Elemental Miraculous Hero (My...

By L0nelySha2ak1

22.5K 382 437

"Shit..." he said as he looked at her shocked and scared, "She's re-discovered her quirk." "We need to leave... More

Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Exams
Chapter 3: First Day
Chapter 4: Costumes
Chapter 5: Accustoming
Chapter 6: Craziness
Chapter 7: Havoc Begins
Chapter 8: Last Resort
Chapter 9: Fight to Survive
Chapter 10: Over
Chapter 11: Visitors
Crack #1
Chapter 12: Familiar Face
Chapter 13: New Face
Chapter 14: Thoughts
Chapter 15: Sports Festival Begins
Crack #2

Chapter 16: Challenged Ahead!

919 16 11
By L0nelySha2ak1

(Y/n) ran through the tunnel she was making and could feel the impact of large pieces hitting the ground and felt a cold air around her.

"What a showing! Shoto Todoroki from class 1-A has taken another lead!"

"So, that's Todoroki's doing," she smirked, "I'll be meeting up with him soon then," she said as she could hear some running a bit away from her.


"Where is she? She hasn't surfaced!" Alya said.

"Now now, let's trust her," Ms. Bustier said calmly, "She's a smart girl. She definitely has an idea of what she's doing."


 She opened another tunnel but quickly skidded to a stop seeing there was no floor anymore and came up to a seemingly bottomless pit with several rock pillars everywhere.

She narrowed her eyes but remained calm and stomped her leg causing a piece of earth to rise from under her and made it go to the top of one of the pillars. Once she got on top she noticed several ropes everywhere connected to another pillar.

"Will you look at that! Class 1-A's (Y/n) (L/n) has been in the lead this whole time! It's as if she came out of the underground!"

"She's been ahead this whole time?" Todoroki asked both annoyed and surprised as he was just running up to the gorge obstacle and saw her standing on one of the pillars.

She heard him and looked behind her and smiled at him a bit teasingly, "About time you caught up!" she teased.

She then jogged backward to the edge, "Try and keep up Peppermint!"

He narrowed his eyes at her at the nickname and increased his speed.

She jogged to the edge and as soon as her foot had no floor she was shot up into the air with a step as air shot her to the next pillar.

'This is like running through the roofs,' she thought absentmindedly as she flashbacked to her running on the roofs of Paris as she rolled to soften the impact.

She looked ahead to one of the ropes and narrowed her eyes.

'Just like the rope as Komori, keep your balance, even as you run.'

She did not stop and lifted a slab of thin rock ahead of her and grabbed it like a skateboard. She jumped forward to the rope and put the slab under her feet and slid on the rope like a skateboard on a pipe.

'How is she maneuvering so fast?' Todoroki thought surprised at how easy to maneuver the obstacle was to her.

She felt the slab of rock starting to slow and shot herself to the next pillar with a push of the wind.

She landed with a roll and kept running. Her instincts kicked in jumping to the side with a roll and skidded to a stop with a hand to the ground and her feet open as she shivered a slight bit from the cold air and saw large amounts of ice in front of her.

Todoroki had launched his ice at her in an attempt to freeze her in place and slow her down.

"Look at that! (L/n) was able to dodge Todoroki's ice attack so easily! That's such a cool move!"

She narrowed her eyes as she saw Todoroki letting out a cold breath as he stood in the middle of the pillar.

"Attempting to strike me from the back, Peppermint? That's just cold, even for you," she said as she stood, but then groaned, "I've been around that stupid cat too long."

She quickly shot fire as Todoroki had launched another ice attack and melted what tried to attack her and only some ice that was melting was left.

"How are you so skilled at this?" he asked her with narrowed and suspicious eyes.

She smirked, "Why don't you try and find out!" she mocked jumping off the edge shocking everyone for a seemingly suicidal move.

Todoroki sprinted to the edge to see her falling form only to be met with her landing on the second pillar in front of him with a flame dying from her fists, way ahead of him.

He growled a bit and clicked his tongue, "What type of girl is she?"

He shook the thought off and kept going after her.


 Shadow sighed with a sweatdrop, "She is never gonna get tired of pulling that move, will she?"

"She did that often?" Aizawa asked stoically.

"Yup. Apparently, she feels free when she takes a dive from somewhere up high. At least that's her explanation for it."

"What kind of things has she done during Paris..." he wondered out loud as he watched her run.


She landed on the other side of the gorge and could hear the screaming and cheers of others as she took the chance to look back and up ahead she could see the other students starting to arrive.

"They're rather slow, aren't they Peppermint?" she teased a bit as she saw Todoroki on the second to last pillar, "You're second in that part too. Blasty is third," she teased as she saw Katsuki in the air a bit away, "See ya," she saluted and ran ahead up the stairs.

Todoroki growled a bit and ran after her and heard the explosions a lot closer as he looked up and saw Katsuki now.

'He's finally getting fired up,' he thought and kept running, 'It took him long enough.'

"You two suck!" Katsuki growled loudly at the two and launched at them. 


Ayame was in the stands and was smiling, "You go (Y/n)!" she cheered.

The excited chirping/meowing was heard from her bag as she tried peeking her head out.

"Ah, Lateefah, keep your head in or you'll get kicked out," she warned panicked trying to reason with the cat creature.

"The girl in first place and the dude behind her are so far ahead," a man said somewhere in front of her.

"Her quirk seems pretty efficient but has been only using it to help her to the next platform. She seems way more athletic than everyone else, and it looks like the obstacles are manageable for her."

"Manageable? You mean easy. Did you see how she went on that rope like she was skateboarding on a pipe!?"

"Yeah. It looked like she's done it before. Hell, she jumped off into a deep pit and flew up without being scared!"

"The young boy, his quirk is really powerful," someone else said, "But it's his natural athletic talent and keen judgment keeping him ahead."

"Well, I'm not surprised. Don't you know who his father is? The Flame Hero, Endeavour!"

Lateefah looked at the screen and seemed focused on Todoroki's eyes. She let out a worried chirp/meow seeming to see something through his seriousness.

"Wait, for real!?"

"That guy is second only to All Might himself!"

"Everyone will be fighting to have him as a sidekick for sure!" 


"Wooh! You go girl!" Alya cheered.

"Alright! Stick it to them!" Alix cheered.

"Show them no mercy!" Kim cheered as he punched his fists together.

"Hey, is it just me, or does our girl's moves look similar to Komori when she runs on the roofs?" Nino asked.

"Hold on, just give me a second," Max said and brought up a separate screen on the monitor showing (y/n) running to the pillars again and a third screen showing Komori running on the roofs.

"Hey, you're right," Marinette said as she recalled Komori running alongside her as Ladybug.

"But how?" Juleka asked.

"I remember how I wouldn't see (y/n) at times!" Rose said remembering how she would find the girl missing until late.

"Yeah. I think I sometimes saw her running out of the city," Ivan added.

"I think a couple of times I saw her on the roofs," Nathaniel added remembering seeing her running on the roofs once.

"I sometimes saw her walking late at night past my house all dirty and sweaty," Mylene said slightly worried.

"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Alix said.

Everyone nodded.

"That she watched them like a creep and decided to copy her moves like the loser she is," Chloe mocked.

The twins praised her insult.

"No. It means, Komori must've trained her in secret!" Alya exclaimed, "How else would that explain her similar running style!"

"That might explain why Komori went missing," Adrien mumbled, "She could've followed her to Japan to keep training her!"

They all nodded at the idea.

"Has the mystery of our missing Komori finally been solved!?" Alya asked. 


(Y/n) was running but then skidded to a stop in front of an area with wide eyes.

She heard Todoroki just about to run past her but stopped him putting her arm out in front of him, "Stop!"

He stopped about to ask her why she told him what to do, but then looked up and noticed the large sign with a red, crappy, skeleton.

Both teens had a cold sweat at the obstacle they must pass.

"And now, we're finally approaching the last obstacle. Everyone better tread carefully. You're stepping onto a Mine Field!"

"HOW INJURED DO YOU WANT THE STUDENTS!?!?!?" Shadow screeched at the two teachers.

'Do they intend to send us to the ER or what!?' (y/n) screamed in her mind with her brow twitching, "Why..." she couldn't even begin what she thinks about the obstacle.

"If you tread carefully you can see where those little bombs are buried. So keep your eyes on the ground folks!"


"A MINEFIELD!?!?" everyone in the class screeched.

"UA is insane!" Alya screamed.

"What were they thinking!?" Marinette asked in disbelief.

"I'm suddenly glad about our PE classes," Nathaniel said. 


"By the way, those land mines were designed for the game, so they might be loud and flashy, but they're not all that powerful. JUST ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU WET YOUR PANTS!"

"Get ahold of yourself," Aizawa said bluntly.

"Please," Shadow begged with a tired look as he had pulled down his ears to cover them, "My ears are about to rupture from all your screaming."

Todoroki marched ahead stepping carefully.

She shook her head snapping out of it and did the same, but she seemed to take wider steps and was almost running quickly catching up to the double-colored male.

Her ears twitched a bit hearing some familiar explosions and could faintly hear the screech of an eagle.

She quickly ducked avoiding an explosion aimed at her head from Katsuki.

She smirked as everything felt like it slowed for her towards the blonde, 'This guy is more stubborn than an ox,' she thought.

Kastsuki laughed under his breath as he set his sights on Todoroki now, "Ha ha ha... It's over. Ha!" he launched a strong explosion getting ahead of Todoroki.

"Bastard! Your declaration of war," he glared at the bi-haired boy, "Was to the wrong person!" he launched an explosion at him.

Todoroki moved back barely able to dodge it.

"Just like that, a new student takes the lead! Fans are going crazy! There's nothing more than they love than an upset!"

(Y/n) smirked and took a chance of lighting her fists on fire and shot past them.

Or so she expected.

"Don't think I forgot about you, Mute!"




She felt a searing burn hit her arm and hissed at the familiar pain and ended up losing balance and everything slowed as she hit the dirt and explosions went off when her body made an impact with the ground.

Her ears rung as she laid there on the ground and explosions were happening everywhere and she remained there a bit dizzy, having been caught off guard.

Everything was a bit blurry for her at the moment, but she could have sworn she saw an almost horrified expression from her attacker before they were attacked by the blur of two colors. She could faintly hear a worried male voice calling her name. She hissed grabbing her arm and looked to her right arm and saw some of her right sleeve had been burnt off and could smell the burn of cloth and saw some of her arms slightly burned.

"(Y/n)!" a male voice called and she felt someone lifting her up into a sitting position and felt a hand supporting her upper back.

She looked up to the person as her vision started to straighten out and clear up and saw Brandon, "Wilson?"

"Hey, you okay?" he asked worried, "I saw the blow he gave you."

She shook her head, "I'm fine. Just a little off-balance from the explosions and getting caught off guard."

"Come on, we're almost there!" he encouraged pulling her up, "Can you stand?"

She stood and shook her head, "I'm fine, relax. Let's just keep going while those two are fighting," she insisted.

He nodded and ran in step with her.

The two noticed both Katsuki and Todorki fighting each other.

"Hey, while those are distracted with each other, race you to the finish line!" Brandon mocked.

She smirked, "You're on."

The two sprinted and jumped around creating explosions to try and distract the other.


The two of them and everyone else stopped hearing the large explosion and looked to where it came from and shielded their eyes from the intense wind that came with it.

"What's with that huge explosion in the back!? That looks way more powerful than it should be!"

A form could be seen shooting out of the smoke high into the air.


"Is that..." (y/n) gasped.

"Izuku!?" Brandon finished shocked seeing the greenette blow into the air.

"Now that is someone impressive," Loki said amused.


The four students that were ahead watched Izuku going through the air shocked at what he did.

"Whatever the case, Class 1-A's Izuku Midoriya is suddenly in hot pursuit of first place! Strike that! THE LEAD IS HIS!" 


"Hey, doesn't that guy look familiar?" Alya said.

"I've never seen him before..." Mylene said.

Adrien then gasped, "It's the guy (y/n) called Izu! The one in her dreams!"

"You're right!" Marinette said, "And that blonde guy that attacked her, isn't he the one she called Kacchan!"

"So they were real guys!" Nino asked shocked, "I thought she just dreamt them up from some anime she watched."

"Whoever the two of them are, I believe those three are more connected than we know," Ms. Bustier said as she could tell the three teens were connected together somehow.


 "Don't stand there, go!" (y/n) alerted as she ran, able to dodge the explosions.

Brandon shifted into a cheetah and ran straight to the finish line as well.

The two looked over and saw both Katsuki and Todoroki putting even more effort chasing after the greenette.

(Y/n) took advantage of the ice path the bi-colored male created and was in hot pursuit.


"Look at that plot-twist!" Mic said as they saw the five students close to each other, "Those two aren't fighting anymore and the other two aren't just racing anymore! They're chasing Midoriya!"

"This is intense," Shadow said biting his stubs nervously.

"That's what having a common enemy will do in this competition! This fight is still far from over though!"


(Y/n) narrowed her eyes and concentrated on her feet.

"I hope this works!" she said as she got faster leaving behind some wind that blew other students back a bit and was neck at neck with the boys.

She looked up and saw Izuku starting to go down and could tell he was quickly coming up with a plan to avoid any of them to pass him and take his place of being in the lead.

She quickly did a zig-zag as soon as she saw him slamming his feet on the shoulders of Todoroki and Katsuki and slamming the piece of metal, which he had gotten from one of the robots, in between the two males and caused a large explosion in an attempt to stall the four of them and blew him further ahead, however, he only stalled the three boys.

She sprinted, feeling as if she were practically no longer running on the ground, as she chased after him, having been able to avoid the explosion thanks to the zig-zag she made.

"Will you look at that, (L/n) was able to completely avoid the explosion from such a ziggy move and is in hot pursuit of her classmate to re-take the lead! She's practically running on the wind!"

Izuku felt some fear shoot through him hearing that she was able to dodge the explosion but instead pushed himself, even more, to avoid having her take the lead.

"In a stunning move, Midoriya has blasted past his classmates from 1-A!"

"This boy is a fast thinker," Loki said impressed by the greenette.

"You got that right," Brandon said, still a cheetah, and sprinted out of the smoke.

"I don't believe it! He cleared that minefield in an instant!"

Todoroki and Katsuki sprinted out of the pink smoke in desperate pursuit now.

"Eraserhead, your students are amazing! What the heck are you teaching them!?"

Aizawa simply stared at the race calmly, "This has nothing to do with me. Each of them is powered by their own drive to succeed."

They all spotted the finish line and pushed themselves even harder.

"There you have it! Eraserhead is a terrible teacher!"

"I'm what!?" Aizawa growled.

All five teens pushed even harder.

"Who would've imagined at the beginning of this race that the climax will be a non-stop, megamix of surprises!"

They all saw the light ahead and pushed all their energy to get to it.




"The first to make it back to the stadium as the first place winner...!"




"Izuku Midoriya is our champion!!!"

The whole stadium went wild cheering for the boy's first-place win.

(Y/n) came in second standing and wobbling a bit, but walked up to the panting male and put a hand on his shoulder, startling him.

"Great job, Izu," she praised, "You were amazing!"

Brandon sprinted in sliding belly first on the floor as a cheetah still panting, "I'm dying here! Dammit, Izu, you were amazing back there," he said as he was sprawled out on his stomach next to him, "I think I nearly twisted three ankles trying to catch up."

"I-I wasn't that amazing," Izuku said with a blush at the praising, "I just tried out a few things that worked out better than I thought they would...

She smiled hearing that, "Come on, Izu," (y/n) said, "As someone who has seen a damn dragon in Paris, you were amazing. You didn't even use your quirk and you are in the first place. You went with what you had and even came up with how to use them. I've only seen things like that from Ladybug and even she can't pull off big things like this," she assured him with a smile, "You did great, and don't let anyone else convince you otherwise."

"Mhm!" Brandon shifted back as himself, but was still sprawled out on the ground, "As someone who isn't easily impressed, you were amazing! If I weren't so tired to get up I would smack you for thinking otherwise."

"Make it double smacks for me," Loki said.

"Make that two smacks for me and Loki."

Izuku chuckled nervously.

(Y/n) suddenly hissed and held her right arm where her injury was.

"(N/n), are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," she assured with a smile, "It's just a burn from being caught off guard."

Brandon got up almost slamming his hand on Izuku's shoulder, startling him, "Bakugou had attacked her while she attempted to shoot past him and Todoroki. She's just got a small burn. No real damage."

'Kacchan attacked her?' Izuku thought surprised glancing over to Katsuki shocked for what he had done to her, 'But... he wouldn't do that... Not on purpose.'

Katsuki noticed him and glared with a snarl at him hatefully.

Izuku flinched a but bit his lip and looked to (y/n), who was having a small conversation with Uraraka, who had run up to them, more specifically to the injury she had.

(Y/n) was still holding the burn and the burned sleeve could still be seen a bit.

Katsuki's eyes widened in almost a horrified look as he saw the injury.


Katsuki had already predicted (y/n) was going to shoot past him and Todoroki while they fought and saw her attempting and his reflexes kicked in.

"Don't think I forgot about you, Mute!"

He shot his hand to shove her back.



The sound of the explosion shocked him causing his eyes to widen as he saw her be thrust away, as if she was thrown, and hitting a big amount of mines when her body hit the ground and the explosions went off.

What he did settled in immediately as he saw her laying there among the pink smoke and her faintly opened eye looked up at him dizzily.

'What the hell did I do!?' he screamed in his mind shocked in horror at his action.

He was about to call her name until Todoroki attacked him freezing his arm making him get back to the race, having some extra anger now.

His instincts were telling him to go back to her and see if she was okay, but his pride was stronger at the moment telling him to fight back and keep going.


His eyes seemed to shake as they looked at her and looked down at the hand he had used to attack her.

"I only wanted to push her back..." he mumbled as the moment kept flashing in his head, "Not hurt her like that..."

"The first game for the first years is finally over. What a game it was," Midnight announced, "Now, let's take a quick look at the standings, shall we?"

1st Class A: Izuku Midoriya

2nd Class A: (Y/n) (L/n)

3rd Class A: Shoto Todoroki

4th Class A: Katsuki Bakugou

5th Class A: Brandon Wilson

6th Class B: Ibari Shiozaki

7th Class B: Juzo Honenuki

8th Class A: Tenya Iida

9th Class A: Fumikage Tokoyami

10th Class A: Hanta Sero

11th Class A: Ejiro Kirishima

12th Class B: Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

13th Class A: Mashirao Ojiro

14th Class B: Yosetsu Awase

15th Class A: Tsuyu Asui

16th Class A: Mezo Shoji

17th Class A: Rikido Sato

18th Class A: Ochaco Uraraka

19th Class A: Momo Yaoyorozu

20thClass A: Minoru Mineta

21st Class A: Mina Ashido

22nd Class A: Koji Koda

23rd Class A: Kyoka Jiro

24th Class B: Sen Kaibara

25th Class B: Kosei Tsuburaba

26th Class B: Yuumei Minami

27th Class A: Denki Kaminari

28th Class B: Kojiro Bondo

29th Class B: Reiko Yanagi

30th Class C: Hitoshi Shinso












42nd Class A: Yuga Aoyama

Aoyama was trembling in both pain and dread as he held his aching stomach.

"Aw, poor pretty boy. Then again, it was fun seeing getting smacked around--" SHUT UP AND STAY IN THE STANDS! IT'S NOT YOUR TIME TO COME OUT YET.

"Why don't you make me, dwarf?"


"Touchy we are today."


"Now who's dragging this out? Certainly isn't little old me~"


"Say hi to your family's baby boy Alejandro for me~"


"Eesh, and I thought your mom's anger was loud."

"Only the top 42 will advance to the next round, but don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut," Midnight announced, "We prepared other opportunities for you to shine. Mm," she licked her lips, "Now the real fun is about to begin. The chance to fully move yourselves into the limelight. Give it your best!"

She whipped her whip into the air and the screen reappeared spinning to choose the next event.

"Let's see what we have in store for you next. Will your wildest fantasies come to life?"

"Yes please!" a voice shouted from the stands.

Brandon groaned holding his nose, "Dammit you fucking tumor. As if you're not giving the author enough trouble already with that argument..."

"What could it be? The waiting is torture," she pulled her glasses down, "Prepare yourselves, for this!"

Cavalry Battle

"Cavalry battle?" Denki groaned, "I'm terrible at those..."

"It's not an individual event," Tsuyu said, "I wonder how they'll split us up."

"How's that game gonna work?" (y/n) asked leaning on one leg.

"Better not get teamed up with losers," Yuumei groaned, as she was still a demon.

"Allow me to explain," the screen switched and showed Thirteen and Present Mic holding All Might in the air, "The participants will form teams of 2 to 4 people as they see fit. In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game, but there is one difference. Each player has been assigned "point value" based on the results from the obstacle course."

"I get it, a point-based system like the entrance exams," Rikido said, "That seems pretty simple."

"So that means, each team will have different point value based on which students are on it," Uraraka said.

"Aha!" Mina said pointing at Uraraka.

"Wait... if it's based on the results... then that means those that are higher in placing are worth more points," (y/n) said biting her thumb.

"But doesn't that mean that the one everyone will be mainly after is--" Brandon's eyes widened in worry.

"Maybe you should shut up and let me explain things to you!" Midnight snapped at the students.

"Now who's touchy in this chapter," Brandon sweatdropped.

"Now then, the point assignments go up by increments of 5 starting from the bottom. For example, 42nd place is worth 5 points, and 41st is worth 10."

Some people stood nervously, but someone was just about to have all hell about to rain on them.

"And the point value assigned to the first place contestant is...! 10,000,000!"





"Ten million?" Izuku whimpered and practically could feel everyone and he means everyone's looks as they locked on him to be the prime target.

'Really?' Hitoshi smirked

'In other words, if you take down his team,' a girl in pink hair and goggles thought.

'You'll win the cavalry and take the lead yourself,' everyone thought together.

"That's right," Midnight said, "It's survival of the fittest for the chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!

"I am practically drowning in the tension..." Brandon sweatdropped.

"Crap, so much for being first being the best," (y/n) said nervous for her green-haired friend.

"He's gonna need all the help he can get," Loki sighed.

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