popstar, harry styles

By moodycowbaby

612K 8.1K 3.5K

Remember when we went on tour together and fell in love, and then we wrote a song about it. Thats the life o... More

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9.6K 144 26
By moodycowbaby

Waking up the next morning was like a fairytale. As I watched Harrys chest rise up and down with his lips parted all I could do was memorize every little detail about him.

Since I met him at the party, his scruff had gotten a little longer and his hair as well. The end pieces of his hair also seemed to tangle together in a curly mess. He looked absolutely adorable and so content, while he slept.

When I noticed Harry starting to stir I quickly turned the other way to make in look like I was not watching him, while he slept.

I promise I am not a creep.

As I closed my eyes pretending to sleep, I felt a weight on my shoulder. It took all of me to not look behind me to see what it was.

"Wakey wakey." Oh my fucking gosh, kill me now. This was probably every girls dream, to be woken up by Harry fucking Styles, with his absolutely sexy morning voice.

I turned around to see Harry resting his head on my shoulder with a small cute smile. I stretched my arms and matched his facial expression.

"Good morning, handsome." At my words, Harry immediately launched for my mouth and connected our lips. I could not help myself from moaning quietly, which seemed to encourage Harry more. He bit the bottom of my lip, which caused me to part my lips with a small gasp. He then took that opportunity to slide his tongue in mouth.

As we kissed harshly, a loud knock interrupted us. I jumped at the noise and Harry groaned tiredly, before yelling loudly, "I'm up, I'm up!" I chuckled at Harry, which caused him to open one of his eyes with his devilish smirk. "Huh, you think this is so funny, don't you." I giggled at his words, before playing along.

I brought my fingers to my chin and stroke them gently, before squinting my eyes, trying to look like I was thinking hard. "I mean, it is pretty amusing." Harry gave me another smile, before replying to my statement, "Well, I guess I am going to have to teach you a lesson, huh." I giggled at his words, before jumping out of the bed and running to the other side of his room.

Harry quickly jumped out as well and rushed after me with his adorable toothy grin. "I am going to get you." I laughed loudly at his words, before stopping at the end of the long couch. "I would like to see you try."

At those words, Harry immediately launched at me and took me into his arms. I tried to struggle out of them playfully, but he was too strong. Curse my spaghetti noodle arms.

When I finally accepted my fate of loosing, I turned around in Harrys arms to see him staring at me with a soft smile. He brought his fingers to my chin, before bringing his soft plump lips to mine again.

Whenever I kissed him, it felt like a dream come true. We were so in our moment, we did not even care about having to go on a plane or frankly that we just woke up and us having morning breath. We were just being carefree and happy trying to figure out whatever this beautiful thing we had together was.

When we finally separated from each other, I stayed along a little longer watching Harry pack up his things and such, while we carried a long and nice conversation. I felt like I could tell Harry anything, he made me feel safe. These feelings I had for Harry were hitting me like a tsunami, but even if I was scared I was ready to explore this with Harry. I truly believe what we have could turn into to something extremely beautiful.

We were on our way to Thailand today and I was super excited to see the beautiful country. Maybe we could explore it together? Who am I kidding, as much as I have enjoyed being able to be open and lovey dovey with Harry, that could never leave a hotel room.

My career is so important to me and I knew all of Harrys fans would come hunting me down if they found out about our relationship status, which I still do not completely understand.

Are we dating? Friends with Benefits? I know I was not completely ready for the boyfriend label, but I did not like the idea of Harry being with someone else. I did not have any more time to think about all of these thoughts, before I was pushed out of my hotel room by Curtis to get on the plane.

Even though we needed to talk about all of these questions eventually, now was not the time. I just wanted to enjoy this bubble with Harry, that hopefully would not pop soon.

Sydneys Instagram Story:


Short filler chapter that is cheesy and cute, haha!

Give it a vote if you enjoyed it and have a fabulous life!

-Lexie xx

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