Rogue Revolution

By Stella_Gordon

174K 6.2K 698

Tessa Quinn had everything figured out, and as the daughter of Alphas Fletcher and Ryder Quinn she's always g... More

Rogue Revolution
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Rogue Queen

Chapter 13

4.7K 162 13
By Stella_Gordon

A cool breeze blows across my skin prompting goosebumps to spread across my exposed skin. I pull the blanket tighter around me to warm up and turn around hoping to escape the cold, but the sun is so bright I can see it with my eyes shut. Sighing I squint my eyes open and feel around the bed for Quentin. I throw the covers off me standing up and stretching before continuing my journey to find Quentin. It's odd that he didn't wake me up to tell me he was leaving or even leave a note.

Desending down the stairs the air only seem to get cooler as the hard wood floor chills my toes with each step. I look in the living room and kitchen but he's no where to be seen. Heading down the hallway to check the spare bedroom I notice the back door wide open, which would explain the low temperature in the house. Shutting and locking it I continue my way to check the spare bedroom but come up empty handed.

An unsettling feeling begins to form in my stomach. Deciding I need to find Quentin now I rush out the front door hoping to bump into someone who knows where he is so I don't have to wander aimlessly through the pack house. The sun is slowly becoming obscured by dark storm clouds causing the air to get even colder. I guess it was naive of me to hope for an early spring.

No one seems to be out and about today since I haven't seen a single person and I'm almost to the pack house. With each step I take my anxiety swells within me increasing my desperation to find Quentin. The air feels heavy almost making it hard to breath. I walk up the back steps to the pack house making my way inside only to find it deserted. Okay now I'm frightened. I may have only been here for a week but never has nobody been around like this.

"Hello?!" I shout hoping someone appears and puts my fears to rest. Unfortunately I'm only met with the echo of my voice traveling throughout the place. Just as I open my mouth to try again a blaring alarm pierces the dead silence. I cover my ears jumping back startled by the sound. I swear I haven't ever heard this alarm before but I feel recognition in my gut.

"Quentin?!?" I scream running outside towards the direction of Emma and Oliver's house. The alarm doesn't stop like I assumed it would . In fact I'm pretty sure it's getting louder. My feet feel numb at this point from the freezing ground combined with the running.

"Oliver?! Emma?!" I scream as their home comes into view. My heart is punding out of my chest and my lungs burn from shortens of breath. I hate whatever is happening so much I don't think there is a proper word to describe it.

A familiar shrill cry slices through the air chilling me to my bones. With wide eyes I stop dead in my tracks whipping my head around to figure out which direction I heard Otis's cry.  My hearts drops into my stomach as he cries again only this time it sounds more like a sob.

"Otis?!" I bellow tearing off into the direction of his cries even though there's no way he can respond. As his crying gets louder my heart beats harder causing me to shake all over. Each step I take is a gamble on whether my wobbly legs will hold me up.

I cover my mouth even though there is no scream for me to muffle since I'm so horrified by the sight in front of me. Otis sits there on the ground surrounded by leaves and twigs covered in blood but it's not his blood, it's Emma's. She laying on the ground lifeless bloody with multiple claw marks covering her body. I move to snatch Otis so he doesn't have to see this, but his appearance stops me. He's older with longer hair and a chubbier face. It's like he aged three years over night, but I know it's him because of his eyes.

Something out of the corner of my eye catches my attention, a black blur. It's a wolf I can feel it but I don't have any time to react as I'm knocked to the ground by something as the blur lunges towards Otis.

* * *
Shooting straight up the bedroom is pitch black the moon still high in the sky. I rip the covers off me ignoring Quentin trying to get my attention. I can see his mouth moving out of the corner of my eye but I hear nothing. With one priority I jump out of bed sprinting down the hallway to the stairs. Quentin's right behind me his heavy footsteps rattle the floorboards beneath my feet.

I need to get to Otis and Emma. My hand comes into contact with the front door knob at the same time Quentin grabs my elbow trying to stop me, ripping my arm out of his hold I throw the door open racing out into the night. With my heart pounding and lungs burning I try to stay calm but it's hard when I'm feeling the same emotions from my dream. I can faintly hear my name being called but it sounds too far away, and it doesn't matter because I need to make sure Emma and Otis are okay.

Emma and Oliver's house comes into view and my heart drops slightly when I see a few lights on in the house. Pushing myself to run faster I don't even consider knocking as I reach the front door. Instead I almost tear it off it's hinges letting it slam shut behind me. Taking the steps two at a time I automatically go for Otis's room first.

I almost collapse with relief as my eyes lock on the sleeping baby in his crib not hair out of place. Walking over I sink into the rocking chair situated next to his crib. I stroke his few strands of hair on the top of his head more to calm myself down than anything. Footsteps barrel up the steps causing Otis to stir a bit worrying me that he'll wake up because I don't think I'm ready to here him cry. I pick him up out of the crib cradling him to my chest rocking him streadly so he won't wake up. Quentin, Oliver, and my dads file into the room heaving out of breath.

"He's okay." I whisper nodding to myself. Quentin eyes are wide as he takes a apprehensive step forward holding his hands out. His eyes look scared causing a wave of guilt to wash over me. Emma comes jogging into the room her eyes zeroing on Otis in my arms.

"Tessa give me Otis." Her voice is gentle but I can hear the threat behind her words. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. What is everyone looking at me like I'm doing something horrible. Oh my goddess they think I'm going to do something to Otis!

"I just needed to know he was okay." I blabber out through tears as the adrenaline wears off leaving me feeling tired, scared, and worst of all guilty. Emma's eyes soften as she take Otis from me and heads out of the room. Quentin pulls me into his arms turning to ask Oliver to get a blanket.

"Let's get you covered up, you're shivering." He whispers, and I realize I'm only wearing underwear and one of his t-shirts. Thankfully it falls to about mid thigh. My cheeks heat up knowing my dads are standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry." I sob out the weight of everything hitting me like a truck. Picking me up bridal style Quentin carries me down the stairs to the living room and sets me down on the couch before covering me with a think warm blanket.

"How many have you had?" Ryder sounds stiff his body is ridged as he sits down in a chair across from me. Fletcher stands behind him looking at the wall lost in thought. By their disheveled looks I know they were woken up because of me.

"A few." I admit looking down at my shaking hands. I'm not sure whether it's because of my nightmare or the cold temperature outside. Ryder sighs heavily rubbing his eyes with his palms before ruining his hands through his hair.

These nightmare aren't just effecting me anymore they're effecting those I care about. I need to get to the bottom of this and figure out why they have come back now. My first step is to talk to Aidan since Della thought it might have something to do with my mother. Emeric suggested I talk to Aidan because of the guilt Della still carries to this day, and I've already caused issues with enough people I'm not going to drag anyone else into this if I can help it.

                                      * * *

"Are you sure you can't stay another day?" I plead with my dads. After the incident last night none of us were able to fall back asleep. My dads demanded I tell them everything about my nightmares from the beginning. They weren't happy that I hadn't told them yet but they understood none the less. I tired my best to play it off that it's just because of me moving from home and I'm just adjusting, but I know they didn't buy it. Revealing that I am going to talk to Aidan about learning more about my mom didn't get the reaction I anticipated. I was expecting hurt, sadness, or guilt coming from them but they were excited. They told me they always wanted me to find out as much as I could about my mom but they never wanted to push me into it without me being ready.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but we have a meeting with Elijah later that we can't reschedule." Fletcher explains with a solemn expression. The overcast weather is an accurate representation of how I feel today. Having my dads here for a day reminded me how much I truly missed them, and now that they're leaving it hurts all over again.

"Be safe." I hug both of them while Quentin says his goodbyes as well. Oliver volunteers to escort them to the border to ensure they get out safely. I wave to them until they disappear into the trees and I can't see them anymore. Sighing I turn back to Quentin who is already reaching for my hand.

"Why don't we start training today." He's trying to make me feel better and I would be lying if I said it isn't working. His fingers interlace with mine as he pulls me closer prompting me to look up into his grey eyes paying extra special attention to the microscopic blue specks that make them look silver in certain lighting.

"Lead the way." I could use the distraction right now, and Quentin is the best distraction. His mark, which looks more like a white scar, is positioned right above his shirt collar on the left side of his neck. Mine is higher up my neck than his but the same color, white, making it almost look like a beautiful scar.

"I still would like it if you took it a bit easier today just to be safe, so we'll work on offense today." Quentin explains as we walk down the path towards a clearing where we'll have plenty of room to work with.

"Works for me." I shrug not really caring what we work on as long as we do something. The quicker we start the faster I can go back to training with everyone else. They probably just assume I gave up and won't come back, but that's the opposite of what I'm planning.

"Alright hit me." Quentin Let's go of my hand taking a step back leaving a small gap of space between us.

"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow in confusion. I thought we came out to train assuming we would start with a warm up or something.

"You heard me. Hit me." His voice becomes firm with authority causing my wolf to stir with irritation. If he thinks he can act all cocky while training me this isn't going to work out.

I turn like I'm going to walk away but spin around spending a punch intended for his face but he steps out of the way effortlessly. Grumbling I get into my fighting stance that my dads taught me making sure to keep one foot in front of the other to balance my weight out.

"You need to speed up your throws. I can spot your next move in plenty of time to move out of the way." Quentin instructs with a taunting tone behind his words. Huffing I kick out my right leg hoping to nail him in his side but he ducks, and I end up on the ground since my momentum wasn't stoped by his body and I lost my balance.

"So many vital organs were left vaulnerable when you kicked out." He walks around me as I push myself up of the ground. "I asked you to hit me." He reminds me with a smirk that I want to wipe of his face.

I send punch after punch that's leads me nowhere. He ducks, slides, or steps out of the way every time only infuriating me more. His calculating eyes that watch my every move are distracting. I don't feel like I'm training with someone I feel like a test rat in some experiment.

"Why don't you hit me?" I snap after he dodges another one of my punches my anger getting the best of me. When he offered to help me I assumed he would teach me how to fight not bring me out here to humiliate me.

"I will once you can land a single hit on me." His stupid smirk makes a reappearance sending me over the edge.

I lose it sending a flurry of punches and kicks. He dodges them all not a single piece of his shiny black hair out of place on his stupid head. My breathing is heavy after having tiring myself out while he stands there not even breaking a sweat.

Something snaps inside of me my anger hitting a point it's only gotten to a few times in my life. I grunt out as lunge at him catching him off guard. I jump on him punching him across the face while using my free leg to knock him down to his knees. Unfortunately I don't have the upper hand for long as he throws me off him sending me skidding a few feet across the dirt.

"You feel that." He shouts at me standing back up on his feet. "That anger and determination coursing through your veins. Harness that feeling Tessa don't let it cloud your judgement . Use it to push yourself harder and farther even when it feels like you can't handle anymore." His voice getting louder and more stiff with each word until he stops in front of me holding a hand out for me to take. I reach up grasping his and allowing him to pull me up off the ground.

"You're a Luna Tessa remember that. I can see the insecurity your eyes with each hit that doesn't land. Don't let their words get to you because you are stronger than you know. You just need to learn how to use that strength." His eyes soften lifting his hand to wipe a stray tear off my cheek.

"Thank you." I whisper my voice thick with emotion. His words don't upset me but instead do the opposite. It's refreshing to see someone treat me like a Luna. I feel like everyone has been overly kind or too dismissive since I became Luna. Quentin is the first person to not sugar coat it, but at the same time reassure me that I'm exactly who I'm supposed to be.

"You don't need to thank me for telling the truth." He leans down capturing my lips in a soft gentle kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me gripping his hair between my fingers and tugging earning a growl in response.

"I'm glad to see I'm not the only one you lose your shit on, but I don't remember getting that reward afterwards." A familiar voice sound behind me. Breaking the kiss I spin around in Quentin's arms locking eyes with Carl who's casually leaning against a tree with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What are you doing here?" I jog over to him my mood somehow lifting more at the sight of my best friend. He chuckles squeezing me tight before leaving one arm around my shoulder as he walks us back towards Quentin who doesn't look surprised in the slightest.

"You didn't really think I would let you move to a new pack all by yourself did you?" Plus maybe I'll meet my mate, and by the way nice mark." He wiggles his eyebrows down at me as I instinctively brush my fingers over my mark.

"You're staying?" I look between both of them waiting for an answer.

"He wanted to join the pack, and I figured it would help you to have a familiar face around." Quentin shrugs but I see the hint of a smile playing at his lips. I can't help the giant smile that takes over my face at his admission.

I still have to figure out and deal with my nightmares and all the pack members that still don't trust me, but everything else seems to be falling into place. My life is finally starting to take a permanent shape and I'm loving how it's looking. I have a feeling that things are going to start looking up from here.

Song: Champion by Barns Courtney

Sorry for the somewhat late update, but I had a bit of a scare two nights ago. I logged on and saw that Rouge To Luna was not on my profile. Apparently Wattpad was having some sort of glitch that was taking down stories, so I emailed and messaged them to try and get some answers. Thankfully the book reappeared late yesterday and all is good now. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen again! Anyways I really like how this chapter turned out and I hope you all did as well. It's only going to get better from here on out! Also this book has hit over 200 reads, so thank you so much for all the support and love! Without all of you guys this book and the first one would not be where it is today. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and if you did don't forget to vote and comment! Until next time!

~Stella Gordon

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