test to prove it.

She stepped over the windowsill and, leaning slightly out of the roof that covered the porch, she found that it was an acceptable height. She sat on the edge and with a push of her arms jumped down, reaching the ground without too much trouble. The impact with the ground was not exactly painless, especially for the feet and ankles, but bearable. At least until she took a sprain or fell badly. Now she had to go back up, so she turned, put one foot on the railing of the porch, stood up holding on to the column at the corner. So far so good, she had to hope that her arms would hold her weight. She had trained them enough, so holding on to the canopy and pushing up didn't prove too difficult, nor too tiring. She had to bring his gift out, she just had to finish preparing it and writing a note.

The ax was still on her bed and partially hidden by its case. Jasmine opened a drawer and began to rummage in it, until she found a red satin ribbon. She tied it tightly to the part of the handle and made a nice bow. SHe couldn't find wrapping paper, so she had to work without it. She took a letter envelope and a sheet of paper, looking for the right words to write to Jason. Being able to write two lines to convince him that he would not have problems with her family would not have been bad, but it should not have been a plea or an attempt at corruption. Maybe she could have bet on sympathy, but without exaggerating.

When her parents finally got home, she still hadn't made up her mind about what to write.

"Jasy, honey, where are you? Why is the computer on in the study?" She heard her mother calling her from downstairs.

"I'm in my room!" She replied. She still hadn't hidden everything, she had to hurry. She took the ax and the container and stuffed them under the bed, just in time as her father had entered her room.

"And this good smell in the air is your doing?" He asked, smiling at his girl.

"I was bored so I resolved with cooking" she replied, hugging him and kissing him on the cheek.

"Jasmine why there is a mess in the kitchen?!" Her mother was heard again.

"Oops" she chuckled, followed by the parent, and they went down to the kitchen together, leaving behind the note that hadn't even been started and that Robert hadn't noticed.

She almost got scolded by her mother for leaving everything in a mess - she forgot to put everything in the washing machine - but she eceived compliments for the excellent muffins from both.

After dinner, and after a few muffins, she helped her mother clean the kitchen, chatting quietly about how things were going for both parents. Finally free she went back to her room, making a decision for the note and completing it.

As soon as he got to his house, Jason searched the whole house for weapons that he could have used that evening. He liked to "travel light", transforming everything around him into something lethal. He himself was a deadly weapon, he didn't need much. In addition to his machete, in the end he made only a supply of knives, of the more practical ones he had if he had to throw them, just in case. The rest he would find directly in the hotel.

His mother was very angry with him, she had continued to scold him all the time. He had never disobeyed her and before he left he went to visit her in her room, kneeling in front of her, head down. He promised her that he would never disobey her, asked her to wait a little longer and then he would do whatever she wanted.

He got up and set off. Everything was ready for his day.

That year Friday the 13th started a bit early.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone!

The miracle has been done! I was able to finish writing and publishing this new chapter.

The decisive moment is coming, soon there will be a confrontation between our two protagonists!

If you find errors of any kind, if you have advice or opinions, do not hesitate to let me know ^^

Thanks to all who have come this far, if this story is going on it is thanks to you <3

Did you listen to the song? Do you like it? In my opinion it is very on point u.u

I did a little aesthetic in a moment of inspiration, I hope you like that one too, so don't forget to swipe left on the yt link to see it!

The next chapter will be quite important and there will be violent scenes, I warn you.

Plus, even if I'm so late, I want to thank so much the amazing CamsterHale for the new cover. I love it so much! I wanted to thank you here sooner but I didn't manage to update until now. Love you girl <3

You can also find me on instagram, it @itachiuchihaforever there too and the profile pic it's the same as here, so you can easily recognise me ^^ also, I always follow back! 

See you all next time! Precisely on my bday, FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!

(I'm so hyped XD)

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