Roses and Knives

By redninja173

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A dangerous figure is coming to Paris bringing about a change that no one expected. (Miraculous x Male OC) More

Author's note
Chapter 1: How it all began
Chapter 2: The Depths of Despair
Chapter 3: Foundation of power
Chapter 5: First Impressions
Chapter 6: Nightmare Toys and Parties
Chapter 7: Caught on Camera
Chapter 8: The Storm
Chapter 9: Love Can Be Cold and Sweet
Chapter 10: Managed Mischief
Chapter 11: Some Things Are Better Left Unseen
Chapter 12: Swift Strike
Chapter 13: Marinette's Birthday Disaster
Chapter 14: Your Past Never Truly Leaves You
Chapter 15: Debts Must Be Repaid
Chapter 16: Tensions Rise
Chapter 17: The Wannabe Hero
Chapter 18: Skynet and a Sleepover
Chapter 19: New Powers
Chapter 20: A Strange Kind of Zombie Apocalypse
Chapter 21: A Snake Appears Before The Wolf
Chapter 22: Too Much Glitter
Chapter 23: A Pain In The BEEhind
Chapter 24: A Brief Shift In Personality
Chapter 25: Sticky Situation
Chapter 26: Someone Like You
Chapter 27: Nightmares Be Gone
Chapter 28: Thin Ice
Chapter 29: Heroes Day
Chapter 30: Darkness vs Life
Chapter 31: First Date
Chapter 32: A Trip To Shanghai
Chapter 33: A Liar Returns
Chapter 34: A Different Path

Chapter 4: A Chance Encounter

2.7K 59 37
By redninja173

Dante was enjoying his flight in his first class seat. Sure, he could have teleported to Paris using magic, But where's the fun in that plus he wouldn't be enjoying the wine that the flight provided. As he looked out the window he saw the sun start to rise over his destination, Paris the affectionately called city of love.

Dante: "We made it Kaitto."

Kaitto flew out of his hoodie pocket and looked out the window to see their new destination.

Kaitto: "So what is the plan on our new hunting grounds?"

Dante: "I would like to start by unpacking my stuff into my new apartment and check in with the school to let them know I made it to Paris. After that we will spend the next few days exploring every nook and cranny of this city since I don't have to start school until next week."

Kaitto: "Knowing the area before you begin a hunt is a good idea. Are you going to transform sometime soon?"

Dante: "No, I will wait a week or two before doing that so I won't be too suspicious to those so called heroes. They may not nearly be as strong as me, but I don't think they're that stupid and having them know my identity would cause some unnecessary problems for me."

Kaitto: "Fair enough. *Yawn* I'm still tired so I will take a nap in your pocket until we get to the apartment." Kaitto flies into Dante's jacket pocket.

Dante: "Sleep well."

After the plane lands and Dante's walks out the airport, he gets in a cab and heads to the apartment complex. It wasn't anything special to Dante, but they were still considered high end luxury apartments that most people wouldn't be able to afford. Upon arriving Dante pays the cab driver and goes into the landlady's office on the bottom floor.

Landlady: "Can I help you?"

Dante: "My name is Dante Barbatos, we spoke on the phone a couple days ago."

Landlady: "Oh, your the kid who wanted the deluxe apartment. Top floor, large balcony, triple the room space and soundproof walls. Geez, why do you need all this?"

Dante: "Personal reasons."

Landlady: "Well you paid for a year in advance so I guess it doesn't matter. Here's your key, if you lose it then I will have to charge you a fee to get a new one and the movers already put your stuff inside."

Dante: "Thanks"

Dante takes the key rides the elevator and enters his new apartment. He sees the large amount of boxes which is off course his stuff. Kaitto flies out of his pocket and sees the their new home.

Kaitto: "This place is niiicccee."

Dante: "It will do for the time being. As for right now I need to unpack and your helping."

Kaitto: "Crap, I should have stayed asleep."

It took a while to unpack everything and as Dante looked at the clock it was already the afternoon so he needed to get a move on.

Dante: "Come on Kaitto, we need to get going."

Kaitto: lays on the couch and being completely dramatic. "My poor aching body! I can't move a muscle!"

Dante: "Fine I'll go alone. Just know I won't be back till late so if you need something call my cell." 

Dante closes the door behind him and Kaitto grabs the remote to the TV and turns it on.

Kaitto: "hehe time to watch my Drama shows. Tissues? Check. Ice cream? Check. Extra remote in case I throw this one in anger? Check. Alright lets do this."

meanwhile Dante was approaching Françoise Dupont High School, the new school that he would be attending. It didn't take that long to walk there because it was only a few blocks away. When he got there everyone was in class so it was pretty quite.

Dante: "Okay where's the principal? There is only one way to find the right door. eeny meeny miny that one."

Dante walks up to the door and knocks then hears a come in. When he opens the door he sees a man who had an uncanny resemblance to an owl.

???: "I am principal Damocles. Is there something you need young man?"

Dante: 'Awesome I got it right on the first try' "Yes, I am the student that is suppose to start Monday. I just came to pick up my schedule and let you know that I arrived in Paris."

Damocles: "Very good, Its going to be good for the school when it has an exchange student from Greece and don't worry. Your guardian already explained and already filled out all the necessary paperwork and has already asked me to be discrete about your nationality. no doubt everyone would would swarm you with questions about one of the few places on earth that is completely unknown to everyone who isn't from there." 

Dante: "I appreciate that sir. I will take my leave now."

Dante walked out of the school with his new schedule quicker than he entered because it was almost time for the students to be done for the day and he didn't want to be seen by any of them so he could surprise them on Monday. As he was leaving his stomach growled and he looked around to see if anything was close. Coincidentally there was what looked to be a bakery right next to the school and he thought that is was the perfect thing to satisfy his hunger. Dante has always loved sweets and has always had a weakness for food. As he got close to the bakery it said Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.

Dante: 'This can't be a coincidence. The same bakery that my parents promised to visit but never could. Since they can no longer do it then I will fulfill their promise for them'

Dante entered the bakery with his hood up so they couldn't see his face and walked to the counter.

Sabine: "Welcome, how may I help you?"

Dante: "A dozen macaroons please."

Sabine packs a dozen in a box and Dante pays for it and begins to leave. As he is by the door he turns around and speaks up to Sabine.

Dante: "I also came to deliver an apology to you and Tom on the behalf of Andreas and Lilith Barbatos for they are unable to keep their promise."

Dante left the bakery and upon hearing the two names of her old friends that she hasn't seen in years Sabine chased after Dante wanting an explanation, but when she got outside Dante was nowhere to be seen. Dante was already in a park and had successfully evaded the interrogation he would no doubt receive eating his macaroons.

Dante: "These are really good. I might just have to visit more often. Now that I had something to eat I should get to exploring the city."

Before Dante could take off he heard someone panicking close by. When he looked it was a group of Americans that had instruments. he walks up to the group who now noticed his presence. Dante starts speaking in perfect English.

Dante: "Do you guys need any help? you seem to be in a panic."

Guitar player: "We were going to play a song for everyone here, but our main guitarist hurt his hand and can't play so unless you can play guitar and sing than you won't be much help."

Dante: "I can play guitar and sing."

Guitar player: "We'll take the help then here is the guitar and the lyrics. We go on in ten minutes so get ready."

Dante: "Not a problem."

(A few minutes earlier at Françoise Dupont High School)

Classes were done for the day and most of the students were heading home however two lagged behind to talk. It was two girls Alya Césaire and Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Marinette tried confessing her feelings for Adrien again, but got so tongue tied that she failed and he had to leave so her friend Alya was trying to comfort her.

Alya: "Don't worry girl you'll get him next time."

Marinette: "I'm not even sure about that anymore Alya. I tried so many times to tell him how I feel, but I never can do it without messing up. With Adrien's father taking him out of school for a couple days because a book went missing made me realize that I can't wait around for Adrien to make a move so I really wanted to tell this time. And I screwed it up again, I'm starting to think that maybe it just isn't meant to be."

Alya was rubbing Marinette's back trying to comfort her but got a text from her mom asking her to get home so that she could babysit her sisters.

Alya: "Marinette I have to go, but I think you should take a walk to clear your head. Remember I will always support you."

Marinette: "Thanks Alya, I'll do that."

Marinette went for that walk and Alya was right it was helping, but she was still unsure about Adrien. She ended up in the park where people were gathering around seeing a band that was about to play. What really caught her eye was the boy with black hair and purple eyes who was holding the lead guitar and thought that she might as well stay for the show.

Dante: (still speaking in English and will sing in English as well) "Hey Paris this song is called Beneath The Skin"

The crowd cheered and Marinette was mesmerized by how good of a musician he is. Marinette was completely staring at this point so Tikki flew out and tried to snap her out of it.

Tikki: "Marinette I know he has good set of pipes on him, but your staring."

Marinette: shakes her head a bit "I'm not staring I'm his skill in music."

Tikki: looking completely unconvinced "Well if you admire him so much, why don't you go talk to him?"

Marinette: looking a little irritated "You know what? I will, now hide Tikki."

Marinette straightened herself out and walked to the boy who had just given back the guitar to the group who left the park and tapped him on the shoulder to get the taller boy's attention.

Marinette: 'Okay marinette even though your English is not the best just be casual' "(now speaking in English) Hey I wanted to say that your singing and guitar playing was amazing."

Dante smiles and chuckles a little that this girl is struggling to talk to him and speaks in French since that would be most likely the language she is most comfortable with.

Dante: "I can speak in French if the is what your more comfortable with. And Thank you, I hope you enjoyed yourself."

Marinette: blushes a bit from embarrassment for assuming that he couldn't speak French. "Sorry, I didn't mean to assume."

Dante: Dante being completely playful. "I might consider your apology if you tell me your name."

Marinette: giggles a bit "Marinette, and you?"

Dante: "Dante. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you Marinette."

Marinette: "Likewise. I haven't seen you around Paris. Are you new to the city?"

Dante: "First day. I was just about to go explore the city to get more familiar with it."

Marinette: "I've been in the city my whole life so I could be your tour guide if you want."

Dante: 'Spending the rest of the day with a cute girl isn't a bad idea. I'm going to tease her a little bit first' Dante get close to her and gives her a seductive look "Are you sure about that? I have been known to be dangerous to cute girls like you."

Marinette: she put on a playful smile of her own and pushes him back a little and brushes it off since she is used to flirting from Cat Noir as Ladybug.  "Sorry playboy, but your charms won't work on me."

Dante: "I'll just have to try harder then and yes I would love for you to be my tour guide."

Marinette: "Great, let's go."

After a little walk she led Dante to an arcade which surprised him.

Dante: "An arcade?"

Marinette: "Ya, instead of the regular tourist spots I though I would show you some of my favorite places to go in the city."

Dante: "That sounds good to me, however something is telling me you have a particular game in mind."

Marinette:"I sure do."

Marinette took Dante to the back of the arcade to an old fighting game. It was the original ultimate mecha strike.

Marinette: "It may be a little outdated but I still love it. I come here sometimes to relive stress by crushing my opponents. Let's play."

Dante: "I don't know, I don't really play fighting games."

Marinette: "Scared to lose?"

Dante: "I fear nothing. Prepare yourself to cry from the shame of defeat."

Marinette: "We'll see about that."

The two of them played thirteen matches and each and every time Marinette won by a landslide. After the last match Marinette was doing a little victory dance while Dante hung his head in shame.

(Marinette's victory dance)

Dante: "I can bench ten of me, but I can't beat you even once? You are too good at this game."

Marinette: "Sir, I am the queen of this game series. I have no rivals."

Dante: "That is very apparent. So now that you have thoroughly kicked my butt what are we going to do?"

Marinette: "let's get something to eat. I know the perfect place."

Marinette and Dante walked to cafe that was a little far but still within walking distance from the arcade. When the got there it looked like a hidden gem of the city that could be easily overlooked. Dante started to get excited because these kinds of places are the best to go to. The cafe was called Cafe Leblanc.

As they went inside they where greeted with by an older man in an apron.

???: "Welcome, please take a seat anywhere."

Marinette: "Thanks Sojiro, two orders of the usual please."

Sojiro: "Coming right up."

Marinette and Dante sat in a booth across from each other.

Dante: "So you come to this cafe a lot?"

Marinette: "Only when I need to be in a quiet place where nobody would be able to find me."

Dante: "Sound like you got something your struggling with."

Marinette: "Its a little complicated."

Dante: "Well Marinette, I know you just met me and probably don't trust me but if you want to talk I'm willing to listen."

Marinette felt like he was being sincere and that brought a little smile to her face. The next moment Sojiro came and brought them what they ordered.

Sojiro: "Two orders of house made curry and coffee. Enjoy your date you two."

Sojiro had a smirk on his face as he left the two alone so they can have some privacy. Hearing what he said cause Marinette to blush a little.

Marinette: "We are not on a date Sojiro!!"

Dante just chuckled at Marinette's reaction to Sojiro's comment. Marinette then look right at Dante with a serious and uncertain expression.

Marinette: "Did you mean it when you said you would listen to me?"

Dante: "Yes"

Marinette: *sigh* "I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust you so I will tell you. I am in a bit of an emotional dilemma. You see there is this boy that I have liked for a while now and it's going nowhere. Every time I try to talk to him I can't even get proper sentences out without getting flustered and start to stammer."

Dante: "Do you spend a lot of time with him?"

Marinette: "I try too. His father doesn't like him away from home too much and he has a ton of extra activities he has to do. When he is allowed to be around others it is always a group hangout so I don't get a lot of personal time with him."

Dante takes a sip of his coffee then put his cup down and puts his hands together like someone in business meeting.

Marinette: "What should I do?"

Dante: "Can I be blunt with you Marinette?"

Marinette: "Of course"

Dante: "If you want my advice I would suggest that you move on."

Marinette wasn't expecting that answer from Dante. She thought that he would give her the same encouragement that her parents and friends would always give her. She thought that if someone that was still practically a stranger would give her encouragement that she would give it another shot with Adrien.

Dante: "Now just hear me out before you jump to any conclusions."

This made Marinette quite but anxious to hear the reasoning behind what he said.

Dante: "From what you have told me that this boy in regarding your feels to him has either noticed and doesn't want to hurt your feelings or the more like scenario that he is incredibly dense so in either case he will not make the first move, you would have to. Secondly if you can't even form sentences around him tells me that you aren't comfortable enough to be yourself around him which will cause problems later on in any dynamic you two have. Lastly if this boy is always busy like you said he is then even if you were in a relationship with him then he wouldn't be able to give you the one on one time that a relationship takes. All in all it sounds like it wouldn't last very long."

Marinette: "You bring up some good points, but feelings like this don't just go away."

Dante: "I don't expect them to either. Just think about what I said."

Marinette: "Okay. Have you ever been in the same position as me before?"

Dante: "No, my problem is very different."

Marinette: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Dante: "Not really."

Marinette: "Come on I told you mine."

Dante: "That was your choice."

Marinette sent a glare at Dante which made him fell a slight chill. He knew that the girl before him posed no threat, however he felt that underneath the surface lies something more dangerous than he ever encountered before.

Dante: "Okay Okay just stop glaring at me."

Marinette stopped her glaring and smiled while she put her head in her hands so as to show focus at his story.

Dante: "For the past few years I have been traveling the world and as you know the world is a big place. I traveled to as many countries to experience as many cultures as I could so I never stayed in one place for too long. The longest I have been in a foreign country was two months. This has made it extremely difficult to make any meaningful relationships so I really don't have any friends."

Dante's face faltered a bit. Marinette wanting to comfort him grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes.

Marinette: "From now on I will be your friend. Even if you were to leave France I will still be your friend."

Dante gave her a smile she had yet to see, a genuine smile of joy. He was truly happy to have made his very first friend.

Dante: "Thank you Marinette."

Marinette: "How long do you plan to stay in France?"

Dante: "I am staying until I graduate High school so you will be seeing me around for quite a while."

Marinette: "That's great. Wait, If you have been traveling the world for the past few years then do you live alone."

Dante: "Yes, my family is living in my native country. While I haven't seen them for a long time now I still keep in touch with them."

Marinette: "Might I ask what country that is?"

Dante: Gives Marinette a smirk and a wink. "Sorry, but I have to keep a few secrets to myself."

This made Marinette pout at Dante which made him chuckle again.

Dante: "Why don't we finish our meal even though its probably ice cold at this point." Takes a bite of the curry and it was still really hot like it was just brought to the table. "How is the curry still hot?"

Marinette: "That is a secret that Sojiro refuses to tell."

After the meal of curry and coffee while being a strange combination was incredibly enjoyable Marinette brought Dante to one last stop on her tour the Trocadéro.

Marinette: "I know I said that I wouldn't bring you on any tourist spots, but this is one of my favorite places to be."

Dante: "Can you elaborate a little bit?"

Marinette: "The Trocadéro is a place where me and my friends go all the time. We once had a race here between Kim and Alex our two sporty friends. I also come her for inspiration for my new creations."

Dante: "Are you an artist of some kind?"

Marinette: "I am an aspiring fashion designer. I like to make stuff for my friends. that probably sounds silly right?"

Dante: "No, It sounds great. Follow your passion where it takes you and you will feel no regret."

Marinette: "you truly believe that?"

Dante: "Yes"

Marinette's phone ringed and it was a text from her parents asking her to come home because its getting late.

marinette: "Dante, it is getting late so I have to head home."

Dante: "I understand. thank you for spending the day with me. I had a lot of fun."

Marinette: hugs Dante "I had a lot of fun too, we should do this again soon."

Dante: "I'd like that."

Marinette: "We should exchange numbers so we can talk."

They exchanged phone numbers and Marinette went back home while Dante stayed back and looked around a little. 

Dante: 'You even get the best view of the Eiffel Tower from here. Marinette was right this was a great place to see. That girl is so interesting I think that I will never be bored around her. I should put off the real scouting of the city until tomorrow for it is to late to get anything meaningful from it. Kaito is probably starving I should head home quick.'

Dante walked to his apartment and saw that the TV is on with some Drama show playing at a wedding scene.

Kaitto: "The wedding. Finally, I've been waiting for this all season."

On the show some guy enters the church where the wedding was said.

Kaitto: "Geffery!? You had your chance at the cotillion You!!!"

The father of the bride stood up and said "You had your chance at the cotillion you!!"

Kaitto: "That what I'm saying!!!"

The TV cut to commercial and Kaitto was even more upset.


Kaitto threw the remote behind him and Dante caught it.

Dante: "Don't you think that you are being a bit over dramatic?"

Kaitto looked back behind the couch to see that Dante came back and Kaitto flew up to Dante's face and gave him a hug on his cheek.

Kaitto: "Welcome back. And no I am not being overly dramatic. If you had invested as much time into this show as I have then you would be acting the same way."

Dante looks over the couch to see an empty cookie dough ice cream container.

Dante: "I see you ate all the ice cream again. If you are just going to eat it all in one sitting like this all the time then I'm going to stop buying it."

Kaitto: "Sorry I tried to leave half of it for you but I was eating as I was watching and without realizing I ate the whole thing." 

Dante: "Its fine I'll let it slide this time. *yawn* I am too tired to cook today. Is pizza fine with you Kaitto?"

Kaitto: "Yes, get meat lovers trio."

Dante: "You got it bud."

After the Pizza was delivered to Dante's apartment and the two of them were digging in Kaitto started up a conversation.

Kaitto: "Did you get everything done for today?"

Dante: "For the most part. I went to the school and got my schedule as I intended however I didn't explore as much of Paris as I had planned."

Kaitto: "Why not?"

Dante: "I got a little distracted."

Kaitto: "What kind of distraction?"

Dante: "One of thee feminine persuasion."

Kaitto: "So you got laid?"

Dante: "No, I just made friends with a really nice girl and she showed me around some of her favorite places in the city."

Kaitto: "Oh, so you went on a date."

Dante: "It wasn't a date Kaitto, we just hung out."

Kaitto: "Sure, whatever you say. So what is the plan for tomorrow?"

Dante: "We get to work. I will put up the bounded field in the apartment and we will get to know every inch of this city. After that we start looking for the Miraculous of time."

Kaitto: "What if Ladybug and Cat Noir get in the way?"

Dante: "I will eliminate them. It doesn't matter who they are Ladybug, Cat Noir, or even Hawk Moth. I will destroy any resistance with extreme prejudice."

Kaitto: "This talk of bloodshed gets me excited, I can't wait for the other Kwamis to see my return."

Both Kaitto and Dante had the looks of serial killers on their faces.

Dante: "Nothing shall stand in the way of our goals."

(Timeskip 2 days, Friday 10PM)

Marinette was getting ready to leave Alya's house. She came over earlier to hang out with Alya who wanted to show Marinette her most recent theories on the two super heroes of Paris. Marinette was in such a rush to see her friend that she forgot to bring Tikki who is still at Marinette's home with her. However she had to get home cause it got so late.

Alya: "Are you sure you don't want to just spend the night Marinette? My parents don't mind you staying over."

Marinette: "No its okay. besides I didn't bring any clothes with me."

Alya: "I don't mind letting you borrow some clothes of mine. Its really late Marinette I don't think its a good idea to walk home alone."

Marinette: "I'll be fine Alya, I am pretty strong if I do say so myself besides my house is not far from here so I likely won't run into any problems."

Alya: *sigh*"Okay Marinette just promise me you will be safe."

Marinette: "I promise." 

Marinette was walking back home and the streets were unnaturally quiet and empty. This made her feel pick up her pace as the atmosphere felt unnerving. As Marinette was close to an alley she heard a voice.

???: "Hey where are you going?"

Marinette looked over her shoulder to see three drunk idiots from the alley she just passed. Marinette didn't answer the drunk and continued her pace home until she was grabbed by the arm. She turned around, pulled her arm away and slapped the one who grabbed her in the face.

Marinette: "Don't touch me!"

Drunk 1: "don't be like that. we just want some company. Grab her boys."

They grabbed her and started to pull on her as she struggled to get out of their grip.

Marinette: 'Crap! What am I supposed to do!? I don't have Tikki with me so I can't transform to get away. Cat Noir is supposed to be patrolling so hopefully he hears me!' "HELP!!!"

(Couple minutes earlier)

Dante: "That was the last of the survalence of the city Kaitto. You can relax now."

Kaitto: "Finally. I know that you are being thorough but walking through every alley and underpass was a little excessive."

Dante: "Say what you will Kaitto, It will be extremely helpful in the long run. I will have knowledge of the terrain be as my advantage. This is also the last thing we had to do before we start searching."

Kaitto: "Ya I know. You spent hours tinkering with your bounded field on the apartment."

Dante: "Magic is very particular and so am I. Now the apartment has truly become a base where I can rest comfortably in."

Kaitto: "So we can head home?"

Dante: "Ya we can head back."

???: "HELP!!!"

Dante: "That sounded like Marinette."

Kaitto: "The girl you met?"

Dante: "Yes, come on Kaitto she's in trouble."

Kaitto flew into Dante's side pants pocket and Dante ran to the source of the voice. With how fast Dante can run on his own it took less than two minutes to see Marinette grabbed by the arms and struggling to get away. The thought that these drunk bastards are even touching her made him furious. Dante ran up to one of them and punched him in the face so hard that he broke some teeth and launched him into a wall making him pass out. He then grabbed the other two drunks' heads and slammed them together also making them knocked out.

Dante: 'Its hard to hold back when I'm angry but I shouldn't kill in front of her. Let's throw the garbage into where it belongs.'

Dante grabbed the three unconscious bodies and threw them into the dumpster in the alleyway next to them. Afterwords walked up to Marinette with a look of concern.

Dante: "Are you okay Marinette? They didn't hurt you did they?"

Marinette: "No, its okay they just grabbed my arms before you showed up. Thank you for saving me."

Dante sighs in relief and gives her a hug not wanting to let her go.

Dante: "Thank goodness. I'm glad your alright."

Marinette blushed a little and hugged him back. She felt safe and warm in his arms making her feel completely at ease. After a little while they both all be it reluctantly separated from the hug.

Dante: "What were you doing out here so late at night anyway?"

Marinette: "I was going home from my friends place. I thought it would be okay since I don't live too far away."

Dante: "Please don't do that again. I don't want to see you hurt."

Marinette looks down a little and says okay, touched by his genuine concern.

Dante: "I'll walk you home okay."

Marinette: "Thanks"

Just then it is starting to rain. So Dante took off his jacket and handed it to Marinette.

Dante: "Here put this on so you don't get completely soaked."

Marinette: "But then you would get soaked instead and you can get sick."

Dante: "I would rather it be me than you. Now put it on."

Marinette does as he says and puts on the jacket and lifts the hood up. Dante then gently grabbed her hand and tried to lead her but when she tried to walk her ankle stung and she winced in pain.

Dante: "Are you okay?"

Marinette: "I think I twisted my ankle a little, it hurts."

Dante then picked her up and was carrying her piggyback style.

Marinette: "What are you doing?"

Dante: "I don't want you walking on a hurt ankle so I'm going to carry you and I'm not taking no for an answer. So where do you live?"

Marinette: "12 Rue Gotlib"

As Dante and Marinette were going down the street Marinette became curious about Dante's actions.

Marinette: "Hey Dante can I ask you a question?"

Dante: "Sure"

Marinette: "Why are you doing so much for me? We only met a couple days ago."

Dante: "Because I care very deeply about you. Your precious to me."

This made Marinette get a full face blush and bury her face into his back even though he can't see her.

As they reached their destination he let Marinette down and saw that it was the bakery that he was in a couple days ago.

Dante: 'So she is Tom and Sabine's daughter. Are the gods trying to tell me something here or is it just a crazy coincidence?'

Marinette: "Thanks Dante for everything. Here I will give you your jacket back."

Dante: "No, that's okay you can keep it."

Marinette: "But it's still raining and even though your soaked it could still help."

Dante: "A little rain won't kill me and I only live a couple blocks away so it won't be to much of a walk so it's fine. Besides you look better in it than I do."

Marinette: blushes a little from hearing the comment that she looked good in his jacket. "But it's yours."

Dante: 'Damn this girl is stubborn. That's not a bad thing but this is not the time.' "Okay then could you do me a favor and hold on to it for me? If you still don't want it next time we meet then I will take it back."

Marinette: "Alright, goodnight Dante and thanks again for everything."

Dante: "Goodnight Marinette."

Marinette walked inside and Dante walked to his apartment. When he got inside Kaitto flew out of his pocket and shakes the water off his body.

Kaitto: "I'm surprised you let her keep your jacket. It was one of your favorites."

Dante: "Ya, well even if she didn't show it. It made her happy so I'm fine with it. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed."

Kaitto: "Why take a shower? Your already wet."

Dante: "Just because I'm wet doesn't mean I'm clean."

Kaitto: "Fair enough."

(meanwhile with Marinette)

When Marinette got home her parents were already asleep so she snuck up to her room as quite as she could be so she wouldn't wake them up. waiting for her was Tikki who wasn't happy for leaving her behind and a slight look of confusion when she saw the jacket Marinette was wearing. 

Marinette: "I know your mad Tikki and I'll tell you everything that happened."

Marinette took the jacket off putting it on her computer chair and got into her pajamas as she told Tikki what happened since she left Alya's.

Tikki: "You were lucky Dante was there to stop them, but next time bring me along so this doesn't happen again."

Marinette: "I will, I promise."

Tikki: "It was nice of Dante to give you his jacket."

Marinette looked at the jacket remembering what Dante said and did bringing a bright pink hue to her face. 

Marinette: (speaking in a soft tone) "Ya, it was."

This did not get unnoticed by Tikki and a large smirk was put onto her face.

Tikki: "Looks like someone has a new crush."

Marinette: "I don't have a crush on Dante. Besides I just got over Adrien and I am not someone who would just suddenly get a new crush. What makes you think that Tikki?"

Tikki: "Your staring longingly at the jacket he gave you and your blushing."

Marinette: "Oh please Tikki, its not like I lay awake at night thinking about him. And he was just being nice when he gave me his jacket. It doesn't mean anything."

Tikki: "I think he wanted to give you something to remember him by."

Marinette: "Its not like that Tikki, let's just go to sleep. It's midnight and we're tired."

Tikki: "Goodnight Marinette"

Marinette: "Goodnight Tikki."

The both of them went to bed, however Marinette could not fall asleep. She was laying in her bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about Dante. Then the realization hit her that she was laying awake at night thinking about him. Tikki was right, she did have a crush on him.

Marinette: "Oh no, not again."

Marinette got up from her bed and went to her computer chair where the jacket was.

Marinette: 'Why did I fall in love with you Dante, I barely know you. Then again you have given me more attention, care, and time than my last crush ever had.'

Marinette put on the jacket which was completely dry by this point feeling the same warmth and safety she did when she was in Dante's arms making a smile appear on her face. 

Marinette: 'Maybe it will work out this time.'

Marinette went back to her bed and drifted off into a peaceful sleep dreaming about the new boy who has captured her heart.

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