I met the love of my life at...

By lsmiley05

103K 4K 251

Hanna Smith was a 22 year old single mom with a normal life but what happen when she goes to the club and mee... More

New year
I thought i'd never see him again
New job
My new life
What are we
Japan business trip
I dont think this is working
Our first date
Luke meets kayla
One year anniversary part 1
One year anniversary part 2
I love you too
Meet the parents
Move in with me
Kaylas room
Merry christmas
The news
Gender reveal
Mom problems
Chapter 22
Baby shower
The babys coming
Everyone meets the baby
The past
Wedding planning
The perfect wedding dress
The wedding
Authors note
Leilanis first birthday
Cast members
Two years later
doctors apointment
Baby shower
Chapter 40
Baby shopping
Liam and kyle
Back home
Book 2


1.6K 82 5
By lsmiley05

Hannas POV
Leilani is 3 months now and life is pretty great. We've been going out and doing fun things as a family since luke took a break from work. Even though leilani can't really do anything we still enjoy having her around. Today I told kayla we were going to just chill and have a fun day at home. It was around 2pm and I went to the closet to grab blankets and pillows. I came up with the idea to build a fort in the living room and watch movies and eat snacks. "What are you doing with all those blankets" luke asked as he walked in the hallway. "I was thinking we could build a fort in the living room and watch movies today" I said smiling. "Ok what do you need me to do" he asked. "Help me bring these blankets and pillows downstairs" I said. "Ok" he said. Kayla was in her room playing and leilani was sleeping so they don't know what we're doing. It took us about 45 minutes to build the fort. I put popcorn, candy and chips in bowls and put it on a tray. "She's going to be so happy when she sees this" luke said. "I hope she is" I said before we heard crying on the monitor. "I'll grab the baby and meet you in her room to tell her" I said. "Ok" he said. I went upstairs to check on leilani. She was crying so i picked her up and rocked her as I walked to Kayla's room. "Now that mommy's here we have a surprise for you" luke said. "You do" she said smiling. "It's downstairs" I said. "Come on let's go see what it is" luke said. Luke held Kayla's hand as they walked downstairs in front of me and leilani. She saw the fort and the tray of food she loves. When she got off the bottom step she ran to go look at the inside of it. The fort wasn't big but it was big enough for us to sit in and watch movies. While Kayla was admiring the fort I got leilani a bottle. "Do you like it" luke asked smiling. "Yes" she said. "Let's get comfortable while we wait for mommy" luke said as they sat down in the fort. I sat down and put leilani in my lap while she drank her bottle. "Alright let's get the movie started" I said. Halfway through the first movie leilani fell asleep so I took her upstairs. Before we started the third movie luke ordered pizza for dinner. The pizza came like 20 minutes later so we ate pizza in the fort and watched the movie. It was around 8 when the third movie finished so me and Kayla went upstairs so she could take her bath. After her bath she put her pajamas on and laid in bed. "Goodnight honey I love you" I said before I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight mommy I love you too" she said before I closed the door. I checked on Leilani then went downstairs. "Thanks for taking the fort down" I said as I walked in his office. "Your welcome is Kayla sleep" luke asked. "If she's not she should be soon I just put her to bed" I said. "Oh I'll go say goodnight when I get done with this email" he said. "Ok I'll be upstairs" i said before I left. I went to our room and turned on the water for a bath. About 10 minutes later luke came in the room. "Can I join you" he asked as he stood at the doorway of the bathroom. "Yea" I said. He took his clothes off and got in the tub behind me. "Today was fun" luke said. "It was" I said as I leaned against his chest. "I thought you were taking a break from work" I asked. "I am but the person doing my job while I'm taking a break was wondering when I'm coming back" he said. "What'd you tell him" I asked. "I think a week or two I'm going to go back" he said. "Are you still going back at your normal time" I asked. "Probably" he said. "What are me and the girls going to do while your gone" I said. "You'll figure it out" he said smiling. "Yea I will" I said. We talked and laughed for about 10 minutes before we got out and wrapped a towel around us. "Can you put lotion on me" I asked as I sat on the counter. "Yea" he said before I handed him the bottle. "I wanted to talk to you about something I've been thinking about" he said as he rubbed lotion on my legs. Ok" I said. "We've been dating for almost 3 years and we have 2 beautiful girls together" he said. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to grow old with you Hanna. I want to call you my wife and have my last name" he said. "Luke what are you saying" I asked as my eyes started to water. "What I'm saying is" he said before walked in our room. I hopped off the counter and followed him. He opened the nightstand but I couldn't see what he got out. He walked towards me and got on one knee. "Hanna Marie smith will you marry me" he asked as he opened a box with a beautiful ring in it. "Yes!" I said smiling and crying. "I love you so much" he said after he put the ring on my finger and hugged me. "I love you too" I said. He picked me up and laid me down on the bed. He kissed my lips passionately then my neck. He took off my towel then his and positioned himself in between my legs. That night we made love and now I'm going to get married to the love of my life and couldn't be happier.

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